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» cinderella_soul replied on Fri Jul 1, 2005 @ 10:58am. Posted in Update from Athens Greece....
Coolness: 56915
it sounds so fun!! It might help that I am infatuated with Greece and the mere mention of it makes my body tingle. But in any case, glad to hear that you are having a good time and that you realized that you like bikes.
» cinderella_soul replied on Mon Jun 13, 2005 @ 11:21pm. Posted in Allow me to "Breif" you about....
Coolness: 56915
it's always fun and games till someone flicks a ci...")
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Jun 9, 2005 @ 3:40pm. Posted in On star.
Coolness: 56915
was it pink? reddish?
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Jun 9, 2005 @ 3:33pm. Posted in How much?.
Coolness: 56915
whatever some people just have shit to say. It's not all that hard to go from doing no pills, to trying it, to one weekend doing more than you thought you would ever do. I hope you are not beating yourself up over it/ But I do hope that you take yourself seriously and have respect for yourself. You live and learn, try to keep learning. There's nothing more important.
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri May 27, 2005 @ 11:04pm. Posted in Obese Woman Referred to Zoo.
Coolness: 56915
Mico, I agree that she shouldn't blame the doctor for suggesting that she should go to the zoo. I think if that comment bothered she ought to confront the doc about it. But the issue in it for me, is that they could build equipment large enough to accomadate willy. This is not a cause that I would die for. But it's ajust a matter of principle.

And what you might want to remember is that I like arguing, having discussions on things.

But whatever, atleast she can get an mri!
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri May 27, 2005 @ 10:49pm. Posted in Have you ever tried some Nitrous.
Coolness: 56915
I think I am a pretty just person. I try not to do things to please people. But I do listen to sound argument, I would lose out if I didn't. I'd like to be here and just have some nice conversation. I am not sure what gave you the impression that I think I am always right. Sometimes, I feel like I want to be right. But most of the time and in general, I can recognize when I am wrong. I could be wrong right now.
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri May 27, 2005 @ 12:33pm. Posted in Life is like...
Coolness: 56915
Life as it is fashioned today is like a tampon. Your friends and loved ones encourage you to use it. Some tell you that something bad will result if you do. The first time you stick it in it tends to hurt. You might even cry. It's only good for a few hours, then you gotto insert another one. It feels like a dick, but it's not.
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri May 27, 2005 @ 12:27pm. Posted in Obese Woman Referred to Zoo.
Coolness: 56915
Originally posted by MICO!...

Originally posted by elka...

New York politicians recently called for an end to what they termed medical discrimination against obese people.

Is that a joke?

If the bitch is to fat to fit in a regular MRI, and needs to use one at the zoo, then the bitch is to fat to use a regualr MRI, and needs to use the one at the zoo!!

"Oh my gosh, he embarassed me!"

Please She's the one who just embarassed herself.

She's to blame for her fatness?! You probbaly don't see how that a very similar argument could fuck you over.

You might not be so bull-headed if you were as overweight as her and told to take yourself over to the zoo.

But I guess you would never become that overweight because it is neither in your genetics or something you would allow to get out of control. The obseesion with thinness in our society and others like it makes me sick. It wuld and could be much more respectable, if people were concerned with thinness as a sign that they were not overeating and that everyone on planet earth did not lack any food. Thinness then would be respectable. People these days get thin to look good, to fit into an image thathas been branded on society and glorified.

Anyways, I think they should look into getting a bigger mri -- why not?!
I don't think it's all that big of a deal to go to the zoo. But after years and years of insulting comments (fat cow) and looks which I imagine this woman recieved, she is told to go to the zoo. I could see how this could be painful.
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri May 27, 2005 @ 12:17pm. Posted in funny shit.
Coolness: 56915
Originally posted by [SCREWHEAD]...

He may have a ton of money and be popular as fuck, but as far as I'm concerned, 50 cents means so little to the "real" world that it doesn't even buy you a pack of gum anymore.

what is this real world you talk about? Is it not the same one, where almost everyone I meet in my city, in my generation, has heard or knows about 50 cents?! His name still holds a lot of weight probably more than your pocket holds even with your two cents in it.
Lots of people still buying his albums, lots of people still influenced by his style, for example. Mostly teenagers, I suppose....
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri May 27, 2005 @ 12:12pm. Posted in Have you ever tried some Nitrous.
Coolness: 56915
Originally posted by DARKANGEL®...


thanks for your advice. However, I'll be the judge of what is true or not.
I happenned to have an abortion at lasalle hospital 9 years ago, when I somewhat chose to live in a group home because my home life was fucked up. They gave me drugs at lasalle hospital. I don't how if they are doing it now. BUt I am pretty sure they still give the three pills that they used to give and they make you sign a paper saying if anything wrong happens it's not their fault and there is a whole host of things that can go wrong and they list it on paper.

I'm not trying to say that abortions should be given without drugs-- what would be the point. Even though in some respect I'm glad I got an abortion, when I did. It's hardly a real solution to the problem of unwanted pregnancy and giving people drugs to get through it makes it worse in alot of ways. That';s my argument and I'm sticking by it.

It sounds like you'd stick by your friend no matter what and that in this thread you like posting in caps....

IT's not neccessarily a good thing!
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri May 27, 2005 @ 12:02pm. Posted in Have you ever tried some Nitrous.
Coolness: 56915
Originally posted by MOONDANCER...

With all due respect Cinderella, you have no idea what you're talking about. you obviously have never done nitrous, and you most certainly have never had an abortion. I guarantee that no one is laughing and smiling. Go have an abortion without painkillers and then come back and tell me it wasn't a disgusting, painful experience that won't haunt you forever. If you aren't given painkillers sweety, I'm sorry but you won't be able to stay still, and you WILL get seriously injured. Having a drill inside you is not a joke.

I think respect is mighty, over due. Moondancer it seems like everytime you believe that I am attacking you, you try to discredit me. How do you know what I've been through?! We've hardly gotten to know eachother. Now, I feel like I've slightly been put in the position to admit wether I have had an abortion or not. Thank god I'm not ashamed that I have had one and as a result have taken nitrous oxide. Otherwise, I wouldn't mention it. I'm not going to denye that these drugs aid in getting through the painful experience of the abortion, making one feel more comfortable and making the pain more tolerable. Sometimes, people "have to" get abortions that's just the way it is. But giving people sedatives and pain killers does nothing good in the long-run for people who need to incorporate the emotional experience into their psyche or for anything more than just feeling more comfortable at the time.

I said if you don't want to feel pain then don't go to the hospital which is in fact excellent advice. The best advice anyone will ever give you about abortions. At the hospital they only give you nitrous meaning you will still be in excruciating pain, at the clsc they give you nitrous and a shot of morphine, meanign you will still feel mild pain, at a private clinic they will give you nitrous, morphine and/or valium, as much as it takes to make you feel no pain. In addition to that the clsc or private clinic will counsel you, make you feel comfortable, give you lots fo time before and after. At the hospital they will treat you like a piece of shit and you will feel like one. Not only that but more people have to return to the hospital with punctured uterus's and incomplete abortions then anywhere else. From the sound of it, this is the place for you.
I don't get it. supposed to be some kind of a joke?! First, the praise for the hopital because it would be less painful. But then saying that more people go back to the hospital due to incompletely done abortions. Doesn't sound like the least "painful" way to go. And they treat you like a piece of shit, somehow that doesn't sound all that therapeutic. Up to the part, where it sound slike you are contradicting yourself, your arguments were backing up your claim about hospitals being the best place to go.

It's easy for you to say that people should feel the real pain of what's happening, but that's cause you have never felt real physical pain, so why are you trying to judge it? What makes you think you could handle it exactly?

You happened to be talking to someone who knows alot about physical and emotional pain. Why are you judging me based on your assumptions about what I've been through or not been through. Actually,it's not that easy to say that people ought to feel the real pain about what's going as so many people are for temp comfort and people like you then attempt to put me down with false claims they really couldn't be sure about it. So it's not easy.
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri May 27, 2005 @ 11:33am. Posted in being sober.
Coolness: 56915
well then anne marie, I'd have to say that sometimes drugs can be good for us -- but no drugs are truly good.
People can say that drugs are good, that some drugs are good. here look: I love eating ice cream all of the time. ice cream is my drug. it is good. But that's just something nice to say.
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri May 27, 2005 @ 11:29am. Posted in Bad Trips.
Coolness: 56915
Originally posted by THE_RIDER...

This trip is still fascinating me. I had an accident a few days after that, I discovered on acid a few days ago, may have changed more things than it may look like in my life. I may have to use dissociatives again to understand what really happened. But, I'm not sure if I want to do PCP again. I hear so much stories about it. I need to get some infos about K. Maybe it will be the way to understand what happened. Some people tell me the risks are really smaller on K than on PCP.

What was the accident you had? Do you think it could have been related to the fact that you might have been a little more somewhere else after taking the drug? What was this discovery? How do you think the acid might have changed your life more than you realize or have noticed?

PCP and K are two synthetic chemicals that are made to alter your well-regulated brain chemicals. The danger in both is that it can alter your once self-controlled brain chemicals and functions.
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu May 26, 2005 @ 7:38pm. Posted in 3 kids dead behind my high school.
Coolness: 56915
it's possible. ^^ I am asking myself similar questions though... I'm thinking they should include more details to statisy the human capacity for logic in news articles/
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu May 26, 2005 @ 10:25am. Posted in Obese Woman Referred to Zoo.
Coolness: 56915
I can imagine the same thing happening here though too.
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu May 26, 2005 @ 9:56am. Posted in Obese Woman Referred to Zoo.
Coolness: 56915
I would prolly be slightly sensitive to the doctor's comment to have me checked out in a zoo. It would prolly make me feel that much better if I did not have to go to the zoo and could just go get mri at regular hospital. But as long as I wouldn't have to pay extra for an animal mri, who cares?!
Bah, they should contruct an mri scan for even the largest human animal and charge everyone taxes or have it only available at a private clinic and charge big bucks for it.
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu May 26, 2005 @ 9:48am. Posted in Crazy Lady Calls Police Over Pizza.
Coolness: 56915
it's pretty trajic what elderly woman are doing to be heard. Mind you, I'm not sure what was going through her mind.
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu May 26, 2005 @ 9:46am. Posted in being sober.
Coolness: 56915
Originally posted by LUCID DREAMER...

learning how to get high while sober - it has a lot to do with breathing.
and music is a drug, and i think i'm addicted and i never want to stop.
some drugs are good for us. :)

quality of life has a lot to do with breathing.. I mean getting high naturally. But so does doing things that have meaning for you which can lead to the realizing of one's potential. Breathing can help with that.
I'm slightly addcited to dancing to psytrance especially. Some drugs are good for us, how so?
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu May 26, 2005 @ 9:42am. Posted in what drugs should be legal in mtl.
Coolness: 56915
all drugs should be legal if any at all are legal. More importantly, the lack that precedes drug use should be worked on to be filled and then there would be, presumably, very little need for drugs.
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed May 25, 2005 @ 10:13am. Posted in colgate vanilla mint. the truth about it.
Coolness: 56915
well nothing does it like vanilla toothpaste! JUST KIDDING. I hypothesize that generations and years of brushing with these chemically manufactured toothpastes can leave human teeth weaker, brighter perhaps in the short-term, but weaker in the long run.

Plus, if the world wasn't so pollluted and if our lifestyles were not like they are now, then we wouldn't even have a use for it. Long live supporting corporations, not!!
» cinderella_soul replied on Sun May 22, 2005 @ 7:38pm. Posted in how much do you kill a year on cellulars.
Coolness: 56915
how much do I kill a year on cell phones.. no money spent here.. ain't got one. But I kill just a little every time I use one, if you know what I mean;)
» cinderella_soul replied on Sun May 22, 2005 @ 7:36pm. Posted in another wondeful night@bounce action.
Coolness: 56915
firday night's bounce action at utopia-- was very fun! Thank you Nat and Phil for inviting me and for the night we spent at aria. The pictures I took from bounce action are in my profile.
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu May 19, 2005 @ 9:38pm. Posted in the philosophy of language.
Coolness: 56915
I wonder what the relationship to animism is. I, do, know that asian cultures tend to be more collectivistic whereas western culture is more individualistic.
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu May 19, 2005 @ 9:37pm. Posted in How much?.
Coolness: 56915
it generallly depends -- it can vary. I would suggest that you take a very long, if not permanent break from it. Why? Because you don't want to end up losing yourself, and feeling as though you have been in a desert for a year without water or food. I 7 months ago did the no sleep-for-the- whole-weekend-thing, 6 pills, ghb and dancing hardcore for hours. In fact, I did this two weekends in a row. Can you believe, after the first time, I actually felt okay to do this the next weekend too! Probably!

When you do that much and you're enjoying it -- it's technically pretty easy to fall into the routine of doing it frequently. HAHAHA and then try to stop -- let's see if you fall. I dare ya!
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu May 19, 2005 @ 9:25pm. Posted in funny shit.
Coolness: 56915
you all joke but 50 cent makes alot of money and has alot of fame -- all this and more makes him a huge role model-- huge!! Not that I think that the solution lies in censoring him since guns are legal and the media in general is too fucking filled with guns to be singling him out. But then again you have to start somewhere -- I jsut don't think it ought to be from the particular to the whole.
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed May 18, 2005 @ 9:41pm. Posted in what drugs should be legal in mtl.
Coolness: 56915
Originally posted by MADFORBRAD...

Originally posted by cinderella soul...

of course, there is a black market for alcohol!

Ideally, drugs ought not to be legal. But that belongs on a planet that has its basic and psychological needs fulfilled.

You can't have a black market on something that you can sell in a convenient store. Black markets are created by things being illegal. The wine your uncle makes in his basement is not being shipped in containers by the hells angels.

this is a pretty simple concept

you could define black market as whatever you want -- but
there is a black market in the sense that there is illegal trafficking of alcohol. People steal alcohol to resell it. People get really cheap liquor, beer, alcohol and sell it cheap -- You can sell alchol illegally. You can also sell drugs in the store--it's just that we're currently not supposed to.
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed May 18, 2005 @ 3:46pm. Posted in Trancecore VS Hardtrance.
Coolness: 56915
Originally posted by FISHEAD...

it's all fuckin' music that made on machines...

I don't even understand why people talk about genres anymore... unless they're looking for buzzwords to try and convince people that they're into the 'new shit' (even though so much stuff is rehashes of semi-obscure tracks from long ago)... seriously... if someone is doing something new in music - don't try to give it a name, it's like building a fence around whatever it is they're doing. Once you start defining something you start setting boundaries. You start determining what it can and can't be. You start encroaching on it.

Hi... my name is fishead... and my genre is "whatever the fuck I feel like playing."

I agree very much so with alot of what you said. Except that defining things can be so important in communicating anything.

It can be good to set boundaries as you define it.

I agree though that by putting things in categories we can lose sight of the essence or nature of a thing. Electronic music is made with machines, it is synthetic not natural.
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed May 18, 2005 @ 3:35pm. Posted in Have you ever tried some Nitrous.
Coolness: 56915
Originally posted by MOONDANCER...

it doesnt really make you laugh and smile, it just relaxes your muscles, numbs you and makes it easier to laugh and smile if one should have a reason to laugh or smile. It's very mild as a pain killer. Also, I think you'd rather remember that momment as a not-so-bad one rather then a painfull, disgusting experience. If you don't want to feel pain then don't go to the hospital for an abortion. clsc or private clinic.

there's always a reason to laugh or smile!

As much as I love feeling comfortable, it's disturbing to be so gay, when something as not so pleasant as an abortion is happening.

If you don't want to feel pain then go to the hospital.. what kind of advice is that!
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed May 18, 2005 @ 3:31pm. Posted in what drugs should be legal in mtl.
Coolness: 56915
of course, there is a black market for alcohol!

Ideally, drugs ought not to be legal. But that belongs on a planet that has its basic and psychological needs fulfilled.
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed May 18, 2005 @ 2:58pm. Posted in the philosophy of language.
Coolness: 56915
Originally posted by MICO!...

Originally posted by cinderella soul...
Philosophically and culturally speaking why do you think there is so much resistence amongst the youth to learn grammar, if you think there is resitance to it? What could and would philosophically explain this phenomena, if it exists? What is the survival value of language? HOw can this be important to humanity? What can language bring, if anything, that other things cannot? What is its role in helping humans progress? What message does our own society give about language? How so?

Just some question you might want to ask yourself, to answer for yourself.

Cinderella, you sure are the inquisitive type, aren't you?
Perhaps those are some questions you could (try and) answer yourself, no?

I'd like to see what you come up with.

they are questions that I have asked myself before. I'd like to see what others come up with to tell you the truth. I'm always sharing my answers to these questions. Would be an absolute delight however to share what I've come up with.

» cinderella_soul replied on Wed May 18, 2005 @ 12:46pm. Posted in I'm not crazy, right?.
Coolness: 56915
let's see if it still has a cute little meow while we dissect it alive.
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed May 18, 2005 @ 11:23am. Posted in the philosophy of language.
Coolness: 56915
what is the value of accuracy in language? What does accuracy of language mean? HOw is it achieved?
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed May 18, 2005 @ 11:21am. Posted in the philosophy of language.
Coolness: 56915
what is your purpose for pusuing a degree in the philosophy of language field? What do you plan on using your "higher" education in this field for? What meaning does it hold for you? How do you value language? What is the value of language in society, across different societies, culturally speaking? How has this value evolved or devolved across time and societies? How is language universal? Is language universal in virtue of the fact that we have the capability for it and that it has become characteristic of the human species?
The philosophy of language can include etymology (word origins) , grammar, and syntax.
Philosophically and culturally speaking why do you think there is so much resistence amongst the youth to learn grammar, if you think there is resitance to it? What could and would philosophically explain this phenomena, if it exists? What is the survival value of language? HOw can this be important to humanity? What can language bring, if anything, that other things cannot? What is its role in helping humans progress? What message does our own society give about language? How so?

Just some question you might want to ask yourself, to answer for yourself.
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed May 18, 2005 @ 10:58am. Posted in the philosophy of language.
Coolness: 56915
Originally posted by PAT...

i'd add something about how language is a set of symbols that express ideas and enable people to think and communicate with others. i'd mention that language is universal and is an aspect seen in every cultural.

also lanagauge from a genetic perspective. how every child has the ability and compacity to learn any language because of children have denser dendrites and synapse (synaptogenesis) than enables them to learn any language. as a child learns a language or languages the brain starts a pruning effect where pathways which have not been used are eliminated.

and maybe talk about
theories of learning language, example, Noam Chomsky.

people who demonstrate knowledge and talk about the nature of things are so sexy.
I didn't know/learn, that it is because they have denser dendrites and synapses.
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed May 18, 2005 @ 10:47am. Posted in lets here it for george.
Coolness: 56915
I think they usually do question people before making allegations, legally speaking. If someone accused me of the same thing and without knowing the details of the charges cuz I don't , I would use it as a platform to attack the us led invasion as well. It might look like an argument to defer responsibility and it could be used like that. But it's also a matter of accountability and they are trying to hold this man accountable/responsible for profiting off something which was in part spurred by the iraq led invasion. Echanging oil for food, in general, when people need food especially in times of war but just in general, when your country depends on oil is profiteering.
I think if we are not recognizing that this is a problem that implies global responsibility and that needs everyone's co-operation then it is just a way to scapegoat the problem and appease the masses atleast for a little while.
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed May 18, 2005 @ 10:32am. Posted in belinda.
Coolness: 56915
Besides, do you know how many humans would vote liberal considering their liberal move to have a woman who will monitor the finances. Lots of women and men too, thinking that that's exactly what the liberals need -- a women. Lots of people thinking that hiring a women under the present circumstances is a smart political move. More and more people are thinking like politicians.
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed May 18, 2005 @ 10:25am. Posted in see this film/documentary.
Coolness: 56915
I didn't realize there was a second-page- oh well.

Neoform, brought up a very valid point about the imbalance in our system. Some humans in the world today have more goods than others. People are inclined to want what they don't have especially when they know others have it and there is no just reason for it. Shit, if my family was dying over greed or just plain hoarding by the wealthy, if I may call it that, I might become a "terrorist" too.

Do you know how many people have stopped questioning things and expressing their thoughts because they were afraid of others putting them down for that. There are certain dynamics that encourage learning and others that do not.

Basidini, I can very much relate to you. But you are helping me learn things about myself. Like what? Well, I too, feel that I have spent more time, in general, than the average individual pondering things like freedom, responsibility, love, learning, humanity, etc. I would like poeple to recognize that too. It's been my life's work. As far as I'm concerned when people were out clubbing, I was researching life in genral. But honestly, everyone, ought to learn to consider these immensely yet underated topics. Everyone! People need to be autonomous, think for themselves, to get the ANSWERS from you or anyone else in particular may not neccessarily help the matter.

My sociology teacher, god bless her soul, asserted that human nature was made up. BUt I doubt she would have said that if she would have known about the philosophy of language and the etymology of words to the extent and fashion that is possible. Why? And I just happenned to learn this-- personality psychologists say: what you notice is a function of your personality-- that has so many implications anyways.

This is very important:

The word human, etymologically (etymology: the study of word origins) speaking, is made up of the word hubris and man. Hubris, which currently in the modern dictionary means overbearing pride or arrogance--(greek etymology) also refers to the state of being where man puts himself before god, in other words man makes himself the center of the universe. Then, consider the word order in the term human nature, notice how human is before nature putting forth the meaning that human nature refers to that state of being where man/woman puts him or herself before god, nature, the universe, whatever you want to call that thing that precedes and precludes life. Thus, to some extent, the world we live in today is one of human nature.
Of course, my sociology teacher, showered by the acedemic discilpline of sociology but yet unfamilliar with etymology and philosophy would not have picked up on that. But her point was to dispell (break) the myth that human nature exists because humans often think that synthetic type things are natural.
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed May 18, 2005 @ 9:53am. Posted in see this film/documentary.
Coolness: 56915
I think neoform demonstrated the very valid points. He could have been more precise with his language perhaps. Freedom itself leads indrectly and directly to responsibility and responsibility implies acccountability. It's when through freedom, people do not learn responsibilty ever, enough, to sustain and maintain the progression of life that it becomes foolish.

Alot of people do not know who "the father" of liberalism is. BAsdini you sound like you are asking him academic trivia. Who cares?! Presumably we all do. I would like to know who you think the "father" of liberalism is and I hope you don't name one individual in particular. But there are no wrong answers and I wish you would remember that.
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed May 18, 2005 @ 9:09am. Posted in I'm not crazy, right?.
Coolness: 56915
I bet its genetically modified.. let's open it up to find out.
» cinderella_soul replied on Sun May 15, 2005 @ 8:00pm. Posted in see this film/documentary.
Coolness: 56915
hmm.. would like to see it. My major criticism of farenhiet 911 was that the videofootage and the dubbed voice over gave me the impression of making it look a certain way and at the beginning it said for entertainment purposes only.
cinderella_soul's Profile - Community Messages