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» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 10:49am. Posted in Rain Sucks Shit.
Coolness: 56915
yeah, sounds like winter will stimulate the economy...

while the bickering and complaining might be the blanket that suffocates me.

Death is comfort.

"I feel comfort in being sad"

But I'm looking at the bright side..

It bothers me how we mistake cause for effect and vice versa
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 10:43am. Posted in Bored.
Coolness: 56915
fuck I was little dissapinted to find out that you were not the cute guy in you profile pic. :) then again, since you don't know me all that well you might believe me.

that's why they don't call me slim shady
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 10:32am. Posted in Name why Canada's better....
Coolness: 56915
How can and why ought you to learn about country capitals, names, etc, if one's BASIC and fundamental NEEDS are not met.

..so that you can get citizenship?!!!!!!!!!!W@K

Well, if you didn't learn country names, capitals, official language, you wouldn't just be learning ANYTHING. Who needs to FOREVERMORE learn about anything. We ought to discriminate between what is necessary to teach and what is not necessary.

But we cannot determine what is necessary and not neccessary, if we don't learn first.
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 10:26am. Posted in Rain Sucks Shit.
Coolness: 56915
There should be a huge bulletin board in the city saying just that

Fuck mother nature today!
After all it's what we do anyway.
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 10:19am. Posted in Bored.
Coolness: 56915
Besides, I'm repsrsenting my country (hile hey logical inconsistency).
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 10:17am. Posted in Bored.
Coolness: 56915
as long as we understand eachother?!

You're being as ironic as I am.

How nice of you to give me a false compliment, if I were to take what you said as being true. :)
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 10:12am. Posted in Name why Canada's better....
Coolness: 56915
Originally posted by DJNEOFORM...

Originally posted by to discover...

You're not trying to argue that learning the capitals of countries is a valuable source of knowledge. Are you? And if you are or will, how is it a valuable source of knowledge, in reference to what?

You're right, we shouldn't bother learned geography, cause it's "Trivia". We probably also shouldn't learn history, cause hey, it's in the past.. TRIVIA! While we're at it, fuck math I don't need to know what 5 factorial is.. fuck english and french, i'll just speak my local dialect and work at a bar. Yeah, that sounds good. I'll never learn about anything outside my local community and be happy, cause who cares about anything other than whats going on inside my life, cause i'm all that matter. me me me.

To merely learn the names of coutries, is like merely learning the name of God. What use is it to have a reference, if you do not KNOW what it refers to.
Names of coutries come in a context, and to only learn the names of countries and not the context is not knowledge. It's half truth or something like that.
I'm not saying that learning the arts of life is trivial information.

But what good are all these subjects, if you don;t put them to good use?

Why learn particulars, when you can learn universals?
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 10:05am. Posted in Name why Canada's better....
Coolness: 56915
Originally posted by ELKA...

Originally posted by moondancer...

You'd be surprised how many dumb questions I've been asked by Americans in the south about the rumours they heard about Canada, absolutely ridiculous stuff. That was a long time ago though.

On the flippy side, You'd be suprised how many dumb questions I've been asked by Canadians about the rumors they heard about the US.

you might be surprised about the seemingly dumb questions canadians have made about the rumours about canadians.
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 10:03am. Posted in Bored.
Coolness: 56915
who's scorning who.

There's no need to blame, just to realize and take responsibility..

I'm a smoker.. what makes me different from drivers -- I'm cuter, of course.

I've taken alot more than people pointing their fingers at me.. I hope you don't want your turn.
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 9:59am. Posted in You may NOT kiss the bride.
Coolness: 56915
prolly because we've been so dependant on looking at things through the media's eyes...
that when we look at things through our own eyes we realize they are thoroughly untrained..
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 9:56am. Posted in Computer Helps Save Drowning Child.
Coolness: 56915
yeah, my mom won't even invite me to them anymore..
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 9:47am. Posted in drugs and the law.
Coolness: 56915
Why would anyone obey laws they don't respect! How can you respect a law that lacks logical consistency.
If the laws were more respectable and just there would be less crime, less deviance. Deviance is just a symptom of a larger problem.

I don't think that punishment in the form of fines, jail sentences, does much to cure the drug problem. It only displaces and treats it. People need help, not to be punished. Doing drugs is punishment to ourselves enough, however pleasurable. i don't want fear of having to pay out money or being expulsed from society to be the motivator of my conscience. Do you?!

"You cant take with you when you die selasihigh.." (from some reggae sonG)
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 9:35am. Posted in Whats Your Favorite Song Today?.
Coolness: 56915
fuck the system - system of a down
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 9:34am. Posted in Bored.
Coolness: 56915
Originally posted by BEATJUNKIE...

Originally posted by to discover...

I like when my ride purrs loudly.. I feel like a real man!

Everyone looks at me.. I feel good inside my car. All the attention.

if i want attention i just walk around wearing a giant man diaper.

wearing a giant man diaper.. driving a car, what's the difference..?

It's alot cooler to drive cars I guess

one pollutes more the earth, and one pollutes more the air?!
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 9:31am. Posted in Name why Canada's better....
Coolness: 56915
It might be the only job, you would think, that you don;t need to know anything--but you do need to know something and that's how to keep your job. There's nothing like losing your job.

It's not just the quantity of things you know.. but the quality.
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 9:27am. Posted in You may NOT kiss the bride.
Coolness: 56915
WHat i mean by hating part of yourself...

Is that though your responsiility to be a brother, a son, a father or whatever may be well defined...

you are also a member of the human species... you have a natural affinity to others..wether you like it or not.
People are culturally conditioned not to see things that way. But what is ..is.
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 9:22am. Posted in Computer Helps Save Drowning Child.
Coolness: 56915
yeah but the drug industry would lose prolly lots more.. and the fashion industry catering to boy and girl attraction attire would lose... inless the fasion industry guru's bought alot of coke to compensate..

So they would prolly save money..

If people would learn to do things for the goodness it could bring to themselves, others, everyone, then we wouldn'have to worry about saving money. We would have saved ourselves!
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 9:18am. Posted in Bored.
Coolness: 56915
I like when my ride purrs loudly.. I feel like a real man!

Everyone looks at me.. I feel good inside my car. All the attention.
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 9:16am. Posted in Name why Canada's better....
Coolness: 56915
learning the capitals of countries in school, for instance, in and of itself is trivia.

But that people called others stupid for not knowing something that they don't know much more about or calling people stupid because of someone's lack of knowledge, even if it is just trivia.. defeats the purpose.

Learning the capitals of countries can be an excercise in considering other places including your own..

You're not trying to argue that learning the capitals of countries is a valuable source of knowledge. Are you? And if you are or will, how is it a valuable source of knowledge, in reference to what?
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 9:02am. Posted in Computer Helps Save Drowning Child.
Coolness: 56915
please, giving credit to the computer system.. over my dead body.

Why are we so concerned with saving lives, when we are so into killing them...

Tell me what your salvation is.. working for mc donald's -- go ahead, die for your country!
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 8:59am. Posted in Basic Instincts in The Big Easy.
Coolness: 56915
I'm planning on doing a little survey/research on people's sexual fantasies.

There's obviously a difference between raping and role-playing.

I've been kinda turned on by a fantasy where I'm sorta taken advantage of.. I used to think well it's harmless I don't actually want to be forced and I'm not actually being forced. But we can blur the line so much it's not obvious...

I think my fantasies have been perveted... and there is something about the idea of pain that makes me want to have pleasure.

I've actually felt ashamed for the fantasies I have had... though there are worse ones that I haven't had.

I find it disturbing that humans feel, get excited and turned on by acting, pretending to be naive, for example, in order to get fucked.

Anyone ever see the movie Candy?
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 8:49am. Posted in Gore for Porn.
Coolness: 56915
I want to doubt that it is not true. I don't know if it is true or not. But i can imagine that it is. It would make sense.

Humans tend to turn to pleasure, when experiencing alot of pain in an ego-driven society.

Humans tend to dehumanize their victims to justify what they are doing to them.

And it's all stimulating the american economy..
while masturbating the ego...

it's seems almost enough for me to drop a bomb.
Just so others see, feel, taste, how much pain they can cause...

just to see how much pain they can cause?
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 8:41am. Posted in You may NOT kiss the bride.
Coolness: 56915
to add... it ought to be the government's obligation, duty. It ought to be a human right to be able to have one's basic neccessities met at the very least not to mention their higher order needs.

It ought not to be just a priveldge of a particular country or a few.
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 8:38am. Posted in You may NOT kiss the bride.
Coolness: 56915
I'm glad that you don't hate indians, you would only be hating a part of yourself. It's extremely trajic that places can be so filled with disturbance and injustice so as to want to run away from it... in my culture, my ego (little me) has been stroked, fed, catered to so much that at times I'd rather just have pleasure... fight or flight just doesn't give me much choice.. I am not lion. I am people hear me roar, hear me run away, hear me communicate and understand..

I have noticed there is systematic injustice everywhere.. it could be true that it is more prevalent in some places. I would be surprised but in a good way sorta.. unequal distribution of inequality sounds accurate.

was that confusing?!
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 8:26am. Posted in Bored.
Coolness: 56915
and a seat that can move back far enough from the steering wheel and a steering wheel that can accomodate a man with "long legs".
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 8:24am. Posted in Bored.
Coolness: 56915
Originally posted by NTER...

i dont get why bawllers dont have to pay for sex but when youre broke it's all about a hookas..
it's just not right .

on another note ive seen ian in action.. he's got mad game . little sarah ALMOST showed you her titties for that ride home.. it'was a close one.
i should tell my mom to get a van, i could borrow it and see girls boobs every blue moon. yeah thats the plan .

be a man get a van.

first you get the van , then you get the kakies , then you get the bitches .

Movin' up in the world I see... what the fuck is up?! I'm down.
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 8:11am. Posted in Name why Canada's better....
Coolness: 56915
learning capitols I would concur is trivia-- Perhaps, not useless but certainly not needed.

But anyway, you're prolly right neoform that a large chunk of canadians haven't learned or bothered to learn that type of trivia... nor do they teach it in the schools, which if one is to teach us about the capita (o) ls of canada-- why not other countries...
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed Sep 28, 2005 @ 12:10pm. Posted in You may NOT kiss the bride.
Coolness: 56915
I hope that people come to not make over generalizations based on a particular event.
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed Sep 28, 2005 @ 12:09pm. Posted in You may NOT kiss the bride.
Coolness: 56915
Originally posted by BEATJUNKIE...

thats fucking dumb..You cant kiss your wife in india but its acceptable to let leppers and sick people rot in the street...fuck them.

I like how you brought up the lack of logical consistency in the laws as the problem wether you would use those words or not.

It confirms my expectation since there is no universal law that is all acknowledged and well wroked out on the planet earth atleast not by human construction.

What I mean to say is one gets the same type of logical inconsistency I would bet all over in law books all over. Why, because our economies, the international community is based on injustice called by another name. But in order to have injustice, one requires logical inconsistancy.
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed Sep 28, 2005 @ 12:02pm. Posted in Name why Canada's better....
Coolness: 56915
Originally posted by DJNEOFORM...

btw, just a response to those idiot 'americans' who say stupid things like "Canadians are wrong, if it's 'Canada' then they should be 'Canadans', since 'Canadians' are from 'Canadia'"..

you guys are idiots.

if we were following all the rules, then the term 'Americans' would apply to anyone living in North or South America; which would then mean that those living in the United States of America.. would then become "United Statians of America" ...

It would be more appropriate,accurate for someone to say that Canadians can be wrong. atleast it would sound less like wrongness has something to do with canadians in particular. Then again, at what point does something become wrong instead of not right.

Apparently, when either nature tells us that it is or when man/woman passes a law.

But anyway to answer the question again on this board...

canada is better because we are relatively more liberal here than other places. But canada is no better than any other country. A country is a country, nationalism is nationalism, it's a division. We might be better but our superiority over others ought not to be seen as a good thing.
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed Sep 28, 2005 @ 7:40am. Posted in Name why Canada's better....
Coolness: 56915
canada's better because some, alot of people think it is-- that's all! Ideas are Gods, didn't you know!
» cinderella_soul replied on Tue Sep 27, 2005 @ 9:29pm. Posted in In what will you dress up for halloween?.
Coolness: 56915
what are you trying to be polite? Please, don't. I insist, when you're ready but I'll help you.
» cinderella_soul replied on Tue Sep 27, 2005 @ 9:08pm. Posted in In what will you dress up for halloween?.
Coolness: 56915
I definately ought to stop wearing any mask that I put on if I can, when I can and of course, that goes for anyone.
» cinderella_soul replied on Tue Sep 27, 2005 @ 9:02pm. Posted in In what will you dress up for halloween?.
Coolness: 56915
I don't mean to ruin anyone's fun and I'll prolly end up dressing up. But isn't it ironic that we have a day where we where masks and outfits to disguise ourselves, when we live in a society that prides itself on looking good and putting on a face to the world.
» cinderella_soul replied on Tue Sep 27, 2005 @ 8:57pm. Posted in I Am Smart Thread.
Coolness: 56915
what is this ctchulu or whatever... is it a word someone on this board made up to represent some type of god..pretty much as a handy reference to joke with?
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri Sep 23, 2005 @ 11:23am. Posted in I Am Smart Thread.
Coolness: 56915
Originally posted by TOLTECH ...

Originally posted by DJneoform...

Originally posted by Tardcore...

What is harder than destroying something beautiful?

destroying something beautifull is very easy.

seriously, for real.

It's only easy, if we have lived in a world that has mostly done only that for the most part I would think.
i doubt it would be as easy to destroy something beautiful, if we raised in a world that appreciated those things which need to be taken as sacred (our sources of life etc. not just the physical). We would have conscience for it. Whereas now, humans have taken things for granted for so long, it's easy to keep doing it in some respect.
» cinderella_soul replied on Sat Aug 13, 2005 @ 11:35am. Posted in National Unity.
Coolness: 56915
Some peopl subconsciously belive that! 2 wrongs don't always make a right!

but it can get to a cetain point where it's no longer ignorance but stupidity.
» cinderella_soul replied on Sat Aug 13, 2005 @ 11:23am. Posted in Blue Balls.
Coolness: 56915
some girls are probably masturbating to the posts for sure. For me, there is no worse case, my worst cases tend to be that I am just extrememly turned on and did not have any physical (orgasm) release. Sometimes, I feel like I won't be able to sleep until I let go.
» cinderella_soul replied on Sat Aug 13, 2005 @ 11:18am. Posted in National Unity.
Coolness: 56915
I would add to my no answer that I do not particularly like canada as a whole. Sure it sounds like a nice idea and I'm not sure that if canada would be divided that it would be better. But, with a capital B, canada is still a country, identifying itself as apart, ins ome respect, to other countries, other people. I don't belive in nationalism. I do however, believe in what some would call the "brotherhood of man". But that I will call the common humanity of the people.
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri Jul 1, 2005 @ 11:17am. Posted in Update from Athens Greece....
Coolness: 56915
my body is officially tingling!
cinderella_soul's Profile - Community Messages