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» JasonBeastly replied on Sun Oct 28, 2012 @ 4:47pm. Posted in How to Argue on the Internet Without Becoming a Troll.
Coolness: 77430
The secret to being a successful human being is succeeding. I would use the expression "by extension" here to indicate there is an issue extant to the event, that the psyche responds to success or failure regardless of whether or not it's of astronomical or insignificant importance. Why else would you keep returning to put in the last word? Your ego bruised, you figure you can throw some dying blows in, instead of accepting that some part of your psychology, deep down inside yourself knows you lost. There was a battle, and you were dealt a blow, only it was psychological and hit deep and made you wonder if yogourt really knew what yo were doing online. Was it for masturbation; for narcissistic self-promotional reasons; was it to go create an alter-ego, a sense of identity, experiencing it up to now as society qua the Matrix urt (Wachowski 1999); ? Was there witchcraft going on? Was somebody trying to make a fool out of you?

So by the terms of the aforementioned hyperbole, failure at doing something like trolling is by extension a failure nonetheless, and represents a human failure. If you were to succeed at it, you would be a successful human being, even if only briefly, and at a very pathetic scale. See how that works, logically, and suitably with what I said only a few posts before? I hope that ends it for once.
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Oct 22, 2012 @ 2:31am. Posted in What is this site about again?.
Coolness: 77430
Have you guys tried this delicious brand of yogourt with the fruit on the bottom? I got it on my rare electronica records that are like my babies and none of them play properly anymore because it had ants on it and I freaked and just sort of threw it. I ate the rest but it was kind of crunchy.

I got ants all over my best Chemical Mario Bros record and now I can't drop The Rockafeller Skunk at parties. What else can I mix into that track by Faithless? I named myself after one of the members from that group, Sister something... I'm so overcome with sadness I forgot what she was called.
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Oct 22, 2012 @ 2:22am. Posted in The Two Anniversaries of September.
Coolness: 77430
Why don't you just start a blog, put that in it, and link to the blog instead? Ravers are illiterate bastard children of acid casualties with severe brain deformities anyway.
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Oct 22, 2012 @ 2:13am. Posted in Ravee.ca 15 year anniversary party?.
Coolness: 77430
I want to be the guy who everyone has to go to for toilet paper after pooing in the corner. Only I'll be in a very clever series of disguises and I won't actually have any toilet paper because I usually forget to buy it.
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Oct 22, 2012 @ 2:09am. Posted in Busted by STM.
Coolness: 77430
Well, you know what they say.
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Oct 15, 2012 @ 3:10am. Posted in How not to fall for piss-poor attempts at trolling..
Coolness: 77430
It's quite simple actually.

When the person who is trying to get you riled up posts something, don't get riled up.

I am done.
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Oct 15, 2012 @ 3:07am. Posted in How to Argue on the Internet Without Becoming a Troll.
Coolness: 77430
What an odd name for a thread. This is an entirely impossible thing to do. If you argue on the internet, chances are that people will fail to comprehend that you are arguing, not dissing, and will react by calling you a troll. Trolling is actually actively setting out to derail an entire forum or thread or what-have-you by saying things only to get a reaction. It can be done in a rather organized manner, as in getting a bunch of other users, often recruited anonymously, to team up on a website "for the lulz", posting pics of lemon party, goatse, longcat, etc, until none of the regular users can take it anymore; or solo, by trying to hide behind proxies and create false accounts, also, presumably, "for the lulz".

If no lulz are to be had you are a failure as a troll, and by extension, as a human being. Nevertheless, if the troll has managed to annoy the hell out of the majority of the board, they have succeeded in trolling, only they haven't done anything epic or memorable in the meantime, indicating most of the time that they are really sad and lonely despite whatever they may be successful at, if anything (and especially if they have better things to do with their time).

Every time I've been called one for bringing up a controversial point without resorting to common fallacies I can't help but sense that the person I'm arguing with doesn't really comprehend the structure of a syllogism and critical thinking, but I also realize that I'm a total geek for logic, which most people just don't grasp.

Anyway, have a good day everyone, and really, just be sillier. Stop taking the bait.
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Oct 15, 2012 @ 2:45am. Posted in J.K. Rowling doesn't like unicorns in "that way".
Coolness: 77430
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Oct 15, 2012 @ 2:24am. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 77430

He never gave me back that record he borrowed.
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Aug 6, 2012 @ 2:51am. Posted in This site still exists?.
Coolness: 77430
Raves still exist?
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Aug 6, 2012 @ 2:49am. Posted in Future styles - music - part 2.
Coolness: 77430
Seizure Dancehall
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Aug 6, 2012 @ 2:48am. Posted in Lame.
Coolness: 77430
Doesn't anyone ever think of the cripples?
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Aug 6, 2012 @ 2:44am. Posted in ok time to come clean.
Coolness: 77430
Yogourt anyone?
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Aug 6, 2012 @ 2:36am. Posted in 2012 Rave.ca Troll Awards.
Coolness: 77430
Bliss is the worst troll ever. Hi guys!
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Apr 25, 2011 @ 11:04pm. Posted in Is McDonalds PLUR?.
Coolness: 77430
Originally Posted By BLISSS
Here's another interesting fact

You can make more money working at Mcdonalds then playing at a psytrance rave

QFT... roflmao...

I think McDo is totally PLUR. They even have the funfur representatives. I always feel like I'm in the HHC room when I get my late nite nugget fix.
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Apr 25, 2011 @ 11:01pm. Posted in Breaking News: Jack Layton for Prime Minister!!!!.
Coolness: 77430
Haters gonna hate, am I right?

I'm definitely voting NDP, and I would suggest anyone else does too. Until there is a more left-leaning and socially progressive separatist government available to vote for in Quebec who will suggest a viable means of separation, and an explanation for the relevance of such an action outside of language and culture, considering that Quebec is still part of the multi-cultural North American continent, I can't see the point of voting for a bunch of moderately liberal politicians just because their manner of speaking is "chez-nous". The Bloc is not spotless and often has a rather racist viewpoint on language and culture. To ask for equal rights while not respecting those of immigrants is hypocrisy, plain and simple. To ask for special rights and then deny those rights to Native people in northern Quebec is also hypocrisy.

» JasonBeastly replied on Sun Feb 27, 2011 @ 4:33pm. Posted in Fuck-off cheap promoters !!! (like Hexa-5).
Coolness: 77430
But... psytrance is stupid.
» JasonBeastly replied on Sun Feb 27, 2011 @ 4:31pm. Posted in psytrance.
Coolness: 77430
Originally Posted By DRTAKO
this is the kind of stuff I grew up with

the original version of this track is from 1994.. that's right it's as old as some of the posters on this board!

wow you think psychedelic trance music would improve in SEVENTEEN years. Nope, they just stepped it back to repetitive crap.

That Money for Nothing remix is still pretty old, but it's played to death, seriously.

I also used to think Goa was mind-blowing (AP, Hallucinogen, Orion). I thought a lot of psy was mind-blowing (GMS, Skazi, Tetraktys). But then people would yell in my ear at parties about paranoid crap and I would get straight up judged for looking too "breaks" for "psy" around 2002, which really got on my nerves. I would have hippies talking to me about how I should wear only organic everything and not eat meat. I had to deal with people basically talking to me like I needed to get my thetans cleaned out.

Vince, you were never so bad, you at least have a good sense of humour. All I can think about with They Live is that bit where Roddy Piper and the Junkyard Dog fight for ten minutes straight. And I personally think you have more of an unique approach. But I feel like you're one in a million. So maybe my rant generalized everything. I think for the sake of diplomacy I should retract a bit, but I still do feel creeped out being around people who all dress the same when I'm on acid. Maybe this all has to do with too many bad trips. I'm just getting tired of how much money is going into perpetuating psy fashion, all the required external signifiers to indicate that people fit in. I thought the content of the music and what was being sampled was intelligent when it was fresh, but I feel like the newer generations of psy are skipping a step and just referring to what they've vicariously picked up instead of spouting anything new, focused more on getting shitfaced than actually making spiritual progress.

This sort of scene staleness is what kills any style of music. Be forewarned. Those of you who are still passionate need to try to shake your programs. I know that psy is largely about mind expansion, but if you want to do that, you have to be more daring. If someone does that sometime soon and is able to write a psy track I can appreciate for its complexity and unpredictability, then maybe I will stop being antagonistic about it. But until then, fuck it. Let it die and come back in twenty years. Switch to, I dunno, folk or something.

P.S.: V-2.1... Zing. That was a pretty brilliant retort. I kind of got sonned. Happens to everyone at some point.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 4:41pm. Posted in when I ask you what kind of music you like....
Coolness: 77430
That's just how it sounded bud, get defensive all you want, that's your call. It's odd to say that to slugbait because he actively composes noise EA stuff, and has been asking me about the improv EA scene in Montreal. So I'd say the phase is still active. And I never made you out to be a snob, just felt that you were somewhat dismissive of EA. I think that was understood, and notice the "please"? I wasn't trying to be confrontational either. Most of the time it's pretty obvious when I'm actually being confrontational.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 4:35pm. Posted in Fuck-off cheap promoters !!! (like Hexa-5).
Coolness: 77430
Originally Posted By STRIK_IX
No she said so you'd turn the bitch switch off and it worked.

Bitch switch? Damn son, where you even coming from? That doesn't turn off, I stay in bitch/wanker mode all the fucking time.

Sacha can sometimes be overwhelming, but he's really respectful. Now mind you, you can't tell him not to pick up the mic, but he will ask you questions during the set like "is this track yours?" and then big it the fuck up for the crowd. That's what an MC should do. I used to find him a bit odd but I understand him better now, and honestly he can get people paying attention or dancing where they want to stand around scratching their chins.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 4:25pm. Posted in when I ask you what kind of music you like....
Coolness: 77430
I love that song "Psychotic Girl" especially.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 4:24pm. Posted in Is tim hortons racist?.
Coolness: 77430
Tim Hortons' is racist. Totally. They are racist against Canadians themselves though. They present us as these coffee and donut types and they make the establishments follow this weird code of Ontario-style country bumpkin simplicity. Then all the ads are about these Corner gas style jokes and this sort of moderately goofy Canadian humour of everything being just peachy.

I want that Timmy's in Kingston to be bombed and replaced with a convenience store and a pizza joint, so that on my fucking stopovers there on the MegAbuse I can get a god-damned man slice of pizza and some god-damned smokes.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 4:20pm. Posted in Fuck-off cheap promoters !!! (like Hexa-5).
Coolness: 77430
Originally Posted By MAD-KILOZ
Havent seen him in ages... he just had a baby..
I never had problems with him.. guess cause he's a homie.. and knew when to shut up!

Actually I meant nothing against him, he just tends to jack the mic the first chance he gets - luckily he never drowns anything out I find. He's reserved, and tends to be a good crowd-pleaser, but I find MCing such a dicey game.

But nevermind that... he really had a baby? Congratulations!
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 4:17pm. Posted in Old skool Montreal flyers from the 90s.
Coolness: 77430
Bliss, this post is amazing. Mad respect.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 4:11pm. Posted in Fuck-off cheap promoters !!! (like Hexa-5).
Coolness: 77430
The best MC ever was this guy who spat some shit over a set by Mystical Influence who was literally going:

Like a hurricane, coming in your brain, I'm insane, like a hurricane - over and over
It's gonna rain, like a hurricane, in Spain, in the muhfucking rain.

Wow, mad skills bruh.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 4:08pm. Posted in when I ask you what kind of music you like....
Coolness: 77430
Wait, what? EA phase? Are you serious raisinlove? I still love old Varese compositions, stuff by Cage and Xenakis, it's not like people stopped doing performances of it. That's like assuming people go through a classical "phase" before evolving to <whatever genre you feel is the apex of this path>.

Please don't do that. I respect that you found similarity to Matt but your post was totally condescending. You presume that your way of discovering things is correct when it's just how your personality developed! Keep that in mind...

My iPod has a bunch of songs on it. I am mainly listening to the Black Keys, Shitmat, and G-Side, some of the Jay Electronica mixtape (particularly "Voodoo Man"), Robert Johnson, and I really dig this Roberta Flack number I have on there, "Gone Away". That's all. It's a 1G iPod nano from 2005.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 4:01pm. Posted in Critisize! (constructively)!.
Coolness: 77430
It's already been done. By like, every psy promoter ever. Is that all that fits into the limited sphere of psychedelia for you? You must be getting some shitty ass acid son.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 4:00pm. Posted in Fuck-off cheap promoters !!! (like Hexa-5).
Coolness: 77430
Originally Posted By MAD-KILOZ
I used to mix DnB p ohlalalalala those MC'S abuse + don't know when to shut up!

I think I was all MC'S worst nightmare! They never got a chance to play on a whole set of mine!

I loved to tell them to turn the volume down.. I think the other dnb/jungle djs liked to have an MC cause they camoflage all those off beat or fade in fade out mixes!


How do you feel about Sacha then? I never get to choose if he's going to grab the mic it seems.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 3:59pm. Posted in Lil' Sixteenarmedjack.
Coolness: 77430
Anyways, Odie has a baby girl now, and that's just fucking amazing. She can already kick-step.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 3:56pm. Posted in Lil' Sixteenarmedjack.
Coolness: 77430
Oh yeah, it was designed by twin reptilians who are from the planet Orion where they devised a scheme to make Mark Zuckerberg somehow compartmentalize all of human thought so that they can figure out what sort of humans to eat at the underground facilities of the Montauk Project in Denver, Colorado.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 3:54pm. Posted in Fuck-off cheap promoters !!! (like Hexa-5).
Coolness: 77430
When they play "Fire" at a jungle party even once in Toronto, you're supposed to lose your shit. It's like "the Toronto anthem". That's why they would rewind it that many times. I fucking hate this song, having heard it at least 3.14*10^12 times (approximately) personally, and wish at least a few decent remixes existed, but noooo, they're all basically the same thing. In fact Prizna must be a multi-millionaire with a golden lear jet by now. That or dead in his own filth after a meth-addled bender went awry.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 3:48pm. Posted in Lil' Sixteenarmedjack.
Coolness: 77430
That's fine, but the title of the thread was "Lil' Sixteenarmedjack" not "plz haet on fb nao"
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 3:44pm. Posted in psytrance.
Coolness: 77430
For the record...

I used to be quite involved in the psy-trance/goa scene around the turn of the millenium, when it was really something else to be dropping acid and listening to complex acid lines overlapping. But it moved towards psy-tech more and more each day, and inevitably the parties would start with a lot of DJs spinning CDs by Spirallianz or something that had subtle elements of psychedelia but never built up all the way. There was an assumption that people were all on the same trip in that. The assumption that we had all started the day with chai and yoga and that we were all reading David Icke's latest fantasy about conspiracies, so with it came this assumption that we had dosed right when the significant spiritual event of the day had begun, and that we needed to listen to shitty psy-tech for hours before the headliner. Not only that but the crews running the parties would screen who they wanted at the party, usually based off of psychedelic paranoia that certain people were reptiles, or that they were in some way bad people for not wearing dayglo everything. Then the prices started going up. It was $20 to see a party with a headliner one day, then $40, then before you knew it every party was $60 on average, $100-120 for the big ones, and more like $400 when you consider the price of the druggage and emergencies at a three-day.

The thing that got to me the most was the prescribed ideology about psychedelia. My psychedelic experiences did not correlate with those prescribed. I did not believe the reptilian conspiracy shit or well, anything else by Icke (though I've read it like crazt), but if I tried to argue with my psy buds about it I always risked being shut out of the scene. Why? Arbitrarily, because they were essentially thinking like a brainwashed cult. Ok...

So my critical thinking faculties stormed in and said "hang on, what if the music itself is hypnotizing people to join a strange esoteric cult based off of some pseudo-scientific and pseudo-religious mumbo-jumbo that ultimately makes the artists shitloads of money" and it made WAY more sense than "the Pleiadians are going to come back and rescure us from the Zeta-Reticulans and Reptiles" or "we are one, and in our unity we will enter Hunab-Ku as enlightened astral-plane Mayans when the world ends in 2012".

This shit is clearly entirely based off of stupid, mass-hypnotized faith. A sort of stupid naive faith that is only experienced with your mind blown that somehow the visceral nature of the peak experience makes it true. Naivety about psychedelics is dangerous. These warnings have existed since psychedelic culture first emerged. Leary warned about fourth-circuit programming, but the psy-trance scene is all about that. R.A.Wilson reiterated these warnings in the Illuminatus! trilogy, where the fans of the JAM are all hypnotized to ignore Chthulu, and in Prometheus Rising, where he warns that the higher four circuits are hard to activate, but if they are activated by another source (case in point, cult ideology plus hypnotic music) we risk assigning god-like powers to whatever brought us there, instead of realizing we can do it ourself. This is how cults work. Burroughs' 23 trip was a warning against deliberately fixating on negatives or disasters (everyone else is a reptile, 9/11/2001 adds up to 23, etc), Crowley warned about the 333, beast of deception and hallucination, but most psyheads don't have this background in psychedelic and occult literature, unless they are a) promoters on a grand scale or b) producing the music. And Tihkal and Pihkal contain experiences of a very intelligent scientist experimenting with drugs, and never does he listen to any psy-trance or even the Grateful Dead. He went to school first. MAYBE YOU SHOULD TRY IT, PSY TRANCE. GET AN EDUCATION FIRST, THEN FUCK WITH YOUR BRAIN.

So what you have is a whole scene run by a bunch of paranoid potential geniuses who spread mass paranoia amongst a bunch of ignorant, soft-skulled and easily programmed sheep who will gladly fork out money to walk the walk, talk the talk, and do the drugs required to fit in to this fourth-circuit program. No questions asked. In fact, if too many are asked, defend this scene as much as you can. Oh and whatever you do, don't like other music than psy too much. All the programming is for nothing if you do not devote yourself to the psy-cult.

So to the psy-heads out there I say get ready for a big disappointment in 2012 when NOTHING CHANGES, ONCE AGAIN. I already know that nothing has changed or gotten crazier than GMS or Tetraktys since I dropped out of the scene, and I had Oui:R1 for neighbours for a long time, long enough to change my mind. I think you guys are generally a bunch of narcissistic navel-gazing shitheads who really need to pull your heads out of your asses and try to do something that helps somebody else other than yourselves from time to time. Because honestly, most psy people I've met are basically variations on shady con-artists whereas the hard music scenes seem to consist of more coherent, sober, well-informed, and open-minded people than I would ever meet at some fucking Eclipse party. Oh, and it's way more fun listening to VSnares on acid than some fucking bullshit by Infected Mushroom or Shakti or fucking Simon Posford sucking his own dick.

So in conclusion, TL;DR, etc... Psy is not more intelligent than the other music out there. It is narrow-minded and consists in cultish meta-programming rituals that rob your brain of its full potential for creativity, in fashion, artistic expression, philosophy and lifestyle choices. It is designed as a scene of hive-minded individuals, while it says it is against this. It is inherently capitalistic and fear-driven, rather than being about a hippie revolution or love as it claims to be. And ultimately, you are brainwashed if you are still listening to it. Psytrance is the most successful cult on the planet.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 3:09pm. Posted in fl;uck offf los chep promtoaz.
Coolness: 77430
Oh wait, I got dissed back? Anyway, Strik-IX is right, those are some immature insults.

But he still has anal warts.

Blah blah something about the disses not applying, blah blah blah I'm not into gabber really, blah blah blah I never do psychs actually... nah why bother. Anyway for any future attempts to get revenge for making U MAD, I haven't updated all the personal information on my profile since I signed up. Just so you know.

Solly, tly again.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Feb 22, 2011 @ 4:49pm. Posted in Is it just me or......
Coolness: 77430
dem blue and yellow purple pills
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Feb 22, 2011 @ 4:47pm. Posted in Lil' Sixteenarmedjack.
Coolness: 77430
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Feb 22, 2011 @ 4:03pm. Posted in Fuck-off cheap promoters !!! (like Hexa-5).
Coolness: 77430

TL;DR: Hexa-5 couldn't afford to pay a DJ for an event $20, the DJ finds that ridiculous and calls him on it. Many people agree that you should pay for talent. Somehow, in a scene where it usually costs somewhere in the thousands to decorate let alone pay for booking of the club, there are still these dudes who can't even drop a twenty on DJs.

Conclusion: Psy-trance is stupid, because the people promoting it always want to make things gaudy, but also want to play some pimp game with the door money and get mad stupid high.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Feb 22, 2011 @ 3:54pm. Posted in fl;uck offf los chep promtoaz.
Coolness: 77430
They call that team the "Stingers" totally because of Frank's tiny tiny penis. It's like a wee lil' stinger. He once ran into someone in the locker room and it got stuck in a pore.

Hey so I heard you like flamewars Neuromyth. Can I ask you something though? Do you really look like that in real life? You look like that kid who would fart all through math class and would cup his farts in his hands and eat them afterwards and totally cream his jeans eating them. We called that kid "farteater". And you know what, he didn't get laid. Until like, well no he never got laid. Unless you count that time you accidentally a bottle of coke during recess. I mean he. But you remember when you did that.

Man you know, you're not even a particularly good troll. I mean you try to do it but you mostly come across as a gigantic faggot. I mean, hating women, loving sports. You're not exactly eliminating the possibility that you're in the bear club or working on the beefcake look so that you can be a Betty Better-bottom. Only problem is people don't want to have anything to do with you, what with all the fucking ass warts. I mean, some people get some ass warts but your ass is pretty much all ass warts. Apparently half of them get torn off every time you have to take a shit so you just never shit. You had to get that colostomy bag to poop into but it got so backed up that shit started sprouting out of your face, which is why you have a moustache. Otherwise you would look like a Gerber baby on crack.

So it's alright, I mean, ass warts and a tiny penis and a shit-stache too! Holy shit man. You did not luck out. Plus you seem to look exactly like Booger from Revenge of the Nerds. I mean, to stop your rampage against the board (which by the way, you are doing in such a hurry you totally misspelled every word of this here thread) would be to take away all you have left. We don't want you to commit suicide or anything, not unless we have the camera around so we can film it, and make sure you don't pussy out.

It's totally cool if you want to kill yourself though, we won't mind. Just please tell us when and where. We all don't like you a lot so we need to have the drinking party afterwards and well, it's getting late. Come on bro. Do us all a favour. Please. For the childrens.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Feb 22, 2011 @ 3:17pm. Posted in psytrance.
Coolness: 77430

Even Germans make fun of psy trance. It's been fucking 13 years of this stuff, change it up a bit.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Feb 22, 2011 @ 3:12pm. Posted in Lil' Sixteenarmedjack.
Coolness: 77430
You heard right, Odie and Michelle had a baby. There is now a tiny sixteenarmedjack (possibly with less arms) in the world. Her name is Sadie... she's going to either grow up to hate jungle or be the baddest-ass electronic producer in the galaxy when Stepcoreflashpunk comes out in 2031.

[ www.facebook.com ]

I'm really excited for the two, this is big news! But hey look at who's in the comment thread trying to see if he can steal something... hrm.
JasonBeastly's Profile - Community Messages