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» BonusBeats replied on Wed Sep 5, 2012 @ 6:15pm. Posted in Assasination attempt on Pauline Marois.
Coolness: 31555
Originally Posted By DATABOY
Why is the attempted murder of the prime minister of Quebec not considered terrorism?

This is a political crime and should be taken very seriously.

Wars have started over shit like this...

I guess that's right and wrong at the same time. It should be taken seriously as someone is dead and someone badly hurt. However, it sure looks like the work of a lone or small group of lunatics like that Kimveer Gill dude. So somehow, we shouldn't go into paranoid social unrest over this. I've already seen the ''it's the Canadian government" theories fly by. I also saw, just in one instance though, the ''English FLQ'' theory. I understand that not 24 hours have passed so since no information is available, any wild theory is as good as another in the public space.

But let's hope society keeps its cool over this.
» BonusBeats replied on Wed Sep 5, 2012 @ 6:04pm. Posted in Message For Ravepolice.
Coolness: 31555
Well, communists have been known to welcome females in their ranks and even gave them the right to vote I think in 1919 or 1917, so with your recent comments about women I think you can't be a communist.
» BonusBeats replied on Wed Sep 5, 2012 @ 5:58pm. Posted in Assasination attempt on Pauline Marois.
Coolness: 31555
Originally Posted By ALPHA
I can't believe someone was actually interested enough in Canadian and Quebec politics to die in jail

» BonusBeats replied on Wed Sep 5, 2012 @ 5:42pm. Posted in Message For Ravepolice.
Coolness: 31555
I think he was calling you a Magnotta actually
» BonusBeats replied on Wed Sep 5, 2012 @ 1:41pm. Posted in Assasination attempt on Pauline Marois.
Coolness: 31555
Why can't you guys just stop picking on each other at every corner? I suppose we were supposed to... fuck it.
» BonusBeats replied on Wed Sep 5, 2012 @ 1:13pm. Posted in Alex ( Host 1 ) vs Hammish ( Bliss ).
Coolness: 31555
Are you serious?
» BonusBeats replied on Wed Sep 5, 2012 @ 12:49pm. Posted in Assasination attempt on Pauline Marois.
Coolness: 31555
Apparently, it was planned but I somehow doubt it was by a very well organized terrorist group. It's not the USA.
» BonusBeats replied on Wed Sep 5, 2012 @ 8:39am. Posted in Message For Ravepolice.
Coolness: 31555

Well at least you understood something in my comment cause I didn't understand a thing about yours.

Don't hate on females :) Forget the wall of text, it's irrelevant.
» BonusBeats replied on Wed Sep 5, 2012 @ 2:49am. Posted in Assasination attempt on Pauline Marois.
Coolness: 31555
Apparently, the English people are done with their sleep.
» BonusBeats replied on Tue Sep 4, 2012 @ 3:04pm. Posted in Alex ( Host 1 ) vs Hammish ( Bliss ).
Coolness: 31555
They are very good friends of mine! I don't see these guys often enough :)

Cheers for them
» BonusBeats replied on Tue Sep 4, 2012 @ 10:31am. Posted in the thread about something else.
Coolness: 31555
:) Wow this
Originally Posted By MELODRASTIK
Breaks night to come soon . During Fall / WINTER! BLOP

This thread is a winner!

Tiens-moi au courant de ça, cette semaine je me demandais si je devais influencer Jean-Simon à devenir un DJ breakbeat pour que je puisse en entendre au moins des fois :) Ça vas-tu être une mensuelle?
» BonusBeats replied on Tue Sep 4, 2012 @ 9:48am. Posted in the thread about something else.
Coolness: 31555

Funky and clever track! Must be a mad hit with the 29-34 crowds!
Makes me miss the Planet Breaks nights that's where I was going to hear funky shit like that.
» BonusBeats replied on Tue Sep 4, 2012 @ 8:24am. Posted in Alex ( Host 1 ) vs Hammish ( Bliss ).
Coolness: 31555
Originally Posted By NATHAN
thnx to this thread, at least I know exactly who BonuesBeats is xD
(you're a friend of a friend, we've had a chat or two ;) )

It's not the best promo thread that I've ever seen :/

People warned me that this would happen though. I checked the last connection
date of the other members of 64hz just for the fuck of it.

Dorobo: last On: Thu Oct 28, 2010 @ 9:01pm
Jean-S: Last On: Wed Mar 4, 2009 @ 5:28pm
Sipherdee: Last On: Thu May 10, 2012 @ 12:58pm

Bushido: Last On: Thu Dec 1, 2011 @ 11:30pm
Monokini San (lunatixx.art): Last On: Fri Nov 18, 2011 @ 1:59am
Florian MSK: No account.

Anyway. Who's the common friend? :)
» BonusBeats replied on Tue Sep 4, 2012 @ 7:40am. Posted in Message For Ravepolice.
Coolness: 31555
Originally Posted By RAWALI
eeeeh... regardless. Tune.

I should learn to do that because it resumes the 50 pages dissertation I posted just on top,
» BonusBeats replied on Mon Sep 3, 2012 @ 2:13pm. Posted in Alex ( Host 1 ) vs Hammish ( Bliss ).
Coolness: 31555
The memes were actually funny though. And I had to look up the PM's from 10 days ago that you just mentioned to remember what pointless crap you were talking about and that's what I found. 3 PMs of pointless crap.

On top of it they weren't calling for a response so I didn't notice that you were actually going to have your period and keep silent while hating in the dark like a whiny bitch waiting for the first occasion when your wires touch to show me all your big Full Metal Jacket bully costume.

So just knock yourself off playing the drama queen and leave me the fuck out of your attitude problem. I'm not a person who play dirty little games and all your loud yapping is not really going to shut me up if I want to say something. And if you give no respect, you get none.

I'm not going further down the hate road. That's all I had to say.
» BonusBeats replied on Mon Sep 3, 2012 @ 1:07pm. Posted in Alex ( Host 1 ) vs Hammish ( Bliss ).
Coolness: 31555
Wow! Try gin and valium or go fuck yourself, dude. I really don't have time to lose arguing about who I am with a fucking internet douchebag with self-control issues. I don't actually care about what you may or may not think or say. Keep on rollin' in your own river of shit if you want dirty shit, douchebag. I'm not wasting a single more minute on this, I'd rather fuck a horse.

So, you had a difficult childhood, I presume? Please get over it while I cry you a river. Now leave me alone.
» BonusBeats replied on Mon Sep 3, 2012 @ 12:41pm. Posted in Alex ( Host 1 ) vs Hammish ( Bliss ).
Coolness: 31555
Yeah.... right....
» BonusBeats replied on Mon Sep 3, 2012 @ 6:10am. Posted in Alex ( Host 1 ) vs Hammish ( Bliss ).
Coolness: 31555
Originally Posted By GREATJOB
He does, he also looks like someone i've never seen in my life. And of course you like anyone who sides with you lol. Fuckin retard.

I've never seen you ever either and I'm not really surprised about it. I lived in Quebec City until 2005 and my rave trips to Montreal as a teen were scarce, there was a pretty lively scene in Quebec at that time (from 1996 on).

Since I came to Montreal for school, I did not go to events until 2007, I joined 64hz in 2008 and I've certainly been involved with that crew since then. I've never seen you in my life. Does that change something to what you did? Same here.
» BonusBeats replied on Mon Sep 3, 2012 @ 12:04am. Posted in Alex ( Host 1 ) vs Hammish ( Bliss ).
Coolness: 31555
Haha That's a relevant question. I stopped trying to find out what it's supposed to be and where it came from and why I was that happy to be extra on acid on the psy dancefloor. I have no excuse for this.
» BonusBeats replied on Sun Sep 2, 2012 @ 11:28pm. Posted in Alex ( Host 1 ) vs Hammish ( Bliss ).
Coolness: 31555
I don't know what the fuck is on my head, actually. That was like a usual Eclipse day with no parachute. Got to live with all those pics. And I never considered being a meme but I guess it just karma for letting my mouth run too much, too loud so well, touché.
» BonusBeats replied on Sun Sep 2, 2012 @ 10:07pm. Posted in Alex ( Host 1 ) vs Hammish ( Bliss ).
Coolness: 31555
Baha! At least find a pic where I'm so on drugs that you can have that exact same pic of me on the MAIN stage, because that pic is just that random, not that good pic of me on the dancefloor that people take. And you really used one where I don't look too retarded so I'll try and fix your post.

Originally Posted By TOY_POLICE
Meh, you've only been here two months, BB. Let's see if your opinion changes after a longer period of time

Then you post a photo of me looking fucking ridiculous on the main stage of Eclipse to pinpoint that the music that was playing when the pic was taken was probably the kind of fullon psytrance that I hate the most. And I'm trolled. With that pic, you win.

[ fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net ]

Update » BonusBeats wrote on Sun Sep 2, 2012 @ 10:10pm
Can you fix the image because I'm failing with my auto-humiliation here.
» BonusBeats replied on Sun Sep 2, 2012 @ 7:51pm. Posted in Alex ( Host 1 ) vs Hammish ( Bliss ).
Coolness: 31555
You know what? This thread is looking for trouble. I'm starting to understand that everyone seems very determined to keep a constant, massive flow of shit hitting the [ rave.ca ] fan. That's probably why shit hits the fan constantly and nothing else survives.

Do you think it will ever stop or that beef will be the only thing moving on this site that was about raves and music? There are currently two threads in the last then that are dedicated to see you insult each other again when it's been in all the threads anyway.

And I don't see a lot of ravers. Or music. Of course, I joined because internet drama makes me laugh and I'm the first one to love mild internet beefing and denouncing retardation in a sarcastic way and I knew I would find some of that here. But you guys actually hate each other for real. It's a dirty game.

People are supposed to be willing to settle their conflicts in some way and get over them somehow at some point and here there are two of those AlexF vs Bliss thread on top of all the other hate-filled threads, now asking people to take sides against each other just for the fuck of getting a bigger fire. It's pretty lame for a rave site.

I wonder how many people still actively come on this site.
They sure don't feel like talking a lot in wonderful threads like this when they come here looking to find the parties ;)

My 2 cents.
» BonusBeats replied on Sun Sep 2, 2012 @ 11:25am. Posted in AlexF vs. Bliss.
Coolness: 31555
Actually, I will admit that I only have a very limited internet experience of you so that wall of text is actually pretty much me talking about something I don't have a complete knowledge of. It only applies to what I saw which is, I admit: internet stuff that I don't really know the real roots. So, it's a good thing to mention that I do not own the truth. I tend to over-answer to everything recently and not just here so sorry for the extensive wall-of-text thing I don't know why I'm suddenly so determined to put so much detail in everything all of a sudden. Anyway, take what you want, leave what you want :)
» BonusBeats replied on Sun Sep 2, 2012 @ 9:06am. Posted in AlexF vs. Bliss.
Coolness: 31555
Originally Posted By BLISSS

Wow just wow, so basically Alex comes on here, mistakes me for someone else, goes on a mutliple rant of insults over his mistake and I'm the one to blame.

Sorry bro, but your story dosen't compute. Alex is the only one to blame for this situation

I would like to point out that my question is genuine and that I am not making any kind of sarcasm by asking this: are you sincerely oblivious to the fact that this comment and every other similar comment that you ever made is exactly what starting shit is? Because you just started some. It's an undisputable fact. Are you really oblivious to it?

Do you realize that stating that you are just an innocent victim of pointless hate is not compatible with stating that (insert name) is a retarded shit-starter because that is exactly what pointless hate is. It's like projecting the pointless hate on others and that's not really a good way to end the pointless hate by insulting those perceived as haters. I think it's safe to say that and that we can agree on that?

If you take the time to seriously go back and check your own [ rave.ca ] and mtldnb history and make a count of every time this situation occurred with you at the middle, that would make you the most unlucky guy on Earth when it comes to being picked on by bullies if you really were never involved in the shit-starting in any way. That's pretty improbable that you are constantly plagued by bad luck over and over again. Karma is not working that way, you know.

More probably, you must be making something that is causing it whether you do it on purpose or not. I have a hard time believing that you are acting in good faith. However, I decided to respect you anyway and that includes assuming that you are and I want to repeat again that my comment is not even against you a little and I really pick my words to avoid antagonism. In clear, it is not an attack, a random judgment or nothing of the sort. Your behavior just really touches something in me somehow because I really try to get the point it's like ????

That's so easy to spot on top of it, the moment when you are looking for problems. Sometimes you seem like nothing could stop you on your quest for trouble, I'm serious.

The comment you just made about you being 100% good and someone being 100% bad. Put it in the mouth of someone else and check how annoying it sounds for a minute, true or not true. Finger-pointing like that=shit-starting and that, even if the perfect good VS perfect bad assessment is true.

Maybe if you skipped that part, you would save a lot of time on defending yourself constantly. I sure believe you when you say that your real life is not like the internet one. I still fail to understand why you care that much about constantly stating that you are always white as snow. I mean the most obvious thing in the world is that no one is white as snow. We had to invent that guy Jesus to represent what a person like that would be because obviously we're just humans. Sometimes we start shit and the world does not come to an end. Can you state me one occasion where you were in the wrong and responsible for some drama in all your years in the electronic music scene? If you cannot, you can assume that it's impossible to be perfect and just accept that you might be missing something in the way you act with some people (those you beef with), and also take the time to check if beefing with them is so important to you that you cannot take the step of not pointing a finger at them publicly.

What do you actually expect to happen when you say stuff like that? Do you think anyone will just surrender and say: yes, got to admit that you are perfect? No one will ever will so you have complete control over ending the endless conflicts by just letting it go. No need to state that someone is "a washed-up raver on welfare" or "not the greatest light in the bulb". If it's true, their actions should speak for you so why bother with keeping antagonisms alive when they would just die if you let go?
» BonusBeats replied on Sun Sep 2, 2012 @ 7:50am. Posted in Message For Ravepolice.
Coolness: 31555
Originally Posted By ALPHA
[ youtu.be ]

I think it's a filter and actual video with a mask.

Obviously I do. Well, I did. It's a female rather than an imaginary male or male-androgynous anthropomorphic creature. I don't like females.

I would like you to understand how you just sounded to me with that comment.
Let's hope I don't represent a trend!

''Obviously, I care about that specific mask and this whole thread is now clearly about its gender because that's how I separate the good from the bad LOL. So, obviously I'm going to ask for the exact origin of that random picture because obviously you didn't just bring such an important matter from Google Images like a female would do! I need to closely examine it to be able to know if its female (complete crap that I don't like) or a ''male-androgynous anthropomorphic creature'' (it's the most precise way to express anything resembling Marylin Manson and that stuff I like). After having checked it on every angle, I don't like the mask in the picture and I think that you must be retarded to ask who cares because come on, I clearly do! So, I was on the point of liking the mask but I'm pretty sure it's just another goddamn cheap female representation you're posting! Maybe you didn't notice or maybe you like female masks and that would be OK, but let's make it clear from the start that I'm certainly not a female mask loving person. So I'm stating it boldly. You're all warned!''

And I also would like an objective reason to prefer a ''male-androgynous anthropomorphic creature'' to a female when it comes to masks because if any other person on Earth starts giving a shit about it, it might seem like you're hating female masks because they are representing chicks and on [ rave.ca ] hating on groups of weird people like ''gays'' or ''females'' is not tolerated and brings the most long-lasting and serious consequences to the board. I warn you, it's like a Holy War: it's bloody, it repeats for no reason, it starts for nothing and it monopolizes the public space endlessly without any kind of constructive results so try not to say "I hate females" outside of your mind.

I'm pretty sure that my vitriolic and oversized comment is probably all the attention you'll get with that but that's not a reason to try to start a "sexism on this dead forum" zombie apocalypse just after the "bigotry on this dead forum" era that lasted like 10 000 years and made no victor.


Since Ravepolice is apparently stuck in some Internet Dunkin'Donuts and is not back yet (that's the insect addicted to proxies you momentarily stole this thread to, remember?), maybe you could explain why a ''male-androgynous anthropomorphic creature'' is preferable to a female representation in the mask-building universe even if no one is interested. That would kill some time while we wait for Ravepolice's next moral patrol mission and you can have your mask-loving moment in the thread. I guess you can obviously prove that I didn't get your point and that I added a little spice to what you meant! Because if not, you actually deserve this mass of sarcastic blows coming out of nowhere because male-androgynous anthropomorphic creatures are just as bad as fucking females, as far as I know.

I'm pretty sure that Bilbo will be really interested in your answer because after all, a mask is kind of like a real-life proxy so he will want to have one for sure. So I guess I'll pass the mic to you.
» BonusBeats replied on Sat Sep 1, 2012 @ 9:34pm. Posted in Message For Ravepolice.
Coolness: 31555
I think we have the time to review the extensive discography before Bilbo is able to gather enough courage to be confident in the proxy's ability to protect him from the threat that ravers on this board pose to his life. And then, he must write a coherent phrase. That's another story about those who succeed without any balls or brains by working hard and those who fail at it.

Maybe we can debate about that while we wait for him. Do you think that the proxy thing put Bilbo on the winning or losing side of the retarded troll population?

After thinking a lot about it, I say: Bilbo loses. Some retarded trolls are able to write a phrase that makes sense by itself without the reader having to patch a sense in an incoherent and pretty weak assemblage of words. That's a definite handicap when trying to troll to not be able to communicate, especially when you have a natural credibility gap for thinking that someone would track your IP and show up to your house when your communication skills are the equivalent of the baby without a brain that you can see here for reference

[ www.youtube.com ]

Update » BonusBeats wrote on Sat Sep 1, 2012 @ 9:51pm
So that's why I definitely think that you are a loser amongst the retarded trolls of the Internet and I can pinpoint you my house in Google Map if you decide to push the loser thing further up. But remember that proxys don't work with people in the world so I will see you.
Update » BonusBeats wrote on Sat Sep 1, 2012 @ 9:52pm
However, I will not care about you so there will be no violence or anything to make you feel important.
» BonusBeats replied on Sat Sep 1, 2012 @ 6:13pm. Posted in AlexF vs. Bliss.
Coolness: 31555
I'm pretty sure that the update would qualify as putting oil on the fire and as a case of uncalled finger-pointing. Pointing a finger will obviously get a finger pointed at you, even if your ancestors were not the first ones to point a finger at his ancestors centuries ago when this feud started for a reason no one can actually remember. As a simple witness of the last 2 months of this site, I think I can mention the fact that the only way to stop this from overwhelming the forum is actually to stop pointing fingers. The fact that the statement just before is to say that you were busy not caring about the internet drama and that the statement right after is that the dude is a shit-starter also puzzles me. Because by saying ''I don't care about drama'' and then first thing, one sentence after is pointing a finger at someone you have beef with makes you actually calling the drama. Maybe that's what you want, maybe not and that, I really can't know. It sure looks like it though.

It's none of my business and I don't care that much in real life but I'm a member of this forum so I feel like taking part to its life and sadly, that's all thers is to discuss so be it . That's it :)
» BonusBeats replied on Fri Aug 31, 2012 @ 11:24am. Posted in message for alexf (f stand for fuckig wimp).
Coolness: 31555
Is that little rabbit talking? That's soooo adorable! Talk again, little rabbit!
» BonusBeats replied on Thu Aug 30, 2012 @ 4:38pm. Posted in Pola - Teh Movie.
Coolness: 31555
Pola The Movie drama is so 2009
» BonusBeats replied on Thu Aug 30, 2012 @ 10:22am. Posted in 2012 biggest faggot on rave.ca award.
Coolness: 31555
No. Why?
» BonusBeats replied on Thu Aug 30, 2012 @ 10:17am. Posted in AlexF vs. Bliss.
Coolness: 31555
I'm not sure it's very relevant since that has already been all over the place for at least a month and a half. I mean, maybe we could talk about something ELSE not involving Bliss for just one day. I wonder if anyone would post though.
» BonusBeats replied on Wed Aug 29, 2012 @ 8:43am. Posted in alexf and bliss. lose cannon?.
Coolness: 31555
So basically, you're so afraid that you even have to hide your fucking IP to troll [ rave.ca ] Impressive. In the scale of cowardice, that sure stands out of the lot. Anyway, have a nice day down the hobbit hole, Bilbo.
» BonusBeats replied on Wed Aug 29, 2012 @ 8:10am. Posted in The PLUR Thread.
Coolness: 31555
Originally Posted By FUUUUUHEAD
Rave scene used to be about plur.. now it's just washed up junglists waiting for their welfare and calling each other faggot. lol.

» BonusBeats replied on Tue Aug 28, 2012 @ 3:09pm. Posted in Why my lighter alwase black?.
Coolness: 31555
I can't feel my legs, I can't see! So cold... What is this place, mommy?
» BonusBeats replied on Tue Aug 28, 2012 @ 12:25pm. Posted in arrrgh.
Coolness: 31555
That's what I was referring to
» BonusBeats replied on Tue Aug 28, 2012 @ 8:12am. Posted in 2012 biggest faggot on rave.ca award.
Coolness: 31555
Originally Posted By ABYSSAL-NEBULAZE
u guys need help, take it outside cuz [ rave.ca ] + violence = no(unplur)

The thing is that [ rave.ca ] is actually a very violent place. You should not come unarmed and unprotected. You will face all the terrible horrors of merciless guerilla warfare here.
» BonusBeats replied on Tue Aug 28, 2012 @ 8:08am. Posted in arrrgh.
Coolness: 31555
Are you refering to brostep? I might be wrong on that because I'm really not into the arcanes of dubstep but I remember that brostep was a particularly annoying kind of dubstep with overboosted middle frequencies and not any kind of real bass to it. Kind of like lame electronic metal.
» BonusBeats replied on Mon Aug 27, 2012 @ 12:58pm. Posted in alexf and bliss. lose cannon?.
Coolness: 31555
Okay so I decided to simply not look it up whatsoever and stay ignorant forever.
» BonusBeats replied on Thu Aug 23, 2012 @ 9:30pm. Posted in Pyramid Yonaguni.
Coolness: 31555
Ravelings see in green just because.
» BonusBeats replied on Thu Aug 23, 2012 @ 12:21pm. Posted in Ravelingz.
Coolness: 31555
A raveling is a kid born from a raver girl who didn't know she was pregnant or who the fuck raped her silly. A raveling must be born in a rave to have the right to live. They usually end up being true insiders of the scene and can become very useful as drug dealers or manufacturers. They are also good ro spot naughty chicks on juice, md and alcohol because that's what they macerated in for 9 months. If you see a raveling not dealing drugs or spotting chicks for his normal human friends to fuck, please call Abyssal-Nebulaze at the nearest mothership in order for the aliens to take care of it right away and forever. Now go back to your lives.
BonusBeats's Profile - Community Messages