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» CHIK replied on Mon Mar 3, 2003 @ 3:55am. Posted in DJ KRUSH @ S.A.T. March 1.
Coolness: 41430
this was fun
i had a great time.
» CHIK replied on Fri Feb 28, 2003 @ 2:51am. Posted in This Is The Truth.
Coolness: 41430
here are my thoughts;
first of all, im definitely not an expert on matters of political sc, economics, sociology (...) but i do know enough to say that for a sustained society, you do need all the institutions we have now. i am a huge philosopher, spiritualist and idealist and i see what can be.
I had a conversation with a 40yr old phychology major dude and he basically refuted all of my ideas which argued that a conscious revolution is possible, based on the premise that we, humans, have the same level of consciousness as any other mammal, and that any calamity created or brought onto us is unevitable and natural. This means that we would have no power of choice on our fate. Like animals who kill each other to control their demographics, we humans think of ourself as predators, living on this earth merely to SURVIVE. RIGHT? This means that pollution, warfare, diseases like AIDS, famine, poverty, homelessness, violence, discrimination; they are all present because humans accept its being. However, I think he's wrong.
I think that when one comes to a final conclusion that nothing can be done to change this world, it is probably true; however, only because he has given up.
I believe that to rid corruption in our world is an almost impossible task, but i think that it can be done.
It seems like part of the reason why ppl accept corruption in our political /economical system is because many are DESENSITIZED to it. no one in school, in the mess media, no authority figure has ever said to a child: "here, here is the truth: your governement is corrupt, (info/info/info), now, you have the power to change it."
thats why i think that institutions have not to be destroyed, like some utopian ideas, of ONE GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED WORLD, but changed.
*my thoughts may not be running clear at this moment, desole*
like schools, for example: the article makes a really good point about changing the educational curriculum and way of teaching. i agree with that.
also, ppl watch the news, and really, nothing has ever been said about the illuminatis, the events are always presented in a one-perspective manner and never from various oppsing standpoint, everything is censored. and so when u hear about conspiracies, corruption in our societal systems, do you really know? do you really believe? isnt it so much easier to disregard it, and take the truth provided by the mass media instead. i think thats what most do.
and i have nothing against the things i am critizing right now, i dont think many things can inherently be WRONG, only its usage.

and heres another question, the most important questions for me was, do i really want to change this world for the sake of a soceity that might just not give a shit ie: that wants the status quo..?
ur right, like ignorant or stubborn people who know nothing else than what they believe in, who care for nothign else than their own well being, ppl who are completely desensitized..
ive thought about it, and i do think its worth giving it a try,
i think fear stops a lot of people, fear or laziness, have u ever seen waking life?
heres what i do about it,
i get informed, i reflect on life, society, eveyhitn, KNOW THYSELF, im siwtching into COMMUNICATIONS STUDIES, not to join the corruption, but in attempt to change it, im learning poli science, sociology, and i speard the word.
i think its in every INDIVIDUAL TO choose their path, whatever they have gotta go, whaever their path of the heart...
but again, i think that many more in this time have more awareness,, compare it to say , a 100 yrs ago: universal consicousness has undoubtedly risen.
and i also believe that the more ppl take stuff like this at heart, the less power corrupt and EVIL VEILED !!leaders will have over human beings.

i am not a fortune teller,
i just have a lot of FAITH.
heres my numerolgy,
i have a 1, an 11, and the significant #8.
if u know anything about numerology..
this means that i am 1=innovative/creator, 11=spiritual 8= desire change

i am telling you this because it may be relevant for you, in understanding my perspective and where i am coming from: my biased, spiritual driven mind.

i have gone off on different tangents but i hope its coherent enuf

» CHIK replied on Fri Feb 28, 2003 @ 1:59am. Posted in Why???.
Coolness: 41430
and also, whereas MCDONALDS WAS THE #1 food chain a few years ago, SUBWAYS took its place in the last few years, isnt that a SOMEWHAT COMFORTING THOUGHT???!
» CHIK replied on Fri Feb 28, 2003 @ 1:58am. Posted in Why???.
Coolness: 41430
well wait,
tonite?==> they didnt take away the gh.. its spelled through and tonight...
like doughnuts
gh remains

or have i misunderstood your point?
» CHIK replied on Thu Feb 27, 2003 @ 3:37am. Posted in This Is The Truth.
Coolness: 41430
» CHIK replied on Thu Feb 27, 2003 @ 3:37am. Posted in This Is The Truth.
Coolness: 41430

Spirituality has much to offer the world of politics since many of today's political and economic problems can be viewed at a deeper spiritual level. If we are to attempt to change the outside world, we first have to change ourselves on the inside. For the spiritual approach is to understand that our deepest thoughts manifest in our reality, so in order to change our reality we have to change our thinking. Perhaps this is what Einstein had in mind when he pronounced "problems can not be solved at the level of consciousness that created them."

Neal Walshe's series of books "Conversations with God" not only provide a blueprint for achieving peace and prosperity on a personal level, but can also be viewed as a radical Liberal philosophy and strategy. The question arises how do we draw the Liberal politician and liberal person to this collection of writings, who may not themselves be spiritual? For these books I feel has something to offer everyone, and not just those looking for inspiration from God.
First, this paper looks at censorship in the media. Those in power have the ability to censor those stories that show our government in a damning light. It may surprise some to discover just how corrupt our government really are.

The paper then continues this theme of censorship, to look at science and history. From history, in learning from other cultures' points of view, we learn just how biased is the "history" and "science" taught in school and universities. It may amaze some just how much documented evidence there is of 1) UFOs, and 2) scientific proof of life after death. For a historical point of view, it is important to really learn our real history, however uncomfortable, such as Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima and earlier still such as how Europe came to conquer the Americas. If we are unable to learn of our mistakes then how are we to learn from them in order to avoid making the same mistakes in the future?

Once this evidence is reviewed, we are then in a position to return to spirituality, of its very real place in science, and use that 90% of our brains and minds that we do not already use in our working towards a more positive goal of peace and equality for all people. Both the CIA and Russian military and KGB have been successful in utilising ESP and other psychic abilities in their research programmes, and both east and west have recruited shaman as part of these. Now it is time for the population at large to learn of this knowledge, for the benefit of the greater good of the whole.

The Media

Most people, including our politicians, rely on mainstream media for their daily news. However, just how reliable is the mainstream media, and just how independent are they from the government? Let us start with an interesting article by David Leigh from The Guardian, back in June 2000:
"British journalists - and British journals - are being manipulated by the secret intelligence agencies, and I think we ought to try and put a stop to it.
The manipulation takes three forms.

The first is the attempt to recruit journalists to spy on other people, or to go themselves under journalistic "cover".

The second form of manipulation that worries me is when intelligence officers are allowed to pose as journalists in order to write tendentious articles under false names.

The third sort of manipulation is the most insidious - when intelligence agency propaganda stories are planted on willing journalists, who disguise their origin from their readers.

There is - or has been until recently - a very active programme by the secret agencies to colour what appears in the British press, called, if publications by various defectors can be believed, information operations, or "I/Ops". I am - unusually - in a position to provide some information about its operations."

The internet is an amazing tool for uncovering such corruption in the media. However, in protesting about propaganda to my local MP, Dr Vincent Cable, he said he hoped that I would produce evidence from the mainstream press. On commenting that I did not trust the mainstream press because they are so riddled with spies, he agreed and told me that that had been going on for years.

One other form of censorship is actively not pursuing stories. Here are a sample for starters

1993 The New York Times reports that the FBI had infiltrated the gang responsible for the bombing of the World Trade Centre, and were in a position to stop the bombing


Thursday October 28, 1993 Page A1

"Tapes Depict Proposal to Thwart Bomb Used in Trade Center Blast"

By Ralph Blumenthal

"Law-enforcement officials were told that terrorists were building a bomb that was eventually used to blow up the World Trade Center, and they planned to thwart the plotters by secretly substituting harmless powder for the explosives, an informer said after the blast.

The informer was to have helped the plotters build the bomb and supply the fake powder, but the plan was called off by an F.B.I. supervisor who had other ideas about how the informer, Emad Salem, should be used, the informer said."

The world of intelligence is indeed murky. So murky in fact that time and again it seems that the government and authorities collude with the terrorists when it suits them. But when the internet is such an effective tool in allowing the public access to such interesting information, it is no wonder that our governments are so threatened by the internet and are so desperate to control it, monitor it and carry out cyber attacks which take down independent news services such as [ www.rense.com ] and [ www.whatreallyhappened.com. ] These are hugely popular alternative news sites and I strongly recommend visiting both on a regular or if possible daily basis. What Really Happened now receives more visits per month than Newsmax.

Sometimes our Governments do not need the cover of secrecy, sometimes they just deliberately ignore key evidence in investigations. As John Kaminski writes on the bombing of the Murrah building in Oklahoma:

"My favourite preposterous atrocity explanation involved the government's demolition of the Murrah building in Oklahoma. Esteemed General Benton K. Partin delivered an incontrovertible report that explosives attached to five major stanchions inside the building were responsible for bringing the building down, and killing 168, but his expert testimony was ignored and the blame was placed directly on where the power elite intended it to be placed, on American patriots. Of course, the anti-terror legislation had already been written then, too, and was quickly passed with little debate."

But in the case of 9-11, the US Government has successfully suppressed an official or independent investigation.

Science - From Sub-Atomic Particles to the Universe

It is not just the world of politics and propaganda that are highly censored. The scientific approach is to begin with a theory. This can then be tested under controlled experimental conditions, which can be replicated by independent parties. The theory has to be modelled mathematically for this to be objective. However, scientific studies need funding to be undertaken, and if they are undertaken, the results then need to be published. If the scientific studies rock the establishment and current dogma, then they have very little chance of receiving either areas of support.

It may come as a surprise to some that scientific proof of life after death has existed for over a century. The Campaign for Philosophical Freedom is the one of the leading sources of information - [ www.cfpf.org.uk. ] As Michael Roll writes:

"We have had the experimental proof of survival after death ever since Sir William Crookes published the results of his experiments in the leading scientific journal of his day - The Quarterly Journal of Science" in 1874. These were repeatable experiments under laboratory conditions. International teams of scientists then repeated the experiments and obtained the same results. People who had once lived on earth came back and proved to these scientific teams that they had conquered death and were still very much alive. This is what Professor Charles Richet, the French Nobel Laureate for medical science said about the experiments:-
"There is ample proof that experimental materialisations should take definite rank as a scientific fact."

Although the mathematics are probably beyond most laypeople, the concept is not too hard to understand when you realise that the most elementary building blocks of matter are pure energy, which are like radio waves which can occur in the same physical space.

"As Sir Oliver Lodge and Sir William Crookes were the pioneers of radio and television they were able to put forward a rational explanation to account for the seemingly supernatural phenomena appearing at their experiments. They said this etheric world is the same place as our radio and television signals, but at a much higher frequency. Recent discoveries in quantum mechanics - the study of the building blocks within the atom - completely vindicate what these great physicists said at the beginning of the century.

They were adamant that we all survive the death of our physical bodies. The experiments proved that we must possess two bodies. One finite body containing the brain that dies and another infinite body, containing the mind that separates when our short stay on earth is over. Lodge said the people from the "next world" who are appearing at the experiments must possess bodies that are made of the same invisible matter as our radio and television signals. He called it an etheric substance."

It is not just the esoteric aspects of science that are censored. When examining the issue of UFOs, many people are willing to accept that the universe being so big, there is a probability of life in another galaxy somewhere. But they make the mistake of assuming that if evidence does exist, then we would be shown it.
Not the case. NASA have been filming UFOs for decades, but they refuse to make their footage officially available. The footage was captured by Martyn Stubbs, working for a Canadian cable company and who therefore had access to satellite dishes capable of capturing the unencrypted footage.

"I can't tell you what is there, but I can tell you what shouldn't be there."

"It's not a matter of finding something, it's more about collecting, studying and analysing. Eventually the jigsaw puzzle will come together."

Graham Birdsall, Editor of the British UFO magazine, said: "A handful of astronomers, physicists and scientists have been made privy to some of the footage. "Their common reaction has been one of astonishment and disbelief."

This footage was used by the UK UFO Magazine to create the documentary The Secret NASA Transmissions. This was released in 2000 and rightly won a documentary of the year award. Just one thing - it has not been shown on television although it can be purchased from UFO magazine - [ www.ufomag.co.uk. ] As Graham Birdsall explained at the 2002 UFO conference in Leeds, many scientists will not even agree to watch the footage, so how are the public meant to be able to evaluate what the phenomena recorded are?

Politicians are no better. I gave a copy of the video to my local MP, and have not received a single word back. My assumption was that I could now prove the Establishment suppress vital information from the public, by providing some of the best video evidence it is possible to own. The reward for this - absolute silence.
Terry Hansen, a journalist, in his book "The Missing Times", has written one of the best books on UFO censorship. He explains how and why the elite news organisations work closely with the government agencies during times of national crisis, and reviews the evidence for such media-government collusion over the course of the half-century-long UFO controversy.

A New Way of Thinking and a New Way of Teaching

One set of books that I have received much wisdom from is the series of Conversations with God, by Neal Walshe. At a low point in his life, Walshe wrote a letter to God asking why his life was so bad an unfulfilled. To his amazement, God answered back. Walshe would write down questions and the answers would somehow come to him, which he then wrote down. The dialogues became international best sellers.

In Conversations with God, Book 2, "God" talks about how to improve the educational system. If we force our children to learn "facts", then they we force them to come to the same conclusions we come to, rather than teaching them how to think for themselves and how to investigate issues from all sides to come to their own conclusions.

"Do you really think it was necessary to drop the bomb on Hiroshima? What do you think American historians think about the many reports by those who claim to know more about what really happened, that the Japanese Empire had privately revealed to the United States its willingness to end the war before the bomb was dropped? How much of a part did revenge for the horror of Pear Harbor play for the bombing decision? And if you accept that dropping the bomb was necessary, why was it necessary to drop a second bomb?

"Your world has run amok. But your world has not run amok because of what you have allowed your schools to teach your children. It has run amok because of what you have not allowed them to teach."

"In societies where history is not bent to the views of the strongest and most powerful, the mistakes of the past are openly acknowledged and never repeated, and once is enough for behaviours which are clearly self-destructive."

"In societies where critical thinking and problem solving and skills for living are taught, rather than facts simply memorised, even so called "justifiable" actions of the past are held up to intense scrutiny. Nothing is accepted at face value."

At this point I should probably point out that God is talking of evolved societies on different planets as well as our own. But then Credo Mutwa teaches of the extra-terrestrial history of Africa, and we can show that we are still being observed in the NASA video footage.

It is not just our children we need to teach. I myself am involved in a long-term campaign with the Liberal Democrats, in trying to highlight political and institutional corruption. This is not easy. When you look at what we could have learned from Pearl Harbor, in light of having the internet as a resource for uncovering discrepancies between the official version of 9-11 and what actually happened, I wonder if we are not doomed to make the very same mistakes again with the bombing of Afghanistan and the imminent invasion of Iraq with Bush threatening to use tactical nuclear weapons? At the time of writing, on New Year's Eve 2002 Bush is claiming that an attack on America by Iraq (specifically) will cripple the American economy. An alternative view is that the US Government has already borrowed itself into insolvency (while still finding billions of dollars in aid for Israel but not American schools, hospitals or poor), and hence a fake attack is required to ensure that the American people do not realise what really caused the existing collapse that has already occurred.

If politicians moved away from telling people what to think, to really helping them engage and think for themselves, it would have a massive impact, and maybe result in young people such as Ms Dynamite and her friends becoming less alienated. I continually highlight key websites that the Liberal Democrats should link to (since God knows how many supposedly independent think tanks New Labour draw upon). This of course has not happened, but the Lib Dems should certainly link to resource centres such as [ www.whatreallyhappened.com ] - which encourages people to think for themselves, and The Centre for Cooperative Reasearch's Complete 9-11 Timeline - [ www.cooperativeresearch.org ] - which encourages people to do their own research by fully documenting the events leading up to and on September 11th. There is no need to say all the information is true, but it would be great for the Lib Dems to go public on what they tell me privately about our spy riddled media, and become pro-active in counteracting this.

spirituality as an Agent For Political Change

To recap, I have tried to shown the following

1) There is a phenomenal degree of corruption in our establishment. The agenda of powerful unelected bodies does not serve that of the masses. Part of this agenda is to manufacture terrorist attacks which have the result of inducing fear, and thus enabling our governments to introduce immediately legislation reducing civil liberties while promoting the agenda of corporations and other groups.

2) Our media are censored to the degree that most people remain ignorant of. While the censorship is breathtaking, it is sad that our politicians still appear to be asleep in not asking questions such as the suspicious and unsavoury relationship between Blair and Bush.

3) The censorship and suppression of information is not only in the demain of politics and business. It flows through into science, history and religion. It has succeeded in suppressing scientific proof of the soul and life-after-death, as well as life on other planets.

4) It appears to have succeeded to the extent that our elected representatives in Parliament refuse to contemplate the fact that like Pearl Harbor, the attacks on America occurred not as a surprise, with full prior warning, and there had to be stand-down orders from NORAD in order to avoid the hijacked aircraft being intercepted either by aircraft or ground-defences.
» CHIK replied on Thu Feb 27, 2003 @ 2:57am. Posted in Resistance (yesterday).
Coolness: 41430
no but i heard about it , nebody have reviews
and when is the next march for peace
on the 16th?
fuck the war
bush makes me angry
its the freemasons
» CHIK replied on Mon Feb 24, 2003 @ 3:57am. Posted in DJ KRUSH @ S.A.T. March 1.
Coolness: 41430
i heard its on two nights,
march 1st
and mach 14th?

i would like to go.
» CHIK replied on Wed Feb 19, 2003 @ 3:21pm. Posted in PLATEAU FLEXOUT this week.
Coolness: 41430
oh no why cant it be on thrusday

that ,i would like to check out
» CHIK replied on Mon Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:12pm. Posted in IDJ Loves U.
Coolness: 41430
cloak- try taking kickboxing classes, its fun
» CHIK replied on Mon Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:44am. Posted in IDJ Loves U.
Coolness: 41430
oh yeah, i loved the couches in the chill room
too comfortable
» CHIK replied on Mon Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:34am. Posted in IDJ Loves U.
Coolness: 41430
i had a really good time,
i liked the venue, but it woudda been nice if the fans worked/whatever good djs dancing ppeeps
i liked the chill room a lot too
balloons, very nice touch
nice to meet friendly ppl too,
SOME HIGH SCHOOL FRIENDS will be coming around again no doubt


and free cd, its great
midas' cd, good too
who is astro?
» CHIK replied on Mon Feb 17, 2003 @ 1:39am. Posted in good article on meth/speed.
Coolness: 41430
really interesting article, perspective on this
» CHIK replied on Fri Feb 14, 2003 @ 1:52am. Posted in To The Chilli Peppers Fans.
Coolness: 41430
bell center
15 mai, 2003 @ 7:30 pm

tickets on sale 2/15 , saturday @noon
» CHIK replied on Thu Feb 13, 2003 @ 3:53am. Posted in Secret Society, Samedi 1er Mars 2003.
Coolness: 41430
merci :)
» CHIK replied on Wed Feb 12, 2003 @ 4:21am. Posted in Secret Society, Samedi 1er Mars 2003.
Coolness: 41430
YAe! a party on the 450
tell me its not in TURBO NIGHT CLUB PLEASE
» CHIK replied on Wed Feb 12, 2003 @ 4:14am. Posted in Emotisong.
Coolness: 41430
listening to

ben harper -i shall not walk alone/the woman in you /please me like you wantto/
songs i feel, i hope its somehow psychically good for u

any beatles song too
oldschool, simon&garfunkel:
iam an island.. and the rock feels no pain, and an island never cries..hehe

this song makes me SMILE
» CHIK replied on Wed Feb 12, 2003 @ 4:06am. Posted in Emotisong.
Coolness: 41430
the song title speaks for itself.
humm.. that sucks
» CHIK replied on Tue Feb 11, 2003 @ 1:40pm. Posted in To The Chilli Peppers Fans.
Coolness: 41430

» CHIK replied on Mon Feb 10, 2003 @ 6:51pm. Posted in new.
Coolness: 41430
right on, its still and always chantal

and FOR SURE IM THERE! , not a chance im missing this

(n of course i remember your cute galaksy face) hehe

» CHIK replied on Mon Feb 10, 2003 @ 5:42am. Posted in Fischer Price: My first Freestyle....
Coolness: 41430
nter im not moody, not a bitch,

u wont know me here, im not a ravewave poster
i just party and check out the pictures
» CHIK replied on Mon Feb 10, 2003 @ 5:32am. Posted in Fischer Price: My first Freestyle....
Coolness: 41430
karlmarx: you proved ur point out nice

nter: i doubt im taking shit half as serious as u , telling me to SHADDUP after sayin one of ur rymes were lame
GOOD FOR YOU THEYRE UR FRIENDS, im glad to know if it makes u feel better
» CHIK replied on Mon Feb 10, 2003 @ 5:22am. Posted in Fischer Price: My first Freestyle....
Coolness: 41430
ya i know his name is fucking CHINK
along with every other CHINA MAN ,MONK NREV ATS CREW WTF NOT

IM SAying that comment was lame cause its DEROGATIVE and dude whats with the hostility, who cares
wther u know ppl here or not

and believe me i dont hate
» CHIK replied on Mon Feb 10, 2003 @ 5:15am. Posted in Emotisong.
Coolness: 41430


walking on the mmoon

my friends - red hot chillli peppers
scarlet begonias- sublime

» CHIK replied on Mon Feb 10, 2003 @ 4:59am. Posted in Fischer Price: My first Freestyle....
Coolness: 41430
that comment about soyfunk SHUT THE FUCK UP AND EAT RICE

that was uncalled for




» CHIK replied on Mon Feb 10, 2003 @ 4:52am. Posted in Funny....
Coolness: 41430
thats lame
whats with calling him talentless
» CHIK replied on Mon Feb 10, 2003 @ 4:46am. Posted in Fischer Price: My first Freestyle....
Coolness: 41430
you boys are all hatin
whats with this bitchin
» CHIK replied on Mon Feb 10, 2003 @ 4:12am. Posted in need a new date.
Coolness: 41430
thats fucking sad
» CHIK replied on Mon Feb 10, 2003 @ 4:11am. Posted in Teenageporn.
Coolness: 41430

nature vs nuture..
i think that we think orgies is TRASHY cause of #1
but in the end, really, were all animals, we just think too much
» CHIK replied on Mon Feb 10, 2003 @ 4:03am. Posted in Teenageporn.
Coolness: 41430
what is the relation between nakeness and RAVEWAVE

» CHIK replied on Mon Feb 10, 2003 @ 3:51am. Posted in Teenageporn.
Coolness: 41430
* goes through mental list of previous porn viewed on the internet*

humm.. maybe its just me then.
» CHIK replied on Mon Feb 10, 2003 @ 3:49am. Posted in new.
Coolness: 41430
is there a 5$ guest list

dude im ur unofficial promoter
believe me
» CHIK replied on Mon Feb 10, 2003 @ 3:47am. Posted in Teenageporn.
Coolness: 41430
OR do some girls look FAMILIAR???
» CHIK replied on Mon Feb 10, 2003 @ 3:33am. Posted in Teenageporn.
Coolness: 41430

» CHIK replied on Mon Feb 10, 2003 @ 3:32am. Posted in IDJ loves you- february 15th.
Coolness: 41430
countin' da days..
» CHIK replied on Mon Feb 10, 2003 @ 3:27am. Posted in Teenageporn.
Coolness: 41430
delayed findings
whats with the porn on this site

go to sublimedirectories
» CHIK replied on Mon Feb 10, 2003 @ 3:18am. Posted in Marty McFly +others...Last Night: Review.
Coolness: 41430
i ddint go to this , but it sounded like it wouldve been chill. (flyers= ms bliss? 5$!)
the party on friday was fun though (2$!)
» CHIK replied on Sat Jan 25, 2003 @ 4:29am. Posted in IDJ loves you- february 15th.
Coolness: 41430
PP- FOr sure
» CHIK replied on Thu Jan 23, 2003 @ 10:42pm. Posted in i thought id see u around.. ZEV.
Coolness: 41430
ya of course i remember u! lol
that was funny he was freakin out!
im bringing him out to the next one too
» CHIK replied on Thu Jan 23, 2003 @ 3:51pm. Posted in i thought id see u around.. ZEV.
Coolness: 41430
.. r u going

and no porn with chick and chick sorry
maybe chick and DICK
CHIK's Profile - Community Messages