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» Czarkastik replied on Sun Mar 23, 2003 @ 4:54pm. Posted in Digital Level @ Lanjeu.
Coolness: 149745
it's called senility, calros. the bane of the aged.
» Czarkastik replied on Sun Mar 23, 2003 @ 4:28am. Posted in Concord Dawn.
Coolness: 149745
booyam. solid shit, what I heard. tight mixing, sick tracks. big up to seb, thanks for the rum dun.
» Czarkastik replied on Sat Mar 22, 2003 @ 9:50pm. Posted in Beyer and Bailey at Aria.
Coolness: 149745
too drunk to remember. sorry. i'm pretty sure i missed bailey though. me getting old. never enough energy left to stand up by the time headliner comes on. pass out on couch. boo.
» Czarkastik replied on Sat Mar 22, 2003 @ 9:49pm. Posted in Are Level 4 a bunch of murderers?.
Coolness: 149745
Were George Bush and various American government agencies responsible for drug dealing activities that destroyed the lives of millions of citizens, both directly and indirectly, and swept waste and ruin across the USA? This is a subject that the American legal institution now has to formally examine.

History was made on March 15th of last year when class action lawsuits were filed simultaneously in Los Angeles and Oakland, holding US government departments (the CIA and the Department of Justice) and individuals responsible for the onset of the crack cocaine epidemic starting in 1982, and the consequential economic and social devastation of inner city communities. This is not the first time that proceedings have been initiated against the CIA, but these cases are based upon documents that are already available publicly, unlike previous efforts that have tried unsuccessfully to obtain classified information through the legal process.

In March 1998, the House Intelligence Committee received results of an investigation into the CIA, Contras and drug trafficking. A declassified version of this damning report was finally released in October 1998. Also, documents passed between Attorney General William French Smith and DCI William Casey prove that people acting for the CIA were involved in drug trafficking and that the CIA and DoJ conspired, starting in 1981, to conceal that information. Every Government department and agency has a duty to report any information or allegations pertaining possible violations of criminal law by government officers and employees. The CIA tried bending the rules and absolving responsibility in a secret agreement with the DoJ, for thousands of assets, agents and contractors who were known to be involved in drug trafficking activities.

In 1999, an interesting document came into the hands of Ray Kohlman, written by William Casey (DCI deceased), and admitting direct involvement in the drug trade. Casey's affidavit states that cocaine was flown into Mena airport, Arkansas, where local law enforcement investigations were being contained by the then Governor, William J. Clinton. Orders for these operations came from highest levels of government and investigations show irrefutable links between Clinton and the CIA. Kohlman's own affidavit states that most of the contents of Casey's document can be proven and he will testify to its contents in court.

Kohlman is also the attorney representing Bill Tyree in a civil case brought against George Bush, the CIA and the US Army amongst others. Tyree is an ex-special forces operative who was framed after voicing reservations about orders to conduct domestic surveillance, harassment and blackmail operations. He was involved in CIA Watchtower missions (planting radio beacons in Columbia so cocaine could be flown undetected) and the Sandman project (assassinations), and is currently serving life imprisonment for the murder of his wife, despite forensic evidence and witness testimony that suggests otherwise. Another person to speak out about drug trafficking was Albert Carone, a retired New York police detective with CIA and mafia connections. Before his death (chemical toxicity of unknown etiology), Carone made statements to family about drug dealing activities of notables such as Oliver North, George Bush and John Poindexter, and also about murder and torture. When he died, his military records, his NYPD pension, his bank accounts, his driver's licence and registration all mysteriously disappeared. He did though leave behind information that backs up all his allegations, and his daughter holds further evidence that George Bush was behind drug money laundering through various banks worldwide. Carone also alleged that George Bush was connected to the assassination of JFK.

Celerino Castillo, an agent for the DEA, posted in Central America from 1984 to 1990, kept detailed diaries of his assignments, including names, case numbers and DEA computer records. He also holds pictures and passports of those murdered by CIA assets with agency approval. The information he has, again proves CIA complicity, and a statement has been published on the web so that it is freely available and his words cannot be corrupted.

One individual who has tirelessly campaigned to make this information public is Michael C. Rupert, a former LAPD narcotics officer who was witness to much corruption during his time in the police. He has been pivotal in shedding light on the scale of CIA and government drug trafficking operations, both through sworn testimonies, his newsletter, ‘From The Wilderness’, and his web site, [ www.copvcia.com. ] It is only through the brave efforts of these and other individuals who have risked their lives, and countless more who have lost their lives in suspicious circumstances, that much of this information has come to light, let alone reach the stage where it may be acted upon.

Present cocaine consumption in the US is over 600 tons per year. The four biggest states for drug importation are California, Florida, New York and Texas. The four biggest states in the US for money laundering also happen to be California, Florida, New York and Texas. It is hardly surprising then that eighty percent of all money for presidential elections comes from those four same states. It would seem that not only have those in power been selling drugs to fund covert operations, but that drug money forms the basis of the American financial institution. Without it there would be economic meltdown. One certainty is that it will be years before the trial eventually begins, and those effected will undoubtedly try every dirty trick in the book to ensure it's dismissal.

It remains interesting to see then what happens when the cogs of justice eventually start to turn.
» Czarkastik replied on Sat Mar 22, 2003 @ 9:46pm. Posted in Time Rift.
Coolness: 149745
if i say i play techno, then people are like "technotronic? rhythm is a dancer" or someshit

if i say i play hip hop people is like "can you play some jay-z, or some ludacris or something"

and then they're like "can you play something a bit more.. um.. commercial" and then I'm like "FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING LOSER. YOU WANNA HEAR COMMERCIALS GO HOME AND LISTEN TO THE FUCKING RADIO. Pure underground shit. bitch."
» Czarkastik replied on Sat Mar 22, 2003 @ 9:44pm. Posted in clonk & L4P presents [ bleep ] march 27.
Coolness: 149745
amnesia will be surgically mutated beyond recognition for bleep. expect a new lighting scheme (no gay disco lights, upon pain of my own personal death), birfday celebrations in order for yas, d and the first rustlings of my own anniversary on this planet. and apparently tobias is going to roll around naked in granola. or something.
» Czarkastik replied on Sat Mar 22, 2003 @ 9:41pm. Posted in Digital Level @ Lanjeu.
Coolness: 149745
robin a guy. with a beard. and really long hair. R2R.
» Czarkastik replied on Sat Mar 22, 2003 @ 8:11pm. Posted in Digital Level @ Lanjeu.
Coolness: 149745
word to that. it'll be up in the next couple of weeks actually, the new one. unfortunately i am html-challenged so can't do it. I can't do EVERYTHING myself after all. thank god for a little help from my friends. THIERRY!!! THEORY!!!! where is your testiculeless self?!?! what? you have a life or something? step UP
» Czarkastik replied on Sat Mar 22, 2003 @ 8:08pm. Posted in Are Level 4 a bunch of murderers?.
Coolness: 149745
well maybe if you picked it up and READ IT, instead of drinking your fucking martinis or whatever, then you'd KNOW WHAT THE FUCK WAS GOING ON IN THE WORLD. CAPITALIST SCUM. white male patriarchal alcoholic wifebeater.

sorry. i lost it.
mo west rules.

those who don't learn from history are condemned to repeat it. or some shit. (I never really understood that crap.. I mean, MAYBE they'll repeat it, but what are the actual chances that history will repeat itself -wether or not we actually KNOW anything about history or not.. the chances have to be infinitesmal) and shiiiit.

!one love.
» Czarkastik replied on Sat Mar 22, 2003 @ 7:21pm. Posted in Digital Level @ Lanjeu.
Coolness: 149745
level 4 productions=toltech, freebass, kilobyte, sarcastic, simon g, karl marx, mindlab, module m, kidstatik, nter

for further info look at our crappy website [ www.level4productions.com ]

other than that, you've confirmed my suspicions, neoform. it WAS a joke. word. sometimes i get a bit defensive / paranoid and just wanna make sure that nobody found out about those horrible crimes we committed in el salvador. so, cool, word up, and keep keepin' on.

thierry: you brought it up in the first place. now get some balls and admit it: it was a FUCKING JOKE. A SENSELESS COMMENT, that seemed funny at the time, and if you could retract it YOU WOULD, IN A SECOND. and shiiiit.

first and foremost, !one love to all white males.
» Czarkastik replied on Sat Mar 22, 2003 @ 4:42pm. Posted in Digital Level @ Lanjeu.
Coolness: 149745
nobody here has the cajones to step up and rep their spurious accusations. whuuuuuuut?

!one love
» Czarkastik replied on Sat Mar 22, 2003 @ 4:34pm. Posted in Are Level 4 a bunch of murderers?.
Coolness: 149745
Henry Kissinger: War Criminal or Old-Fashioned Murderer?

Incredibly, Henry Kissinger—the man who rivals Pol Pot for the dubious honor of being the person responsible for the death of the largest number of innocent people in South East Asia (and far surpasses Pol Pot in criminality when one factors in Kissinger's various levels of responsibility for wholesale slaughter and repression in other parts of the world)—still wields significant power in the United States; but his role as eager facilitator of mass murder, totalitarian repression and other atrocities is never discussed in polite society. Although Kissinger is a frequent guest on Nightline, where he is treated as a harmless and venerable elder statesman, his friend Ted Koppel has never brought up the topic of Kissinger's responsibility for the horrifying deaths of so many in Asia, Latin America and other areas of the world. It is safe to assume that Koppel has no intention of doing so in the future.

In fact, Kissinger's continuing influence over what the US government does, and what is reported about what the government does, can clearly be seen is a relatively recent media event: Kissinger's significant behind-the-scene role in effecting CNN's retraction of the "Tailwind" story.

CNN's ostensible justification for the retraction is laid out in the compromise-ridden Abrams/Kohler Report. Although the Tailwind story's producers, April Oliver and Jack Smith, had ample evidence to draw the conclusions that they did (see the Oliver/Smith Rebuttal to the A/K Report), CNN quickly caved when the Pentagon and Kissinger, whose role in the indiscriminate mass killings in South East Asia is a well-known but never-mentioned (by the mainstream media) fact, both objected to the story. "Tailwind" alleged further U.S. atrocities in SE Asia during Kissinger's reign, specifically the use of poison gas during an illegal U.S. black operation in Laos. (Imagine the U.S. media retracting a story about an atrocity committed by Saddam Huessein because Saddam claimed it never happened.)

When the usual right wing flacks, predictably, went ballistic over the story, CNN quickly decided on a strategy of appeasement and hired Floyd Abrams to work along with David Kohler—who, as CNN's legal advisor, had already given Smith and Oliver his advice that the Tailwind story was, as prepared for broadcast, legally defensible—to produce a report that would absolve CNN's upper-management of any wrong-doing. That is precisely what their report did. The A/K report systematically ignored the best, strongest, and most direct evidence that Oliver and Smith had amassed during the course of their investigation and condemned the Tailwind story by adhering to a simple strategy: it examined only the weaker, subsidiary evidence and disingenuously implied that this weaker evidence was in fact the most significant evidence the producers had found. In short, Abrams and Kohler set up a straw man, then knocked it down.

But neither Kohler nor CNN ever explained what had changed, what new evidence had come to light, to effect Kohler's 180-degree turn-around. How, in two short weeks, did the evidence that Smith and Oliver had compiled go, in Kohler's mind, from justifiable and responsible to insufficient and insupportable? This is a question that the A/K report does not even pose, much less answer.

CNN has, however, said what allegedly was not a factor: CNN adamantly denies that the unprecedentedly quick retraction had anything to do with the pressure applied by Kissinger, Colin Powell and other powerful government people —thus leaving a vacuum at the center of the rationale for this whole embarrassing and unnecessary reversal. CNN would much rather leave this incident hanging with no explanation than admit it left two producers to twist in the wind because of management's cowardice in the face of pressure from powerful government-connected people. And CNN would evidently much rather be in the good graces of the government than defend it's dubious claims to any kind of journalistic integrity.

The A/K report does not claim that new evidence had come to light to contradict what Smith and Oliver reported; rather, the report, and it's co-author David Kohler, claim that the very evidence Kohler had found compelling and legally defensible was now somehow neither, even though that evidence had not changed. CNN's way of dealing with this seeming paradox was to imply Abram's sole authorship of the report: the CNN webpage where the full text of the A/K Report resides makes no mention of Kohler's name or of his role in the writing and preparing of the report. There was no reversal, CNN implies, because the evidence was being looked at by a different person who reached a different conclusion about the worthiness of that evidence. Kohler's role in the A/K report went down the memory hole.

CNN's quick retraction and summary firing of producers Oliver and Smith sent an unmistakeable message to anyone who might want to follow up on this story: approaching this issue, even if in good faith (and even the compromised Abrams/Kohler Report concludes that Oliver and Smith acted responsibly and in good faith), will cost you your job and your good name. When the rest of the mainstream media gleefully jumped on the bandwagon to condemn CNN and Oliver and Smith, it became clear that nobody in the mainstream media was going to follow up on this story despite the convincing preliminary case made in the Tailwind report, and despite the many promising leads that have yet to be pursued. Needless to say, CNN's summary firing of Smith and Oliver pulled the rug out from under them: they had been working on a follow-up to the original Tailwind story when CNN gave them the shiv. CNN has ensured that that story will probably never be told.

The media, once again, fell all over itself to become apologists for the Pentagon and the National Security state—some going so far as to claim that CNN admitted the story was "false", when in fact, CNN's retraction, while pusillanimous and abject, went no further than to say that story "could not be supported".

It should be noted that Smith and Oliver repeatedly asked to interview Kissinger for the story; Kissinger repeatedly refused. Clearly, Kissinger would rather work his magic behind the scenes and not be forced to answer questions about his role in the affair. Amazingly, many in the mainstream media viewed Kissinger's outrage at the Tailwind story as evidence that the Tailwind story was not true.
» Czarkastik replied on Sat Mar 22, 2003 @ 4:34pm. Posted in Are Level 4 a bunch of murderers?.
Coolness: 149745
communism might be a neat looking theory, but when you try to apply it by force in a capitalist international market, ya, shit gets mad sticky. Note that Karl Marx was simply a historian and economist, credited with outlining the policies of a communist state. In fact, his musings were more aking to 'predictions', he felt that historically, by viewing the relation between the land-owners/bourgeoisie, and the working class, it was only a matter of time before the proletariat gained control of the means of production. Stalin and Lenin, for example, took action upon his theories, bringing the russian communist nation state into being, and they can be criticized for a hell of a lot of shit. In the end however, you're just being a brainwashed capitalist North American with no real understanding of what the individual russian's life or level of personal happiness was other than what the fucking US, north american and intrinsically capitalist media system tells you. It's a never-ending circle of cynicism, disbelief and stunted theoretical idealisms. what gives?

but look at Cuba. they're all mad communist and shit...
» Czarkastik replied on Fri Mar 21, 2003 @ 7:05pm. Posted in Booty Slappin' @ Amnesia.
Coolness: 149745
dude!!!! please burn the Supa Crazy Ill Bombs and Dead Nigga Storage for me...

» Czarkastik replied on Fri Mar 21, 2003 @ 7:04pm. Posted in Are Level 4 a bunch of murderers?.
Coolness: 149745
No. Not Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden. THE Bruce Dickinson. Cock of the Walk baby.

Let's bring this thread back to where it began...


» Czarkastik replied on Fri Mar 21, 2003 @ 6:53pm. Posted in Are Level 4 a bunch of murderers?.
Coolness: 149745
never question Bruce Dickinson.
» Czarkastik replied on Fri Mar 21, 2003 @ 6:51pm. Posted in Are Level 4 a bunch of murderers?.
Coolness: 149745
what does that MEAN?
» Czarkastik replied on Fri Mar 21, 2003 @ 6:50pm. Posted in Booty Slappin' @ Amnesia.
Coolness: 149745
"So what are you doing back?"

Well, I sat back and thought about the things we used to do. It really meant a lot to me...
you mean a lot to me.

"I really mean that much to you?"

Girl, you know

» Czarkastik replied on Fri Mar 21, 2003 @ 6:46pm. Posted in Are Level 4 a bunch of murderers?.
Coolness: 149745
I don't think so. I never ordered any assassinations, nor am I privy to any deaths being caused by members of Level 4. JP once punched me in the face, so we banned him.

In this time of war it's important to address such critical issues, and point fingers where they deserve to be pointed. Murderation. Turbo Records, for example... now they're murderers. I Love Neon. That's murder.
» Czarkastik replied on Fri Mar 21, 2003 @ 6:43pm. Posted in Digital Level @ Lanjeu.
Coolness: 149745

can you please elaborate Ian? or Thierry? I can't help but wonder, and be a little concerned, when I see my charitable organization of do-gooders being referred to with such not-so-subtle derogatory terms. we rep One Love, and always have, so what the diiiillllyyy-yo. I'm sure it's all in good fun (at least I hope)... but that doesn't help me understand the source of these slanderous comments.


poopooeatinghardtekpoopooinyourfaceinyourbumpoopoolevel4productionstekstylemanufacturingpoopooeatingpoopoosmearinggoodtimesofpoo pooandpeepeeandcacapoopoo
» Czarkastik replied on Fri Mar 21, 2003 @ 2:00pm. Posted in Point System Contest.
Coolness: 149745
plus i finished high school and i know how to spell "bus"... I'm pretty good like dat. and yes, in terms of fellatio, there is a distinct bias in place. call me boring, call me heterosexual, that's just the angle of the dangle and shiit.
» Czarkastik replied on Fri Mar 21, 2003 @ 1:58pm. Posted in Digital Levels - tuesday the 25th.
Coolness: 149745
I'm not sure Seb, I think it might be "tuesday the 25th"... but I know nothing, after all... All i know is that I know nothing.
» Czarkastik replied on Fri Mar 21, 2003 @ 1:57pm. Posted in clonk & L4P presents [ bleep ] march 27.
Coolness: 149745
and this is me saying

» Czarkastik replied on Fri Mar 21, 2003 @ 1:56pm. Posted in clonk & L4P presents [ bleep ] march 27.
Coolness: 149745

that is Bleep, the female troll of Trollywood. best recognize!
» Czarkastik replied on Fri Mar 21, 2003 @ 1:50pm. Posted in clonk & L4P presents [ bleep ] march 27.
Coolness: 149745
Hi Alex!

Life's a Bitch, then You FUCKING DIE! YOU DIE!

see y'all mothafuckas in hell. a cold blue hell. prepare for the mothafuckin' livin' afterlife, the perpetual stasis of blue light, your altered psycho-cerebrum will never be the same. BLEEP
» Czarkastik replied on Fri Mar 21, 2003 @ 1:48pm. Posted in Digital Levels - tuesday the 25th.
Coolness: 149745
"As for me, all I know is that I know nothing." (Socrates)
» Czarkastik replied on Fri Mar 21, 2003 @ 12:58am. Posted in is it just me?.
Coolness: 149745
dude.... turn down the suuuuck.
you got the suck turned all the way up duuuude.
» Czarkastik replied on Thu Mar 20, 2003 @ 8:10pm. Posted in Point System Contest.
Coolness: 149745
see that's just what I mean. though my current point total should read [-10541 pts], i don't have the necessary amount of characters in my nickname field to enter that. I've already cut down my name to k marx and cutting it down to just marx would give me two more characters, allowing me to subsequently enter the correct point total. but what happens when I enter the hundreds of thousands in negative points? and what if, hypothetically, my chosen tag was longer, or if I was unwilling to sacrifice my surname? this system is unfair. and since when is katherine a judge anyways?

furthermore, and most importantly, the enter key is not generally used in the midst of a paragraph. english humans use periods to mark the end of a sentence, and enter keys to indicate new paragraphs, new chapters, or new sections. it is suggested that each paragraph contain one basic idea and an elaboration or explanation of that idea. i think i followed the correct procedure in my aboce post. what i could and should have been penalized for would have been the notable absence of capitalized letters, usually used to indicate the beginning of a sentence or a proper name. if you guys need a grammar judge that finished grade eight, just let me know, i'd be happy to help out and stuff. actually, i doubt you have the budget for that. you can always pay me in fellatio i guess, except for thierry.
» Czarkastik replied on Thu Mar 20, 2003 @ 7:29pm. Posted in is it just me?.
Coolness: 149745
i suck. i have over five hundred negative points. and counting.
» Czarkastik replied on Thu Mar 20, 2003 @ 7:28pm. Posted in Point System Contest.
Coolness: 149745
the entire point system process is deeply flawed.
having three judges creates a hierarchy of confusion. participants with long nicknames are penalized. there is not sufficient characters allocated to the nickname field to allow for a full implementation of the point system without detrimentally effecting the holistic being of our chosen nicknames. the point system undermines the entire premise of message board conversation, encouraging the assumption that all human-to-human communication is worthwhile based on the abiblity of said communication to initiate laughter. a lack of meaningful statements is the only logical outcome of such a view. furthermore, judges seem willing to assign points to themselves quite freely, further encouraging the belief that the judgement system is both biased and inequitable. in fact it raises the question of what humour is, and how it operates. is it possible to infer conclusively that humour is an entirely relative function, and that one might very often find oneself to be humorous, yet rarely share the sense of humour of others? this entire experiment has gone awry and i just hope nobody gets hurt. stop this dangerous game of elitism, bigotry and prejudice. it is pernacious and ultimately damaging to our ability to live as willful, sentient beings on this earth.

» Czarkastik replied on Thu Mar 20, 2003 @ 7:21pm. Posted in clonk & L4P presents [ bleep ] march 27.
Coolness: 149745
hi calros!
» Czarkastik replied on Thu Mar 20, 2003 @ 7:21pm. Posted in clonk & L4P presents [ bleep ] march 27.
Coolness: 149745
hi noah!

hi chelsea!

hi noah!

It was very kind of you sir to leave this out for me sir. There was no
one around when
I finished my bath so I started, hope that's all right, sir

Of course.
Food all right?

Great, sir. Great.

Try the wine.

Thank you, sir. Cheers, happy day, sir.
Won't you join me?

No, my health doesn't allow it.

No thank you.

1960, Chateau Saint Estef Edock.***
Very good brand, sir.
Very good color, sir.
Smells mice, too.
Very nice little number, sir.
Very refreshing, sir sir.**

I'm pleased you appreciate good wine.
Have another glass.

Thank you, sir.

My wife used to do everything for me and leave me to my writing.

Your wife, sir. Is she away?

No, she's dead.

I'm sorry to hear about that, sir.

She was very badly raped ya see.
We were attacked by a gang of viscous young hoodlums in this very room
you're sitting
in now. I was left a helpless crippled. Doctors said it was pneumonia,
because it
happened some months later during a flu epidemic. The doctor told me it
was pneumonia,
but I knew what it was. Victim of the modern age.
Poor, poor girl. And now you, another victim of the modern age, but you
can be helped.
I phoned some friends while you were having your bath.

Some friends, sir?

Yes, they want to help you.

Help me, sir?

Help you.

Who are they, sir?

Very important people and they're interested in you. Julian, this will be
these people now.

I don't think I want to trouble you further, sir. I think I should be

No, no, no my boy, no trouble at all. Here, let me fill your glass.

Hello, Frank.

Good evening, sir.

Oh, Frank.

So this is the young man?

How do you do, sir?


Pleased to meet you.


I hope you forgive us for coming over at this ungodly hour, but we heard
from Frank that
you were in some trouble so we came by to see if we could be of any help.

Very kind of you, sir.
Thank you very much.

I understand you had a rather unfortunate encounter with the police

Yes sir, I suppose you could call it that, sir.

How'd you feel now?

Much better, sir.

Feel like talking to us, answer a few questions?

Fine, fine, sir.

Well, as I said, we've heard about you. Were interested in your case we
want to help you.

Thank you very much, sir.

Well, shall we get down to it?

Fine, fine, sir.

The newspapers mentioned that in addition to your being conditioned
against acts of sex and
violence you've inadvertently been conditioned against music.

Well, I think that was something that they didn't plan for. You see,
misses, I'm very
fond of music. Especially Beethoven, Ludwig Van Beethoven. B - E -

That's all right, thank you.

And it just so happened that while they were showing me a particularly bad
film, of like
a concentration camp. The background music was playing Beethoven.

So now you have the same reaction to music as you do to sex and violence?

No, misses. You see, it's not all music, it's just the 9th.

You mean, Beethoven's Ninth Symphony?

That's right. I can't listen to the 9th anymore at all. When I hear the
9th, I get like
this funny feeling and then all I can think about is like **** to snuff

I beg your pardon?

Snuff it, sir I mean death missus. I just want to die peacefully like
with no pain.

Do you feel that way now?

Oh no, sir, not exactly, I still feel very miserable, very much
down in spirits.

Do you still feel suicidal?

Well, put it this way, I feel very low in myself. I can't see much in the
future, and
I feel that any second something terrible is going to happen to me.

(Alex passes out face first in his plate of spaghetti)
» Czarkastik replied on Thu Mar 20, 2003 @ 7:14pm. Posted in Ringu: japanese version of The Ring.
Coolness: 149745
kirobyte, did you mean to say: "this is total shit" ? .... cause like I thought you were trying to say something else. and WHAT, may I ask, is total shit? Ringu??? the Ring??? the mooshy brown substance expelled from your anus??? tiga?? please explain...
» Czarkastik replied on Thu Mar 20, 2003 @ 7:07pm. Posted in Booty Slappin' @ Amnesia.
Coolness: 149745
» Czarkastik replied on Thu Mar 20, 2003 @ 6:58pm. Posted in Happy Birfday D!!!.
Coolness: 149745
yo. vernal equinox up in this shiiiiiit.
bappy furfday freeeeeeebaaaaasssss
» Czarkastik replied on Thu Mar 20, 2003 @ 2:45am. Posted in Why?.
Coolness: 149745
anyways... good night y'all i'm out.

» Czarkastik replied on Thu Mar 20, 2003 @ 2:44am. Posted in Why?.
Coolness: 149745
Am I being censored here?
» Czarkastik replied on Thu Mar 20, 2003 @ 2:42am. Posted in Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie.
Coolness: 149745
awwww man. i have maaad negative points.
» Czarkastik replied on Thu Mar 20, 2003 @ 2:38am. Posted in clonk & L4P presents [ bleep ] march 27.
Coolness: 149745
nice avatar toltech. did someone teach you how to use photoshop or something?
» Czarkastik replied on Wed Mar 19, 2003 @ 2:47am. Posted in Who wants to doink Iza?.
Coolness: 149745
does isa really need 256 posts to realize that she's hot?
Czarkastik's Profile - Community Messages