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» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Fri Apr 4, 2008 @ 1:19pm. Posted in 14 year old gives birth in school bathroom, flushes newborn in toilet.
Coolness: 30960
if you're referring to some muslim 3rd world country, then yes.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Fri Apr 4, 2008 @ 1:18pm. Posted in Parents of dead Wisconsin girl tried to treat diabetes with prayer.
Coolness: 30960
Science: it fucking proves god doesn't exist.

this topic is another valid proof that shows us religion should be abolished.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Fri Apr 4, 2008 @ 9:26am. Posted in 99.9 % Human - 0.1% Animal: Embryo Lives For 3 Days.
Coolness: 30960
[ www.news.com.au ]

» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Fri Apr 4, 2008 @ 9:19am. Posted in Sont gets suid for PIRACY.
Coolness: 30960
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Fri Apr 4, 2008 @ 9:18am. Posted in 14 year old gives birth in school bathroom, flushes newborn in toilet.
Coolness: 30960
Originally Posted By LYNZYN
circunsize her!!!!Cut off her clit so she has no recriational sex that will feel good ever again and take out her uterus so she can never have children again....

I am Ethnic Cleanser and I approve this message!
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Thu Apr 3, 2008 @ 8:27pm. Posted in 14 year old gives birth in school bathroom, flushes newborn in toilet.
Coolness: 30960
more like it sucks to be fat and dumb americans.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Thu Apr 3, 2008 @ 8:04pm. Posted in 14 year old gives birth in school bathroom, flushes newborn in toilet.
Coolness: 30960
Oh... i guess that makes perfect sense.
I mean who DOESN'T wanna carry around some extra stomach weight around with them.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Thu Apr 3, 2008 @ 8:03pm. Posted in Transgender Man is Pregnant.
Coolness: 30960
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Thu Apr 3, 2008 @ 8:01pm. Posted in 14 year old gives birth in school bathroom, flushes newborn in toilet.
Coolness: 30960
but then why would she flush her baby down the toilet.
shit doesn't add up, you're only trying to come up with the most unrealistic scenarious to piss me off. FUCK YOU!
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Thu Apr 3, 2008 @ 7:27pm. Posted in Bush calls Roumania "neighboor"(vid).
Coolness: 30960
Quite frankly I'm surprised how someone like bush can even get a masters degree in business administration and then bankrupt his father's oiling company.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Thu Apr 3, 2008 @ 7:17pm. Posted in Transgender Man is Pregnant.
Coolness: 30960
Originally Posted By DRGONZO
Who knows.. At least he'll always have a huge clit.

that reminds me of a certain someone.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Thu Apr 3, 2008 @ 7:15pm. Posted in 14 year old gives birth in school bathroom, flushes newborn in toilet.
Coolness: 30960
having sex for recreational purposes? I think so...
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Thu Apr 3, 2008 @ 5:43pm. Posted in Transgender Man is Pregnant.
Coolness: 30960
yes but the irony is that "he" has nothing to beat.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Thu Apr 3, 2008 @ 5:42pm. Posted in 14 year old gives birth in school bathroom, flushes newborn in toilet.
Coolness: 30960
Originally Posted By DRGONZO
Originally Posted By Ethnic_Cleanser
it is not the word of god.

It's the act of God.

Haven't you learned anything about the bible? sex is evil and is the forbidden apple you're not allowed to have.
You're not allowed to have it unless you're married, and when you actually have, it can't be recreational, ONLY for reproductive purposes.

wait until they find out god isn't real and religion is made of lies.
and that all those STDs and abortions could have been avoided with sex ed.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Thu Apr 3, 2008 @ 5:34pm. Posted in 14 year old gives birth in school bathroom, flushes newborn in toilet.
Coolness: 30960
This probably has nothing to do with the fact that texas has no sex ed classes, and is also #1 when it comes to STDs rates IN THE WHOLE COUNTRY. Reason? Religion. Texans believe sex ed is wrong because it is not the word of god.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Thu Apr 3, 2008 @ 5:29pm. Posted in Transgender Man is Pregnant.
Coolness: 30960
Beatie? wtf kind of guy calls himself beatie?!
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Thu Apr 3, 2008 @ 3:01pm. Posted in 14 year old gives birth in school bathroom, flushes newborn in toilet.
Coolness: 30960
How about cut her head off, rape her esophagus, and then get someone with AIDS to pee in her butt.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Thu Apr 3, 2008 @ 12:28pm. Posted in 14 year old gives birth in school bathroom, flushes newborn in toilet.
Coolness: 30960
What about pus? can you squirt juicy AIDS infested pus?
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Thu Apr 3, 2008 @ 12:15pm. Posted in 14 year old gives birth in school bathroom, flushes newborn in toilet.
Coolness: 30960
Originally Posted By DRGONZO
Originally Posted By Ethnic_Cleanser
But then who would even have sex with an obese 14 year old?

I would.

I take it you can squirt semen out of your 42 year old pedo vagina eh?
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Thu Apr 3, 2008 @ 11:30am. Posted in 14 year old gives birth in school bathroom, flushes newborn in toilet.
Coolness: 30960
But then who would even have sex with an obese 14 year old?
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Thu Apr 3, 2008 @ 10:53am. Posted in 14 year old gives birth in school bathroom, flushes newborn in toilet.
Coolness: 30960
yea how the FUCK did parents not notice a huge stomach appear on their daughter?
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Thu Apr 3, 2008 @ 10:39am. Posted in 14 year old gives birth in school bathroom, flushes newborn in toilet.
Coolness: 30960
I would be too when I were to handle a dead baby corpse "beautifully".
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Thu Apr 3, 2008 @ 10:38am. Posted in Bush calls Roumania "neighboor"(vid).
Coolness: 30960
[ www.reuters.com ]

I know its not news that he has a speech impediment, and he's really dumb.
But just for laughs.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Thu Apr 3, 2008 @ 9:05am. Posted in 14 year old gives birth in school bathroom, flushes newborn in toilet.
Coolness: 30960

[ www.click2houston.com ]

the dumb bitch should be fucking shot.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Thu Apr 3, 2008 @ 9:02am. Posted in Music file 1000 times smaller than MP3.
Coolness: 30960
[ www.rochester.edu ]

The idea isn't new, and should have been done way before.
Also I wouldn't really call it compression, more like reproduction of music. This works exactly the same way as a midi file, except with more details. Instead of changing the bit rate of the file, they encrypt the musical notes and cords in that file kind of like a tabs sheet.
All the sounds are stored in a database on the hard drive. So I wonder how big the size of the database required to play these files will be.

this probably has some interesting potential for a new generation mp3 device.
but those 80gb ipods still take for ever to fill up.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Wed Apr 2, 2008 @ 1:01pm. Posted in Banned film about the Koran leaked to the internet.
Coolness: 30960
If you're wondering what my medicine of choice is, I'd go either with indoor or outdoor jack herer.
The outdoor kind is of a faded golden brownish color and it's extremely smooth when incinerated. Barely looks like grass at all.
The indoor stuff is obviously more potent given the constant photosynthesis that the plant is put through throughout it's growth process.
It has a bit more green than the other kind but it should still have a lot of golden brown hairs on it(more than your average m39).

You should expect to pay around 2500/lb for the indoor. 2600 is kind of stretching it, lowest you'll ever pay for it is 2300 if you have good connections.
It's a bit on the expensive side, but trust me it's a quality product.

smoke pot and cure the world!
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Wed Apr 2, 2008 @ 9:11am. Posted in Sont gets suid for PIRACY.
Coolness: 30960
dude... you're getting a dell!

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» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Wed Apr 2, 2008 @ 7:44am. Posted in Sont gets suid for PIRACY.
Coolness: 30960
Your opinion has much value.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Tue Apr 1, 2008 @ 11:10pm. Posted in Sont gets suid for PIRACY.
Coolness: 30960
I think it's sad.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Tue Apr 1, 2008 @ 9:49pm. Posted in Sont gets suid for PIRACY.
Coolness: 30960
is this the first time you guys saw a dumb spelling mistake?

Too bad this site doesn't have an edit function... that works.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Tue Apr 1, 2008 @ 6:36pm. Posted in Sont gets suid for PIRACY.
Coolness: 30960
[ arstechnica.com ]

serves them right.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Tue Apr 1, 2008 @ 5:38pm. Posted in Banned film about the Koran leaked to the internet.
Coolness: 30960
Originally Posted By DRGONZO
*derails subject some more*

Hey... look at the bright side, at least you're not a shitty troll
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Tue Apr 1, 2008 @ 5:00pm. Posted in Banned film about the Koran leaked to the internet.
Coolness: 30960
No, trolling is what you do when you're simply not able to retort in an intelligent manner, in addition to being bored at work.
Generally trolls will attempt to bring you down to their own level by bringing irrelevant and often idiotic points into the conversation in hopes of derailing the topic or aggravating their prey. Shitty trolls are more apparent than autistic retards acting retarded in public.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Tue Apr 1, 2008 @ 4:35pm. Posted in Banned film about the Koran leaked to the internet.
Coolness: 30960
Trolling is the cool thing to do when your cerebral capacity doesn't have what it takes to retort.
But if there is someone out there who would like to argue my ideas, please feel free to.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Tue Apr 1, 2008 @ 3:12pm. Posted in Banned film about the Koran leaked to the internet.
Coolness: 30960
Hello everyone my name is Igor. I am new to this site and this is my first post, so I will make it a memorable one.

I have been keeping track of this film before and after it's release, I have also taken into account how muslims regard this short film as "offensive". Which is funny because, to say the least, all the footage in fitna is not comprised of sketches or reenactments, all of it was real life. So if muslims find this film offensive then it is safe to assume that they find their own religious beliefs offensive(according to well established facts and this reuters video: [ www.reuters.com ]

Islam is definitely NOT a religion of peace. The way muslims picture peace is if the whole world submits to allah, only then the whole world will descend into a state of tranquility and bliss. I would beg to differ, because if you're a homosexual, then you'd probably be hanged, or if you're a woman, in that case your genitalia will be mutilated so that you won't be able to feel orgasms and you will be forced into practical slavery for the rest of your life, if your muslim husband won't hack your head off your shoulders because he say you speaking to another man(lets suppose a passer by asking for directions), then you will probably very slowly die of some sexually transmitted disease your loving husband gave you in a third world country that has barely any care for it's people. Theres tons of other injustices found in the koran that I will not bother naming, but these 2 examples should give you a clear idea of what the koran is all about. But to further enlighten you, I will have you know that the majority of the stories in the koran are negative, there are positive ones, but unfortunately the koran lists all the stories not in their respective chronological order but starting from longest to the shortest. Longest being concentrated on all the counts that encourages muslims to kill infidels(anyone who is not a muslim!) and the positive ones talking about heaven after they've commited jihad. Also telling the parents of jihadists to be happy given the *fact* that their offspring is in heaven.

With that being said, islam is like a cancer, it's only purpose is to spread and colonize the host body.
There are 2 types of muslims, the bad kind, the ones who want to live peacefully among other cultures and religions without trying to enforce the word of allah onto others, and there are the *good* kind who follow the "teachings" of the koran and blow themselves up. Unfortunately the majority of muslims are good, and are ready to strike down anyone who does not share their beliefs in spirit of their prophet mohammad.

If islam did not exist, we would all be living in a safer place. Whoever disagrees with this idea is an islamist extremist terrorist and should be wiped off the face of the earth to prove this theory correct. Hell, abolish ALL of religion just to be fair with muslims. I have done thorough research in regards to religion in general and I have come to the conclusion that ALL OF IT is made of LIES and spread by propaganda. There is no word of god, as far as I'm concerned there is no god at all. There is just men using the idea of god to kill and oppress other men. Let's face it, religion is the root of all evil. Whether you're muslim, chritian, or a jew... the people of your religion have without a doubt used it's word negative in negative ways. Because that is the nature of men and there is no denying it. Absolute power corrupts absolutely: Hitler and Stalin are a set of fine examples to support this claim.

Now to further expand the idea that god does not exist(or if he did exist he probably wouldn't even know you existed, let alone care to instruct you on how to live your life) let's consider the size of our cosmos. Whenever somebody is looking through a telescope into space at a far away galaxy, they are looking BACK IN TIME. Because those galaxies are(were) billions or even trillions of light years away from ours. A light year is a year spent traveling at the speed of light. The speed of light is equivalent 299 792 458 MILES per SECOND.There are 31 556 926 seconds in a year. that comes to 946 052 841 264 108 miles in one year. Multiply that number by billions or trillions of years that and you still will not have any idea how far they are. This concept is pretty difficult to grasp at first, but the far off galaxies you're looking at through the telescope no longer exist. All the stars that emitted the light that you are seeing today, have long been sucked up into a blackhole and converted into a dense state of nothingness, or maybe transported to another point in space and time through the 4th dimension. This is something we may never find out, unlike the existence(or lack of) of god.

So now that you have acquired a better understanding just how mindblowingly huge the space is, we can finally move on to the idea of other intelligent life forms spread across countless planets gravitationally locked into numberless galaxies throughout the grandness the cosmos. Men is NOT the only intelligent life form in the universe. We have no clear evidence of other life as of now(however rare they may be), but we have very strong evidence that suggests it does exist. The biggest proof being ourselves. We humans are not fallouts from the garden of eden or images of god. We are products of millions of years of evolution and natural selection. Our planet, our sun, we, and everything we know came from space. We are build of atoms that binded with each other to create other kinds of atoms(elements) which in turn binded to create molecules and that is the origin of life. Now the question here is, do the other people who live on other planets, believe in the same gods as we do, or did their courses of history abolished religion because they realized it's dangers. I would be led to believe so when we take into account that there are millions of other galaxies which formed billions of years before ours. Some civilizations have undoubtedly reached their evolutionary peak and understood that all we have is this conscious life that we are living right now. Past that there is nothing else, oblivion. This idea disputes every single religion and fortunately can be backed up with scietifical facts, unlike the religious counterpart which relies on beliefs of a book that has been written by hostile power hungry men who claimed to be prophets.

BLASPHEMY! They were not prophets: mohammad, moses and jesus(and all the others) are propaganda selling low life liars who used bribery and drugs to force people into following them in their crusades for power. Now centuries later, and uncounted deaths of innocent people, our planet is STILL plagued with the cancer that is religion. Eating away at our life source every single day. All I wanna know is how long until some jihadi resistance group aqcuires a nuclear weapon and blows our tiny pale blue dot out of it's existence in the name of a none existent god. there is no doubt in my mind this WILL happen one day when a some muslim terrorist warlord realizes that he cannot make the whole world accept allah. In his very ignorant mind, he thinks he'll be going to heaven and savoring some very fine mutilated virgin vaginas for "liberating" infidels.
Ethnic_Cleanser's Profile - Community Messages