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» JasonBeastly replied on Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 3:47am. Posted in Bike Path Downtown..danger.
Coolness: 77435
You need to get big spikes that come out of the wheels that will dismember any passing sheep, shear them, and make a soft sweater out of the wool. And a combine attachment so that head-ons turn into body harvests... and lasers everywhere so it's all like PZZING WING PYYYYONG knowhati'msaying? That would be dope.
» JasonBeastly replied on Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 3:44am. Posted in I need phat pants.....
Coolness: 77435
All I care about is fucking secret pockets. I want to be able to sneak my dwarf friends into parties and they can't all hide under the pants so I need some pockets. That way Selmo and Giorgi can come.
» JasonBeastly replied on Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 3:42am. Posted in How To Fuel Sweet Rave Parties!!! Act Now!!!.
Coolness: 77435
Crystal meth in a can! Bear-blasting!
» JasonBeastly replied on Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 3:39am. Posted in The venue problem.
Coolness: 77435
Get that Sona place man... it's fucking huuuuge... if you can turn what was a shitty security overload house club into an awesome rave one that would be killer.
» JasonBeastly replied on Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 3:33am. Posted in hey hardcore headz wo doesn't check the music section!!!.
Coolness: 77435
This rules... I:gor especially... thanks!
» JasonBeastly replied on Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 3:32am. Posted in Student tasered at John Kerry Speech.
Coolness: 77435
Um for the record my mother and father were members of the CPCML before a COINTELPRO plant infiltrated the group and turned it into a bunch of capitalist yuppies waving the commie flag. And their phones were tapped, they were prevented from going to the states, all the stuff Betty Haze is talking about. It had to do with the War Measures Act... do you remember ever reading about that DJ DTM? You're a fucking douchebag for getting in someone's face and then attacking her on a personal level for being a bit of a hothead in defending it. What exactly made you decide that you had to start trashing her? My mom still can't go into the states easily just because she's German, and back in the 80s it was entirely impossible for her because of her involvement in the party.

Is your issue that there are dissentors to capitalism or something? I don't get it, you just out and out flamed her for seemingly nothing. Don't taze her bro.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Oct 10, 2007 @ 5:16am. Posted in I need phat pants.....
Coolness: 77435
What, you guys don't feel like wearing uncomfortably skinny pants and going to Aids Wolf concerts?
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Oct 10, 2007 @ 5:14am. Posted in where's the jungle ?.
Coolness: 77435
Way too much Jungle in Toronto. See my post on jib-tards/k-tards singing "Biddy up n' wo a na na na na ney" over and over and talking about Stevie Hyper D... a lot of that shit. Always wearing cracker hats, most of them are thugs and tons of the junglists I knew who used to be cool got emaciated from crystal use and started having violent outbursts on a regular basis until most of them ended up with criminal records... But then on the other hand you have all the dudes representing on [ raggajungle.com ] that shit is sick and remains so. The producers kick ass, and that scene is after all where I started out. Krinjah and Sixteenarmedjack will always dominate, and I gotta say that last time I saw Marcus Visionary play Montreal it was pretty sick, in sharp contrast to the millions of times I'd see him playing Toronto with the Vinyl Syndicate or Next Junction folks.

I think a lot of jungle evolved into breakcore... at least that's how I see the development in Toronto. All the amen-choppers turned to harder shit and started doing wacky shit like remixing Scooter tracks. Then you have Shitmat or Soundmurderer who have just gotten really complex and sick. Jungle no dead, he just being sneaky.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Oct 10, 2007 @ 5:01am. Posted in So cute.....
Coolness: 77435
Oh god no... you just destroyed every last ounce of creativity I had with that shit. The only solution is to stab myself repeatedly in the ears and throw myself out the window now.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Oct 10, 2007 @ 4:52am. Posted in What style of music are you?.
Coolness: 77435
Predictably... I'm Experimental...
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Oct 10, 2007 @ 4:48am. Posted in Introduce Yourself!.
Coolness: 77435
I would post here but I'm totally not cool... look, I'm still in the 4-digits.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Oct 10, 2007 @ 4:45am. Posted in The Weather.
Coolness: 77435
NEVER. To the south is a fascist country... I don't much like fascism. South of that are all the countries they've raped for resources...
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Oct 10, 2007 @ 4:40am. Posted in First track of Electronic Music.
Coolness: 77435
Hahaha... I believe the first electronic track I ever heard was "Me and my Moog" by Dick Hyman or Tomita's version of Pictures of an Exhibition by Mussorgsky.

Shit man this is a hard question because I totally haven't thought about when I first got turned on to "rave" music versus "dance" music. I believe it was "Can U Feel It", but I didn't hear the word rave until I heard "Witchdoctor" by Armand Van Helden. Second track I heard was "Biaaatch". I have no idea who that track is by but it goes "Biaaatch" every four bars.

Hey but when I think about it, the first electronic album I bought was MAARS' "Pump Up The Volume" when I was around 12 years old. I picked that up as well as The Beastie Boys "License to Ill" and the Fat Boys' "Crushin'". Best track off that Fat Boys album was "My Nuts".
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Oct 10, 2007 @ 4:27am. Posted in Flyer kids.
Coolness: 77435
Hey were any of you kids ever employed at some shitty club just so you could get into tons of raves for free? That was my angle for a good three years, I used to work at the Industry in Toronto. That place had the most hilarious clientele and the most incidences of sketchy G overdoses I've ever witnessed... but those times were so good... something 'bout those little pills... and I could still dance without busting up my knee.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Oct 10, 2007 @ 4:23am. Posted in Phat pants.
Coolness: 77435
Phat pants make people look like weird swamp beasts and honestly I'm pretty over them. Baggy is fine, but full on flaring phat pants make me feel sort of ill...

Every pair I've ever owned got destroyed by rave sludge, mud, gravel, and anything else that they'd drag through. I still have a pair of Snug phat pants that were made out of the shittiest material ever, but my favorites came from a friend in Mississauga (that's a suburb of Toronto) who had a label called Dubble clothing company. I had loads of phat pants, I did modeling for a brief period of time for Dubble, Fiction, Snug, JY Stylez, Geek Boutique, and House of Spy, and I still have a pair of JY Stylez pants, which had a wicked zipper at the bottom so you could fold them and then zip them closed making phat shorts. They had the best secret pockets ever and I wore them to death. But these days I couldn't ever go back to that, it makes me feel like I'm 19 and totally awkward wearing those things. The Fiction ones were really dope though, best design, not always the most durable materials though.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Oct 10, 2007 @ 4:04am. Posted in Robot Chiken!.
Coolness: 77435
Oh fuck, that user's name is Emo is Love...
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Oct 10, 2007 @ 4:02am. Posted in w:R:1.
Coolness: 77435
I thought the first Skins were kids from the docks in England who were trying to unionize... is that also part of the story?
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Oct 10, 2007 @ 3:59am. Posted in Pog.
Coolness: 77435
No the thing is to only have one pog and try to flip it so you can keep it. The winner gets to keep the single pog.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Oct 10, 2007 @ 3:57am. Posted in New Tim burton Movie.
Coolness: 77435
It's based on a really old legend that was adapted many times, most recently by Stephen Sondheim in 1979 for a Broadway play that was "virtually an opera"... unfortunately it's a bit of a musical, but the singing is rather subtle, rather than being the focus. Sondheim is one of my least favourite playwrights ever, but it's a great story, apparently Sweeney Todd can't get his revenge after getting back from Australia so he starts slitting his customers' throats and then having his accomplice bake them into meat pies. Pretty warped.

How the fuck is it "for emos and goths" though... it's just Tim Burton doing his thing, who fucking cares if that comprises some of his newer fans? Who cares if a bunch of overly madeup kids take an interest in stuff that we also like? Just ignore them and they'll get depressed and have a few failed suicide attempts or blog more bad poetry:

Darkness surrounds me
I wail in silence
The omnipresent void beckons
Death welcomes me into its tender arms
Like a strangled puppy
I writhe
Black emptiness
Black black emptiness
The raven flies
I die

Woah I think I wrote an Evanescence tune there.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Oct 10, 2007 @ 3:37am. Posted in Pretend to be a time traveller day.
Coolness: 77435
- Walk up to random people and say "WHAT YEAR IS THIS?" and when they tell you, get quiet and then say "Then there's still time!" and run off.

I have actually done this quite frequently and I totally thought this was my original joke at parties where everybody's on acid. I would disappear on some sort of mission and try to change a bunch of things about my outfit while gone, so that when I returned I looked like I'd been gone longer. I got the idea from Twelve Monkeys... One of my variations is to ask people if they have pieces of technology that don't exist yet. Then you have to look embarrassed when they have no idea what that is... eg: "Do you have a Quantum Phase Regulator?" (mutter)"Oh yeah 2015... not until 2015..." or "Has anybody got a Flux Capacitor?" "Hehehe umm... yeah uh nevermind - how about a small batch of Uranium... no eh... hehe...". I've always liked the dystopian version of the future, à la Defcon 4 or Blade Runner.

Been there (2063), done that.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Oct 10, 2007 @ 3:16am. Posted in Calgary Temperature!.
Coolness: 77435
Tory rule creates a seemingly better economy, and out west everybody's getting paid more. But Jesus Noah, you might as well say you went to the seventh ring of Hell because you more or less did. Eew Calgary.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Oct 10, 2007 @ 3:14am. Posted in Paris Hilton.
Coolness: 77435
Do you have a video?
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Oct 10, 2007 @ 3:06am. Posted in 0.99058/canadian for 1.00$/US.
Coolness: 77435
Fuck the states. I hope they sink soon. Chthulu, get to fucking work!
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Oct 10, 2007 @ 2:44am. Posted in synthetique(the new ketamine).
Coolness: 77435
John C. Lilly? I thought it was definitely K-related. I know D.M.Turner (best initials ever) died in the tub, or an isolation tank or something, and I'm trying to remember the name of the female researcher who went for a walk during a k-hole in the middle of winter and died under a tree... anyways, even if Lilly died of heart failure he had utterly lost his mind by then. Unless you believe ECCO is for real... but it sounds pretty delusional to me.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Oct 10, 2007 @ 2:41am. Posted in K conservation.
Coolness: 77435
I had Elephantitis once. Then the poachers stole all my ivory and I had to yell "I AM NOT AN ANIMAL" and fend off Michael Jackson who wanted my bones. Luckily I wasn't young enough, and the Elephantitis got better once I realized I could use my ears to fly. I flew up to a crazy castle in the sky and some bizarre fairies there reduced the swelling by beating me over the head repeatedly with blunt objects.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Oct 10, 2007 @ 1:54am. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 77435
Yawn. Last.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Oct 10, 2007 @ 1:42am. Posted in Why did Dagon cross the road?.
Coolness: 77435
Well I live in a town called Innsmouth and we didn't have any fish until I started sacrificing virgins. Apparently they decided it was easier if I did the sacrifices from my house, but quite frankly I liked some of the girls... sigh... well I've also got all kinds of fancy gold if you want. Place your orders at [ www.deepones.ca. ] Payment in virgins only.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 4:34am. Posted in L'expression...C'est la vie!.
Coolness: 77435
I hate this thread. :P
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 4:32am. Posted in hate emo's.
Coolness: 77435
Is that Technoviking?

Emo used to mean Quicksand or Snapcase or Fugazi at times, it was a type of hardcore punk and everyone who was into it dressed like Ian McKaye. Now it's come to mean something very different and quite frankly I hate the fact that they rehashed an old term and applied it to shit like Good Charlotte and Fallout Boy.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 4:28am. Posted in Pog.
Coolness: 77435
Hey man, anybody like Pog? Magic the Gathering seems to be back in full force, so I figure, why not? I only have two but it's a start!
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 4:21am. Posted in Robot Chiken!.
Coolness: 77435
Man I love video game references... it should have ended with the "WASTED" thing on the screen though, and the prostitute should have made the car shake around.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 4:16am. Posted in Tentacle Rape Thread.
Coolness: 77435
Holy Shikima Batman!
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 4:14am. Posted in Why did Dagon cross the road?.
Coolness: 77435
Dagon has punished me for the name mix-up with a putrefying pile of shum that now takes up most of my room and has been raping every girl that walks in here with its tentacles. It's awful man... this mess of fish guts is getting all the pussy.

Update » JasonBeastly wrote on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 4:15am
Yeah there might be some sushi in there somewhere but I think it's gone bad.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 4:10am. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 77435
Apparently so. But I'm last now.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 4:09am. Posted in the technoviking, aka the best video ever.
Coolness: 77435

I want to redo all the captions for that video in authentic german, with english just below it in brackets.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 4:08am. Posted in The venue problem.
Coolness: 77435
Woah... deep...
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 3:48am. Posted in worst ad ever.
Coolness: 77435
Wow I didn't realize that condoms were antivirus programs. And that sex was like the internet. This answers a lot of those questions I've been asking my psychiatrist. Better go out and surf, now that I know where to get protection!
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 3:45am. Posted in Honest marketing can work.
Coolness: 77435
Weird. It's still an ad. They still want you to buy their soap. Wasn't the whole deal with Dove that it makes your skin super soft and that you smell nice, and isn't it sort of scented for women? The new advertising is all about trying to align with their critics and make the company seem more benign. It's like those Shell ads where they try to make it look like Shell are environmentalists and sensitive to global regional politics with cinematic storylines in their ads. But that doesn't change the fact that they have seriously fucked up in the past and were strong supporters of Botha's South Africa, apartheid and all.

Never trust big business. It's all a ruse.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 3:40am. Posted in The venue problem.
Coolness: 77435
Hey reserve me a ticket Karin I really need to go to space.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Oct 9, 2007 @ 3:38am. Posted in Something to chuckle at in between your boring threads..
Coolness: 77435
These ones are pure gold:

Bruce: "Don't dip your oar in this sordid sea, Dick. You might be besmirched."

Robin: "Gosh, Batman, this camel grass juice is great."
Batman: "Beware of strong stimulants, Robin."

Dick: "Bruce, let me ride Waynebow. I'm light enough."
Bruce: "No, Dick, I couldn't allow my own ward to ride my own thoroughbred. People might think it was funny."
JasonBeastly's Profile - Community Messages