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» El_Presidente replied on Fri Nov 30, 2001 @ 12:25pm. Posted in Playing rock paper scissors when drunk.
Coolness: 300040
I love you monster J
» El_Presidente replied on Fri Nov 30, 2001 @ 12:25pm. Posted in hmmm.....
Coolness: 300040
oh yah and dont forget to check out my booty track in the house section of the music directory
» El_Presidente replied on Fri Nov 30, 2001 @ 12:24pm. Posted in Montreal Happy Hardcore scene 2.
Coolness: 300040
did someone call me?
» El_Presidente replied on Fri Nov 30, 2001 @ 12:24pm. Posted in hmmm.....
Coolness: 300040
haha thanx a lot :) if you will be at expired milk you will be able to hear the whole track for the first time ever in quebec... it has been played in san francisco, toronto and new-york but never here...
» El_Presidente replied on Thu Nov 29, 2001 @ 12:52pm. Posted in hmmm.....
Coolness: 300040
no prob... I like this place so much more than technodium.. technodium is 100% corrupted and this place is still clean. I want it to stay like that here.. maybe more people would be good but I dont care if it stays like that
» El_Presidente replied on Thu Nov 29, 2001 @ 12:51pm. Posted in Montreal Happy Hardcore scene 2.
Coolness: 300040
yeah no prob :)
» El_Presidente replied on Tue Nov 27, 2001 @ 11:03am. Posted in hmmm.....
Coolness: 300040
got it from technodium... i felt that the ravewave crew was missing something
» El_Presidente replied on Tue Nov 27, 2001 @ 11:02am. Posted in Montreal Happy Hardcore scene 2.
Coolness: 300040
micro-société.. its a new raver magazine thats coming out soon
» El_Presidente replied on Mon Nov 26, 2001 @ 10:01pm. Posted in You know you are a raver when.
Coolness: 300040
je le retranscrivais pour le monde qui sont assez intellligent pour pas se tenir sur technodium, épais(se)
» El_Presidente replied on Sun Nov 25, 2001 @ 1:45pm. Posted in Montreal Happy Hardcore scene 2.
Coolness: 300040
i wrote that for a newspaper
» El_Presidente replied on Sat Nov 24, 2001 @ 8:48pm. Posted in free party guide (uk).
Coolness: 300040
free party guide
respect due

Despite the dastardly efforts of the Criminal Justice Act, free parties are still kicking off every weekend all around the country.

Just because they're free, that doesn't mean you shouldn't respect the place where the party kicks off, or the people who are putting it on. Here's a few guidelines that should be followed at all free events:

Be prepared to be self sufficient. Facilities will be minimal.
Park sensibly, keep site roads clear.
Be friendly to local residents, ramblers etc. Smile - you're at a free party!
Bury your shit!!
Don't trash the site - take a bin bag
Fires - use dead not live wood (it don't burn in any case).
Make a donation - if someone passes a bucket round, don't be a mean git. It costs money to put on a free event.
It's wise to be prepared just in case your party kicks off with a police bust.
» El_Presidente replied on Sat Nov 24, 2001 @ 8:47pm. Posted in How to put on a legal-ish party (UK).
Coolness: 300040
how to put on a legal-ish party
- and get away with it!!

article by DJ Matt, Jun 1999

Even in the CJA- dominated 90s it is still possible to put on an underground party AND get away with it.

However there are a lot of pitfalls along the way, and when you make a decision to go ahead with it, you have to be prepared to involve yourself in something which is going to take up most of your time in the weeks preceding the event.

The first and obviously the most important thing you have to do is find a suitable venue. We happened to know someone who owned a warehouse and we were able to rent it for one night for a couple of hundred pounds. When you first look at the venue, look for residential areas nearby who might be disturbed by noise. It will certainly help you if you are located in an industrial area or next to a railway line or noisy road. Avoid busy areas which could attract unwanted attention.

The venue will need to be secured and a safe environment for people to party in. It will also need adequate soundproofing, and it will need to have suitable toilet facilities for your expected crowd. As a guideline, to avoid over-long queues and other unpleasantness you will need one toilet for every 80 people. If the venue does not have enough toilets you should consider using portaloos which can be hired for about 80 pounds per toilet. We used Loo-Hire [ www.loohire.co.uk ] who were excellent. The venue MUST also have running cold water.

You will also need to ensure that the building is fire safe. It should have several possible exits. It is important that there is no rubbish, broken glass, or dangerous obstructions in, or in the immediate environment of, the building. This can give the environmental health reason to shut the party down.

Anything in the building which can potentially cause harm needs to be cleared away. Generally you should try to ensure that the main areas are clear of all obstructions and that the floor is swept clear of any rubble. You should also cover all windows with any soundproofing material you can find - old mattresses are ideal.

You can hire fire extinguishers for about 30 pounds for 4. You will need red fire extinguishers for normal fires and at least one blue CO2 extinguisher for electrical fires. You should also get a fire blanket and emergency exit signs which should be hung above all exits. These can be bought from the hire company for about 2.50 each.

Once you have your venue your next step is to decide what night to hold the party on. We chose New Year's Eve which is of course an excellent time to hold a party such as this! Try to pick a night which has something else going on to attract the council/police's attention rather than your peace-loving party.

Once you have decide the night the next step is to publicize the party, It's fine to flyer the party but to stay within the law remember that your event is a PRIVATE PARTY. That means that you don't want to put the address of the party or a price on the flyers. This may seem to defeat the object of flyering but you will still get phone calls if your promotion is good enough. It is very important not to include the price as otherwise you are providing ample evidence to prove that your party is not a legal event.

Remember it is at this stage that most parties can be stopped. It only takes one visit from the police and a warning and you may be put off the whole idea entirely. When people phone make sure you stress it is a private, invite only party, and no, there won't be tickets on the door! Ask people questions about where they go clubbing to ascertain they are genuine. Do NOT give out the address of the party to anyone other than ticket holders!

Meanwhile, you should be arranging your security staff. You will need one bouncer for every 150 people. Remember that the bouncers are there to protect your party against gatecrashers and to sort out any trouble and in my opinion it is essential to get professionals who are trained in first aid. There are plenty of firms who can supply excellent staff and they can really help people to feel safe and secure at a party.

When you come to the night of the party, have invites prepared for nearby residents. The key is to wait for a critical mass of people to arrive (100 or so) before you turn up the music. You should also send a friendly face around at this time (not too late) to inform the immediate neighbours that there is a private party occurring and giving them a number to contact if they have any queries. We told them that it was a firm's Christmas party - it doesn't hurt to dress it up as something official. If the neighbours are on your side, they will not complain and your party will go ahead uninterrupted.

If the police arrive, you will have to persuade them that they don't want to shut the party down. Remember that for them it is quite a hassle to stop a party of several hundred people and they will principally want to assure themselves on safety issues. Be ready to show them all of your fire extinguishers, emergency exits, and first aid boxes. Make sure you stress that it is a one-off private party. If possible show them your security people's certifications. If the police can be assured that you are responsible the chances are that they will let the party continue.

One thing police really hate are illegal bars. If you must sell alcohol, do not under any circumstances have tills, cash boxes etc behind your bar! Have a separate bar from which tickets are purchased which can then be exchanged for drinks nearby. This is to exploit a legal loophole where you do not need a license to give away alcohol as a raffle prize. Technically when someone buys a ticket they are entering a raffle which they then automatically win, the prize being one drink.

Lastly remember that it is the environmental health that is are the scourge of the underground party-goer. With the right preparation you can ensure that should they visit they will not be able to shut you down on safety grounds. In any case, as an organiser you have a responsibility to your party-goers to make sure their night is a safe one.

© DJ Matt 1999
» El_Presidente replied on Sat Nov 24, 2001 @ 8:37pm. Posted in Montreal Happy Hardcore scene 2.
Coolness: 300040
L'invasion Happy Hardcore à Montréal

Le nouveau-né des styles musicaux ; le happy hardcore.Il y a quelques années le happy hardcore nous était encore un parfait inconnu, cependant celui-ci a connu dernièrement un essort très considérable dans sa cote de popularité. Il y a quelques années les productions "Karebears" ont tenté bien que mal de nous faire découvrir cette musique cocasse, enfantine et enjouée mais faute d'avoir misé suffisament sur celle-ci, le but de le populariser fut un échec. Mais ensuite apparut le talentueux dj A-One qui fut très important, voir imposant, pour la scène ; celui-ci fut un des premiers à faire tourner sur ses tables des disques happy hardcore à la tête d'une foule de gens a Montréal. Mais encore le happy n'est pas à son plus haut sommet...du moins,pas avant l'évènement "Astro" produit par les productions "Drunken Midget". Cette nuit spéciale a lancé le happy hardcore a sa plus grande puissance, elle a, si je peux me le permettre, révolutionné son domaine à Montréal.Voyant le succès fulgurant d'Astro, plusieurs productions ont tenté d'emprunter le même chemin et de promulguer cette musique...entres autres Renegade Legion productions qui ont organisé le party du même nom ainsi que Children of the Damned qui ont produit Prophecy... Bien entendu, il ne doit pas être facile de pousser encore plus loin la scène. Effectivement, elle est en pleine expansion mais c'est bien parce qu'il y a des promoteurs fanatiques qui se crèvent pour la maintenir bien en vie. Il n'y a pas que les promoteurs mais aussi les djs qui y consacrent beaucoup pour garder en haleine les fervents admirateurs du happy hardcore, non sans quelques misères. Maintenant se volent la vedette, plusieurs djs Montréalais tels que ; The Cheesemaker,Tyrant ,Enterhorse, Shockwave, A-One...parmis ceux-ci quelques-uns sont aussi producteurs...Enfin Préparez-vous à l'année 2002 qui risque d'être très enrichissante pour la scène happy hardcore, certains promoteurs réservent de très belles surprises pour les amateurs de cette musique. Entre autre les productions Drunken Midget mijotent en ce moment "Astro 2" qui souhaitons-le sera à la hauteur du premier.
» El_Presidente replied on Sat Nov 24, 2001 @ 8:33pm. Posted in You know you are a raver when.
Coolness: 300040
You Know You're a REAL Raver When....
* You have sleeping patterns that would kill normal human beings.

* You start coveting all of your dad's old 1977 polyester sweatsuits.

* Almost every letter of the alphabet has an alternate meaning to you.

* You begin to think of blow-pops as a separate food group.

* The mere mention of a 3 digit number with a "0" in the middle of it causes you to drool uncontrollably.

* The odometer of your car increases in big chunks over the weekend.

* You have to fight back the urge to beat the hell out everyone who thinks raves are like the club scene

* You can keep a straight face when you tell people "really, not that many people are on anything....i'm serious!"

*You are happy when there's a recession because it means more empty warehouses.

* You can live for an entire weekend out of your bookbag.

* You are no longer just a raver...but a promoter, vendor, DJ, etc...

* You know about the INFORMATION POLICE.

* You have trouble naming 5 friends who are not pierced SOMEWHERE.

* You'll pay $20 for a ticket to an event that may very well not happen... and you'll pay $30 for a pill that may very well be aspirin...but you WILL NOT pay $1.00 for that bottle of water!

* You can't pass an empty warehouse, church, school, big open field, barn, airplane hanger, phone booth, nuclear power plant, etc...without getting that far-off look in your eye and saying...'wow, what a great site for a...

* You not only notice that household appliances like washing machines can generate a funky beat, you also argue about whether it's tribal or trance
You Might Be a Jaded Raver If...

1. You snicker when you hear someone say "PLUR."
2. You finally realized that phat pants are heavy and unpractical.
3. You refrain from dancing unless the circle is of rather large dimensions.
4. When you do dance, you "battle."
5. You learn to spin, and therefore have graduated to the "superior rave status."
6. You find out just how crooked promoters really are.
7. You hate massives [or, in our case, big parties].
8. You blame candy kids for everything retarded in the scene.
9. You say "the scene" a lot.
10. You find out how much better european electronic music really is.
11. You find out that glow sticks were cool TEN years ago in the UK.
12. You have pretended to be rolling at a party just to get a quick laugh out of your friends.
13. If you ARE on something, you do your best to act normal.
16. You find out that American DJ's are completely overrated.
19. The smell of Vicks makes you physically sick.
20. You can't help but laugh when someone tries to give you a "glow stick how to."
24. You drink beer at after parties.
25. You quit collecting fliers.
26. You have unsubscribed from your rave mailing list, because "none of those f---ing little kids understand a thing about raving, dammit!"
27. You can't remember the last time you went to a party and didn't think it sucked.
28. You can't remember much in general.
29. You realize that ravers aren't nearly as genuine as the hippies were.
30. You wouldn't mind if that kid with the whistle accidentally swallowed it and died.
32. You realize that the general public shouldn't be blamed for hating raves.
34. You talk s--- as much as possible.
35. You value things in terms of vinyl, (ex: "that's an eight record pair of pants.")
36. You DESPISE Happy Hardcore.
37. You DESPISE candy.
38. You have seen a thirteen year old "raver" on ecstasy and felt like leaving the party because of it.
39. You know what a 303 is.

41. You realize shell toes are shitty shoes.
43. You know that post-rave sex is awful.
44. You've punked kids who tried to get in a circle that was outta their league.
45. You find out that underground parties still happen quite frequently,despite what 98% of the raving populace thinks.
46. You party sober and now understand how stupid you looked when you didn't.
47. You know who PRODUCED your favorite tracks, not just which DJ bought it and put it on a mix CD.

50. Your parents gave up on you becoming normal a long, long time ago.
51. You know why GHB and special K are for f---ing idiots.
52. You understand electro and minimal techno now.
53. You hate rave ho's.
54. You could out-dance any boy band, any day, while smoking a cigarette.
55. You begin to notice how often big DJ's blow mixes.
56. You think sweaty guys who run around the party shirtless should get thrown out.
57. You act like a punk-ass bitch to security, police, and any other authority.

59. You say "ill" a lot.
60. You have replaced Caffiene, JNCO, and Adidas with Technic, Vestax, and JBL.
61. You know that raving is all about the music, but RAVERS are not.

67. You know raving is mainstream as f---.
68. The bigger the flier, the less you want to go to the party.
69. You can re-tell the story of how raving came to America quite accurately.
70. You hate Anthem tracks.
71. Your sleeping, and eating habits are completely f---ed up.

73. You are amazed that you are somehow still alive.
» El_Presidente replied on Fri Nov 16, 2001 @ 2:08pm. Posted in Fun Stuff.
Coolness: 300040
I actually have a venue that have those kind of plastic balls in it... the only probelm is that it costs a fortune.
» El_Presidente replied on Fri Nov 16, 2001 @ 2:07pm. Posted in very original party.
Coolness: 300040
hehe dont complain you guys have hulaballoo and atm and slammin's sounds... Arg I wish I could party every weekend in Toronto
» El_Presidente replied on Mon Nov 12, 2001 @ 1:16pm. Posted in Make money while helping the scene.
Coolness: 300040
If any of you guys have nothing to do all day and would need some extra cash maybe you will be interested in this.

As you may have noticed, Montreal is lacking venues to make parties in it. Promoters are willing to pay good money for new venues to make their party interesting to the ravers instead of abusing some locations (ie. beaubien/1919 william/2525 pie-9).

If you are good enough in hunting venues, you will probably fins some new kewl venue that could be used for a future party. If you do find one, what you can do is to sign an exclusivity contract with the owner of the venue and take a percentage of the rental price everytime it gets rented, since you arte the one who found it. In doing this you are helping out promoters for a reasonable price as well as making extra money with little or no effort.

Another way of helping the scene while making money is to find a kewl venue (ie. Lofts) and rent it for a couple months. Normally when promoters rent out places they pay as much or even more than a monthly cost just for one night. So if you sub-rent it to someone a weekend you get yourself a free loft while making money.

(oh and btw before renting any venues make sure it is safe before, cuz these days the fire department is cracking down on "unsafe" venues and a busted party is really bad for anyone's reputation, including yours for rentying it out)


and if you find anything interesting please contact me, I am willing to pay good money too for new and safe venues
» El_Presidente replied on Sat Nov 10, 2001 @ 11:13pm. Posted in Games.Yahoo.Com.
Coolness: 300040
is that your final answer?
» El_Presidente replied on Thu Nov 8, 2001 @ 7:18pm. Posted in More barechested boys!!!.
Coolness: 300040
shave "plur" in it.. im sure you could attract a couple candy kids with that
» El_Presidente replied on Tue Nov 6, 2001 @ 11:14am. Posted in The Calendar.
Coolness: 300040
yeah and dont forget to add some comments about the parties listed in the calendar... its always kewl to know who is going and who's not.. (everyone can post comments about parties, not only promoters)
» El_Presidente replied on Mon Nov 5, 2001 @ 8:17pm. Posted in The neverending story game.
Coolness: 300040
...............he ate a big phat eurokarting penis......
» El_Presidente replied on Mon Oct 29, 2001 @ 12:49pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 300040
^^^^^^^ seems to know a little too much about goat sucking
» El_Presidente replied on Fri Oct 26, 2001 @ 1:03pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 300040
^^^^^ does not know what a cupacabra is
» El_Presidente replied on Wed Oct 24, 2001 @ 8:32pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 300040
^^^^^^ is a chupacabra
» El_Presidente replied on Tue Oct 23, 2001 @ 7:08pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 300040
^^^^^^^^ is the king of carpet munching
» El_Presidente replied on Tue Oct 23, 2001 @ 7:07pm. Posted in The neverending story game.
Coolness: 300040
...............he ate a big phat eurokarting penis and then shuved his very large.....
» El_Presidente replied on Mon Oct 22, 2001 @ 12:59pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 300040
^^^^^^^^ needs a good spanking
» El_Presidente replied on Mon Oct 22, 2001 @ 12:58pm. Posted in very original party.
Coolness: 300040
no i wasnt at radius, sorry. HuMmm, warehouse party uh? if you are interested in having happy hardcore/trancecore djs let me know. And if you need any help for anything i can probably find you good deals for whatever you need
» El_Presidente replied on Thu Oct 18, 2001 @ 1:29pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 300040
^^^^^^^ HAS a big eurokarting penis and is damn poud of it
» El_Presidente replied on Thu Oct 18, 2001 @ 8:41am. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 300040
^^^^^^^^^is apparently just like me (im gonna hang myself now)
» El_Presidente replied on Wed Oct 17, 2001 @ 3:26pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 300040
^^^^^^^ knows me well for someone i dont know
» El_Presidente replied on Tue Oct 16, 2001 @ 7:40pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 300040
^^^^^^^is evil cuz i am recording in atm studios next weekend, SUCKA
» El_Presidente replied on Tue Oct 16, 2001 @ 7:39pm. Posted in very original party.
Coolness: 300040
a booty house party would be original cuz you will have a different crowd, a different kind of decorations and a different kind of music.. as for the venue it will probably be the same as any other parties unfortunately
» El_Presidente replied on Mon Oct 15, 2001 @ 10:17pm. Posted in Playing rock paper scissors when drunk.
Coolness: 300040
you are irish? can i punch you too?
» El_Presidente replied on Mon Oct 15, 2001 @ 10:16pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 300040
^^^^^^^^ seems to be interested in people who has seen my penis
» El_Presidente replied on Mon Oct 15, 2001 @ 10:15pm. Posted in very original party.
Coolness: 300040
a booty house party would be original
» El_Presidente replied on Sat Oct 13, 2001 @ 9:26pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 300040
^^^^^^^^ seems confused
» El_Presidente replied on Sat Oct 13, 2001 @ 9:26pm. Posted in Kid Fun!!!! Yay.
Coolness: 300040
yes noah.. lets do it in murray hill or westmount park
» El_Presidente replied on Sat Oct 13, 2001 @ 2:02pm. Posted in Kid Fun!!!! Yay.
Coolness: 300040
we will dress for the occasion before, silly
» El_Presidente replied on Sat Oct 13, 2001 @ 1:52pm. Posted in Kid Fun!!!! Yay.
Coolness: 300040
hum, lets make a kewl gt this winter.. lets all go in some park and build igloos and have snowball fights!
El_Presidente's Profile - Community Messages