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» elka replied on Fri May 20, 2005 @ 10:34am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 53145
» elka replied on Fri May 20, 2005 @ 9:53am. Posted in poor Kylie.
Coolness: 53145
aww thats sad.
i hope she can pull through.
shes been around doing her thing for a looooong time.. "do the locomotion"
» elka replied on Thu May 19, 2005 @ 5:48pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 53145
» elka replied on Thu May 12, 2005 @ 1:26pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 53145
» elka replied on Thu May 12, 2005 @ 1:26pm. Posted in whats the last thing you said aloud?.
Coolness: 53145
» elka replied on Thu May 12, 2005 @ 12:55pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 53145
made: i passed my 1st brokers exam
ruined: im tired
made: im seeing someone from high schoool tonight
ruined: it may be awkward
» elka replied on Thu May 12, 2005 @ 11:40am. Posted in any stupidly unbelievableold wives tales.
Coolness: 53145
that when your ears are ringing it means people are talking about you
» elka replied on Wed May 11, 2005 @ 3:19pm. Posted in Ever been cheated on?.
Coolness: 53145
Originally posted by ALIEN ZED...

I've said it before and I'll say it again. TRUST FUCKING NO ONE! Doesn't mean you can't have a little fun but if you live for and because of someone else, you are BOUND for hurt. Emotions have NO ROOT WHATSOEVER in logic and so it is impossible to love without being hurt at some point. It's like eating only ice cream and expecting to stay just as healthy... I came up with a pretty decent comparisson to dating. When you get into a relationship, it's like leasing a car:
1. It isn't YOURS, you're sharing it's abilities.
2. You need to fill it with fuel otherwise it'll stop working.
2. You can ride it all you want when you have it but you have NO RIGHTS at all when it's gone, and you don't know in advance when that will be.
3. As you grow, so does the car in your perception. And as well the car's perception of you.
4. Mileage ONLY goes up. There's NO turning back (changing the past).
5. If you treat it well now it will treat you well later. (friendship/no hard feelings/no regrets/break lines not cut by previous leased cars :D)
6. Some cars are lemons (just waiting to break [up])
7. The nicer looking the car is, the better chance you have of getting it stolen. And besides, all your friends will want a ride ;)
8. NOTHING LASTS FOREVER. (one of you is gonna die first)

SO what does that all mean? It means you had a sweet ass car for a couple months/years! Great! You had some fun times with that car and while you had it, it always got you where you needed it to go. You gained lots of experience that you can use for your next car. We should treat relationships MORE like cars because:
-You have to understand you are two different entities with completely different needs.
-If you spend TOO much time taking care of your car, you won't be able to make the lease payments and BYE BYE car.
-The car needs its space or it will get scratched/damaged/sufficated by YOU.
-You have to treat it properly the only way you know how or it will break [up] way too soon.

Cheating is wrong because it shows an utter disrespect. If your partner can't respect you, they don't deserve you. Rise above your instincts/emotions and realize you don't want someone who is gonna treat you like shit anyway. BUT relationships are great AND worth it, they teach you more about yourself and life than any other commitment you'll ever make. Besides... girls are too sexy not to want to ride... I mean date ;)

i really like these comparisons. too true :P
» elka replied on Wed May 11, 2005 @ 1:42pm. Posted in have a lovely month of May everyone!!!!!.
Coolness: 53145

have fun :)
» elka replied on Wed May 11, 2005 @ 1:41pm. Posted in whats the last thing you said aloud?.
Coolness: 53145
in 15 minutes
» elka replied on Tue May 10, 2005 @ 4:46pm. Posted in Rewire 2, what DJ's do you choose????.
Coolness: 53145
what about dj pie pants ;_________;
» elka replied on Tue May 10, 2005 @ 4:14pm. Posted in Britney's Hot!.
Coolness: 53145
looks? ;)
» elka replied on Tue May 10, 2005 @ 1:25pm. Posted in whats the last thing you said aloud?.
Coolness: 53145
"thats alot of work"
» elka replied on Tue May 10, 2005 @ 12:59pm. Posted in Man Throws Temper Tantrum; Stomps Geese.
Coolness: 53145
nah.. he should be chased and stomped. lol
» elka replied on Tue May 10, 2005 @ 12:28pm. Posted in we demand our pizza.
Coolness: 53145
Pizza delivery ends prison hostage standoff

SYDNEY, Australia (AP) -- Officials bought 15 pizzas to secure the release of a guard who had been held for 42 hours by inmates at an Australian top-security prison, police said Monday.

Twenty prisoners were involved in the standoff, which began Saturday when inmates occupied part of Risdon Prison on the southern island state of Tasmania, complaining about conditions in the aging institution and taking guard Ken Hannah hostage.

Hannah finally was released late Sunday night after authorities caved in to demands for pizza.

"The final sticking point with the inmates was that they were requiring pizzas to be delivered," senior prisons official Graeme Barber said.

"We had held off in relation to that -- we obviously wanted the release of our staff member," he added. "Our staff member was negotiated out by the delivery of 15 pizzas."

The last prisoner involved in the siege gave himself up Monday. No one was injured.

The siege followed months of violence and unrest at Risdon, which holds one of Australia's most notorious convicts, Martin Bryant, who went on a shooting rampage at Tasmania's Port Arthur historic penal settlement in 1996, killing 35 people.

» elka replied on Tue May 10, 2005 @ 12:26pm. Posted in Man Throws Temper Tantrum; Stomps Geese.
Coolness: 53145
aww poor geese. :/

Hhahahah what a psycho.
Man Charged For Allegedly Stomping Geese
Rhode Island Resident Facing Animal Cruelty Charges

POSTED: 6:57 am EDT May 9, 2005
UPDATED: 5:28 pm EDT May 9, 2005

ATTLEBORO, Mass. -- A man accused of stomping a family of geese to death over the weekend was in an Attleboro courtroom Monday.

NewsCenter 5's Gail Huff reported that John Sanders, 33, of North Kingstown, R.I., was charged with six felony counts of animal cruelty.

"I am not a expert in geese and goslings, but I would imagine that a one-week-old or a two-week-old gosling can't be very threatening," said Attleboro Police Sgt. James Keane.

Sanders is accused of stomping to death five goslings and their mother at the Texas Instruments campus in Attleboro. Police said the industrial engineer was angry that the mother goose hissed at him as he walked across the lawn.

"It was fairly gruesome scene. The deceased goslings were spread over an area of approximately a football field," said Keane. "The goose raised up and hissed at him. He became startled, he tried to frighten the goose away, and when he did, he slipped and fell."

After slipping on goose droppings, Sanders allegedly kicked the goose and jumped up and down on the goslings until they were all dead.

The injured mother goose was captured and later euthanized.

A photographer saw the mother goose after the attack.

"(Police) showed me the broken leg, it was compound fracture -- the bone was sticking out. The whole back leg looked like it was ripped apart. I said, 'This is an extensive injury, and I don’t know how any animal could recover from that kind of injury,'" said photographer Mark Stockwell.

Sanders, who was arrested at the scene, told police he killed the geese.

Texas Instruments employees said they are shocked by the incident.

"They do hiss sometimes, but if you don't argue with them, just walk away, they are not going to chase you," said Texas Instruments employee Christina Koluch.

Sanders was freed on $1,000 bail and will return to court May 23.
Copyright 2005 by TheBostonChannel. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
» elka replied on Tue May 10, 2005 @ 10:46am. Posted in whos the gayest dj of them all.
Coolness: 53145
hahah i love that song
» elka replied on Tue May 10, 2005 @ 10:45am. Posted in Where'd the world go?!.
Coolness: 53145
Originally posted by MOONDANCER...

sokay, you shouldn`t be sorry. The joke was based on a stereotype about americans being less educated about the world, I understand why you would feel offended.

:)thanks. i know, but usually I have a waaaaay better sense of humor, and would have probably laughed at the joke myself.

Originally posted by moondancer...... Although I have been asked if there are wolverines in my backyard and if I live in an igloo. :D

really? oh man thats so annoying
» elka replied on Tue May 10, 2005 @ 10:34am. Posted in Ever been cheated on?.
Coolness: 53145
Originally posted by MOONDANCER...

people always cheated on eachother

so true.

it was way worse back in the day, women would be stoned to death for looking at another guy.. And it would be acceptable for men to have many mistresses.

people are sluts lol
» elka replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 6:36pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 53145
to the sounds of a bee in a bottle
» elka replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 6:34pm. Posted in Ever been cheated on?.
Coolness: 53145
id take the first for sure. Id rather deal with hardships with someone i love, than be treated amazingly by someone i have mediocre feelings for.
» elka replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 5:14pm. Posted in whos the gayest dj of them all.
Coolness: 53145
dj sammy
» elka replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 4:36pm. Posted in I Love . . ..
Coolness: 53145
i love bees
» elka replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 4:20pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 53145
» elka replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 4:03pm. Posted in ahhh irrational people are funny!.
Coolness: 53145
» elka replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 2:10pm. Posted in ahhh irrational people are funny!.
Coolness: 53145
can't it be both? lol
(*i'm soo bored*)
» elka replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 2:06pm. Posted in ahhh irrational people are funny!.
Coolness: 53145
"can't it be both?"
» elka replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 2:00pm. Posted in ahhh irrational people are funny!.
Coolness: 53145
well... then i guess that makes you funny ;)
» elka replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 1:57pm. Posted in stupid.
Coolness: 53145
Originally posted by BASDINI...

worn by people who have quite clearly have never been to a dentist in their life

too true
» elka replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 1:49pm. Posted in stupid.
Coolness: 53145
dont forget the sexy clothes:
ragged tshirts with "sassy" sayings like "princess" and "if it ain't broke i ain't fixin it"
» elka replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 1:35pm. Posted in I Love . . ..
Coolness: 53145
sour starbursts!
especially the blue ones. MMM
» elka replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 1:34pm. Posted in I Hate . . ..
Coolness: 53145
stomache aches
» elka replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 1:26pm. Posted in User RedNatasha.
Coolness: 53145
"so .. do you like..stuff"
» elka replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 12:49pm. Posted in stupid.
Coolness: 53145
Originally posted by [SCREWHEAD]...

In this day and age, there's absolutely NO reason to be uneducated about the world around you.

i totally agree. ^__^

i hope you dont think i was condoning it.

doesnt make them evil though. Just grew up in poverty or with trailer trash and went to shitty schools.. and they breed (starting at 14) and spread and spread like a disease. lol. *shudder* i hate being around white trash
» elka replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 12:11pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 53145
people talking in the office
» elka replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 12:07pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 53145
» elka replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 12:06pm. Posted in Slaughterhouse footage.
Coolness: 53145
» elka replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 11:52am. Posted in What are you looking forward to?.
Coolness: 53145
lunch break.
hungry. and i brought some gooooooooooood wraps.. mm
» elka replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 11:21am. Posted in Slaughterhouse footage.
Coolness: 53145
[ www. ]
so horrible.

all the slaugherhouse movies ive seen there are flies everywhere, makes you also question how sanitary it is too *vomits*
» elka replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 11:02am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 53145
elka's Profile - Community Messages