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» lilmissmeow replied on Thu Jan 9, 2003 @ 11:58am. Posted in sammy...where is the soy?.
Coolness: 73530
ya, i forgot sbout megan...

u too.
i think with the combination of the 2 of you...those party pictures will be the best in the gallery.

big it up, and get crackin..
» lilmissmeow replied on Thu Jan 9, 2003 @ 11:56am. Posted in sammy...where is the soy?.
Coolness: 73530
them pictures ain't up yet...

common. getting anxious.

Update » m4xom4x wrote on Tue Sep 5, 2006 @ 8:31pm
Update » m4xom4x wrote on Thu Oct 12, 2006 @ 6:03am
Norbourg: nouvelles révélations troublantes

L'ex-vice président aux finances de Norbourg, Éric Asselin, a reçu un paiement de 120 000 $ de Vincent Lacroix alors qu'il était toujours enquêteur à la Commission des valeurs mobilières du Québec.

Voilà un des éléments qui ressort d'une série de poursuites qui ont été intentées hier par le syndic Gilles Robillard, de RSM Richter.

M. Asselin a été enquêteur à la CVMQ (maintenant l'Autorité des marchés financiers) avant d'être engagé par Norbourg en mars 2002. Selon la poursuite, M. Asselin a touché un premier chèque de 120 000 $ le 25 février 2002. C'est deux semaines avant sa démission de l'AMF.

Il aurait été approché par Vincent Lacroix dès l'automne 2001.

«Selon les informations obtenues par le syndic, Éric Asselin avait alors requis de Vincent Lacroix que son emploi ne débute officiellement au sein du Groupe Norbourg qu'à compter du mois de mars 2002, afin qu'il puisse compléter l'année 2001 au sein de la Commission des valeurs mobilières du Québec et qu'il puisse ainsi toucher de cette dernière le boni qu'il pouvait anticiper pour l'année 2001 et qui ne serait versé qu'au début de l'année 2002», peut-on lire dans la poursuite du syndic Robillard.

M. Asselin, principal complice de M. Lacroix dans l'élaboration de faux documents destinés à tromper l'Autorité des marchés financiers, a vu hier plus que doubler la réclamation à son endroit. L'été dernier, il avait déjà reçu l'été dernier une réclamation de 330 000 $ du syndic Robillard. Ce paiement avait servi à acheter sa maison de Beauport, qu'il possède avec sa conjointe Chantal Thibodeau. M. Asselin a reçu hier deux autres poursuites distinctes hier, qui font passer à 829 727 $ les réclamations totales contre lui, sa société de consultation Confomia et son épouse.

M. Asselin est aussi le délateur qui a permis à la Gendarmerie Royale du Canada de mettre à jour, en août 2005, le détournement de fonds chez Norbourg.

[ www.lapresseaffaires.com ]
» lilmissmeow replied on Thu Jan 9, 2003 @ 11:53am. Posted in Missing.
Coolness: 73530
yo steve...
i didn't see u? did i? i miss u.
we should hang out some time really soon...maybe with the mike aka poo head. and ben, that'd be fun...chess marathon. gitty up. les go
» lilmissmeow replied on Thu Jan 9, 2003 @ 10:35am. Posted in Things that please you!.
Coolness: 73530
blue dog
» lilmissmeow replied on Thu Jan 9, 2003 @ 10:32am. Posted in Why do you love or hate megan??.
Coolness: 73530
mike kinda does look like a camel...lol.
» lilmissmeow replied on Thu Jan 9, 2003 @ 10:31am. Posted in Why do you love or hate Ben?.
Coolness: 73530
i love ben....because after aria (aquasky, freaky flow) we went to his old place and...we smelled gas, so at like 8 in the morning, the 2 of us went around nocking on everyone's doors, cuz we thought the place was gonna [ explode...ca ] the fire department...and created a ruccus. ton's of people in their p.j's on mt. royal st.

ben disappeared for 5 minutes and came back with his turntables & mixer. that was funny.

it ended up being paint thinner....

but we woulda saved a lot of people...
lol, that was great.
» lilmissmeow replied on Wed Jan 8, 2003 @ 4:10pm. Posted in put up and shut up.
Coolness: 73530
gen...were you at saph's?

i didn't see you...
» lilmissmeow replied on Wed Jan 8, 2003 @ 3:55pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 73530

ptit cochon
» lilmissmeow replied on Wed Jan 8, 2003 @ 12:54pm. Posted in Favorite Quotes.
Coolness: 73530
"i'm gonna throw a party...there's gonna be three rooms, and they r all gonna have traaaance. i'm gonna make popcicles...and put eeee in em. it's gonna be called tripple traaaaaaaaaance."

-mr.trance. the mindset
» lilmissmeow replied on Wed Jan 8, 2003 @ 12:34pm. Posted in put up and shut up.
Coolness: 73530
i was really drunk.
» lilmissmeow replied on Wed Jan 8, 2003 @ 12:33pm. Posted in Favorite Quotes.
Coolness: 73530
that's hillarious... i can totally pictre guy at the party saying that lol. reallly, i laughed out loud...
» lilmissmeow replied on Wed Jan 8, 2003 @ 12:31pm. Posted in Why do you love or hate Ben?.
Coolness: 73530
and eeeeeeellllectttrrrooooooooooooooooooooo....

ya rite.
» lilmissmeow replied on Wed Jan 8, 2003 @ 12:30pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 73530
seb...really, don't worry about it... that had nothing to do with me.... i like u. u don't make me feel uncomfortable...seriously, just relax.
» lilmissmeow replied on Wed Jan 8, 2003 @ 12:27pm. Posted in put up and shut up.
Coolness: 73530
k is really tough to find right now...it's all sithetic...shitty quality human k. anyone who knows what good k is shouldn't try it..it sucks.

seb, do u kno any vetranarians?
» lilmissmeow replied on Wed Jan 8, 2003 @ 11:37am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 73530
on da floor?
» lilmissmeow replied on Wed Jan 8, 2003 @ 11:33am. Posted in Why do you love or hate megan??.
Coolness: 73530

whatis wrong with the rice?
» lilmissmeow replied on Mon Jan 6, 2003 @ 4:43pm. Posted in what food makes you go *mmm*.
Coolness: 73530
hot meltedchocolate croissants.
» lilmissmeow replied on Mon Jan 6, 2003 @ 4:42pm. Posted in Why do you love or hate megan??.
Coolness: 73530
it makes the best sticky rice you ever had....unless ur asian.


you should make some rice, don't let such an amazig device go to waste...a good recipe of my momma's, is to put yellow raisins n a bit of cinnamin in while it is cookin,

i swear, some of the best rice in the world.

thanks for the pics. did they turn out well?
» lilmissmeow replied on Mon Jan 6, 2003 @ 4:30pm. Posted in Love.
Coolness: 73530

i didn't get it either...this person must be on crack.
» lilmissmeow replied on Mon Jan 6, 2003 @ 12:03pm. Posted in Clothes!!!.
Coolness: 73530
thanx ben,

u made my day...
» lilmissmeow replied on Mon Jan 6, 2003 @ 12:01pm. Posted in Love.
Coolness: 73530
hey kafwin...

i'll play golf with him anyday,
he's so funny.

did u see the pics yet?
i wanna see em....

» lilmissmeow replied on Mon Jan 6, 2003 @ 11:56am. Posted in Why do you love or hate megan??.
Coolness: 73530
by the way,
u don't know me...
but i've seen ur picture on ravewave plent, and i saw u at the one nye party... me n my boy borrowed your camera while u were passed out on the couch, so if u find a bunch of random pictures. twas us...

and we'd like to see em, so if you could post em that'd be awsome....

my name is cat by the way... i think u have a picture of me with the boy dressed in golf... that'd be my boy tchandro, he posts occasionally as tcha.

woulda been nice to meet you...i liked your shpants. theyre cute....

bye fer now.
» lilmissmeow replied on Mon Jan 6, 2003 @ 11:51am. Posted in Why do you love or hate megan??.
Coolness: 73530

do u own a rice cooker?
» lilmissmeow replied on Mon Jan 6, 2003 @ 11:34am. Posted in Clothes!!!.
Coolness: 73530
i went to lasalle , and studied fashion...

i design and make clothes...(nice clothes...with style))

so, if anyone is interested in buting some custom made gear lemme know

really tho...if u wanna see pictures...i can email.
» lilmissmeow replied on Fri Jan 3, 2003 @ 5:10pm. Posted in A.Lavigne was my highschool sweetheart.
Coolness: 73530
i think she just got back from a rave.
» lilmissmeow replied on Fri Jan 3, 2003 @ 3:57pm. Posted in Kirk 6 party.
Coolness: 73530
did u get smarter?
» lilmissmeow replied on Fri Jan 3, 2003 @ 3:56pm. Posted in Attention Good People Of The Board.
Coolness: 73530
you don't have a choice...
cuz it's level. your renting their club...it's probably because they are held accountable for anything that goes wrong.
» lilmissmeow replied on Fri Jan 3, 2003 @ 3:25pm. Posted in Attention Good People Of The Board.
Coolness: 73530
quite apropriate if u ask me.
» lilmissmeow replied on Fri Jan 3, 2003 @ 3:10pm. Posted in Attention Good People Of The Board.
Coolness: 73530
and it's located on lamer street.
» lilmissmeow replied on Fri Jan 3, 2003 @ 3:04pm. Posted in Kirk 6 party.
Coolness: 73530
i think one of your braincells fell in my beer at bluedog.

that's o.k tho.

one extra for me...
» lilmissmeow replied on Fri Jan 3, 2003 @ 3:00pm. Posted in sleeping..
Coolness: 73530
fred, ur dirty.

almost as dirty as ur girlfriend
» lilmissmeow replied on Fri Jan 3, 2003 @ 2:25pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 73530
» lilmissmeow replied on Fri Jan 3, 2003 @ 2:23pm. Posted in sleeping..
Coolness: 73530
» lilmissmeow replied on Fri Jan 3, 2003 @ 1:44pm. Posted in Attention Good People Of The Board.
Coolness: 73530
so then don't let it go...

maybe u should call him, instead of makin this a public thing.

that's it, i'm out. for good on this one.
» lilmissmeow replied on Fri Jan 3, 2003 @ 1:13pm. Posted in Hate.
Coolness: 73530
seriously...why are u going on to a personal level when u don't even care? what about ur junki days? fuk. i'm getting anoyed. this is directed towards sharon. (i'm not trying to attack u, but seriously)

call me at work plz.
» lilmissmeow replied on Fri Jan 3, 2003 @ 1:03pm. Posted in Attention Good People Of The Board.
Coolness: 73530
they were far from gangstas...

that was funny tho.

and seb...thanku, but this is really none of my bizness.
» lilmissmeow replied on Fri Jan 3, 2003 @ 12:57pm. Posted in Hate.
Coolness: 73530
» lilmissmeow replied on Fri Jan 3, 2003 @ 12:55pm. Posted in Attention Good People Of The Board.
Coolness: 73530
i don't take it personally...no worries.
i kinda feel restricted with my words on the iternet, i know that u understand exactly what i'm saying, so listen, if u wanna talk...

call me at work, u know the #
it's easier this way...
i agree. violence is no way to solve anything...

but are u gonna go out and jump in front of a bullet?
how bout save the thousands of starving kids in africa... i didn't think so.

so ya. shit happens. and no, i'm not blowing it off...tell me what u can do about it, what is actually in ur power to do, and then we'll talk.
until then, everyone has their own reason for things, right or wrong it doesn't matter.

everyone has their own reality.

this is really none of my buissiness.
i'm gonna shut up now.
» lilmissmeow replied on Fri Jan 3, 2003 @ 12:38pm. Posted in sleeping..
Coolness: 73530
that's really cute...
» lilmissmeow replied on Fri Jan 3, 2003 @ 12:34pm. Posted in Attention Good People Of The Board.
Coolness: 73530
i don't really understand the tone of what u are trying to say sharon.

i agree, it not cool...but what are u gonna do.

shit happens...just like the money getting stolen from the cc's. or the shit that goes missing at noah's...is there a good reason behind it?

does there have to be? to each his own. people have their own reasons for the paths that they chose to take, simple as that , right or wrong.

anyway...i agree with jackie...maybe i shouldn't a said anything...the conversation that is forming does not belong here on this board, and is not for other people's eyes...

so, i end this here.
nuff said
lilmissmeow's Profile - Community Messages