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» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 3:19am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 77435
skinny dyke
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 3:18am. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 77435
Not any more.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 3:17am. Posted in Ableton Live 7.
Coolness: 77435

Anyways, I really wish I had the $600-$1000 to buy Live 7. Instead I'm stuck with 5.2 which already cost me a bundle, couldn't afford the update, now I can't even get the update, pisses me off hardcore because the price is getting to be more like Cubase SX or Logic... I still remember the first version, it was so cheap, but of course it barely did anything that the new versions handle.

I gotta get into bank robbery.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 3:13am. Posted in dmt.
Coolness: 77435
Ah shit I started another thread on this not realizing there was already a discussion... anyways, I found it's the n-n-DMT that's more intense, but way harder to ingest (you need the MaO inhibitor), however 5-MeO feels way scarier...

Absynthe is fun :D -- very fun.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 3:07am. Posted in Cake.
Coolness: 77435
Celebrate with Cake! But fucking choose your poison, k and coke feels like a brick to the head. A brick to the head that leaves you lying on the ground going ow ow ow and then you try to get up and BAM another brick. AAARRrrggghhh... what the kindness of strangers can do.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 3:04am. Posted in How did you parents find out that you did drugs?.
Coolness: 77435
Well, my Dad handed me a joint one day, and I accepted it. I guess that's how he found out.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 3:03am. Posted in MMMMMushrooms.
Coolness: 77435
Mushrooms are so complicated... I find that the differences between the different varieties are huge. My rule of thumb is to always start with just one gram, and I always make tea, because I can't fucking eat those nasty things. They make me want to fucking puke my pants, but shit are they fun.

I highly recommend tea to anyone doing shrooms. I find you get the most out of the trip, and you don't lose anything throwing away the yucky stems and caps, because it all gets absorbed in the water (well I think so at least :S). At any rate, it always seems to work better that way.

I find if you mix passion flower or harmala with the tea, or start your trip out by taking a light dose of similar MaO-Inhibitors, you get a much nicer trip and better visuals. It's been so long since I've done them though because serotonergic drugs make me get depressed quite often, and then I wind up on a really horrible trip. Woe is me, bipolar disorder sucks hard sometimes.

Anyways I think the first question on this thread was what the possible bad effects are. If you take a heroic dose of shrooms, you run the risk of going into a coma. A friend of mine from back in the day did 8 grams of shrooms, had a serious seizure, and has been permanently cross-eyed ever since. I don't know what variety of shrooms she took in particular, but a lot of the homegrown spores seem to be really fucking strong, especially the spores from BC, and I know those ones tend to be really bruised and high in psilocybin. I think it's actually the 4-HO-DMT (Psilocin) that causes the weird sort of NDE coma thing, and in some cases a seizure. When I used to work for Trip I talked to one guy who went into a four-hour sleep state of sorts where he encountered his totem animal, which was apparently a wolf, and followed it up the foot of a gigantic statue. I'm sure that it's easy to take too much and fuck yourself up badly, but most people just can't eat that many of the goddamned things.

I'd really like to try these cinnamon flavoured shrooms. That sounds too good to be true.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 2:45am. Posted in 2c-I , 2c-B , 2ct2.
Coolness: 77435
J'ai essayé tous les trois drogues mentionées... alors ils sont tellement pareil mais il y a des grosses differences.

Je trouve le 2CI et le plus pire, ça ne donne pas beaucoup des visus, plus un head-trip bizarre, c'est inspirant pour faire la musique ou dessiner, mais danser est difficile sous ce drogue. Peut-etre c'etait parce-que le 2CI a resté legale... quand mes amis ont eu du 2CI on avait beaucoup et on l'avait fait chaque fin-de-semaine, dissolué dans un verre d'eau. La tolérance monte super-vite avec 2CI, alors après la deuxiême fois je trouvait que ça donnait des idées tellement paranoïques et je me sentait toujours mal.

Le 2CB est tellement débil mais je trouve ça mieux avec des amis proches, dans un endroit tellement confortable, avec beaucoup d'art et de la musique plus tranquil. Et donc parce-que c'est un aphrodesiac c'est bien avisé de le faire avant le sexe. Visus partout, tellement drôle des temps, inspirant comme rien que j'ai fait, sans être si embrouillant que du LSD. Et pis les dosages changent tout - la première fois je le faisait quelqu'un m'a donné un microdot et m'avisait de le sniffer... woah, bad idea... ça brulait tout le trip et je voyait que des kaleidoscopes partout, je pourrait même pas bouger parce que j'etait en fait aveugle.

Le 2CT2 donne beaucoup des visuels mais je trouve que le trip n'est pas assez interessant. Je suis hâté de l'essayer encore parce que j'avait pété la plupart de le poudre quand j'ouvrait le sachet. J'ai aussi essayé 2CT7 et 2CT21, d'un façon super-dangereux, par le nez (!!!) avant le réportage sur deux morts a cause de ces deux drogues par insufflation... marde, c'etait pas un bonne idée. J'hallucinait les strips de Moebius dans le ciel, qui m'expliquait comment plier l'éspace (fold space - like in Dune) et c'etait pareil avec le T7... T21 était un bad-trip, et j'avait peur que je mourait souvent pendant l'experience. Je pense j'avait pris trop. Bonne chance que ça m'avait pas tué!

Alors c'etait en 2002 ou quelque chose et je pense qu'ils sont tous illégale et beaucoup plus difficiles a trouver ces jours... mais entk le 2CB est ma favorit.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 2:17am. Posted in Best way to recover from long night.
Coolness: 77435
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 2:17am. Posted in Why?.
Coolness: 77435
onalya bproblema is eee whtih ckrck ist hat ican't ype wheni smokit
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 2:15am. Posted in Heroin.
Coolness: 77435
If they do it in Trainspotting it must be cool.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 2:12am. Posted in K conservation.
Coolness: 77435
You need it to be in a hermetically sealed container or it might grow mold. But it'll be mold that can't talk straight, has difficulties moving properly, and spends a lot of time lying down.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 2:10am. Posted in synthetique(the new ketamine).
Coolness: 77435
K is pretty hard to OD on. Even if you get close, chances are you'll just hit the anaesthetic dose. That's what comes after the k-hole - Anaesthesia, not overdose. The LD50 on Ketamine is really high. I once gave a rat (weighing about one pound) 4 times the human dose of ketamine (a whole vial) when a friend asked me to euthanise her pet who was dying of cancer, yet it survived it after being knocked out for half an hour.

That said it is deadly after a while. You can wind up with serious ketamine psychosis, which is a natural progression from a severe and complex psychological addiction, and the long-term effects are the tendency for chronic users to become ego-centric to the point that they may develop histrionic personality disorder, dissociative personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, become suicidally depressed, paranoid, violent... worse still is the damage it does to your insides, bloodstream, and muscle tissue over time (especially with injection), problems with kinaesthesia (as in an inability to properly use your muscles)... the primary k-researchers, John C. Lilly and D.M.Turner, died while in k-holes, doing stupid things like injecting in the bathtub and drowning or going outside and dying of exposure.

When it comes down to it, I don't think there's any reason to make k a habit or a regular lifestyle choice and it's really stupid to do it all the time. Keep it under control and please people, do it less often for fuck's sakes! In Toronto K is so out of control it's not funny. Oh and that Synthetique stuff is not K at all, and it's not a myth. I've tried it and it's pretty fishy. Doesn't feel like any k I've ever done. Fake shit, and who knows what it is.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 1:46am. Posted in DOB vs. 2CB.
Coolness: 77435
2CB is a hell of a lot easier to deal with. DOB lasts like 30 hours, doesn't it?

We used to call 2CB Aristotle's Goggles because you'd get this crazy philosophical artistic mindstate mixed with crazy colourful kaleidoscopic visuals. Of course I doubt Aristotle would ever roll around on the ground spouting out ridiculousness... but you never know.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 1:44am. Posted in Dmt.
Coolness: 77435
Well they say you don't find it, it finds you... however all I can say is that one must prepare for the experience with a few drug free days (including cigarettes and alcohol), fasting, yoga, meditation, massage, and a good deal of psyching-in ritual are going to waste the buzz freaking out. The entities you encounter will challenge the amateur psychonaut, but this isn't to say that someone who has done every psych in the book will necessarily be able to handle it. It is very important that you are indeed ready for DMT. It is also very important that you read up on it.

As for needing a sitter I kind of think that's a load of crap and I say good luck finding someone who will do that without partaking. You will need to have positive and spiritual people around, but it interferes heavily with the trip to have a sitter or watcher, they will probably get absorbed into your headstate, distract you from the "conversation" with the spirits, or create confusion, even if they are experienced. This is not to say that one should smoke it alone, but rather that it's slightly better if there are a few people, and they are well separated once anybody has a breakthrough (which is rare). Chances are only 1 out of 5 people will break through and experience communication with strange entities or machine elves or any of those other far gone hallucinations. The other 4 will probably feel an experience very similar to ecstasy but without the artificial love vibe (instead it's something quite authentic and real), and find themselves hallucinating wildly but not losing consciousness. And yes, you do lose consciousness. You become rather incapable of moving or talking or doing anything I would consider conscious, and the minute you attempt to force a reply to the entities you risk having everything quickly fade away. It takes a very level mind and great resistance to death-fear. But it is so life-changing that you won't want to do any sort of drugs for weeks afterwards.

So where can you get it? Beats me, but a common grass (Phalaris Arundinacea or Phalaris Aquatica) contains DMT, and the distillation process involves collecting this or another DMT-containing plant and storing it for an extended period of time in pure ethyl alchohol (or as close to it as you can get). After this one must carefully distill the alcohol away to create a resin or crystal which is the freebase. However, the substance will not break the blood-brain barrier unless an MaO-inhibitor is ingested first, something in the category of Syrian Rue or Harmala, or a-MT. There are numerous things that become neurotoxic after taking said Mao-inhibitor and this means you should do as much research on these chems as possible before considering an experience.

I would say that the k-hole definitely has its similarities to the DMT breakthrough, but is far less positive and in fact much riskier psychologically speaking. I say this because k-holes are exercises in metaprogramming that often go far too fast, whereas DMT feels a lot like metaprogramming experience guided by some external being or force. Ketamine is also a dissociative, whereas DMT is a tryptamine. The only similarities I can see are the sense of a near-death-experience, the fact that both lead to true hallucinations, and the need to stay perfectly still.

I guess if you want to get an idea of what DMT is about, the best things to do are see how you deal with Salvia Divinorum, then look into finding DMT's legal (and less exciting) little brother, 5-MeO-DMT, or the far more popular form of DMT, psilocin (4-HO-DMT) which you can find in magic mushrooms.

Seek and ye shall find... good luck and happy hunting!
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 1:09am. Posted in jungle, D n'B, dub step night.
Coolness: 77435
Hey Sabi you turned into Sabi-stop at some point there hahaha...

Really nice place for a party, I was definitely digging that vibe, good people around. And Blake's set was fucking incredible... you gotta give this guy props, there aren't too many people who are pulling dubstep to drum and bass sets that flow that well, and with entirely original material.

Nice studio btw, whose is it?
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 1:01am. Posted in Oct 27 TORONTOMake It Funky-Krafty Kuts-Killa Kela-Jimmy Swift Band.
Coolness: 77435
What's the matter, TorontoRaves not good enough for ya?
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 1:00am. Posted in Heretik Sound System @ 3D-Mansion samedi 3 novembre 2007.
Coolness: 77435
No fair I have no sense of coordination or balance and bad knees... can I just sit on the thing and have someone push me?
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Oct 8, 2007 @ 4:36am. Posted in Why Pockets Were Invented.
Coolness: 77435
Jesus of Finland?
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Oct 8, 2007 @ 4:34am. Posted in The venue problem.
Coolness: 77435
That tent idea is pretty cool: if anyone's interested in following up on that, try building a yurt. It's basically a giant tent with a lot of room to stand and dance etc. Yurts are getting popular for camping for some reason and they're rather easy to build if you take the time and plan out construction. That way you can make it portable. Works pretty well if you have a place to store the parts, if you can find durable materials, and if you can keep it windproof. Then you can throw outdoor raves in it with a few of those portable gas heater things some bars put on their patio. We tried it in Toronto and it worked pretty well for a while... until it was blown away during a rather nasty snowstorm. But it's pretty hard to throw a party in a snowstorm.

If this interests anyone I have some old information kicking around from when the Freetekno Toronto community was touring this thing, we handed out pamphlets on how to DIY.

That said the whole reason why we ended up resorting to tents was because there were no venues. That's Toronto. Montreal doesn't suck ass like that, and there are indeed tons of venues, but a bunch of stupid rules that just started up are forbidding new liquor licenses and the whole gentrification problem means that a lot of venues are getting closed down over noise complaints. We need a new fucking mayor.
» JasonBeastly replied on Sun Oct 7, 2007 @ 12:31am. Posted in the technoviking, aka the best video ever.
Coolness: 77435
Host-1 -- +1000% for the clip from UHF... DON'T YOU KNOW YOUR DEWEY DECIMAL SYSTEM??

Gotta find that spatula city clip.


Ja man, chermans do it better und du knows it.
» JasonBeastly replied on Sat Oct 6, 2007 @ 1:32am. Posted in Heretik Sound System @ 3D-Mansion samedi 3 novembre 2007.
Coolness: 77435
It's a whole month away... you guys sure know how to hype the funk yo.

Yo I'm a bring my phat pants too, those huge Fiction size 40s I used to kick, I'm a put on a button up white tee with a blue tie, my blue Phat Farm cardigan, blue Snug hat I'll be wearing Lugs, and I'm going to rail four caps of crystal yo. Then I'm a sing along to "Biddy up'n woooah a na na na na ney" all night even when it's not playing and talk at everybody I know about how sick that Stevie Hyper D set from 1996 was. At the end of the party I'm a stab someone. Gotta represent Toronto after all. But wait, then I'd have to be in a perma-k-hole...

Anyways sick lineup, just wtf are we going to do until then?
» JasonBeastly replied on Sat Oct 6, 2007 @ 1:04am. Posted in brainwashing!.
Coolness: 77435
No pizza, no beer = no fun.
» JasonBeastly replied on Thu Oct 4, 2007 @ 5:41am. Posted in BLACKOUT Dubstep party.
Coolness: 77435
I punched someone in the face by mistake while trying to shake their hand, which turned out to be their forehead. Sorry dude.

Sick party though, that shit was TIGHT!
» JasonBeastly replied on Thu Oct 4, 2007 @ 5:39am. Posted in Anyone want to meet tonight ? chill.
Coolness: 77435
Hey I know it's been a while, but do you still have that speed and E?
» JasonBeastly replied on Thu Oct 4, 2007 @ 5:37am. Posted in Mating Game: The Really Wild Kingdom (For You NTK People).
Coolness: 77435
The sad thing is no matter what I try, they won't let me be an NTK Girl. :'(
» JasonBeastly replied on Sun Sep 30, 2007 @ 11:28pm. Posted in video - fishead @ Berzerk Domination Tour.
Coolness: 77435
Wicked mayne I'm glad someone recorded that... what a sick set.
» JasonBeastly replied on Sun Sep 30, 2007 @ 11:23pm. Posted in Hooker Tek.
Coolness: 77435
That VWIIIPPPP sound is my Juno... wahahahah I love it.
» JasonBeastly replied on Thu Sep 27, 2007 @ 12:38am. Posted in Why did Dagon cross the road?.
Coolness: 77435
Anyone seen that Robert Gordon adaptation of Dagon, based on "The Shadow over Innsmouth"? Pretty good flick, really gorey...

Yog-Sothoth lurks. In fact him and Cthulu tell me what to do. AND I MUST OBEY...
» JasonBeastly replied on Thu Sep 27, 2007 @ 12:24am. Posted in Self Respect.
Coolness: 77435
That Panda doesn't have enough self-respect, that why it can't make it over that step. Holy shit AlienZed, you're going to have to kill it with kindness.
» JasonBeastly replied on Thu Sep 27, 2007 @ 12:20am. Posted in The 25 Ugliest Celebrities.
Coolness: 77435
Poor Michael... he's a fucking monster...

And I don't know wtf happened to Kirsten Dunst, she used to be so damn pretty but now she looks like a crackfiend.

The Sally Field DVDA vid is called "They like me! They really like me! All four of them!"
» JasonBeastly replied on Sun Sep 23, 2007 @ 10:45pm. Posted in Dmt.
Coolness: 77435
Anybody? Anybody? Who's tried it?

I have, it was incredible, looking to repeat. Discuss.
» JasonBeastly replied on Sun Sep 23, 2007 @ 10:39pm. Posted in MDMA that smells like ass! WARNING!.
Coolness: 77435
I dunno man, those pictures tell me nothing. It could be caps full of rice powder based off the pic. What it looks like isn't important... there's a simple test for MDMA quality - cook it. That's right, get some foil, and melt the so called MDMA from below. It should smell strongly of sassafrass/liquorice. And it'll turn red and then go black. It is smokable but I think it's bad for your lungs, however this is the best way to test it without a kit.

If it smells really strongly of some sort of bad perfume it means that it wasn't filtered right and some chemicals used to process it stuck around. Very gross.

Je m'excuse que je n'explique pas en Français...

Mais alors c'est facile de le tester, c'est pas 100% precis mais assez proche. Aussi comme ça tu ne risques pas d'avoir le mauvais odeur dans ton nez pour deux mois après. Et vraiment, si sa pue faut plaindre a vos dealers. J'espère ils ne voulent pas pleins des clients malades de leur pilules de marde...

Si tu cherches du bon MDMA c'est vraiment pas un bonne idée de le chercher par [ rave.ca ] en fait c'est un peu stupide. Personne veut commencer des affaires de drug deal sur l'internet, n'oublier pas que c'est illegale...
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Sep 19, 2007 @ 3:28am. Posted in RANDOM! @ Zoobizarre SEPT 20th with DJ Fishead, DJ InYourFace.
Coolness: 77435
What happens if the See & Say lands on horse?
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Sep 19, 2007 @ 2:57am. Posted in 0.99058/canadian for 1.00$/US.
Coolness: 77435
Wow, our colourful paper with fancy holograms is almost worth as much as cheap stationary with dead presidents on it.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Sep 19, 2007 @ 2:56am. Posted in HAPPY TALK LIK E A PIRATE DAY! Arrrrrr Maties!.
Coolness: 77435
Sit on me lap, Billy...
You ever been ta sea, Billy?
Ever raised the mast at dawn?
Ever seen the captain's log?
Ever had yer deck swabbed?
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Sep 19, 2007 @ 1:09am. Posted in sooooo centre fractal is still doing stuff..?.
Coolness: 77435
I can't help but notice that the date on that event is October 2008... considering that now the Centre Fractal is under new management and goes by the name Eastern Bloc now (even though that's a major record distro company that had a store in Toronto for a long time, a UK record label, and part of former communist Europe) I'm quite surprised that this Bal des Vampires thing is going on. Bal des Vampires, très adéquat, les gens de Centre Rectale sont vraiment les vampires, avec leur dents dans vos porte-feuilles...

However I think the new management is a bunch of indie rock Mile End hipster kids who had no idea how sketchy things were before and took the place over. Unless things are really shady, Stephane is not pulling the strings with these tight-pants gender-benders. They might not be as much about raves but I would recommend that anybody who liked the space goes and finds out what these Eastern Bloc kids are about... they told me they had a myspace page but the name really isn't very original so I've had no luck finding it.

I'd say if you see flyers that say 7240 Clark on them don't jump to the conclusion that Stephane is still ripping people off there. I think chances are it's only that café that they own, go harrass them there. C'est clair ce sont des enculés, mais qu'est-ce qu'on peut faire si tu vas pas les confronter directement?

Update » JasonBeastly wrote on Wed Sep 19, 2007 @ 1:12am
Actually I think Eastern Bloc was just a record store but I remember all the other record stores getting stuff through them... anyways one of the places to buy good vinyl in Toronto for the longest time, and still legendary in terms of their involvement in the rave scene. I think they were in charge of distributing Tribe magazine too... anyways nobody cares it's just Toronto.
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Sep 17, 2007 @ 8:13pm. Posted in The Weather.
Coolness: 77435
This is not working for me at all, I'm pissed off with the lack of sunlight.

I hate it.
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Sep 17, 2007 @ 8:12pm. Posted in Love.
Coolness: 77435
Oh so this is why you never come with to the Peel Pub for country night so that you can watch other people smoke and drink before we go to the late night Sermon that Father McCleary puts on.

God bless your soul.
» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Sep 14, 2007 @ 4:31am. Posted in Heretik Sound System @ 3D-Mansion samedi 3 novembre 2007.
Coolness: 77435
J'attendait avec trop de patience un soirée comme ça, avec des lives d'ailleurs. It's about fucking time you guys get someone big from overseas. Alors j'espère ils vont jouer avant Mat et Karin et pas a 8h le matin!

Et en fait, Centre Fractal a des nouvelles propriétaires et elles l'ont nommé Eastern Bloc. On dirait c'est en Nord alors...
JasonBeastly's Profile - Community Messages