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» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Wed Apr 9, 2008 @ 12:49pm. Posted in Muslim grave desecrated in France(vid).
Coolness: 30980
Originally Posted By GLANDITH
Originally Posted By Ethnic_Cleanser
The jews didn't die because of hitler... they died BECAUSE OF RELIGION. If there was no religion, there would be no jew, christian or a muslim, we would all be the same. SO therefore hitler would not have grounds to discriminate the jews because they would be just like anyone else.

Right, like all the other groups persecuted and killed by the Nazis: homosexuals, the handicapped, gypsies, POWs, the Polish, black people, and just about any other group that didn't fit the Aryan bill. Their deaths are numbered in the millions.

Well homophobia is undeniably the product of religion. The others, as far as I'm concerned were an direct consequence of religion in some way or another. SO no matter how you're looking at this, I can pin religion on every single problem in the world other than AIDS.

but dude religion is not the root of all evil, so many more of the worlds problems can be pinned down inequity and relations of dominance by a group of people over another (ie the industrialized 1st world vs the developing 3rd world) if you really want to solve some of the most pressing problems then you should be trying to make sure that everyone one earth has access to clean water, food, and shelter, and other basic necessities of life like health care and education. That's a lot harder i guess than calously and senslessly attacking a religion that has members numbering 1/6 th of humanity, that your not a part of that you have nothing to do with and know nothing about. You would actually have to get up off your ass and do something rather than just trying to antagonizing people with your intellectualy bankrupt ideas.

Well maybe if RELIGION didn't slow down sociocultural development in 3rd world countries, maybe there would be no need for people like me to have to worry about drinkable water in africa, where 35,000 africans die from dehydration A DAY! maybe if religion didn't exist, we wouldn't have palestinians and israelis, but a one nation that is not ethnically separated and encouraged to hate one another. But trust me, I am doing what I can to help the cause and fight religion. If you think arguing with braindead religious retards is easy, I assure you it is anything but!

every fucking authoritarian movement in 20th century had the same goals as you, make people the same no religion no ethnicity no divergence of political creed, and they all end the same way, with cocentration camps, gulags, secret police, and loss of individuality in collectivism. Difference isn't something to be eliminated it's something to be cherished and celebrated.

Oh really? name me some authoritarian figures that have tried to abolish religion, to achieve global peace. I don't think you fully understand the goal of my intentions. I once again must explain that I do not tolerate violence, like islam for instance. Have you ever been at CHOP CHOP SQUARE?! where they behead people for minor crimes, and in some cases joke crimes?(ie sodomy). That is what I am trying to fight. Not by blowing myself up, but my speaking and discussing ideas. I'm not by all means not trying to eliminate difference. You're assuming too much. I'm attempting to eliminate RELIGION, and religion does not necessarily equate to difference. what religion stands for is if you're different, you must have different beliefs, but your beliefs are the true ones in your items, which automatically disregards the other person's ideas.

Which brings me to my next point. I don't think you understood the ****ing point I made copying your post!
You function exactly the same way as you described when you're religious. And trust me I would fucking know, because I went to a private religious highschool and I was raised in a religious family, but I have come to my own conclusions about the answers the bible provided to me. It provided me as you said, and I quote "very little in the way of evidence or argument, and a lot in terms of rhetoric and disingenuous strong arm tactics.".

don't worry motherfucker, there will always be people like me to oppose people like you, and i will die to prevent you from getting what you want.

Yes you're probably thinking of assassinating me right now.
But know this, that people like me are ready to give their lives for their cause. In the future when religion is abolished, the future generations will see US as martyrs who died fighting religion, and not those who killed them with a suicide bomb. So if muslims are ready to give 10 of their lives for 1 of us, I guess that's what they're worth.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Wed Apr 9, 2008 @ 9:25am. Posted in Muslim grave desecrated in France(vid).
Coolness: 30980
so you're into peanuts then, but what gives you the idea that my nuts are older than your ovaries?
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Wed Apr 9, 2008 @ 9:10am. Posted in Muslim grave desecrated in France(vid).
Coolness: 30980
peanuts? what are you fucking 4 years old?
suck my nuts
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Wed Apr 9, 2008 @ 8:58am. Posted in Baby with two faces worshipped as Hindu god.
Coolness: 30980
Originally Posted By CEDRIC
Ethnic_Cleanser:comment les indiens seraient plus victime de leur karma qu'un autre pleuple???explique donc ta petite theorie nazionne s.v.p,au lieu de balancer des conneries de meme,sans une ostie d'explication.

sorry but i dont speak retarded french
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Wed Apr 9, 2008 @ 8:56am. Posted in Sont gets suid for PIRACY.
Coolness: 30980
Originally Posted By CEDRIC
calisse yé partout pis yé toujours cave lui.

NO U idiot
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Wed Apr 9, 2008 @ 8:56am. Posted in 99.9 % Human - 0.1% Animal: Embryo Lives For 3 Days.
Coolness: 30980
Originally Posted By CEDRIC
pis toi t'en était surment un......t'es la preuve qu'il ne faut pas jouer avec la science.lol


reading such dumbassery burns my eyes
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Wed Apr 9, 2008 @ 8:55am. Posted in Music file 1000 times smaller than MP3.
Coolness: 30980
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Wed Apr 9, 2008 @ 8:49am. Posted in Muslim grave desecrated in France(vid).
Coolness: 30980
Originally Posted By MOONDANCER
Originally Posted By Ethnic_Cleanser How about you get out of under the rock that you've been living all this time and realize that islam is the greatest threat to man kind, I'm just returning the favor in a none violent way.

That's what Hitler said abotu the jews. It's amazing how you try to turn the blame the other way. You are the one here trying to incite WW3 and you're saying this is what you want to prevent. You encourage the desecration of muslim graves why? Is this your idea of avoiding WW3? You have no interest in our security, you are only interested in carrying out your own personal sense of justice. You see them as worthy of some kind of revenge. You have no game plan besides hurting people. Also it seems strangely convenient that someone who believes in ethnic cleansing takes a stance against relgion. All the poorest most torn apart and desperate peoples are also the most religious and what do you know, coloured.

I believe we should have the right to believe whatever we want. You have the right to be racist. What bothers me is you come here with all that as if this were some kind of safe haven for people like you. Your ideas against religon may support the stance of a few people here but no one here is like you. My own personal sense of justice tells me to stand up for the honour of all the millions of jews who died and germans shamed by the symbols you so proudly display for what you say is simply to provoke us. How self-important can you be? First of all I don't believe that's your reason, cause no one is that stupid to take so muhc credit away from their cause and if that is the case and that is the only reason why.. you still deserve to be beaten to a pulp for borrowing something from another culture and situation you don't understand and have no right to judge. Jews came here to canada to get away from all that, no one deserves to see this shit. It's nto just abotu them either, it's for every ethnicity you believe the world would be better withough. Between you and them I stand by them. I think it's dangerous to convey the idea that racism is socially acceptable, too many would be tempted to hate and spread hate. Being tolerant to you would be a danger to my culture. People like you should be made examples if you ask me. Yes, intolerant isn't it? I guess I'm just treating intolerance with more intolerance, ya know.

I think its sad that you're comparing me to hitler. It's like, you live in bizaro world, where everything including your ideas is upside down. I'm not blaming anyone for anything here, I am bringing forth the idea that religion is the root of all evil. How the **** am I inciting ww3? you're either really fucking dumb or just ignorant beyond all recognition. I DO NOT SUPPORT VIOLENCE OR INTIMIDATION. accusing me without evidence makes you look dumber than you already are.I'm sure if I was encouraging desecration of nazi graves you wouldn't mind it. MY idea of avoiding ww3 is achieving peace between all the nations of the world. But what close minded people like you fail to realize is that peace cannot coexist with religion. especially not the muslim religion, because islam is a religion of WAR. I have no interest in your security as an individual, but I believe in securing the future generations from the evils of religion. My plan is to plant the seeds of knowledge in a society filled with ignorant fools like yourself. What is strangely convenient is how people claim not to be racist and discriminatory, but they are judging my beliefs based on my username and pic. THAT is the true nature of racism. All the poorest and most torn apart countries are like so BECAUSE of religion. I don't know why color is even a factor. I guess it's there to provide further proof that you're racist.

What I believe is that we should not have to worry about our safety when we're on a bus with a facing a a muslim who looks nervous, like he's about to die. Whatever racist people want to make you believe, YOU DO NOT have the right to be racist, and just because you are, its NOT ok to be. There is no safe heaven for people like me, there is only a lot of tough arguments versus dumbed down sheep of our society who think just because something is there, it has to be. The jews didn't die because of hitler... they died BECAUSE OF RELIGION. If there was no religion, there would be no jew, christian or a muslim, we would all be the same. SO therefore hitler would not have grounds to discriminate the jews because they would be just like anyone else. And then you come off saying that I'm supposed to be beaten because my ideas differ yours? you're no better than hitler. I think I understand the concept of religion just a bit better than you do, and most people combined on this forum for that matter. That is why I have formulated my own ideas and beliefs, because I know not only MORE but I know the TRUTH about religion. The world should have no ethnicity, we should all be human beings, not jews or muslims. when that is true, all the conflicts of the world would cease to exist. Frankly I am disgusted by how you're fighting for a cause that you have NO UNDERSTANDING of.

if the scientific atheist position is indeed so compelling why are there still religious people in the world? Scientific atheism has been around for about 500 years why hasn't it done it's job and gotten rid of religion all together? The fact is, it's not nearly as compelling as atheists argue it to be, it leaves serious questions un answered concerning morallity and justice, but other things as well like beauty and the meaning and value of human existance.

Because religion is a brainwashing machine that has been ticking throughout centuries. This just shows how dangerously ignorant it makes people. Like I said previously, science vs religion is the equivelent of fact vs fiction. The answers science offers are verifiable FACTS, religion on the other hand, consists of religious lies and fairy tales. It is truly sad that not many people can see past these lies.

in a trully free and pluralistic society we would put scientific atheism and spiritual perspectives on the market place of ideas and see if one triumphs over the other, in the sense that gradually one of them would possibly be favored by the majority of people over the other.

wait are you saying the popular vote decides whats true and whats not?

anyone who choses a spiritual perspective of the world is being brainwashed, or not thinking clearly. I think it's funny the way that if you disagree with the atheist position your being irrational (in their opinion), there can be only one perspective, theirs, am i the only one who see's this as form intellectual totallitarianism? On top of everything (as we have gone over on countless occassions on this message board) the atheist position is founded neither on logical mathematical proof derived from axioms, nor empirical observation and experimentation, so what is it based on? The answer...very little in the way of evidence or argument, and a lot in terms of rhetoric and disingenious strong arm tactics. The answer i get from atheists when pressed on this point is something along the lines of "Well...It's obvious, god doesn't exist". I can't be the only one who sees this for what really is, can I? As far as the atheist is concerned anyone who supports the atheist position is a loyal devotee and anyone who disagrees (even the slightest of derivations) is heretic.

anyone who choses a scientifical perspective of the world is being brainwashed, or not thinking clearly. I think it's funny the way that if you disagree with the religious position you're being irrational (in their opinion), there can be only one perspective, theirs, am i the only one who see's this as form intellectual totallitarianism? On top of everything (as we have gone over on countless occassions on this message board) the religious position is founded neither on logical mathematical proof derived from axioms, nor empirical observation and experimentation, so what is it based on? The answer...very little in the way of evidence or argument, and a lot in terms of rhetoric and disingenious strong arm tactics. The answer i get from religious people when pressed on this point is something along the lines of "Well...It's obvious, god did it". I can't be the only one who sees this for what really is, can I? As far as the muslim is concerned anyone who supports the islam position is a loyal devotee and anyone who disagrees (even the slightest of derivations) is heretic.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 10:45am. Posted in In this topic: the proof of other intelligent life in space.
Coolness: 30980
I got news for you, hitman the movie sucked balls.

The first original hitman game was the best in the series.

but anyway, to answer your question. YES! you figured me out, dammit man you can read me like an open book.
you just dont realize that no publicity is bad publicity. even IF its bad.

FUCK PLUR. My ideas are REPRESENT peace love union and respect.
Because if we're talking about respect, we simultaneously have dis-respect in contrast.

The idea of respect comes from the origin that you have admiration, mutual agreement and trust with another party.
And when one of the parties ceases to keep it's interests in reflection to yours, there is a mutual disagreement between you and respect can no longer be maintained. That closely reflects my views on a lot of things. Including religion.

So I hope now you understand, that I'm not trying to hate on people, I'm just a messenger of peace, with a controversial username.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 10:23am. Posted in Muslim grave desecrated in France(vid).
Coolness: 30980
Originally Posted By GLANDITH
Nice sidestepping there. Either you totally missed the point in what PoiSoNeD_CaNdY said or you chose to do so. I'd bet on the latter. Whether your intolerance is motivated or not, the fact remains that it's still intolerance. Not acknowledging this is just hypocritical of you. You are intolerant.

Well, maybe this sounds totally crazy and just outrageous, but I'm fighting intolerance with intolerance.
If muslims do not tolerate existence of other religions and beliefs, then they should expect NO LESS from others.

And according to the koran they cannot coexist in a world with other beliefs. The main purpose of islam is to spread like a cancer, spewing the faulty and outdated ideological beliefs through propaganda. And that results in violence. If you want to stand by and watch another epoch of nazi fascism, that's fine, but please don't criticize me if I'm trying to raise awareness on this very important issue.

If you want my advice as a surgeon, I'd cut out the cancer first and then get plastic surgery.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 8:51am. Posted in Baby with two faces worshipped as Hindu god.
Coolness: 30980
I think it's karma
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 8:00am. Posted in Muslim grave desecrated in France(vid).
Coolness: 30980
I behead, mutilate women, hang homosexuals, and blow myself up in public in the name of a god that doesn't exist? is that what you're trying to say? Because that would be the same fashion as islam. You clearly need a reality check on the situation. The reason why I'm so hostile towards muslims is because the nature of their religion is hostile in itself. How about you get out of under the rock that you've been living all this time and realize that islam is the greatest threat to man kind, I'm just returning the favor in a none violent way.

I'm all for abolishing religion altogether, it's just that islam is my primary target.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 10:58pm. Posted in In this topic: the proof of other intelligent life in space.
Coolness: 30980
oh hi no one
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 10:58pm. Posted in Be A Hero!.
Coolness: 30980
LOL, it's funny how that guy is wearing glasses when he's playing the heavy metal bit.
Gosh this is even worse than guitar hero.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 10:50pm. Posted in In this topic: the proof of other intelligent life in space.
Coolness: 30980
Originally Posted By GAMOS
again...no one cares

Is your name nobody? because you obviously care.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 10:48pm. Posted in In this topic: the proof of other intelligent life in space.
Coolness: 30980
my mom said she enjoyed that very much.

also, you're calling ME mental after you've proposed to get "WHORE" tattooed on your forehead?
racist people are stupid.

somebody quote me so he/she/it can see my message.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 10:43pm. Posted in Muslim grave desecrated in France(vid).
Coolness: 30980
Yea well judaism isn't entirely a religion of peace either. But judaism and chritianity combined do not add up to the level of threat that islam poses to the world. Not in this day and age at least. I could be wasting my effort attacking the little guy, but on the other hand I can concentrate all my effort on the main threat. Attack on islam is in itself attack on the idea of religion and is the key to abolishing it. According to my reasoning at least.

You should probably note that the current contemporary religions have rewritten their holy books to fit the context of our time.
Islam has not modified the koran since it has been written. SO it is those prehistoric savage ideas that I feel I must fight.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 10:33pm. Posted in In this topic: the proof of other intelligent life in space.
Coolness: 30980
And show me the room of people who care about you please?
At any rate, you're proving yourself to be racist if you discriminate someone based on their username and/or picture. not me.
Show me one instant where I have said something racist? You can't. Again you have no concrete proof that I support racism, you are just theorizing in ignorance.

Update » Ethnic_Cleanser wrote on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 10:36pm
well if you're dumb enough to get a tat on your forehead that says "whore" please do so, be my guest, and more power to you. I honestly have no stance on what you should do with your forehead. I find myself unresponsive even if you are a whore.

Also, how would you "know" that I'm in my teens?
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 10:25pm. Posted in In this topic: the proof of other intelligent life in space.
Coolness: 30980
Originally Posted By STRIK_IX
I stopped at "nothing short of a racist yourself"... First and foremost it isn't racism but discrimination and in this case you fucking asked for it.

How about you crawl back under that rock now?

NEWSFLASH!!! discrimination IS racism
when you're racist, you discriminate against other races. So technically racism is a form of discrimination, just like sexism.
Right now I think you should read my reply and stop with the hating. I mean really, you have no idea how pathetic you sound when you're bashing someone for being racist without any concrete proof whatsoever.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 10:17pm. Posted in Muslim grave desecrated in France(vid).
Coolness: 30980
The only way I can fight it is by educating people, regardless of their religion. With common sense and logic demonstrate that religion can be a dangerous killing machine. Islam is the living proof of that. I mean at the current moment in time, there is no better culprit than islam to make people aware. Mainly the reason why i do it is because I CAN. If we were in 1940 i'd probably be disposed by the gestapo for speaking out against fascism. If we want to abolish religion, we have to go after the front runner. And that is clearly islam.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 10:09pm. Posted in In this topic: the proof of other intelligent life in space.
Coolness: 30980
Na... the fact that you judge someone(me) based on their username and picture proves that you're nothing short of a racist yourself.
You're a ****ing hypocrite really, because you're accusing me without proof of being racist, yet you discriminate me according to my appearance. You should read my view on ethnicity here: [ www.rave.ca ] before you make yourself look any more dumb and out of sync with the rest of world. You'll also learn that it's not really me on the pic, I'm just riding the hype of this appearance to project my ideas with more power and impact. As you can see, it helps me get attention. And my hope is to one day make you realize that I was right all along.

I also think you're missing the point that I'm trying to make. Life is SO DIVERSE out in space that there are countless kinds of different species out there, some of them resembling us, others not so much. It is you who is being closed minded and unimaginative when you're not considering that there are different kinds of chimps, but they're all a part of the same family. Sure we can't be all the same, but we can't be all too different either. I'm not talking about gigantic alien wales who inhabit water worlds, I'm talking about humanoid figures that are in the same evolutional time gap as we are.

I will not be bringing 4th dimension, parallel universes, black holes, dark matter, dark energy, time, space and interstellar space travel into this argument because that is off topic. Your attempts at derailing my topic off subject will fail. Religion is full of lies.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 9:52pm. Posted in Muslim grave desecrated in France(vid).
Coolness: 30980
The proof lies in the koran itself. Islam's purpose is to spread like a wild fire.
And if we let it get out of hand, we'll most definitely end up in another facist era.

Because that's what islam is, a fascist religion. I think preemptively fighting the problem before it persists is the key to not letting it get out of hand.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 9:41pm. Posted in Muslim grave desecrated in France(vid).
Coolness: 30980
The reason I attack islam in particular has to do with the fact that it is the hardest opponent to beat.
So if I can overcome this one religion, rest will go with it. Speaking of negativity, I honestly think that islam is the greatest danger for man kind, and hence why the priority to discredit it. I don't think calling my points moot is appropriate if you've done as much research as me on the subject. Don't get me wrong, it's nothing personal against islam, its just that I have to attack the frontrunner to beat the rest.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 8:18pm. Posted in In this topic: the proof of other intelligent life in space.
Coolness: 30980
Originally Posted By VERSION2MINUS1
Originally Posted By Ethnic_Cleanser
Also I WISH i was getting paid to be offensive on the internet. I'd probably win the professional asshole of the year award for offending tons of people with my radical factual beliefs.

The question is : what is it with all you, quote, internet assholes, unquote, and your radical factual beliefs ? I realize that's what assholes do but is the fixation on trying to bedazzle with all sorts of stellar mumbo-jumbo, deity fascination, brainwashing this and cult that ?

Even assholes are rapidly becoming online hippies.

The thing with people like me is we will shove the truth in your face whether you're a christian, arab, jew or a hindu.
I disapprove of ALL religion. And I think that if more people know other the existence of other intelligent life forms, the smart people among us will begin to question the validity of the propaganda spread by evil religion.

But you know what? I will let you in on a little secret. Because one day I will be getting paid for expressing my views. [ www.worldwithoutreligion.org ] is up next on my to do list project.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 7:40pm. Posted in In this topic: the proof of other intelligent life in space.
Coolness: 30980
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
Screw intelligent life in the Universe; let's start by trying to find it here :D

Definitely, something tells me those spaceships were studying the tether because they probably were concerned that we launched a huge nuke in space. Man kind is plagued with rampant idiocy.

Also I WISH i was getting paid to be offensive on the internet. I'd probably win the professional asshole of the year award for offending tons of people with my radical factual beliefs.

"What the fuck is this shit... ffs.. is there some giant weblink pointing here that says "Hey!! Are you a gigantic flailing douche? A completely socially inept bottom feeder? DO YOU REALLY LOVE LAMP?? Home is but a click away failboy!" This site has gone to hell in a hand basket lately.. I actually used to like coming here... meh, fuckit.?

hmm yea apparently, if you found your way here then that must be the case.

"wait until the guy finds out Aliens aren't white with blonde hair and blue eyes:P"

pardon me, but who are you to say that throughout billions of alien civilizations there aren't hot chicks with blond hair and blue eyes?
You probably just think you are unique, but there might possibly be someone who looks identical to you found on another planet. Let us just hope that he's far less ignorant than you.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 5:06pm. Posted in In this topic: the proof of other intelligent life in space.
Coolness: 30980
oh trust me you DONT wanna put out while im climaxing.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 3:55pm. Posted in Muslim grave desecrated in France(vid).
Coolness: 30980
Jesus was a phoney!
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 3:36pm. Posted in In this topic: the proof of other intelligent life in space.
Coolness: 30980
One is led to assume that your joke post was being used in erotic circumstances.
Because like you said, I have to pay for some girls that have a price on their ass. But isn't that the case everyone share in common? you have to always pay to have a girlfriend. Go to movies, diners, presents. It's all kind of the same in the end. except you skip straight to the climax.

go ahead and deny this, but it seems like you've performed many "dogjobs" if you can come up with this stuff.

Update » Ethnic_Cleanser wrote on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 3:41pm
fuck! I have befallen into the troll's trap and derailed the topic from aliens into bestiality.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 3:16pm. Posted in In this topic: the proof of other intelligent life in space.
Coolness: 30980
Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE
Originally Posted By Ethnic_Cleanser
Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE
[ en.wikipedia.org ]

I find your post grossly erotic

indeed... $50 and my dog can do it in your face.

Oh? so that's how it is? Well then I'd have to decline.
Because unlike you I'm not into bestiality. I refrain only to women, and to women only.
I do not disapprove of your sexual behaviors though, whatever they may be.

I'm sure if you're into bestiality you can find yourself an inter galactic parter, if you know what I mean.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 2:51pm. Posted in In this topic: the proof of other intelligent life in space.
Coolness: 30980
Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE
[ en.wikipedia.org ]

I find your post grossly erotic, so therefore I would like to subscribe to your weekly newsletter to acquire more of the same education.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 1:59pm. Posted in In this topic: the proof of other intelligent life in space.
Coolness: 30980
This is actual NASA footages not altered in any way

STS-75: [ youtube.com ]
STS-80: [ youtube.com ]

We are living on a tiny pale blue dot drifting in the great sea of the universe, inhabited by millions of different sorts of species.
I wonder what kind of other, exotic plants with mind altering abilities grow on those other planets.

Update » Ethnic_Cleanser wrote on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 2:02pm
Also to add to that:
After the tether and the sts-80 incident, nasa has stopped broadcasting life feeds from space.
And now every images/videos of open space are always airbrushed out of the stars and other glowing objects in the background, and released with just a black bg.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 1:45pm. Posted in Muslim grave desecrated in France(vid).
Coolness: 30980
Moondancer, I think if theres one thing that I managed to show you, is that even if you ignore something, it will never go away.
But unfortunately, that is something islam does not understand. I like how the iranian president said that there are no gays in his country
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 1:18pm. Posted in Muslim grave desecrated in France(vid).
Coolness: 30980
I must admit, you're doing a great job not reading what I say and assuming your ass off. I guess it's true what they say; ignorance is bliss. Because you see, I hate to break it to you like this, but the guy on the pic isn't me, it was never me, and I don't know why you ever thought it was me. That is an imaginary character named helmut from the kenny vs spenny show, invented by kenny hotz on the "who is the better actor" episode.

[ www.youtube.com ]
[ www.kennyhotz.com ]

you see, once you get to know bald shaven guys with hitler-esque stashes who paint themselves in white they're not so evil.
what's even funnier is that kenny hotz IS jewish and he says the most anti semetic slurs ever. openly. on tv.

As for my kind, my kind is human kind. not nazi, not jewish, not christian or muslim.
I go by the saying "the earth is my country and science my religion". I do not discriminate people on based on their color or continent. Only on their beliefs. But we can say that I'm practically returning them the favor.

In my opinion, you're a ****ing joke poster.
you're not posting here to express your views or opinions, because you clearly have none. instead you're here only to post and show your none existent pride of defending people you know nothing about.

Update » Ethnic_Cleanser wrote on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 1:38pm
basdini:"what facts you mean the one about you being an asshole, or the one about you supporting a form of cultural imperialism that results in everyone being the same,"

And do you classify anyone who disagrees with your views an asshole? or just the ones who visibly damage the already sunken reputation of islam. What I support is peace, and islam seems to contradict that notion, so I will do whatever it takes to peacefully discredit islam as what it truly is: a sack of worthless lies.

"so the things religious people reject they've been pre programed to do that but the things you reject you did so totally reasonably, interesting how convienient that works out for you."

I really don't get what you're trying to say here...? Because the only thing I reject is religion, still not sure what you meant to say there.

"here why don't you learn something for once in your life..."

In my life, I've learned more than the muslim propaganda machine has taught me. And that is why I have come to my own conclusions based on factual evidence not found in thousand year old books written by power hungry men of religion.

"muslism differentiate between infidels and non believers, there not the same thing, most people in the west don't seem to pick up on this, infidels are people who literally attack (think the crusaders) non believers are just people who don't believe in islam either because they believe in another religion or nothing at all. According to islam people who attack islam will be defended against, non believer will left in peace. There are clear passages in the koran that point this out...if you like i could post them..."

OBJECTIONS! What you mean to say, is that SOME muslims do. But the radical jihadi extremist do not. To them, anyone who does not accept the faith of allah is an enemy of islam. I'm sure you know it as well as I do that the koran has a lot of contradictions, I'm sure you can find passages that support your claim, based on which some muslims live by, but I can also site passages that prove my side of the argument correct. Not that there is any need to do that, because we're all witnesses to these horrible commandments of the evil book that is the koran. How many suicide bombs and beheading have happened in the last year alone(2007) based on the belief that anyone who is not with allah is against him. When you you're a koran following muslim, in modern context you are considered a terrorist.

Morphine: you got it man, but I just hope more people catch on to the fact that I'm just riding the momentum. No publicity is bad publicity.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 11:15am. Posted in Muslim grave desecrated in France(vid).
Coolness: 30980
Maybe you should stop assuming things before you write them down. Did you notice how I have not once brought hitler in my post, let alone support his ideas?

I DO NOT support racism or fascism, though I can see past the aesthetic and witness the symbolic meaning the act (of the video above) has.
IF I was a neo-nazi racist, I would most definitely not be in denial, have you ever witnessed the pride those guys have and how they manifest it?

I think you got so ****ing caught up trying to respond that you missed the part where I said I do not support violence and intimidation.
And just because you disregard my own values and ideas for an explanation of my user name, you've proved yourself to be unresponse-worthy because of simply how ignorant you are.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 10:55am. Posted in Muslim grave desecrated in France(vid).
Coolness: 30980
"who is this 'us' you speak of."

By us I mean all the other people who are considered infidels to the muslims.
Because you know, the koran says anyone who doesn't acknowledge allah as his only god and muhammad as his prophet, must be converted "by the sword". As a matter of fact prophet muhammad himself was killing people in order to promote the word of allah and bring them to follow the koran, and to in his turn spread all once again the same broken sociological behaviors. So literally anyone who isn't a muslim is an enemy of islam and must be *liberated* according to their beliefs. I am referring that this us, would you perhaps like further elaborations?

"When are you going to stfu?"

When am I going to shut the fuck up? gosh I really can't tell you. Because as long as there is a single breathe of fresh air in my lungs, I will keep fighting the war to end all wars. Not through violence and propaganda like islam, but through common sense and LOGIC!!! You can't shut me up no matter how hard you'll try, because I am able to shoot down all of your silly little religion based arguments.

"It's disgusting that people could have such utter disrespect for people and families they have never met and know nothing about. I'm sure all those graves were filled with f*cking terrorists."

Well frankly I feel the same way. If just those islamist extremist groups could stop killing US soldiers in iraq by lynching them and then setting them on fire while getting a bunch of kids to run and drag those corpses of american soldiers on their streets while chanting how great allah is. Islam CLAIMS to be the religion of peace, but it promotes VIOLENCE!

"There's something rather unconvincing about someone with a clean shaved head, a goatie and the name Ethnic_Cleanser saying this isn't racism. No I'm sure dragging a black man 50 miles tied to a noose on the back of your car is not racism either."

Well that is probably the most twisted and misunderstood misinterpretation of my user name I've ever come across, though I did get a lot of silly ones for my "White Power Ranger" username on another board. Please allow me to explain. Ethnic Cleasing refers to setting order to ethnicity of the world, and that means making it uniform and consistent. We wanna avoid conflicts that would consist of some people blowing themselves up in public. Because if the whole world believes into the same faith, our world would be a safer place to live on. These ideas reflect the muslim religion in a way, so I think if the user name Ethnic Kleanser offends you, you're offended of ideas of your own religion, whatever it may be.

As for my religion, I have none. I do not believe in god, I do not approve the idea of "word of god" or a religious establishment. I believe into science! I believe into other kinds of human species living on other planets who have came across this dark age of religion, and evolved their understanding and knowledge of how the universes work. How we are all but manifestations of aeons of atomic and molecular assemblies.

Something tells me you're gonna get extremely offended by my post, but that is natural, because religious people have been preprogrammed by their religion to reject other views not recognized in their books, but before you make yourself look stupid arguing with me about religion, please realize beforehand that this is a matter of fact vs fiction. And I've got the facts.

"had the graves of a bunch of recently discorporated suidice bombers been desecrated instead, i'd be more inclined to praise the culprits as being of the greatest heroes that ever lived."
My human side tends to kind of agree on that.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 9:24am. Posted in Muslim grave desecrated in France(vid).
Coolness: 30980
Apr. 6 - Nearly 150 graves in the Muslim section of a First World War cemetery have been targeted.

[ www.reuters.com ]

A "racist crime"?
Or an act of self righteousness against a religion that in itself is racist, sexist and unjust to others.
We are told by our governments to respects the opinions and views of others, but should we really respect those who disrespect us?
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Sun Apr 6, 2008 @ 10:52am. Posted in Baby with two faces worshipped as Hindu god.
Coolness: 30980
yea i guess just a bit too OLD. too bad this site doesn't have a search function though :(

I still wonder from which mouth that baby eats...
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Sun Apr 6, 2008 @ 7:45am. Posted in Baby with two faces worshipped as Hindu god.
Coolness: 30980
if you consider 2 days really really really old news, yes.
but you're probably mistaking this deformed baby for that other deformed hindu baby that had 4 arms who also was considered a reincarnation of a god.
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Sat Apr 5, 2008 @ 8:24pm. Posted in Baby with two faces worshipped as Hindu god.
Coolness: 30980
A baby girl born with two faces in a north Indian village is being worshipped as the reincarnation of the Hindu god, Lord Ganesha.

[ www.telegraph.co.uk ]
» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Sat Apr 5, 2008 @ 8:22pm. Posted in 99.9 % Human - 0.1% Animal: Embryo Lives For 3 Days.
Coolness: 30980
Yea I dont know why so many people are against this.

I personally believe that if we keep researching stem cells we'll find a cure for cancer sooner or later.
And I honestly think that it's better to acquire stem cells from grown in lab specimens than real organic natural fetuses.
I'd consider that wrong, because well... that fetus would be a person one day.
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