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» cinderella_soul replied on Fri Mar 3, 2006 @ 10:48pm. Posted in dreamworld.
Coolness: 56915
in my dream world, I would be working for a corporation that heaves the burden on the individual
with little thought of anything but making money and thus becoming more efficient. Politicians wouldn't stop lying,
would continue to live in denial because it gives them a job. The people would remain sheep, complain bitterly, not speak amongst each other except to engage in small talk. Instead of having deep conversations people would make jokes
all of the time, to avoid the truth that they fear admitting and have been taught is boring.

Sometimes, I wish it was just a dream but it's not.
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri Mar 3, 2006 @ 10:38pm. Posted in 2012.
Coolness: 56915
Je dirais plutot que on a pas beaucoup PROGRESSER au lieu de evoluer depuis des milliards d'annees. C'est probablement plus une regression ces temps si que ce l'etait dans les annees avant l'annnee 0. La raison c'est que ca fait plus de temps que les humains sont sur la terre presentement et beaucoup plus d'evenement sont produits depuis ce temps la qu'on aurais pu apprendre de. Mais en tous cas,

c''est une chose de planifier d'atteindre quelque chose dans une telle annee et de effectivement utiliser les bons moyens pour l'atteindre et un autre de juste avoir une pensee ou expectation sans le concretiser avec un plans et des moyens.

Souvent, on entend des "belles" idees et on pense que ca va se produire et ca ne produis pas et qu'est ce qui est plus pire... c'est que tout simplement des "belles" idees peut nous faire croire que on a rien d'autre a faire que d'attendre.
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri Mar 3, 2006 @ 7:19am. Posted in 9/11 documentary - "Loose Change".
Coolness: 56915
There would be strong motive to have not prevented the attacks from happening if it was known conclusively. The motive being a justification of exerting one's power which machiavelly had written about. Or simpler yet, the role of a president or that type of leader has "always" been to exert one's power, dominate as much as one could, and capture other dominions. Not everybody wants to rule the world, but if you do become a president, if you must.

At the very least, the usa, not to mention all people, need to recognize their role in helping make make these forces which oppose and also whom "want to rule the world". The thing is we all know subconsciously or consciously that there lacks justice and we desperately crave it even to the extent that some would go to ridiculously destructive lengths to achieve it. So to react so harshly by continuing war on others and refusing to understnad the nature of the events, continuing on in the beligerence of "fighting back", will only serve to aggravate the situation.

But hey politics these days aren't about justice, they only claim to be. It's about power and who has control over whom. and when the shit hits the fan the message is break the fan. though I don't subscribe to that.
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri Mar 3, 2006 @ 7:08am. Posted in a study in rhetoric..
Coolness: 56915
Interesting. Another text that I would like to read to hopefully further my understanding of language, which I enjoy fervently(alot, passionately).

To give you my own example of how I change language in a way that orwell suggested.

Instead of saying take care....

I say "don't take care, nurture it. " Much less ambiguous, more meaning, less automatic.

I didn't realize that orwell wrote anything that was not fiction.
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri Mar 3, 2006 @ 7:01am. Posted in and the culture war rolls on....
Coolness: 56915
si j'ai bien compris haze, je pense que je suiss d'accord avec elle. On apprend de toute qui nous entours (apprentissage sociale), les medias, la famille, nos amis.

I am quite sceptical of when conflicts such as these are brought to light and I too like someone in the article see it as a distraction to kindle the conservative heart, side-track people from matters of more real importance.
In the states, they did a similar thing to the issue in the above article with reproductive technology. At first, numerous states were only allowing the use of reproductive technologies ( ie artiificial insemination, invitro fertilization,..etc) to straight couples that were married, and who obviously had the money. So lots felt this was a violation of their rights and discriminatory. En bref, it gives this impression that the sanctity and institution of marriage comes with benefits otherwise not available to other. All the while, discriminating against some, so they struggle for "equality". When the real issue and focus ought probably to me the legitimacy of the technologies in the first place.
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Mar 2, 2006 @ 6:58pm. Posted in dreamworld.
Coolness: 56915
Je vais prendre le temp de dire, que mois aussi, je trouve ca raffraichissant et de valeurs (valorisant?) de parler honnetement comme cela et avec integriter. Et plus specifiquement, d'exprimer ce que je ressent et pense dans mes parties profonds. Je trouve, si vous le permettez, que vous avez bien choisis de dire les pensee de ton ame, ca resonne bien. -- des pensees qui sont accords avec l'essence de l'ame -- de progresser.
» cinderella_soul replied on Thu Mar 2, 2006 @ 6:46pm. Posted in Les milles et unes nuits.
Coolness: 56915
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed Mar 1, 2006 @ 9:57pm. Posted in dreamworld.
Coolness: 56915
my utopic world that is in front of all of my actions that actually make me happy and fulfilled if I follow through with them or alteast work towards the vision...

is based around the need and objective reality for equality. A planet where we come to live without money in stages of course, since we have depended on it so long. a place where we do not do whatever it is for a external materialistic reward but for the intrisinc (internal) reward (ie helping another become self-fulfilled) I believe in helping others become self-actualized and putting all our energy into that,a ll the while of course upholding respect in its highest form (ie. protecting and uppholding the planetary environment in all of its forms)...

There's more since I have been conscientiously developping this vision since Iw as 16 --how about you...?
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed Mar 1, 2006 @ 9:50pm. Posted in Burn the Trees !!.
Coolness: 56915
and another lack of lesson taught... we made ourselves in the state's image. Who is god...but a pipe dream to those who smoke it.
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed Mar 1, 2006 @ 7:18pm. Posted in Les milles et unes nuits.
Coolness: 56915
J'allais prendre le temp de commencer le thread. MAis bon c'est deja fais.

Derniere minute, j'ai decide de venir et en grande partie je l'ai pas regretter. J'ai seulement rester pour 3 heures et1/2 et mes seuls remarques au niveau des djs c'est que vous comme tout le monde sont dans un processus d'apprentissage. Mais, franchement, ca foque avec le dansage quand il a un desaccords musicales.

Moi, j'aime tellement bien danser foule-coeur en sortant des symboles de mon conscient qui representent pour moi et autres des choses culturelles ou universelles. Ca me fait tellement de plaisir-- je pense ceux qui me voient danser le remarquent aussi.

J'ai apprecier le vibe. J'aime bien quand les gens se sentent comfortable autour de moi de danser avec moi, que ils ne sentent pas qu'il doit competitioner. J'en ai trop dans ma vie merci. Chaque fois que je sort dans ces partys, je me sens bien comme ca et ca me fait retourner.

I guess I ended up being the belly dancer hehelol:)
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri Feb 3, 2006 @ 6:31am. Posted in Snow (28 Janvier 2006).
Coolness: 56915
En allant voir ta photo dj aikido, la je sais que j'ai vu ta blonde.
» cinderella_soul replied on Tue Jan 31, 2006 @ 9:03am. Posted in Snow (28 Janvier 2006).
Coolness: 56915
Besides this party, and the weekend before I hadn't been out to a rave/party in months. After SNOW, it's gonna be extra hard to not go to anymore. So much fun, the music was clear, crisp, mixed well--- the whole night as far as I could tell, when I left at 10:00 am. The bongo players added a fantastic effect to the party- the girl in the wedding costume was so cute. People were so into the music, so much dancing-- so friendly of people. It really turned out amazing. Of course, I got into a trance, doing something like live choreography. I was feeding off the energy, the vibe, the people, the music. I did not know what to expect. I wasn't really expecting the party to be so huge, and involved. Had fun dancing along side everyone that went.

Mightymike you didn't just warm up the speakers, you warmed me up too. ;)

I think it was the first time I heard curve play-- warmed my heart indirectly. Benton made me groove. Sunrise, Orion, and that side, all of you played so well, complemented my night and everyone else's for that matter.

I enjoy dancing so much, one of my fave ways to express myself and I did just that. I probably should have stayed longer. But oh well.. still was amazing--

I don't even feel the need to thank anyone.. why? Because I obviously had a good time, so why say it when others could feel it. Peace.
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed Nov 2, 2005 @ 9:27am. Posted in Boycott Gravity After Hours.
Coolness: 56915
If anything the greater crime probably is that you were unaware of your right and might have let them walk all over you, in their favor.
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed Nov 2, 2005 @ 9:20am. Posted in Boycott Gravity After Hours.
Coolness: 56915
Originally posted by TRASHANDSUICIDE...

Like I said, I'm sure it was well within their juristiction... they were just exercising their authourity in a very jerky way.

it was well within their jusridiction in the sense that as people have said they have certain rules somewhat in accordance with the law that has been fasioned, namely, not to sell (other) drugs on their premises, have guns, and other arms etc. By law, they ought to be responsible of their property to make sure no drugs are coming in. There's nothing wrong in them searching for drugs. BUt they are supposed to be handing it over to the police.

But are the police even allowed to remove you from a room, when they are searching your things. IF so, there is a risk that something may be planted and that would be a unreasonable search or seizure. It is in the charter of feedoms of canada to be free from unreasonable search or seizure.

Perhaps, because you willingly left the premises to allow them to search, you may have entitled them to that. But that doesn't change that you have the right to be free from unreasonable search or seizure. It is unreasonable to search people's things, when the people who are being searched are not around. If those people were around, it would not have necessarily compromised their search. Just because you can watch what they are doing, doesn't mean you would be allowed to remove all illegal things from your pockets first.

Plus, they ought to be handing these things over to the police, legally speaking.
» cinderella_soul replied on Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 8:20pm. Posted in Boycott Gravity After Hours.
Coolness: 56915
I, too , copied this post from the I suppose original article. my second post, first one deleted.

The fact that they did it without witnesses other than their own proper staff is really going to far.

Despite the fact, as I mentioned before, in the last post, that the clubs in general tend to satisfy themselves with pro-capatilist attitudes, They surpassed their authority I believe. They ought to have done it in the presence of those concerned. Since, they offer no guarantee of things, if stolen and just because it is common sense that no one is to be trusted. I mean, come on.

They could have done it in the presence of those concerned. What do they have to hide? And if they felt that there might be problems, aggressive, and violent people, then they should have called the cops. I think they may have acted out of their jurisdiction.

If I was the one who put on the party there and was involved. I would speak with them and tell them that we complied but we feel that it was disrespect and so on. ...
» cinderella_soul replied on Sun Oct 30, 2005 @ 3:44pm. Posted in You may NOT kiss the bride.
Coolness: 56915
I thin people need to work , period. money is a benefit but not necessary. And yes, I can understnad why you think the way you do.
» cinderella_soul replied on Sun Oct 9, 2005 @ 4:38pm. Posted in One step closer to Quantum computers.
Coolness: 56915
What's your problem Neoform?
I need not even mention the fact that you are a moderator.
You could express your discontent for me all you want.
I shall continue to post all that I want. I will not however spend my valuable time speaking with people who take me for granted. I think I understnad that you have difficulty articulating your view points so as to communicate your discontent. If that's the case, don't worry. I still accept you as you are.
» cinderella_soul replied on Wed Oct 5, 2005 @ 6:47pm. Posted in One step closer to Quantum computers.
Coolness: 56915
alright we just realized how to manipulate the light for computers!

I thought it would only ever to be to take advantage of humans!
» cinderella_soul replied on Tue Oct 4, 2005 @ 8:21pm. Posted in Pics, worth checking out.
Coolness: 56915
looks very proffessional.
» cinderella_soul replied on Tue Oct 4, 2005 @ 7:49pm. Posted in man lives with dead mother for 20 YEARS.
Coolness: 56915
I say that if people are obliged to bury bodies, embalmed or not, in caskets. Then it ought to be people's right to keep the body embalmes in their home. i think the only crime here was that he embalmed the body, what the fuck is nature supposed to do with that. garbage. long-time unbio-degradable garbage! Fuckin' Plastic! In fact, if we're going to embalm, it would prolly be more therapeutic to see the body everyday. Fuck out of sight out of mind, that;s for war mongers.
» cinderella_soul replied on Tue Oct 4, 2005 @ 7:34pm. Posted in this is a big JOKE, right??.
Coolness: 56915
Originally posted by BEATJUNKIE...

i perpetuate stupidity by waking up in the morning

not really. It would probably start when you brush your teeth or go to a job. ;)
» cinderella_soul replied on Tue Oct 4, 2005 @ 7:33pm. Posted in French People and Sense of Humour.
Coolness: 56915
suppose mad for brad actually meant all that he has said to be taken literally. People could see that if we were to take him literally that he would have serious issues and distorted perceptions on things. BUt yet, without anyone knowing if he is serious or not, some people have just mocked him, put him down, called him names. Regardless, of the way he is acting, some of y'all have treated him just the same way he has treated others.

What do those people have to say about americans? Because as far as I can see, you are at the same level.

I know it hasn't been in our colective histories all that strongly to learn from mistakes. But what ever made you think that callling names, putting people down, cursing people out, would ever help?
» cinderella_soul replied on Tue Oct 4, 2005 @ 7:24pm. Posted in this is a big JOKE, right??.
Coolness: 56915
It just helps perpetuate the stupidity. But hey making jokes and living in a fantasy land aids us to GOOOOO on.
GO on.. When I say go, I mean to hell.

People joke about these things all the time. BUt some things at some point NEED, not require, to be taken seriously. Why? Because if they are not, no more human species, no purpose.
» cinderella_soul replied on Tue Oct 4, 2005 @ 7:20pm. Posted in The Break Beat Band Wagon.
Coolness: 56915
all musical styles, genres can come and go as trends. People get sick of one thing and want another. People who like to dance come to require more variety, if they stick to one particular thing. But the safest place to be, is to be as versatile as you can, incorporate as many styles as possible without making something offensive to the ear, I mean style wise.

break beats illicit a certain type of movement in general, which is nice to subject the body to.
» cinderella_soul replied on Tue Oct 4, 2005 @ 7:17pm. Posted in this is a big JOKE, right??.
Coolness: 56915
Originally posted by GAK...

Originally posted by Thog...

Thats quite funny... Some people in the states don't even know where canada is which is even more funny. I've seen with my own eyes maps of the US in Florida (when I went) and there is an ocean where Canada is...

well they don't even care what's outside usa.... thats the problem... they're going to change any time soon!

retards will remain retards!

there's alot of people, all over, including canada, who don't care all that mcuh about what happens outside their family or their own selves.

Long live individuality without collectivity. It's like a head without a heart.
» cinderella_soul replied on Mon Oct 3, 2005 @ 7:16pm. Posted in French People and Sense of Humour.
Coolness: 56915
I think mad for brad is just being facetious!
» cinderella_soul replied on Sun Oct 2, 2005 @ 2:40pm. Posted in Software question.
Coolness: 56915
if you call sympatico they could probably help you. unsupported? I was thinking that I saw something related in the emails I can send to clients at sympstico. I'm going to work tomorrow so I'll let you know.
» cinderella_soul replied on Sat Oct 1, 2005 @ 9:39pm. Posted in Hi!.
Coolness: 56915
hi I'm the coolest so you would want to talk to me.

Vanity is the key to idiocy.
» cinderella_soul replied on Sat Oct 1, 2005 @ 3:18pm. Posted in What's the apartment situation downtown?.
Coolness: 56915
and ask people in the building or around the neighborhood-- to get a fair idea.
» cinderella_soul replied on Sat Oct 1, 2005 @ 2:41pm. Posted in Disgusting bitch.
Coolness: 56915
erase the past was my way of saying -- not bothering, atleast in part, temporarily to learn from lesson's past as a species. There is no such thing as erasin. The closest thing would probably be forgetting.
» cinderella_soul replied on Sat Oct 1, 2005 @ 2:20pm. Posted in Disgusting bitch.
Coolness: 56915
Originally posted by MADFORBRAD...

oh she definately needs help

Like shot gun the head kind of help.

well with the way we seem to love to just erase the past as a species. It's starting to look like a viable alternative.
» cinderella_soul replied on Sat Oct 1, 2005 @ 2:17pm. Posted in French People and Sense of Humour.
Coolness: 56915
Originally posted by MADFORBRAD...

Originally posted by to discover...

I'm not even sure that you're being serious. But it's a possibility. So, nevermind and eye for an eyye. It's love time. Why do you think you view french people that way? Has a french person not ver laughed at your jokes? How have you come to see them as such half-humans? Can you speak french?

by mad for brad
i'm being very serious. My view of french people has to do with the 16 years i have been interacting with them. Yes i speak french. Probably better than you lazy tongued quebec soiled french speakers. And no , french people don't laugh at my jokes. And i am pretty fucking funny. Not Patrick Swayze in a rap video funny but still pretty funny. Which is what prompted me to start this thread

I have gathered quite a bit of resent towards the human species so I know, in part, how you feel. I look at human's blindness and seeming stuidity and sometimes, blame each individual for it.
I think it's sad and trajic, but quite plausible, in a world such as this one that you would acquire such a negative view on such a large group of people. I'm sure there is SOME truth in your perception.
You can be objective in looking at one's own culture to an extent, to the extent that you are involved in all of this.

And so far you guys are taking it pretty fucking serious. Which again leeds me to beleive french people don't know how to laugh unless it involves a clown making ballons in the form of genitals.

I think people are not taking it very seriously. I think that may be atleast part of the problem.

It's just that you could come off as being ignorant, stupid, and utterly ridiculous. LIke me. But I know that is not the case. In the same way, I wouldn't want you to blame each french individual for their seeming lack of sense of homour. I don't blame you for the views you have made, which I am sure you reasoned out to yourself to a certain extent.

You're by far not the only person that shares your view and that's part of the trajedy. IF you think the way you do about french people, it's in large part because of how you were taught or not taught well enough.
People's reasoning skills are relatively pretty poor. Helps people in positions of power stay there.
» cinderella_soul replied on Sat Oct 1, 2005 @ 2:07pm. Posted in Disgusting bitch.
Coolness: 56915
she definately needs help. Nothing okay about it.
» cinderella_soul replied on Sat Oct 1, 2005 @ 12:55pm. Posted in What's the apartment situation downtown?.
Coolness: 56915
I think he might be looking for some inside info on nice decent affordable places to live.

In the paper, everyone has a nice decent affordable place to live.

But i could be wrong, what does dj amalgam have to say.
» cinderella_soul replied on Sat Oct 1, 2005 @ 12:51pm. Posted in Nursing moms make their friends horny.
Coolness: 56915
I don't doubt all that strongly that humans give off a certain smell when pregnant and breast feeding. A smell that could be seemingly undetectable to the "naked" nose. It may even signal to others fertility and serve a survival function.

It would be a desecration if they use their scientific findings to make fertility drugs.
» cinderella_soul replied on Sat Oct 1, 2005 @ 12:43pm. Posted in Hot nude dj girl inside.
Coolness: 56915
that def works for me.. maybe it's actually more progressive then dj's wearing clothes though.
Wearing clothes, while spinning in hot club not all that necessary.
» cinderella_soul replied on Sat Oct 1, 2005 @ 12:41pm. Posted in Damn squirrels....
Coolness: 56915
IT's nice that you were able to keep it without putting it in a cage.
Thanks for the information, the location of nicaragua, name of animals in spanish, etc.

Adrilla... golden.

Sounds like more of a compadre than a squirrel. :)
» cinderella_soul replied on Sat Oct 1, 2005 @ 12:32pm. Posted in Disgusting bitch.
Coolness: 56915
I guess there is nothing left to do but to joke about it and entertain ourselves as if it were true.

Let's make fun of her, because it's not happening to us.
Let's reduce everything into entertainment.
» cinderella_soul replied on Sat Oct 1, 2005 @ 12:26pm. Posted in French People and Sense of Humour.
Coolness: 56915
I'm not even sure that you're being serious. But it's a possibility. So, nevermind and eye for an eyye. It's love time. Why do you think you view french people that way? Has a french person not ver laughed at your jokes? How have you come to see them as such half-humans? Can you speak french?
» cinderella_soul replied on Fri Sep 30, 2005 @ 6:20pm. Posted in Disgusting bitch.
Coolness: 56915
I'm almost willing to believe that his story is true. That's probably the sad part. I don't know wether it is true or not. It probably is. He's looking for money to help pay for the damage. Could just be a clever way to make money. Maybe not.

I remember when I was a child, the "public" basement, where I lived was scary. Once, upon going down, I discovered that the walls were smeared with shit. I looked around the basement and again, I ask myself why I was so surpised, when I found this male hiding in a corner. I was so freaked out.
cinderella_soul's Profile - Community Messages