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» elka replied on Tue Sep 6, 2005 @ 10:35am. Posted in appartement for rent 4 1/2.
Coolness: 53145
... how muchzies?
» elka replied on Tue Sep 6, 2005 @ 10:35am. Posted in US Flags at Half Mast.
Coolness: 53145
possibly biggest natural distaster in US history: kinda tragic

old polititian dying: more tragic

» elka replied on Tue Sep 6, 2005 @ 9:48am. Posted in Things that please you!.
Coolness: 53145
cyclone popsicles :)
» elka replied on Tue Sep 6, 2005 @ 9:47am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 53145
» elka replied on Tue Sep 6, 2005 @ 9:47am. Posted in Basic Instincts in The Big Easy.
Coolness: 53145
i can't say it enough:
what a fucking disaster, and thats an understatement
» elka replied on Tue Sep 6, 2005 @ 9:44am. Posted in A newbie says hello....
Coolness: 53145
hi. welcome
» elka replied on Tue Sep 6, 2005 @ 9:43am. Posted in guess who's running for US presidency??.
Coolness: 53145
Its fake..
but i wish he would..
he's so cool. i love him. he can do anything and it makes me smile
» elka replied on Tue Sep 6, 2005 @ 9:42am. Posted in new orleans now under water.
Coolness: 53145
ack.. the picutures of the floating bodies are horrible.. :(
» elka replied on Tue Sep 6, 2005 @ 9:41am. Posted in US Flags at Half Mast.
Coolness: 53145

I just assumed the flags were already at half mast..

over that dead guy but not over thousands of americans?

all i can say is : dogjaildgjdsoiajgoia
» elka replied on Sun Sep 4, 2005 @ 11:17am. Posted in New Orleans Devastation....
Coolness: 53145
Originally posted by 0GERISH...

Kayne speaks his mind on TV

Short version:
[ media.putfile.com ]

Long version:
[ www.zebrality.com ]

haha i watched it twice. Mike Myers reaction made me laugh
» elka replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 2:57pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 53145
» elka replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 2:57pm. Posted in New Orleans Devastation....
Coolness: 53145
i can just imagine all the dead bodies in the attics :(

I wonder how many of the people that we saw on tv waving for help on rooftops are now dead.. I hope they aren't
» elka replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 2:48pm. Posted in new orleans now under water.
Coolness: 53145
i work at an investment firm.

Even before the hurricaine they were predicting that within the next year, the US will go into recession.
and Canada will shortly follow
» elka replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 2:46pm. Posted in new orleans now under water.
Coolness: 53145
seems like things are getting worse by the minute

now theres appartantly an oil spill in new orleans.. amongst everything else
» elka replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 2:43pm. Posted in new orleans now under water.
Coolness: 53145
For the first time, Bush criticized the government today.
He looks upset and visibly freaking out.

That means things are getting really bad :/
» elka replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 11:50am. Posted in new orleans now under water.
Coolness: 53145
Yes because no other country has people that steal and rape. Only in America. riiight..

I have family that live in the south.
My parents hid under a truck once during a shooting in New Orleans.
I'm not blindly trusting the news.
I am not getting angry at your posts. I am relaxed. I just think you are a retard. And when people make retarded comments I feel the need to reply.
And i get enough sex but thanks .
» elka replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 11:43am. Posted in Disgruntled Asian Tattoo Artist.
Coolness: 53145
Ya i have heard about people doing this too.
Thats horrible.

But it IS annoying seeing all these retards with "asian character" tattoos.. soo lame
» elka replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 11:41am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 53145
» elka replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 11:37am. Posted in new orleans now under water.
Coolness: 53145
Originally posted by ECKI...

"Look! my french suck even more than my english!"

J'sais pa si tu comprend le francais mais j'vas le poster "bilingual" (pouah) what i mean by ppl are dying and yes i'll judge a entire contry what they are doing now is typicaly americain (sorry but that what i think ;) ) They don't think of each other, they think for their own person. Il ne pense qu'a eux... comment profiter de la situation.... fuck rape a girl with a gun!!!

This is the last time I'll reply to your ignorant posts.

What exactly are they "doing" that is typically "american?"

Dying?? Starving?

as for "americans only thinking about themselves.."

If you have been paying attention to the news a lot of people have been not thinking of themselves.

Many of the people down there are helping eachother, saving eachother by boats, carrying the sick. I saw a woman on the news last night go into diabetic shock and the only people who saved her were other citizens who broke into a hospital for penicillin for her to save her life. These people have no medical training and no obligation to save her.. Its out of their heart.

The people shooting and raping were thugs before the hurricaine and they are taking advantage of this oppurtunity to reign terror on their fellow city residents. They don't represent the majority.
» elka replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 11:15am. Posted in new orleans now under water.
Coolness: 53145
Originally posted by ECKI...

and it make me wonder... when the tsunami hit in asia... do we heard about stupid guy who raping innocent girl...

/me siffle

to correct the other post : 1/3 person in New orlean is poor...

whats siffle?

i dont know about rape but im sure it occured and there are probably articles about it, and i did hear a lot of tragic stories about post tsuanami. Such as the injustice of rich dead people being driven away in refriderated trucks..while the poor corpses were being piled like animals. And other horrible disturbing stories..
The tsuanmi aftermath was one of the most horrific things i've ever seen/read about.
» elka replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 11:11am. Posted in new orleans now under water.
Coolness: 53145
Originally posted by ECKI...

stfu for what?!!! don't misunderstand what i'm saying... i know how it is in new orlean in normal condition... be proud to live here miss... all ppl down there are poor... what they will need at this time its army... !!!


"ppl are dying, and yes i'll judge a entire country"

and also because I can barely decode your posts
» elka replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 10:34am. Posted in new orleans now under water.
Coolness: 53145
ecki shut the fuck up

I can't belive how bad it is in New Orleans right now!! The mayor is BEGGING for help.. and he is literally telling the feds to "GET OFF THEIR ASSES". Total chaos.. Right now armed guys are running around New Orleans raping girls.. There are corpses everywhere.
I am so disgusted and so sad
» elka replied on Thu Sep 1, 2005 @ 7:38pm. Posted in 134 !!!.
Coolness: 53145
for once, i'm actually happy i don't have a car
» elka replied on Thu Sep 1, 2005 @ 7:27pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 53145
» elka replied on Thu Sep 1, 2005 @ 7:27pm. Posted in new orleans now under water.
Coolness: 53145
Originally posted by SOMEKID...

At work people were saying "GOD IS MAD A BUSH"


ya but if that were true, somehow i don't think God would be targeting and killing poor black people.
» elka replied on Thu Sep 1, 2005 @ 7:11pm. Posted in new orleans now under water.
Coolness: 53145
no they can't... because the US is actually in debt because of Retardo using putting most of its resources in the middle east...

I don't understand why its taking so long to bring help to New Orleans. Maybe its the lack of resources.. maybe its the looters and violence. Whatever the cause..This is disgusting..
The videos of people dying in the streets and the freeways is so disturbing :(
I feel so bad.
» elka replied on Thu Sep 1, 2005 @ 5:09pm. Posted in new orleans now under water.
Coolness: 53145
Originally posted by ECKI...

I don't give a fuck about americain... if they could die in there own shit... that could be fuckin great... the problem is the poor ppl that are stuck in this nightmare.... i won't give a fuckin penny for them... they got enought money... fuck off drop the gaz price and i'll help. But again... poor ppl they are americain, but they are in need to... hope that tings will go better for them...

lol very "nice" and "well-written" thoughts there ecki..
» elka replied on Thu Sep 1, 2005 @ 5:08pm. Posted in new orleans now under water.
Coolness: 53145
Originally posted by ! PHOENIX !...

Check out these articles from GNN
[ www.gnn.tv ]

[ www.gnn.tv ]

Interesting articles..

Its true.. if most of the armed forces weren't overseas fighting, they may have had more resources to actually save these people.. :/
» elka replied on Thu Sep 1, 2005 @ 2:52pm. Posted in new orleans now under water.
Coolness: 53145
listening and watching these people begging for their lives and food is sooo unsettling :(
They are starting to get enraged and feel abandoned. I think soon full fledged riots are gonna start
» elka replied on Thu Sep 1, 2005 @ 1:45pm. Posted in new orleans now under water.
Coolness: 53145
[ www.cnn.com ]
they have lots of streaming videos that show the devastation

sounds HORRIBLE down there ;_;
shootings, people fighting over buses, new dead bodies piling up, dead bodies floating everywhere..
» elka replied on Thu Sep 1, 2005 @ 1:41pm. Posted in New Orleans Devastation....
Coolness: 53145
» elka replied on Mon Aug 29, 2005 @ 11:28am. Posted in podcasts.
Coolness: 53145
pod casts are the shit :D
so many great ones..
so many crap ones too.. which are also great..
» elka replied on Sun Aug 28, 2005 @ 11:47am. Posted in magnetic storm ??!!!.
Coolness: 53145
demons did it
» elka replied on Wed Aug 24, 2005 @ 10:11pm. Posted in You ever been arrested?.
Coolness: 53145
my record is clean.
never been in handcuffs
» elka replied on Tue Aug 2, 2005 @ 12:57pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 53145
» elka replied on Sat Jul 30, 2005 @ 12:10pm. Posted in the Montreal apartment thread.
Coolness: 53145
love: that there is a fish pond outside my appartment
love: that i can have pets
love: that the building is huge and well taken care of
hate: that its not downtown, and that its on the first floor
» elka replied on Sat Jul 30, 2005 @ 11:15am. Posted in douche!.
Coolness: 53145
hahahahhahaha wtf
» elka replied on Sat Jul 30, 2005 @ 12:27am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 53145
nah but thanks for trying to call me a ho anyway.
thanks for trying
» elka replied on Fri Jul 29, 2005 @ 3:46pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 53145
what the hells a sketel?
» elka replied on Fri Jul 29, 2005 @ 1:55pm. Posted in more crap.
Coolness: 53145
elka's Profile - Community Messages