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» Daf replied on Thu May 27, 2010 @ 4:09pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 185635
hahahahaha trop bon

» Daf replied on Thu May 27, 2010 @ 2:29pm. Posted in "I'm a teen warewolf".
Coolness: 185635
Originally Posted By SANGORAN
Wasn't that the EMO revolution?!

hum i sure fucking hope not for them, because they didn't get it

since when being a zombie is about being dress of black in girls clothes and crying about how life is so god damn hard
» Daf replied on Thu May 27, 2010 @ 1:43pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 185635
+ : ma camera polaroid sx-70 est envoyé!!!!!!

fuck ya tellement de truc que j'attend par la poste, ça va être Noël à tous les jours bientot!! <3<3 haha
» Daf replied on Thu May 27, 2010 @ 1:05pm. Posted in What do you want?.
Coolness: 185635
i want chill in a pool, naked, with my sexy bf, Right now
» Daf replied on Thu May 27, 2010 @ 1:04pm. Posted in "I'm a teen warewolf".
Coolness: 185635
oh yeah those kids being werewolfs haha

i heard they even have fake hairy tail on their butt (like wannabe vampires with their fake vampire teeth)

hahahahah it's fucking hiliarous

i can't wait when kids will be zombies

*honey get the shotgun, there are a bunch of zombies smoking joints on my lawn!!*
» Daf replied on Thu May 27, 2010 @ 11:09am. Posted in Awesome game in secondary school gets five pregnant.
Coolness: 185635
» Daf replied on Thu May 27, 2010 @ 11:07am. Posted in Les Amis De La Montagne....
Coolness: 185635
» Daf replied on Thu May 27, 2010 @ 11:00am. Posted in What do you want?.
Coolness: 185635
être vendredi 17h
» Daf replied on Thu May 27, 2010 @ 11:00am. Posted in the quote/sentence of the day.
Coolness: 185635
Fitter, happier, more productive,
not drinking too much,
regular exercise at the gym
(3 days a week),
getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries,
at ease,
eating well
(no more microwave dinners and saturated fats),
a patient better driver,
a safer car
(baby smiling in back seat),
sleeping well
(no bad dreams),
no paranoia,
careful to all animals
(never washing spiders down the plughole),
keep in contact with old friends
(enjoy a drink now and then),
will frequently check credit at (moral) bank (hole in the wall),
favors for favors,
fond but not in love,
charity standing orders,
on Sundays ring road supermarket
(no killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants),
car wash
(also on Sundays),
no longer afraid of the dark or midday shadows
nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate,
nothing so childish - at a better pace,
slower and more calculated,
no chance of escape,
now self-employed,
concerned (but powerless),
an empowered and informed member of society
(pragmatism not idealism),
will not cry in public,
less chance of illness,
tires that grip in the wet
(shot of baby strapped in back seat),
a good memory,
still cries at a good film,
still kisses with saliva,
no longer empty and frantic like a cat tied to a stick,
that's driven into frozen winter shit
(the ability to laugh at weakness),
healthier and more productive
a pig in a cage on antibiotics.

-thom yorke

Update » Daf wrote on Thu May 27, 2010 @ 2:46pm
C'est pas d'ma faute si à tout bout d'champs
Une joie intense me monte à tête
Ça arrive comme ça naturellement
Chu chimiquement fait pour la fête
-belzébuth, les colocs
» Daf replied on Thu May 27, 2010 @ 10:06am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 185635
+ : milkshake aux fraises+baies sauvage comme déjeuner un jeudi matin ensoilleilé
+ : presque la fin de semaine
+ : café
- : j'veux pas travaillé
» Daf replied on Thu May 27, 2010 @ 7:39am. Posted in epic coalition 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Coolness: 185635
» Daf replied on Wed May 26, 2010 @ 4:45pm. Posted in Comment on the last movie you saw.
Coolness: 185635
hahah oui quand mon chum la louer jai eu une petite pensé pour toi aussi

stais pas mal cute
» Daf replied on Wed May 26, 2010 @ 4:43pm. Posted in Les Amis De La Montagne....
Coolness: 185635
Originally Posted By KISHMAY_PINAS

and for a talking French cat his english is quite impeccable

hahah yeah his accent through internet was hard to reproduce, and i made a mistake, it's a skunk *blushes*
quoted from Pepe Le Pew, from the looney tunes
» Daf replied on Wed May 26, 2010 @ 3:38pm. Posted in Les Amis De La Montagne....
Coolness: 185635
i was just poking hehe ;)

i heard a french cat said once:

"there are plenty of fish in the sea...
...if you are into fish"
» Daf replied on Wed May 26, 2010 @ 3:35pm. Posted in Epic coalition 3 madness.
Coolness: 185635
haha lit vite ça pourrait être tellement mal interpréter
» Daf replied on Wed May 26, 2010 @ 3:27pm. Posted in Les Amis De La Montagne....
Coolness: 185635
i think he prefers being called the english speaker cat, ufot

:P hahaha

moi après encore 3 ans mon chum me fait pratiquer à presque toutes les semaines sigh/sighs/sighed
que ma tête s'entête à ne pas vouloir pronnoncer correctement haha
» Daf replied on Wed May 26, 2010 @ 3:13pm. Posted in Les Amis De La Montagne....
Coolness: 185635
jconnais une petite "english speaker" de 6 ans qui me reprend à toutes les fois je dis Tree pour dire 3 (au lieu de three)

jpeux pas m'empêcher de trouver sa cute haha
» Daf replied on Wed May 26, 2010 @ 2:55pm. Posted in Les Amis De La Montagne....
Coolness: 185635
hahaha le post de kismay pinas ma faite pensé à ça :

Dr. Hibbert: You never forget the birth of Siamese twins!
Lisa: I believe they prefer to be called "Conjoined twins."
Dr. Hibbert: And hillbillies want to be called "Sons of the Soil," but it ain't gonna happen.

Update » Daf wrote on Wed May 26, 2010 @ 2:57pm
nothing mean intended haha
and i don't care being called a french
a frog
or whatever

it takes more than that to insult who i know i am
» Daf replied on Wed May 26, 2010 @ 2:41pm. Posted in Les Amis De La Montagne....
Coolness: 185635
Originally Posted By LAURENT
I have never ever heard english people being louder than anybody else and i hang out with english people all the time

never ever? reeeeally? i call it a lie :P

personnaly, i always have notice in the metro, or in bars how some english fellows were sometimes louder than other people in the room

that doesn't mean they are the ONLY persons to be loud, or that ALL of them are.

I live with a cute english boy since 4 years now, yes i can admit that when he talks, his loud, though his drunk haha Also i really don't give a shit, since everyone have always told me that i was louder than everyone, and you know what, im a fucking frog

stereotypes are like clichés, they don't exist for no reason, though sometimes use for bad reason, they can also be use to just express a feeling/thoughts, withouth mean intention

poor english, they don't like to be put in the same basket, though, they don't mind judging people from quebec all the same :P <3
» Daf replied on Wed May 26, 2010 @ 2:30pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 185635
» Daf replied on Wed May 26, 2010 @ 11:11am. Posted in the quote/sentence of the day.
Coolness: 185635
all i know is that i don't know nothing
» Daf replied on Wed May 26, 2010 @ 10:35am. Posted in Epic coalition 3 madness.
Coolness: 185635
Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE

» Daf replied on Wed May 26, 2010 @ 8:52am. Posted in 17th mondial de la bière.
Coolness: 185635
Originally Posted By MELOODIE
LOL moi aussi dimanche j'ai continué a boire comme une désoeuvrée... ca finit a 2pm lundi ct'histoire la..Eh jte dis..

fait juste trop beau :D
» Daf replied on Tue May 25, 2010 @ 2:17pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 185635

Update » Daf wrote on Wed May 26, 2010 @ 9:58am
» Daf replied on Tue May 25, 2010 @ 2:17pm. Posted in the quote/sentence of the day.
Coolness: 185635
jvienne de lire ça dans un comment sur un vidéo youtube

ça ma fais une petite douceur au coeur

"have you ever wanted to be a song?"
» Daf replied on Tue May 25, 2010 @ 1:51pm. Posted in 17th mondial de la bière.
Coolness: 185635
yeah i feel pretty bad about drinking 51 beers this weekend with my bf

so i was thinking about taking a break this week

but fuck that, hot sunny summer day are meant for delicious beer

can't wait to get home haha :)
» Daf replied on Tue May 25, 2010 @ 12:32pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 185635
c'est quoi dans ton jardin :D??

moi aussi jveux un court pour ça!! jferais tellement pousser plein de légumes+épices !
» Daf replied on Tue May 25, 2010 @ 12:20pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 185635

Update » Daf wrote on Thu May 27, 2010 @ 7:46am
» Daf replied on Tue May 25, 2010 @ 12:18pm. Posted in 17th mondial de la bière.
Coolness: 185635

fuck i could drink a huge cold beer right fucking now
» Daf replied on Tue May 25, 2010 @ 11:46am. Posted in Montreal Canadiens.
Coolness: 185635
j'ai eu la même réflexion ;)
» Daf replied on Tue May 25, 2010 @ 11:11am. Posted in Comment on the last movie you saw.
Coolness: 185635

ok c'est super cute, même des fois c'est trop pis tu te sens mal de trouver ça cute

c'est le fun de voir des histoires d'ado inverser, la fille facile pis le petit gars prude

malgré tout la carte du petit gars genée à juste l'air de la nouvelle game à jouer pour fouerrer haha

mais reste que c'est un film kistch dans les règles, et pour ça j'ai adoré. des jeunes cute, qui on une job d'été dans un carnavale qui font face a des triangles amoureux, rempli de couleurs et de barbe à papa <3
» Daf replied on Tue May 25, 2010 @ 11:04am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 185635
- : bleh, mon coeur c'est recouvert de gouache bleu.
» Daf replied on Tue May 25, 2010 @ 9:44am. Posted in L'hybridation in vulgaris betastic of deux language juste for ouère.
Coolness: 185635
haha tabarnack ecki

j'ai mal à tête

on devrait passer une soirée a en faire un dictionnaire du franglais, jsuis sure qu'on arriverait à de quoi de pas pire :P

» Daf replied on Tue May 25, 2010 @ 9:42am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 185635
+ : fin de semaine parfaite
- : j'veux qu'elle continue
» Daf replied on Tue May 25, 2010 @ 8:59am. Posted in Montreal Canadiens.
Coolness: 185635
next year motherfucker!!

was a good run, kind of disappointed it has ended that way, but fuck, still really proud of the team

let's go hawks now!!! (such a great team!)
» Daf replied on Sun May 23, 2010 @ 8:01am. Posted in 17th mondial de la bière.
Coolness: 185635
haha à date ça s'enligne pour les 2 jours :P

mélo tu nous diras si tu travails vendredi soir
» Daf replied on Fri May 21, 2010 @ 11:30am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 185635
» Daf replied on Fri May 21, 2010 @ 11:10am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 185635

moi j'ai une plante d'oregan super bonne épice!!

et oui quelle remonté, ah j'ai trop hate a samedi :D
» Daf replied on Fri May 21, 2010 @ 11:05am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 185635
habs en criss

jtavais dit que les high5 reviendrait :D on est content en tout cas!!

et y'a pogner la plante dans une serre a genre 20$ moi si jtes toi jme gâterais ;)
» Daf replied on Fri May 21, 2010 @ 10:48am. Posted in driving school.
Coolness: 185635
ma demander a ma famille, dont la moitié vie en belgique

c'est le genre de cross qui semble/sonne aussi compliquer que faire le cours de 12 mois haha :P
Daf's Profile - Community Messages