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» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 19, 2008 @ 11:27pm. Posted in Origins of EDM?.
Coolness: 77000
I think I know exactly what he's writing about. Madchester would be a starting point of sorts. Everything seems to have stemmed from the work of people like Carl Craig and a Guy Called Gerald, even though there have been tons of subgenres. It's a good topic for a paper because the specific subgenres haven't been given enough media attention nor have they been accepted into academia yet. Try talking about jungle with a professor of music, they often just think you're talking about some sort of throw away trend and don't give it the credence that they give other, more academic styles of music like acousmatic electroacoustic music. And you can write a million papers about motherfucking Pierre Henry and Pierre Schaeffer, Karlheinz Stockhausen, the Telharmonium, the Ondes Martenot, and ALL THE OTHER STUFF THEY ALREADY TEACH YOU IN SCHOOL ABOUT MUSIQUE CONCRETE. Or you could try to add to the history books by writing about what has happened since 1970, say. Because the libraries are full of books about those lofty and strange instruments that pioneered electronic music.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 19, 2008 @ 2:14am. Posted in for Tortoise lovers.
Coolness: 77000
Acid and free jazz are definitely not uncoordinated, and neither is John McEntire. They're using a Steve Reich-influenced phasing technique a lot of the time, which means playing off and then going back on again. Considering that it's how it sounds on the albums it's actually extremely coordinated. I don't remember you playing drums so who are you to talk?
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 19, 2008 @ 2:09am. Posted in Go Go Emo Rangers!!!.
Coolness: 77000
Booo. Booooooo. Boooooooooooooo.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 19, 2008 @ 2:06am. Posted in R.I.P. Arthur C. Clarke.
Coolness: 77000
2061 was disappointing, but I've always wanted to read Childhood's End. I think I might take the opportunity now.

It's ok Alex me know reading hurt brain.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 19, 2008 @ 2:03am. Posted in St Patricks Day Shenanigans - Post 'em her'.
Coolness: 77000
Didn't get drunk. I think the Irish left me.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 19, 2008 @ 1:53am. Posted in The Book Thread.
Coolness: 77000
I'm currently reading the Anthony Bourdain's crazy cooking memoirs, Kitchen Confidential. This book is great, goes into a lot of detail about how it is working in a high-paced kitchen, sort of advice for up-and-coming chefs or anyone interested in understanding "the underbelly of the food industry". Really engrossing and informative.

Before that I was delving through an anthology of Philip K. Dick stories including The Minority Report, which is a much shorter story than the movie ever was. There are some really amazing stories in here. Personal favourites are Autofac, which is a very realistic post-apocalyptic tale where automatic factories or autofacs are depleting the last of the world's resources and a group of people tries to figure out how to disable the system, and the Reconstructed M, which is a bizarre story about a morphing robot that frames people for murders it commits. Typical Dick. Heh hehe heh. I said dick.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 19, 2008 @ 1:42am. Posted in Origins of EDM?.
Coolness: 77000
Undercurrents, edited by Rob Young, is a really good book to read for just general information on music, it's published by Wire UK, a magazine that has a hell of a lot of articles on exactly what you're looking for, so these are some really interesting essays on modern music. Examples of some potentially relevant material:
Recording Angels: the Esoteric Origins of the Phonograph, by Erik Davis;
Worship the Glitch: Digital Music, Electronic Disturbance, by Rob Young;
Automating the Beat: The Robotics of Rhythm, by Peter Shapiro
The Autobahn Goes on Forever: Kings of the Road: The Motorik Pulse of Kraftwerk and Neu! by Biba Koff
Deck Wreckers: The Turntable as Instrument by Peter Shapiro

Anyways, really good book. I've read it end to end. Might be useful, if you can find it. So would back issues of Wire UK.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 19, 2008 @ 1:28am. Posted in Legal highs now available at Couche-tard.
Coolness: 77000
It might be wise to put up a sign that says "meth - 10 bucks" next to it, the opportunity is there.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 19, 2008 @ 1:26am. Posted in The Peanut Butter Solution : the Movie(1985).
Coolness: 77000
We watched this in French class where I went to school, and we couldn't help but find it strange that the Chinese kid's pubes grow long instead of into an afro. So we were supposed to summarize scenes of the movie to kids in the grade 10 French class, and we ended up describing the scene but changing it so that the kid had a pubic afro. We were supposed to use visual aids so I even drew it. But damn that movie is creepy. Especially that goddamned "when you're a child" song.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Mar 18, 2008 @ 6:26pm. Posted in Russian Comedy show goes completely wrong.
Coolness: 77000
Yikes Dee... you're watching a hell of a lot of hardcore shit. I really didn't like how the thing that was sort of ignored about the second video was that the guy who kicked the woman in the stomach was continuing to beat the shit out of her with no resistance, with some pretty hard jabs, without anyone stopping him. They seemed to be more concerned about the other guy doing the crazy karate kicks.

But the thing with the 8 year olds is probably the worst thing I've ever seen. Fucking snuff film, practically... why the fuck is that even available online? And why is it that there's no news story about a fight on a Russian tv show, nor about the 8-year old having an overdose? The world is a fucked up place. Maybe Sting was wrong. Maybe the Russians don't love their children too. And them Ruskies are still the enemy. They're waiting to nuke us any second. The end is nigh, the end is nigh. Fear the reaper!
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Mar 18, 2008 @ 5:59pm. Posted in Full Moon Equinox - March 21 - Psy Loft & Dnb Loft.
Coolness: 77000
Originally Posted By FISHEAD
don't worry... I've got other records that, imho, are better... I only pulled up that cut because Erik thought I was talking about that glowstick waving nonsense people call 'liquid' - when I was really getting relatively old school. All the old drum'n'bass heads will know that sample - it's been used time and time again... Rollidge by DJ SS is a good example.

Seems I've been taken to old school. Still don't know which particular sample you mean.

But dude, it was so out of context... wish I knew what you were referring to!
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Mar 18, 2008 @ 5:55pm. Posted in So what is this William place afterall?.
Coolness: 77000
I feel like a bit of a vicious bastard about all that so I will retract my treats.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Mar 18, 2008 @ 1:00am. Posted in for Tortoise lovers.
Coolness: 77000
Tortoise rules... I really like that song "Monica" off of Standards. Don't diss John McEntire's drumming, that guy is tight. I really want to hear the collaboration with Bonnie Prince Billy.
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Mar 17, 2008 @ 10:52pm. Posted in crazy ntk peoples making music in saphire.
Coolness: 77000
Remember to check out turnip factory any time you want to find a good selection of pics from a decent party! That's Pet for you, Mrs. Multidisciplinary Madness!
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Mar 17, 2008 @ 10:47pm. Posted in Full Moon Equinox - March 21 - Psy Loft & Dnb Loft.
Coolness: 77000
Buy me the outfit and I'll be wearing it all night. It gets my panties moist just thinking about it.
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Mar 17, 2008 @ 10:46pm. Posted in The most dangerous town in CANADA top 100.
Coolness: 77000
Wow Regina, Winnipeg... scary place that Manitoba!
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Mar 17, 2008 @ 10:10pm. Posted in So what is this William place afterall?.
Coolness: 77000
Um Lone Star, quit lumping everyone into the building into the same category. We did the room downstairs, we had speakers and mixer and turntables going the entire time, we had beer, we had space, we had plenty of happy people, and we weren't using any profits to pay our rent. Nor will we be for our upcoming party. We are paying the DJs, and we need to pay for equipment. Our loft was not officially involved in the Project PLUR concept nor will we be. Nobody in my loft likes the idea of having ravers drop in unannounced on a regular basis, and we don't like the word PLUR very much, nor the concept really. There is no "disguising" of house parties going on. It is a loft party, and will continue to be so. I will not be calling it a rave. Not a chance. But the people most likely to attend are a) willing to pay for the event because the lineup is worth it, and so is the space, b) largely connected via the "Ravewave" section of this site, and most importantly c) think that your DJ set sucked, and really only deserved tiny speakers. May you have a legacy of tiny speakers henceforth, asshole. Now SHUT THE FUCK UP or I will rearrange your internal organs and feed them to you. CUNT.

Update » JasonBeastly wrote on Mon Mar 17, 2008 @ 10:20pm
No I'm not done and I don't care how much of a shitstorm I'm opening up with this. I don't want to be lumped into this RAVE category by any sort of association or by any mismanagement on the part of our neighbours... but anybody who can throw house parties successfully should do so, and there are no rules for that. I don't know why if you're so disappointed you don't start a little fucking parade in the middle of town with placards and you can play your awful freeform HHC nu-nrg bullshit all you want and see how many fans it gets you. Fact is, you suck so bad you can only get tiny loft spaces. Sucks to be you, douchebag.
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Mar 17, 2008 @ 9:32pm. Posted in So what is this William place afterall?.
Coolness: 77000
No drama... just SHUT THE FUCK UP. Ok?

If it's lasted this long without problems, then there's no reason why it should continue to. But I think it would be better if the address was known but not discussed. We need a name for the place perhaps, but really less attention is better. And I'm content to say our loft is huge but I never want to associate anything I do with the word rave, unless it's to promote it on this site. Sometimes it's just a fucking party. It doesn't have to be called a rave, that's like the gayest word in history anyway. Look at me, I'm raving! Wow, I'm raving so fucking hard! Wow I've never raved like this before! Wow, I won the rave!
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Mar 17, 2008 @ 9:14pm. Posted in So what is this William place afterall?.
Coolness: 77000

I'm officially going to kick all your asses. Shut the fuck up.
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Mar 17, 2008 @ 9:12pm. Posted in Full Moon Equinox - March 21 - Psy Loft & Dnb Loft.
Coolness: 77000
Oh no Colin, are you pulling out your white gloves? Please don't liquid at my party, then I'll get nauseous and/or violent. Feel free to rewind all you want though.

Only 4 more days! I hope you're all as psyched as we are! I guess this means we have to clean up around here or something. I'll do it tomorrow.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 12, 2008 @ 2:06am. Posted in TORONTO: Sat. March 22 : Lost Compound 01 :The Flashbulb/Frankie Gunns.
Coolness: 77000
Hey Parul... hehe... forgive the bitchiness, whatever, you know I'd be there if I could go... unfortunately I have a party at my place the night before, but I'd totally be in attendance, thrashing among the fiends on the dancefloor, if I could get to Toronto by the next night. Just seems sort of like it might cause me to spontaneously combust trying to do all that.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 12, 2008 @ 1:59am. Posted in Full Moon Equinox - March 21 - Psy Loft & Dnb Loft.
Coolness: 77000
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Mar 11, 2008 @ 2:35am. Posted in steely dan @ PDA july 1st + 2nd.
Coolness: 77000
That's the wrong band, Morphine.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Mar 11, 2008 @ 2:32am. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 77000
Horus is the second coming! Or he will be! Haven't you guys seen Zeitgeist? We're entering the Aeon of Horus in 2015 or some shit.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Mar 11, 2008 @ 2:30am. Posted in craigslist funniest thing i ever hear.
Coolness: 77000
My friend just posted this a while ago, and he's had a ton of responses. I'm telling him he has to keep them going for as long as possible and videotape auditions.

[ toronto.craigslist.ca ]
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Mar 11, 2008 @ 2:27am. Posted in 8,000 Drums.
Coolness: 77000
It's not my fault you guys can't speed read. Maybe I should format the whole thing differently?
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Mar 11, 2008 @ 2:25am. Posted in Anyone know a good carpool or cheapest way to get to mtl?.
Coolness: 77000
Yo Meganne, you really should look for Coach Canada seat sales in the middle of the week. You can get tickets for $18-$35 if you plan to leave before Thursday. If not, you benefit greatly if you're still a student, you can get half price tickets. If you're not I think it sometimes works to have a student friend buy the ticket (they have to show their card and everything) and then hand it to you. $100 round trip. Coach Canada buses are cleaner than Greyhound generally but a bit full. It's about a 6 hour trip.

Alternatively, I do have other friends that are planning to visit so you could carpool with them, I mean I haven't caught up with you any of the times you've come to town... I didn't realize you were flying every time.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Mar 11, 2008 @ 2:17am. Posted in Drawn Togther.
Coolness: 77000
You can find a lot of shows via [ alluc.org ] including I believe Drawn Together. But honestly, that show is corny as fuck.

Go Metalocalypse! Season 2 is now in progress!

What I'd like to find is the newest season (5 i think) of ATHF. Can't find any links anywhere for that.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Mar 11, 2008 @ 2:14am. Posted in 8,000 Drums.
Coolness: 77000
Man where did you find all those samples? This set is amazing! Thanks a fucking million...

Sorry to snap April-Anna, but I've been on my own distinct spiritual path for a long time and a lot of my "spiritual" friends would talk a lot of shit about how cynicism and sarcasm, satire, irony, were all negative wavelengths, how whenever I wound up in a shitty situation it was my own fault for attracting that sort of energy, if life was hard or stressful it was because I was entirely due to my perspective, and a lot of people who I used to hang out with despite their differences essentially chose to distance themselves from me entirely because I dared to think differently. I felt relieved in a sense because the pressure to conform to their narrow-minded ideologies was no longer there, especially not tied in with accusations that I was not the open-minded one, when I've been able to make friends with people from all different walks of life and not just a set clique. It got to me really bad, the sort of paranoia about negative vibes and the consistent strict analysis of everything as being some sort of illusion and therefore dismissing it, when I've personally found that if life is indeed an illusion, then it's going to take a hell of a lot more than hiding from it to dispel the illusion. You have to deal with it head on, right?

So yes, I probably overreacted but I felt it needed to be said. A gathering of a mass of people to drum is a positive thing indeed, and sounds exciting in fact. But a lot of people do lip service to causes without really caring about them, and a lot of people in the "spiritual" sort of circles tend to all jump on the same bandwagon, regardless of whether or not the information they receive is being passed around by a cult.

Nag Champa, at least the popular blue box, says "Sai Baba" on the packaging, and often has an image of the afro-haired leader of a spiritual cult on it. Sai Baba, in case you didn't know, runs a very successful cult which has a great deal of yuppies convinced that he has magical powers, what with his ability to pull coins with his image upon them out of thin air, to do so-called miracles that are usually of a material sort, and his ability to sexually pleasure all his cult members at the same time, or something like that.
The 11:11 ritual and the Flower of Life organization that makes a big deal about it and the 14-stage meditation for astral travel is actually a rather major cult that tries to use the idea of Merkaba-oriented astral travel to sell tons of books and make enough money to pay for fancy retreats where they go through their bullshit, claiming they can turn into UFOs.
Dr. Jose Arguelles is a certified nutjob, and his interpretations of Quiché Maya astrology result in a very stylized, fashionable version of an age old tradition. He changed names of many of the symbols, came up with cheesy doggerel to describe each sign, and managed to sell a lot of books and calendars. He's a high level magician, trained via the OtO if I'm not mistaken, and he famously started tripping on the whole Mayan thing after a PTSD reaction to the death of his son, leading to him writing "Surfers of the Zuvuya", an embarrassing read about how he was apparently visited in his own head by a Mayan "dude" who used surfer-style lingo and metaphor to tell him about the Tzolkin and the structure of space.
In contrast, Dr. Bronner's soaps have tons of bizarre wacked out religious writing on them but they sell like crazy. Hey, good thing it's amazing soap. And good thing he meant well.

But what am I trying to say? A lot of people out there get a little bit too open-minded, but never learn from their errors. And their gullible nature leads them down many a wrong road. But they go back and get burned over and over again. I myself have always been a skeptic and continue to hold on to that so that I don't get brainwashed. And all I want is for people to realize that they don't have to involve themselves in other people's wacked out fantasies in order to escape a reality that causes them suffering, but rather that they actually have to do something constructive with their lives. It's easy to fall prey to NLP techniques and any sort of fourth-circuit ecstasy-driven hypnotism. Read "Prometheus Rising" by R.A.Wilson, on the topic of fourth-circuit programming and ecstatic brainwashing, and you'll understand what I mean.

I still hope personally that Magick and paranormal phenomena are real to some extent. But there are very few people who can prove it without trying to make a buck off of it or indoctrinate everyone they know into their vicariously created cults. So for this reason I am deeply cynical and suspicious of mass-rituals, because they're great opportunities to throw ideas into empty heads.

Watch for the fnords, kids.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Mar 11, 2008 @ 1:37am. Posted in Someone give Horus a prize.
Coolness: 77000
Everyone who takes up this much attention and time from you guys dissing them should definitely get booked for a party which everyone is obliged to attend. You can book General Dee, Horus, DJ Wood, and that Milas guy who I really wasn't in on the joke about. Then you guys can shout flame war comments at them for hours while they do whatever it is they do to contribute to the scene. I'll take video.
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Mar 10, 2008 @ 4:37pm. Posted in TORONTO: Sat. March 22 : Lost Compound 01 :The Flashbulb/Frankie Gunns.
Coolness: 77000
Sounds like I'm missing a good one, but the lineup is a little odd. Frankie Gunns? Ego... The Flashbulb has written some real stinkers too, especially that "Flashbulb is here to make all the girls cum" track. But Skeeter, Hinder, DJ Blndr, and First Seed all kick serious ass!!!
» JasonBeastly replied on Sun Mar 9, 2008 @ 3:47am. Posted in the dubstep scene is dying.
Coolness: 77000
I'm intending to write some dubstep, despite all my quetching. I'm also writing drum and bass and breakcore, as well as IDM experimental stuff. The dubstep track we're currently working on is going to involve live drumming so there is a decent amount of variation. At the root though, it's still based around a predictable (which means I might change it) snare through reverb, at 140 bpm. Juno 106 for the mid range, Nord G2 doing the wobble bass. What I feel is essential to livening up the dubstep sound is to provide some resolution for the generally tense feeling of the track, and the incorporation of micro-edit fills.

Personal favourite right now is to use cymbal/kick hits and retrigger them on 64ths, slide the volume down, then back up, and having a moving bandpass filter on the insert. This is of course a classic jungle move, but it sounds sublime used over slow parts.

Other amazing trick is to seriously stutter the beat, or to do as Blake Market does and use alternate time signatures. This is all a ton of fun as well. This kind of innovation is appealing because it's essentially a fusion of ideas from other musical styles. Not just electronic either, there's just so much variation and potential with the rhythm.
» JasonBeastly replied on Sun Mar 9, 2008 @ 3:34am. Posted in Stereo Bar Tonight - Free ticket for a lovely lady!!.
Coolness: 77000
Hey I ended up hanging out with that guy, and he only had a quarter of speed and something that "might be" E. Well I don't remember what happened from then on but I was walking like a cowboy for the whole next day and for some reason I shat bees.
» JasonBeastly replied on Sun Mar 9, 2008 @ 3:32am. Posted in What's a Trance DJ to do???.
Coolness: 77000
Welcome to page 17. Now that you have reached this page feel free to take the enclosed hunting rifle, place your toe on the trigger while the muzzle is in your mouth, and push down with your foot.
» JasonBeastly replied on Sat Mar 8, 2008 @ 9:26pm. Posted in Sexy or Scary?.
Coolness: 77000
That kind of tongue action can cause you to barf from too good a blow job. Like seriously, just spewing non stop, after shitting yourself.
» JasonBeastly replied on Sat Mar 8, 2008 @ 9:25pm. Posted in saying since instead of scene isnt funny anymor.
Coolness: 77000
The joke was never really funny, it's the kind of thing people with brain damage laugh at.
» JasonBeastly replied on Sat Mar 8, 2008 @ 9:24pm. Posted in to inform promoters and the scene about this un profesional djLockdown.
Coolness: 77000
» JasonBeastly replied on Sat Mar 8, 2008 @ 9:23pm. Posted in 8,000 Drums.
Coolness: 77000
Thank god there's a sample pack.

Why is it that every time somebody wants to promote spirituality it involves so much pretentious talk about "wavelengths" and snap judgements of people as being negative when they're actually doing the opposite by being humourous? Is humour illegal to the "Tribe"? And where do you get off using the term "tribal" people? What, like if you're a member of some sort of tribe you can go, but if you're not, don't come? I'm not particularly tribal and the idea interests me, but all this talk about people not being on the right wavelength is flaky bullshit. I CALL BULLSHIT ON YOUR AIR OF SPIRITUAL SUPERIORITY! Just because it's a Mayan ritual doesn't mean that it's suddenly super holy, it's a ritual like any other, and it deserves to be spoken about without all the pretense. It's a gathering for peace. If 8000 people show up, yes it will create positive resonance. But that doesn't mean that it's exclusive to people who don't make jokes about sample packs! Hey you'd never have all the music you love listening to without sample packs! Get your head out of your pompous ass!
» JasonBeastly replied on Sat Mar 8, 2008 @ 9:15pm. Posted in Did you ever felt that you're paying too much for Hydro-Quebec?.
Coolness: 77000
There is nothing better than inclusive rent. We've got this crazy steampipe heating system which works way too well, it's always really hot in our rooms. But the landlord is footing the bill. I ran away from every other hydro bill though, they really rape you. To charge that much is insane. Even $210/2 mos., it's ridiculous. Free energy now! Tesla coils for all!
» JasonBeastly replied on Sat Mar 8, 2008 @ 9:08pm. Posted in crazy ntk peoples making music in saphire.
Coolness: 77000
As usual Mathieu pushed the management's patience... haha top form... it's crazy how when he plays he has about 40 false endings. NON STOP HARDCORE TEKNO!
JasonBeastly's Profile - Community Messages