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» Haha replied on Thu Sep 14, 2006 @ 12:32pm. Posted in Shooting At Dawson College.
Coolness: 41255
For all we know, he could just have been using a tripod and a timer...
» Haha replied on Thu Sep 14, 2006 @ 12:13pm. Posted in 9/11.
Coolness: 41255
Tower seven was pulled three hours after the fire started.

Watch Screw Loose Change - Not Freakin' Again edition, a video about the bullshit behind Loose Change.

And seriously, controlled demolitions go from bottom to top, not otherwise.
» Haha replied on Thu Sep 14, 2006 @ 12:05pm. Posted in the Dawson shooter profile page.
Coolness: 41255
Originally Posted By HOST_ONE
I just registered....made comments on the shmuck

Nice one at that. If you ever do find the corpse, let me know.
» Haha replied on Thu Sep 14, 2006 @ 8:14am. Posted in the Dawson shooter profile page.
Coolness: 41255
Originally Posted By ASHTRAY_G_I_R_L
jesus christ if you scroll down 3/4 of the page there the video for Lovesong by The Cure with the caption: " (what? Super Psychos fall in love too ya know!)"

the cure = the new marilyn manson

this sucks :(

Isn't The Cure like... OLD Manson? :P
» Haha replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 6:18pm. Posted in What would you do to the person ^^^ ?.
Coolness: 41255
I'd steal his greenies.
» Haha replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 3:58pm. Posted in Fusillade au collège Dawson.
Coolness: 41255
It's often been like that, through the ages. Sure sign of the fall of (a) civilization. Like Babylon, Rome, the British Empire, etc.
» Haha replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 3:57pm. Posted in Shooting At Dawson College.
Coolness: 41255
Update at 4:20 by the chief of police...

Why 4:20? That gives me green ideas... *confused*
» Haha replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 3:53pm. Posted in Fusillade au collège Dawson.
Coolness: 41255
Originally Posted By NA
I doubt it was squeegee kids...whovever it was, they were wannabee-somethings...btw, this isn't the first time this has happened in MTL (remember l'ecole polytechnique?)...

Yeah but that was different.
» Haha replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 3:42pm. Posted in Fusillade au collège Dawson.
Coolness: 41255
They watched too many nihilistic movies.

Who knows, really?
» Haha replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 3:38pm. Posted in Shooting At Dawson College.
Coolness: 41255
Originally Posted By ALIEN_ZED
the sadest thing is this stuff goes all OVER THE WORLD... but we don't care until it happens to us. It's reasons like that that people go on shooting rampages... horrible shit

but as far as gun bans, there's always a black market for illegal stuff... Makes you understand politicians, police and conservatives for once. I would be in total shock if this was a racist outcry, I thought Montreal was immune.

Mostly due to the fac that people cannot personally relate to shooting that happen, say, in Russia. And it would get a lot less coverage here... Now, when it happens in the middle of your own city, you have your friends and relatives to be worried about... makes it a lot more pressing.

However, you are right. It does happen all over the world. But then, grief is subjective.
» Haha replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 3:36pm. Posted in Fusillade au collège Dawson.
Coolness: 41255
Man, those "squeegee" kids must be making a lot of money, what with the purchase of rifles and all...
» Haha replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 3:30pm. Posted in Fusillade au collège Dawson.
Coolness: 41255
Not confirmed, obviously but student callers at 940news talk of the shooting starting in the subway-to-dawnson express tunnel.

Update » Haha wrote on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 3:30pm
Dawson, rather.
» Haha replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 3:01pm. Posted in Shooting At Dawson College.
Coolness: 41255
Originally Posted By JESSE-SAVAGE
lolz dude i listen to hip hop and i dont kill people

You are gangstacore, how can you NOT kill people?

Those are very confused youngsters...
» Haha replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 2:59pm. Posted in Shooting At Dawson College.
Coolness: 41255
Originally Posted By JESSE-SAVAGE
dude they said the were goth looking covered in piercings trench coath weraing people wo did this so i would doubt rap music has anything to do !

and everyone knows rappers just do it for style tehre wussies :P

You KNOW they listen to Papa Roach... and Papa Roach is a gateway drug, leading to Limp Bizkit, to Redman and then to full-blown Hip Hop.

Update » Haha wrote on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 3:00pm
I blame that mockumentary (what's the term, now? Docudrama?), Zero Day.
» Haha replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 2:57pm. Posted in What would you do to the person ^^^ ?.
Coolness: 41255
Kick him where it counts for writing all in caps (conspitational... conspiracy.)
» Haha replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 2:54pm. Posted in Shooting At Dawson College.
Coolness: 41255
GTA, Manson, Devils' Rejects, Rap! A Christmas Story! Damn them all!
» Haha replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 2:53pm. Posted in Fusillade au collège Dawson.
Coolness: 41255
Originally Posted By BA_BARACUS
Selon des t�moins, jusqu'� 4 individus se seraient pr�sent�s arm�s � l'�cole. Selon des sources du gouvernement, un des suspects aurait �t� abattu par les policiers. Un autre suspect se serait suicid�. Un troisi�me suspect serait toujours � l'int�rieur de l'�tablissement.

Une deuxi�me fusillade aurait eu lieu quelques minutes plus tard � l'ext�rieur du coll�ge. Un ou plusieurs suspects auraient ouvert le feu sur la foule au square Westmount.

940news affirme que la fusillade a commencé avant Dawson et c'est pour ca que la police est arrivée aussi rapidement.
» Haha replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 2:52pm. Posted in Shooting At Dawson College.
Coolness: 41255
Originally Posted By JESSE-SAVAGE
deu gnus are easy to have ma roomate are millitary and they have air soft version of m-16 it woudl be easy to change the mechannism to put bullets in it i am sure

I do too (have a BB gun). And it IS godamn easy to switch some parts (provided they are gas-powered). And illegally-acquired firearms are way too easy to get as well.
» Haha replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 2:50pm. Posted in Fusillade au collège Dawson.
Coolness: 41255
940news also has a live coverage right now.
» Haha replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 2:23pm. Posted in Fusillade au collège Dawson.
Coolness: 41255
Confirmed. Two dead.
» Haha replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 2:22pm. Posted in Fusillade au collège Dawson.
Coolness: 41255
Two unconfirmed deaths so far.
» Haha replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 12:55pm. Posted in What would you do to the person ^^^ ?.
Coolness: 41255
Smack him for trying to sound conspirational.
» Haha replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 12:54pm. Posted in Beliefs.
Coolness: 41255
I believe in making my mark in History.

It's pretty much the only thing keeping me from complete nihilism.
» Haha replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 12:50pm. Posted in Iran was behind Hezbollah-Israel war.
Coolness: 41255
I got it from Asimov's laws but even if I follow your wikipedia article, it says Jack Williamson's The Humanoids used "Prime Directive" before Star Trek.

And it's been common use since then... I mean, as your article shows, even Robocop uses prime directives..
» Haha replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 9:55am. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 41255
That Weird Al "White and Nerdy" song that Screwhead posted a few days ago...
» Haha replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 9:53am. Posted in Iran was behind Hezbollah-Israel war.
Coolness: 41255
I knew what a Prime Directive was. I didn;t need Star Trek to tell me that.
» Haha replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 9:09am. Posted in Iran was behind Hezbollah-Israel war.
Coolness: 41255
All I remember from Star Trek is the combat between Kirk and Spock.

And that Jeffrey Combs was the first actor (in Star Trek) to portray two different roles in the same episode.

Never been a fan.
» Haha replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 8:13am. Posted in Iran was behind Hezbollah-Israel war.
Coolness: 41255
I won't say that I don't agree with you. So, I agree with you: we have no right to tell their nation how to run itself.

The problem with "leaving them alone" to their own ideals and customs is they when they come to your country, they bring those ideals and customs and expect you to live up to them. Which I disagree with. I'm all for cultural diversity, so long as it does not harm me and mine physically and intellectually (as in, bringing in a ceremonial knife to elementary school kind of thing).
» Haha replied on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 12:04am. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 41255
Cuz of the surreal art, yo!
» Haha replied on Tue Sep 12, 2006 @ 10:05pm. Posted in Powerfailure?.
Coolness: 41255
I fell asleep at my desk at 2:55pm.
» Haha replied on Tue Sep 12, 2006 @ 10:04pm. Posted in is 19 too young?.
Coolness: 41255
Screw that. As long as she is legit, go with the "maturity compatibility". Don't date someone too immature or too mature. Age is not important. I've seen an 18 year old date a 35 year old with two kids. She's like 21-22 now and they're still together because she was waaay mature for her age and he was quite young for his.

WHen I was seventeen, I was going out with a twenty three year old. Now that I'm twenty-five, I'm going out with a nineteen year-old. Who cares?

Maturity really is what will make or kill the relationship. As long as you're on the same level. If not, don't take the relationship too seriously. If she does... break it to her nicely.
» Haha replied on Tue Sep 12, 2006 @ 2:53pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 41255
Cuz her icon is the right kind of insane.
» Haha replied on Tue Sep 12, 2006 @ 2:51pm. Posted in 'War on terror' loses clear direction.
Coolness: 41255
There's no better baby food than baby food. You know. Baby roast, baby loaf, baby ribs.

I want my baby back baby back baby back ribs!
» Haha replied on Tue Sep 12, 2006 @ 8:13am. Posted in 'War on terror' loses clear direction.
Coolness: 41255
War is also medecine and technology!
It's science!

Are all wars terrorism? What about the defending side?
» Haha replied on Tue Sep 12, 2006 @ 8:12am. Posted in Iran was behind Hezbollah-Israel war.
Coolness: 41255
See, basdini, I agree with you up to a certain point.

When my muslim manager (at store I won't mention) told me that he would beat his wife if she looked at a non-muslim man... while he desesperately tried to seduce my own girlfriend in the process (whom he thought she was of Arab descent)... Now, I realize that the guy was an asshole by himself and not necessarily representing of his entire religion.

Nevertheless, when he and the assistant manager would take their Friday afternoons off to go to the Mosque while still being paid by the distric manager (they just never told him they were going)... it left a sour taste in my mouth. I quit pretty much during the Ramadan, when the guy threatened to fire me because I was wearing body spray and it's against his religion during the Ramadan to smell perfumes... Like I knew...

It just gives his religion a bad light.

However, except for the free Mosque trips, the assistant manager is one of the smartest men I know and will freely explain his religious beliefs while accepting that you might not agree with them. Hell of a cool guy and made the work all the much better.

As far as the "I'm the only intelligent person none of you know what the fuck you're talking about" part, however, I'd have to say that insulting the last 10-15 posts withtout a supportive arguement, to then add a patronizing point of view ("shut the fuck up, it's not your country, ask a muslim") goes along the same arrogant way.
» Haha replied on Mon Sep 11, 2006 @ 3:54pm. Posted in Bush on CBS Evening News.
Coolness: 41255
Yes, I guess so.

Spoiled little chimp... er.. brat.
» Haha replied on Mon Sep 11, 2006 @ 3:45pm. Posted in Bush on CBS Evening News.
Coolness: 41255
Okay, let's say he IS dumb and evil, and that someone pulls the strings behind.

Doesn't change the fact that there is an intelligent, malicious source behind it all. Even if Bush Jr. is the Emperor and Rove the Shogun, the empire is still at war. Bush seems to be having way too much fun to be a fancy little maleable puppet, in my opinion.

But sadly, we will never know.
» Haha replied on Mon Sep 11, 2006 @ 3:42pm. Posted in Iran was behind Hezbollah-Israel war.
Coolness: 41255
Dude. "My nabe is niner"
» Haha replied on Mon Sep 11, 2006 @ 2:52pm. Posted in Iran was behind Hezbollah-Israel war.
Coolness: 41255
I thought you were misinformed. You're just an idiot.

Your own quote: "It's not as if it was never illegal to be christian, it was illegla for a very very long time." About you read the stuff you write before making a fool of yourself?

It was technically illegal during the reign of King Herod but that changed during the following hundreds of years due to the increase of followers.

And the funny thing is, Pagans started being hunted by pagans who wanted other people to shut the fuck up before people start linking Mithra with Jesus and so forth. I mean... for Christ's sake... The first of the four books of the new testament was written two generations after Jesus' death.

Of course Salem is in North America. Nobody argued about that. We argued about your claim that Christianity was illegal. You're either stupid, stoned or your suffer from poor sentence structures.

Good thins is, two of those three can be remedied. There is hope for you yet.
» Haha replied on Mon Sep 11, 2006 @ 2:33pm. Posted in Bush on CBS Evening News.
Coolness: 41255
I'm not claiming that he is the Einstein of politics. I don't think he's a Forest Gump either. He HAS had a lot of help. But I don't think that this situation is totally out of control.

I mean, he bullshits his way through any interview and though he looks incredibly stupid, an incredible lot of people are still swayed by his answers. Republicans, mostly but many nonetheless.
Haha's Profile - Community Messages