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» JasonBeastly replied on Sat Mar 8, 2008 @ 8:25pm. Posted in Full Moon Equinox - March 21 - Psy Loft & Dnb Loft.
Coolness: 77450
This just in... special guest Iznogood will be droppin' choons as well, so we have yet more beautiful chaos for y'all...

Update » JasonBeastly wrote on Mon Mar 10, 2008 @ 4:43pm
And the most high (Six Feet in fact) crew will roll in here in the wee hours of the morning, Jahstyle is going to be dropping some phat jungle, all those who were in attendance for our last bash will remember his wicked set around 6 in the morning.

This shit is going to be hype!
» JasonBeastly replied on Sat Mar 8, 2008 @ 9:14am. Posted in steely dan @ PDA july 1st + 2nd.
Coolness: 77450
140? Only a fool would pay that.

Update » JasonBeastly wrote on Sat Mar 8, 2008 @ 9:15am
With prices like that I'd say they don't give a fuck about anybody else.
Update » JasonBeastly wrote on Sat Mar 8, 2008 @ 9:15am
I mean I got my Steely Dan t-shirt.
» JasonBeastly replied on Sat Mar 8, 2008 @ 8:51am. Posted in Full Moon Equinox - March 21 - Psy Loft & Dnb Loft.
Coolness: 77450
I have the hundred sided die, the hecatogon. Those THAC0 rolls will be like butter now, no more rolling 1d10 twice.
» JasonBeastly replied on Sat Mar 8, 2008 @ 1:42am. Posted in Full Moon Equinox - March 21 - Psy Loft & Dnb Loft.
Coolness: 77450
I'm still trying to figure out what that reference is about myself... flying bells now? Man Easter is wicked, it's so fucking tripped out and bizarre. Flying bells, rabbits, eggs, man, it's like all Super Mario Galaxy and shit. You like walk to the other side of the planet but you don't fall off and shit, and there's all sorts of shit flying at you all the time. Man what a great game.

Ah wait a second. I think I should be more like, come to our party! It's going to kick ass!

Be there or be dodecahedron. As in, 1d20. In memory of Gygax.

Update » JasonBeastly wrote on Sat Mar 8, 2008 @ 1:46am
LOL the banner at the top just said "Would Jesus keep Easter?"... I say hell yeah, he's a trippy hippy, he's down with all that weirdness. Even if it's way too darksided!

» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 7:14pm. Posted in Full Moon Equinox - March 21 - Psy Loft & Dnb Loft.
Coolness: 77450


A celebration of the vernal equinox / Un célébration de l'équinoxe vernal

with an all-star lineup, in two lofts / avec un lineup all-star, dans deux lofts

[ www.rave.ca ]

Since the party description we have up right now is French only, I figure I'll give you guys a little info on what this is all about in English, in my own personal way. The vernal equinox, historically a celebration of the goddess Eostre, was long ago appropriated by Christianity to become Easter. Now rather than mourn the day some bearded king of Jews was rather cruelly left to roast on a cross in the desert, and spend the whole time weeping and moaning about how 2000 years ago we didn't do anything to stop his martyrdom, somehow we run around looking for eggs left by a rabbit. I personally have always loved the idea because quite frankly wtf is a bunny doing with eggs? It's ridiculous, it's random, it's somewhat hilarious. Hopefully this night will be the same.

The equinox is thus called because the day and night are approximately the same length. The vernal equinox is of course much more interesting because from here on, the days will get longer as the nights get shorter, meaning that the sun will have a better chance of melting away all the snow (provided the blizzard season is over) and encouraging people to roam outside in halter tops, shorts, and speedos with fanny packs.

So what do we want you to do on the Equinox? Come by and party down, that's what. One loft of psychedelic trance trippery, one loft of drum and bass baaaaadness. In short, we got what you need.

$10 at either door, address revealed via the infoline: (514) 952-5990.

- Mr. Peril.

Update » JasonBeastly wrote on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 7:33pm
sorry, them ugly border things aren't going to erase because apparently i should have posted without the img brackets. eeew.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 5:54pm. Posted in What ever happened to the Dee3e fan club?.
Coolness: 77450
Yeah well... who's going to take you down from your golden pedestal? I worry about fame getting to your head, that one day you'll spit on me and step on me.

Wait did I say worry? More like I hope you do that. But just don't forget to call me "scum" as you do. Otherwise it goes back to semi.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 5:40pm. Posted in Best Happy Track ???.
Coolness: 77450

[ www.discogs.com ]

Somewhat murdered.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 5:34pm. Posted in Iron Man Movie May 2nd.
Coolness: 77450
Iron Man was a total right wing bastard. I hate that guy.

Update » JasonBeastly wrote on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 5:44pm
He's also modelled on Howard Hughes from what I remember.
Update » JasonBeastly wrote on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 5:52pm
OH OH OH and if you notice he's rolling with a bunch of soldiers having made them some really awesome weapons to kill them damned sand niggers. Always the arabs, they're always sneaky and they're totally the enemy and we need a guy in a big iron suit to help the USA fight terrorism.

You know what, FUCK this whole premise. Fuck this Pro-American comic book garbage. I really hate Iron Man.

But I fucking have to see this movie!
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 5:32pm. Posted in What ever happened to the Dee3e fan club?.
Coolness: 77450
Sorry Dee, I might have to start the anti-Dee club if this keeps up, because all this saccharine popularity is hard for me to deal with. If your ego gets too bloated you might forget about the little people who got you there. It's for your own good, just to make sure that you don't get complacent in your fame.

» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 5:28pm. Posted in to inform promoters and the scene about this un profesional djLockdown.
Coolness: 77450
Every post that starts off good ends up boring because you guys can't figure out where else to have conversations. And everyone throws in their commentary until on page 14 it devolves into total non-sequitor boredom. This site would get a lot better if everyone just stopped trolling and didn't give people all sorts of attention when they're going for a grab. I can't believe you losers made shirts of the since dieing joke. It was funny for about a month. I have never prayed more for the death of a scene my entire life. Thanks everyone, your stupid senses of humour have made me into a jaded ex-raver who really is getting tired of associating with your stupid insular humour. At least be twisted and obscure, you know, less obvious with the dissing.

Ok that said, see y'all at the hyperfunkadelic fucking rave party! I'm going to smoke an ex and shoot acid up my nose!
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 5:22pm. Posted in Patrick Swayze Is Dying!!!.
Coolness: 77450
Aw shit, who's going to play the homoerotic bouncer roles now?
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 2:09pm. Posted in the dubstep scene is dying.
Coolness: 77450
Scott, you are as usual a scholar and a gentleman, and that is probably the most astute comparison I have ever perused herein.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 2:17am. Posted in Rave.ca through the imaginary DJWood-izer.
Coolness: 77450
This is essentially Lolcatz... you guys really have to differentiate between lolcat spelling (or lack thereof) and Dj Wood. Otherwise it's just another "bad spelling is cute" joke and everybody's had it with that shit.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 2:05am. Posted in Callout for March 15th, 2008 : 12th International Day Against Police B.
Coolness: 77450
I think these sorts of protests have to be more secretive if they want to be successful, rather than these pubic anger-fests that go nowhere, and if people want to start a revolution they really have to stop trying to use legal means within the democracy to do so, while refraining from informing the populace on the rules, leading to chaos. If we want the world to change, I think we will have to really come up with some sort of ingenious, contrived plan that goes under the radar, or decide to form militias all over the place and try to take control by other means. Unfortunately, all the right wingers already chose the latter option, and it's kind of hard to fight people with guns with attempts at common-sense politics. So it's either let hegemony roll on or become some sort of freedom fighter and try to overthrow things. I figure that's not my game, and really, violence is disgusting, but when you consider that the paramilitary wing of the government is in essence violent, it stands to reason you will have to face violence one way or another in order to overcome it. None of us regular folks can sit down with Kissinger or Rothschild and tell them to tame down the control regime, none of us regular folks are going to be able to say "hey you know what, I'm not down with the North American Union, I'm not down with the endless march of capitalism" and get through to the right people. You ever get pissed off when some asshole-run company gets a hireling to call you about money, only to realize that the guy is just working for a guy working for a guy working for the man, and that you will never, ever get through to the right people? They don't want to know, and they don't want to listen. It's about the same when you're dealing with paramilitary organizations like the Police Force. They'll stop if it becomes a PR issue, but no one would obey any laws if there wasn't the threat of a good beatdown.

Well OK, I sound a little schizo, but seriously, I saw Zeitgeist a while ago and it opened up my paranoia Pandora's box. It's probably an exaggeration, but I still don't feel much hope in the meek folk overthrowing Big Money. And a bunch of punks getting pissed off are not going to chill out the boys in blue. It's like protesters really just want to see how far the other side will go sometimes.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 1:39am. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 77450
I think trance died for me the day I went to some Ascension party at the Industry in Toronto and this juicer runs on to the dancefloor in the middle of Dr. Trance (a.k.a. Dr. Pedophile)'s set, takes a bunch of caps of presumably meth out of his pocket, throws three of them in his mouth and CHEWS THEM, then starts screaming "DR. TRANCE, MAKE ME TRANCE IN MY PANTS!" I never went to another epic trance party again.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 1:26am. Posted in Drugs Are Amazing.
Coolness: 77450
Oh man, I just wanted to laugh at the meth freak but no, there's 13 pages of flame war. Are you guys on meth? Is that why everyone always gets the last word?

Anyways I think I dropped a pill that was mostly crystal just recently. I was already on speed but suddenly I was on the brink of a hypertensive crisis, my tongue cramped up, and I was still compulsively trying to lick my teeth for five days afterwards, having been up for three days because of it. I felt like I was going absolutely nuts. I figured out that if you add a positive to a negative, you the difference of the positive and the negative. Disillusioned, I abandoned research and cleaned my room, realizing that even if I had a pretty hot body, I should probably not throw food around the room so I put some clothes on and went to sleep.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 1:10am. Posted in the dubstep scene is dying.
Coolness: 77450
Dubstep needs a lot of work. There is way too much crap in that genre, I've been rifling through stuff trying to find keepers, and it seems all the hype is about garbage. Burial is glamourized garage, Kode 9 sounds like he's playing toy keyboards all the time, other than Vex'd, nobody wants to play with the drums. Everyone's also doing these weak ass build ups in their tracks where all they do is cut the drums for a few bars, then drop the same damn drums in. Musically speaking that is lazy. Every other style of music these days goes for detail and gesture, you have all sorts of glitching effects or micro-edit rolls at your disposal, but somehow there's some dubstep rule where if too much elaboration goes on it's not allowed to be called that.

I think this is just a typical sign of the times. Every style of music has fakers, people following the formula too strictly and not trying to push envelopes, but there's a real proliferation thereof with the dubstep movement. People seem content to say an artist or another is minimalist and overlook the fact that he's just boring. As an interlude, chill out music in a side room, stoner music, it works, but if dubstep is supposed to go anywhere, artists are going to have to take more risks with it. I don't hate dubstep, and I actually enjoy a lot of the parties, but I hear a lot of total duds in terms of tracks. You get one or two major, huge, Cockney Thug style jams in a night, but the rest is just bwabwabwabwa bwabwabwabwa bwabwabwabwa ba ba ba buh buh buh bwaaa over and over again. Variation. It is key to keeping the interest of the audience. Use it, would be dubstep producers! Please! INNOVATE!
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 12:56am. Posted in RIP Gary Gygax.
Coolness: 77450
I was always a big fan of Forgotten Realms settings, mainly for the storyline. I still have a prematurely retired level 11 Gnome Illusionist character sheet lying around somewhere. I only had a few good DMs to work with when I was younger, and everyone got into Rifts and TMNT after a while. Surprisingly, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was a pretty awesome RPG. Ninja skills plus mutants equals one hell of a fun character creation process. Then it all went to shit with the Vampire: The Masquerade craze, after that playing RPG's stopped being fun, as I'd have to hang out with dorks who couldn't separate reality from fiction and wanted to be vampires one day. Capes, stupid attitudes, declining taste in music (more Dead Can Dance, less KMFDM), and discussions about Anne Rice. I started eating more garlic.

I really enjoyed a lot of the older D&D video game adaptations, particularly Pool of Radiance, but the thing I hate about Dragonlance is how there are always so many fucking Draconians. There's a point where it's just boring fighting those fuckers. I also used to have the old Monstrous Compendium or Fiend Folio. Does anyone remember Osmodeus? He's apparently the Satan of the D&D universe, though they probably have revised that since.

Anyways, thank you Gary Gygax for helping me geek out as a pre-teen. Thanks, I think, yeah. I shall roll my hundred sided die in thine honour.

I rolled a 3. Ah well.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 12:38am. Posted in 05-03 Hardtek-Harcore-Acid-Drum'n nass @ saphir with Narkotek.
Coolness: 77450
Bump... where the fuck have I been? See you guys tonight... I hope...
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 12:33am. Posted in Jungle Inity 4.
Coolness: 77450
Afterjam's going down chez nous, I wish I could hit both... but we're gonna keep the fire just like Kenny Loggins. Details are coming soon...
» JasonBeastly replied on Sat Feb 9, 2008 @ 9:00pm. Posted in The new and improved DIAMOND SHREDDIES!!!!!!.
Coolness: 77450
What happens if you accidentally tilt them 45 degrees to the right? Do they taste the same? And what happens if they're on their sides?
» JasonBeastly replied on Sat Feb 9, 2008 @ 8:53pm. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Survieving.
Coolness: 77450
That's a NOFX song, maybe you want to mention that before people think you wrote it.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Jan 30, 2008 @ 12:58am. Posted in Unicorn porn (possible repost).
Coolness: 77450
Fuck, check out the site... it's pure gold, this guy has dreams about dryads, unicorns, and satyrs, having orgies... he made a bunch of sculptures that can be switched with each other so that they eat each other out... please take me serial people! The unicorn porn is super serial!
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Jan 30, 2008 @ 12:57am. Posted in Rave-tionary/clopedia.
Coolness: 77450
See the pederasty and pedophilia are definitely trademarks of raving, just ask Horus...
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Jan 30, 2008 @ 12:55am. Posted in Suggesting E.
Coolness: 77450
LOLZ... Ricky kept going after his mom opened the door.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Jan 30, 2008 @ 12:51am. Posted in Short Story Ideas.
Coolness: 77450
Uhhhhh... yeah... why would you ask people for advice on a short story class you're taking in college at the age of 29? That's what T.A.s are for.

Instant gratification however... that's what T&A is for.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Jan 30, 2008 @ 12:30am. Posted in Sexy Voices In Music.
Coolness: 77450
Summary, with aid by the glorious wikipedia... [ en.wikipedia.org ]
Anyways, I took down the important notes for you.

- Haile Selassie I is God incarnate, even though he wasn't the best leader for Ethiopia.
- Haile Selassie declared himself the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, and the Conquering Lion of Judah (see "Conquering Lion" by Yabby You), and as the only African monarch of an independent state garnered much following for his status
- Marijuana is used to engage in communion with Jah, and is a major part of the religion, it is considered a sacrament that brings one closer to Jah
- Rastafarians eat an ital diet, which consists only of foods mentioned in Leviticus and Deuteronomy from the old testament
- Rastafarianism attempts to lay out a groundwork of fundamentally African culture, distinct from colonial viewpoints (however Haile Selassie was a monarch...)
- One must love and respect all living things, and emancipation from all forms of slavery is hand-in-hand with such a philosophy
- Modern society is corrupt and is the extension of Nimrod's Babylon, and the ideals one must aspire to are those of Zion, the promised land, the Satta Massagana
- Rastas each work out their own path and their own means of attaining salvation, and in this sense the religion is not centralized - the individual is highly important in Rastafarianism
- Africa and Zion are one - this is the land from which all African people have come, usually on slave ships, and the land to which they must all return one day
- The colours Ites (Red), Gold, and Green are held in high regard, being the colours of the Ethiopian flag, as well as Black in Marcus Garvey's version of Rastafarianism
- Many Rastas believe they are descended from the 12 tribes of Israel
- The Ark of the Covenant is said to contain the lost half of the bible and the history of Africa's lost culture
- Selassie I was a strongly vocal opponent of racism and hence most Rastafarians do not espouse the idea of black supremacy
- Diet: no shellfish or pork, Nazirite (no meat) diet, or vegan/vegetarian
- There are three main branches: the Nyahbinghi, Bobo Ashanti (ascetics), and the Twelve Tribes of Israel
- Ah and of course, it's not really Rastafarianism, because Rastas are opposed to the "-isms"

It's a great religion, but a little out of context for white guys with dreads, because well, you never were from Africa, most likely. But yes, you smoke as much weed as you feel is necessary to commune with Jah. Probably doesn't work if your roots aren't African but give it a try anyway I say.

Irie reggae music I recommend if you want to research this religion the right way hehe...
The Twinkle Brothers, Abyssinians, Peter Tosh, Augustus Pablo, Trinity, Lee Scratch Perry, Toots and the Maytals, Johnny Osbourne (notably "Truth and Rights"), Hugh Mundell ("African Roots" and "Africa, Blackman's Foundation"), Cedric IM Brooks, Yellowman, Lacksley Castell, man... I could go on... nuff good reggae music inna de world.

Yo WTF is Cruise talking about?
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Jan 29, 2008 @ 11:52pm. Posted in Short Story Ideas.
Coolness: 77450
You should write the remainder of the following short story, and not mention that it was plagiarized.

The fog cleared and Geoff found himself on the brink of a precipice, holding his dead dog in his arms. In the gloaming stew he could faintly make out the contours of Regent's Park in the distance, where the attack had occurred. Was he dreaming? Was this some sort of bizarre drug-fuelled reverie?

Yes it was. As he woke up with a start he snapped out of his addled daze and looked around the room, feeling his memory come back in starts. A row of broken bottles and a used syringe were all that remained of the night, and it seemed he had clumsily knocked over a nearby credenza before lying down, rather awkwardly, on the detritus that covered the floor. As if responding to his wakeful state the door opened and the phone simultaneously rang. He attempted to hurriedly attend to one or another and collided directly with his timely guest, resulting in more broken glass and a barrage of shouting.

"WATCH IT, HOLY SHIT!" cried the guest, who as it happened was a winsome man with spectacles and a fairly scruffy case of 5 o'clock shadow.
"Where the.. who the fuck are...?" Geoff started, before realizing he had no idea where he was or how he had got there. It was just as likely he was the guest, and it occurred to him he wasn't quite aware of his surroundings yet or capable of moving. He stared sheepishly at the smallish man, and gave a bit of a nervous shrug with his shoulders.
"You're Geoff Vaccaro, right? Well you're at my place, I'm Neil, and this is the squat. I kinda figured you'd be out for a while but you gotta get outta here, right now. No time to discuss, come with me..."


That wasn't so hard. Now does anyone really have to go on [ rave.ca ] to get help with homework? Not really. Stop doing so much e and maybe the synapses will fire and you'll be able to finish this story. I haven't published it yet but the rest of it better be up to par with the beginning.

Wait till you get to University (if you ever do), it won't be as easy to get other people to give you ideas.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Jan 29, 2008 @ 11:31pm. Posted in Sexy Voices In Music.
Coolness: 77450
From Wikipedia... this is pretty interesting considering how she tore up that picture of Pope John Paul II on SNL years ago while singing "War".

In the late 1990s, O'Connor was controversially ordained into the schismatic Independent Catholic group (not to be confused with the Catholic Church) by Irish Bishop Michael Cox, in disregard of the prohibition on the ordination of women within Roman Catholicism.[18] Such an action incurs automatic latae sententiae excommunication from the Roman Catholic Church. Bishop Cox contacted her to offer ordination following her appearance on the RTÉ's Late Late Show, during which she told the presenter, Gay Byrne, that had she not been a singer, she would have wished to have been a Catholic priest. After her service of ordination, she indicated that she wished to be called Mother Bernadette Mary.

In 2003 she announced that she was going to leave the music industry [19] and train to be a catechist.

In 2005 she performed at Madison Square Garden at the Jammy Awards and announced plans to release a reggae-influenced album, Throw Down Your Arms, in October 2005. ABC Radio News, announcing her new album, reported that she has found solace in the Rastafari faith, and that the religion "saved her life."

In a 2005 interview by the reggae artist Burning Spear in Andy Warhol's magazine, Interview, she reported that her mission is to "rescue God from religion."

So I would take this to indicate that she's trying very directly to disturb the status quo of the Roman Catholic church by getting ordained even though she has a vagina, by entering a schismatic Catholic sect, and by aiming to become a catechist. Going Rastafarian is totally bizarre but I guess I can understand, it being quite a beautiful religion but just as sexist as the Catholic church from what I understand.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Jan 29, 2008 @ 11:22pm. Posted in Suggesting E.
Coolness: 77450
Note to self: get dead, get laid.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Jan 29, 2008 @ 11:20pm. Posted in Worst food in the city?.
Coolness: 77450
Yo ANY falafel you get in this city is garbage. The idea that the trend in Montreal is to microwave anything they feed you, even in high-scale restaurants, just disgusts me. In Toronto falafel is competitive and really fucking good a lot of the time. Over here it's the most repulsive crap there is. Tastes like nothing and has no nutritional value. You know that falafel can actually be good for you if done right? Not here... I have yet to eat even one good falafel in Montreal.

While I'm at it let me say, as a food industry insider here, that the health board takes bribes and ignores most major infractions, which is why so many dives stay open. This city needs tighter restrictions, food would get better everywhere.

A last note... anyone who loves the Euro Deli, sorry but I must break ye wee hearts. They have to clean mouseshit off of all the counters every morning. Think about that when you're eating your cheese lasagna or the horrid deep-fried, sauce-and-cheesed, then overbaked eggplant parmigiana. The only good thing to eat there are the meatballs and the pizzas, and if you can find someone who knows how to make the damn things, the paninis.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Jan 29, 2008 @ 11:10pm. Posted in How to dance at a rave.
Coolness: 77450
No this one is alien to you, so he's Xeno instead. *cover up*
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Jan 29, 2008 @ 11:02pm. Posted in Sexy Voices In Music.
Coolness: 77450
I can't believe I neglected to mention Serge Gainsbourg... especially on "Je T'aime... (Moi Non Plus)" and this number here, with his daughter, which will have you guys scratching your heads I'm sure...


Btw Charlotte Gainsbourg grew up to be super sexy.

I should also mention Feist, that is Leslie Feist.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Jan 29, 2008 @ 10:51pm. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Survieving.
Coolness: 77450
He Les genres dites que la parce-que et morte may se nes pas vrai. Cest l'orthograph e qui y mort.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Jan 29, 2008 @ 2:05am. Posted in Lost.
Coolness: 77450
Aw shitty, I'm not part of the TV party club.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Jan 29, 2008 @ 2:04am. Posted in w:R:1.
Coolness: 77450
Originally Posted By NOAM-JACOU
WE-R-3 and more now,
Pis oui les punks ecoute du jazz A l'An verrrt(outside-iN)

This guy is so on the ball.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Jan 29, 2008 @ 2:02am. Posted in Vampire:The Eternal Struggle.
Coolness: 77450
Vampires aren't real.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Jan 29, 2008 @ 2:00am. Posted in Come together.
Coolness: 77450
That is fucking awesome... mashup bidniz in full effect... man who did this work of genius?
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Jan 29, 2008 @ 1:52am. Posted in Smiley Face - a Greg Araki movie.
Coolness: 77450
Looking forward to this one, I really loved Doom Generation.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Jan 29, 2008 @ 1:41am. Posted in Unicorn porn (possible repost).
Coolness: 77450
Hey folks, if you're running out of sexualized anthropomorphic animals then you might want to check out these:

[ www.worlddreambank.org ]

*edit* I'll "border="0"> you, [ rave.ca ]

Um... it gets a lot better...

[ www.worlddreambank.org ]
JasonBeastly's Profile - Community Messages