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» AYkiN0XiA replied on Sat Jul 7, 2012 @ 6:57pm. Posted in So what are you gonna do with your summer?.
Coolness: 167290
i work, i do window-washing...
and sometimes i sew clothes,
and lots of summer sex :)
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Mon Jun 18, 2012 @ 5:24pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 167290
hahahahhahahhahahahahhaha fuck haha c'est trop drôle !! :D

Update » AYkiN0XiA wrote on Fri Jun 22, 2012 @ 11:29am
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Thu Jun 14, 2012 @ 8:40am. Posted in Wtf.
Coolness: 167290
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Tue Jun 12, 2012 @ 2:04pm. Posted in retarded protestors targetting F1.
Coolness: 167290
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Sun Jun 10, 2012 @ 6:31pm. Posted in retarded protestors targetting F1.
Coolness: 167290
ton amie elle rock. si elle cherche du monde, c'est une job que j'aimerais vraiment faire,
je n'ai pas la formation technique, mais j'apprend vite, j'ai le pouce vert comme on dit :P
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Sun Jun 10, 2012 @ 11:09am. Posted in retarded protestors targetting F1.
Coolness: 167290
comment un search sur google fait du co2 ?

Update » AYkiN0XiA wrote on Sun Jun 10, 2012 @ 11:30am
ahhhh ok j'ai fait un google search et j'ai trouvé
[ www.searchenginejournal.com ]

ok à go on arrête de respirer...........!
en fait on a juste a planter plein de plantes, d'arbres, genre faire des toits verts, etc.
j'aimerais bien que l'argent des taxes puisse être investi à faire des toits verts, partout. ça serait vraiment beau !!!

Update » AYkiN0XiA wrote on Sun Jun 10, 2012 @ 11:35am
et y'a aussi ça --
[ www.telegraph.co.uk ]
"New technology for "photosynthesising" fuel could lead to cars running on "petrol" made from carbon dioxide and sunlight."

c'est dans la concrétisation de ce genre de recherches que j'aimerais que mes taxes soient utilisées bordel !
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Sat Jun 9, 2012 @ 8:47am. Posted in The Dumbing Down of Electronic Music.
Coolness: 167290
something has been lost, from what i see, or maybe it never really existed here - the tribe.

i was speaking with an older raver who has lived in europe, and he says this is what misses here. the influence of experienced ravers, djs, and party organizers TEACHING to the younger ones... as in living in the same environment, sharing the same lifestyle, organizing small non-commercial gatherings of friends where at some point the elders ASK the young one to mix, when they feel he or she is mature enough, and TEACH THEM, and GUIDE THEM...

but it's like star wars... the padawan wants to be a jedi too fast, and stop listening to the voices of experience. thus dumbing down the movement, because the most basic teachings could not be passed down. people just want to 'be the one', it's kind of egotistical...

but apparently this is the world we live in... and the rave tradition is not compatible with it...
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Fri Jun 8, 2012 @ 10:39am. Posted in un organisme d'intervention en rave?.
Coolness: 167290
ouais, y'a aussi eu une autre tentative avec laurie-anne dans quelques partys et festivals l'été dernier de faire un ''healing area''. j'avais participé un peu à celà, mais les instigateurs de l'idée ont malheureusement laissé tomber. je crois qu'ils essayaient de faire quelque chose d'un peu ''spirituel'' comme approche, et c'est aussi un peu délicat.

j'aime bien la présence du GRIP dans un événement, c'est des gens qui sont vraiment intéressants à parler avec, qui ont une expérience très intéressante de la vie et des raves, ce sont des gens éduqués et très chill.

j'ai entendu parler de gens dans des raves avant, qui avaient des kiosques pour faire du testing de composition des pilules, etc etc. messemble que c'est important de conscientiser sur ce genre de choses.

pour ce qui est du GRIP et les subventions, c'était peut-être une erreur de leur part de compter sur des subventions gouvernementales au départ. un tel organisme, si il veut être impartial, doit devenir autogéré. ça demande de l'investissement personnel de gens passionnés. je crois que c'est possible, sans subventions.
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Fri Jun 8, 2012 @ 9:57am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 167290

Update » AYkiN0XiA wrote on Fri Jun 8, 2012 @ 10:00am
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Fri Jun 8, 2012 @ 9:52am. Posted in RAVE NEWS! Canadian Rave Scene Articles!.
Coolness: 167290
so sad...
it used to be about waking up the mind and senses,
now it's dulling it down, shutting down to life.
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Fri Jun 8, 2012 @ 7:51am. Posted in The Dumbing Down of Electronic Music.
Coolness: 167290
yes most young djs find a way to be... not so good... even with all the technology.
they can beatmatch and all, but they don't understand the energy to keep on a dancefloor...
but the people dancing don't notice, either, since they don't make the difference, they don't know what it could be.
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Fri Jun 8, 2012 @ 7:47am. Posted in retarded protestors targetting F1.
Coolness: 167290
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Wed Jun 6, 2012 @ 4:22pm. Posted in retarded protestors targetting F1.
Coolness: 167290
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Wed Jun 6, 2012 @ 10:44am. Posted in retarded protestors targetting F1.
Coolness: 167290
ouais mais tsé, tout ça c'est pas de la faute de personne d'autre que Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois. :P

» AYkiN0XiA replied on Wed Jun 6, 2012 @ 8:44am. Posted in retarded protestors targetting F1.
Coolness: 167290
si on prétend être vraiment hi-tech,
à la fine pointe de la technologie là tsé,
dans les courses automobile...
alors pourquoi y'a pas de choses qui fonctionnent avec les principes de l'énergie libre, de Nicola Tesla ?
ou même de l'énergie solaire,
ou de d'autres choses dans la même lignée.

franchement on utilise des énergies fossiles,
et on ose se dire ..technologiques..
plus comme "archaiques"
on est plus en 1970 là

en fait, même les raves sont technologiquement arriérés.
mouvement qui au départ se voulait être à la fine pointe de la technologie, il y a 20-quelques années.
mais les raves, je comprend le phénomène, car il n'y a pas de $$$ pour s'équipper.
c'est une excuse bidon, mais ça fait un peu de sens quand même,
tandis que pour la F1, ils n'ont absolument aucune excuse,
à part un attachement pour la consommation et la pollution, ou je ne sais pas quoi, peut-être le retard mental d'une généation, ou le désir d'abrutissement de la population au profit des magnats du pétrole.
mais eux, ils l'ont l'argent. ils pourraient faire de la recherche qui est utile...
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Tue Jun 5, 2012 @ 7:49pm. Posted in retarded protestors targetting F1.
Coolness: 167290
toujours est-il qu'il va y avoir du monde tout nu,
j'espère qu'ils vont y aller a velo, ou en transports en commun
et ils vont surement être beaux a voir... pour la plupart, justement, si ils font du velo ils doivent être en santé.

et, sport
"Le sport est un ensemble d'exercices, le plus souvent physiques, se pratiquant sous forme de jeux individuels ou collectifs pouvant donner lieu à des compétitions."
[ fr.wikipedia.org ]
donc oui le kinball c'est un sport.
le volleyball de plage aussi. et c'est pas mal plus sexy que des chars qui font du bruit en polluant.
de la finesse :)
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Tue Jun 5, 2012 @ 4:38pm. Posted in retarded protestors targetting F1.
Coolness: 167290
Originally Posted By SOURULTRAFAST
P.S je vois souvent du monde en BMW/Mercedes/Lexus/etc faire du co-voiturage.

je me suis régulièrement fait embarquer sur le pouce par du monde qui conduisent ce genre de voitures... c'est soit des voitures luxueuses comme ça, ou des bazous tout pourris avec des jeunes (ou parfois des vieux) trippeux dedans qui embarquent le plus... étrangement c'est les autos ''normales'' que c'est plus rare qu'elles s'arrêtent.


en tout cas je trouve que tout sport qui demande qu'on paye très cher pour s'asseoir sur son cul dans un stade en bouffant du fast-food (ou du caviar peut-être)... je trouve que ça dérive fondamentalement de l'idée de ''sport''. l'avenir est dans les sports qu'on peut tous pratiquer! alors on aura tous des beaux corps de dieux/déesses, on sera en santé, ça coutera moins cher d'impots pour l'assurance-medicaments, etc.

c'est pas logique, ça ?

Update » AYkiN0XiA wrote on Tue Jun 5, 2012 @ 5:13pm
ah, tiens, j'ai trouvé un lien d'un article sur la manifestation nue prévue...
[ www.lapresse.ca ]
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Mon Jun 4, 2012 @ 8:47am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 167290

» AYkiN0XiA replied on Mon Jun 4, 2012 @ 7:53am. Posted in retarded protestors targetting F1.
Coolness: 167290
yeah it's pretty useless to argue with someone who has decided to close their ears... some people don't want to see the truth, because it would put in perspective their whole life, and their choices, and they are apparently not ready for this.
one day, i hope soon, more people will wake up.

Update » AYkiN0XiA wrote on Mon Jun 4, 2012 @ 8:36am
oh, and this interesting article...
[ auto.lapresse.ca ]
"M. Ecclestone exige que Revenu Canada précise par écrit les dispositions qui l'exempteront de l'impôt fédéral. Voilà le fameux «problème technique» évoqué par des élus à Montréal et à Québec et qui empêche encore d'annoncer officiellement le retour du Grand Prix l'an prochain."
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Sun Jun 3, 2012 @ 7:29pm. Posted in retarded protestors targetting F1.
Coolness: 167290
toujours est-il qu'ils préparent une manifestation NUE pour la fin de semaine de la F1......
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Sat Jun 2, 2012 @ 10:48pm. Posted in retarded protestors targetting F1.
Coolness: 167290
c'est aussi un peu le principe du pain et des jeux...
les courses automobiles, ou le sport en général, ça satisfait un genre d'esprit guerrier des gens...
alors leurs esprits sont occupés par ces choses tellement cruciales et importantes, du genre 'qui va gagner la coupe'
qu'il peut se passer plein de choses dans la politique, dans le monde, etc...
pour eux c'est pas important. les manifs les font chier parce qu'ils sont pris dans le traffic et peuvent pas écouter le match...
c'est comme... une réalité virtuelle !
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Sat Jun 2, 2012 @ 9:24pm. Posted in Licking Eye Balls.
Coolness: 167290
haha once i met a girl and it's the first thing she asked me; did anyone ever lick your eyeballs ?
do you want to lick mine ?
so i did it, and she licked mine, i was curious.
but it feels strange, :P
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Sat Jun 2, 2012 @ 9:22pm. Posted in retarded protestors targetting F1.
Coolness: 167290
yeah the F1 makes revenue to Quebec...
but it's NOT used to fund the schools.
there is enough money to fund the schools if they wanted, that has been proven many times.
they just prefer to make the money disappear into ''paradis fiscaux''
and live like kings.
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Sat Jun 2, 2012 @ 9:16pm. Posted in The end of free speech in Quebec?.
Coolness: 167290
la partie à propos d'avoir des rassemblements illegaux si t'es plus que 50 et que t'as pas prévenu la police... ça touche directement les raves, non? surtout les free parties à l'extérieur dans Montreal... les organisateurs risquent la même grosse amende que les organisateurs de manif, si on se fie au texte de la loi ?
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Sun Apr 29, 2012 @ 11:38am. Posted in Is Quebec headed towards anarchy?.
Coolness: 167290
it's already some form of dictatorship. voting once every 4 years is not really democracy, is it?
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Sun Jan 22, 2012 @ 2:24pm. Posted in fucken photographers.
Coolness: 167290
we call them tourists...... ;)

Update » AYkiN0XiA wrote on Sun Jan 22, 2012 @ 2:58pm
transforming the inner trance experience into a social egotistical trip.
they did not understand it, because maybe no one told them.
but it's too late now.
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Wed Dec 14, 2011 @ 2:55pm. Posted in Wtf.
Coolness: 167290
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Fri Dec 9, 2011 @ 8:24pm. Posted in psytrance.
Coolness: 167290
Originally Posted By PENCAPCHEW
the problem with psytrance right now is most of the psy djs in montreal suck. Sorry but true. Wannabe djs who have no imagination/innovation/creativity, do too much speed and k, and pretend to know something of psychedelic culture with no experience whatsoever. You are ruining the natural vibe of the music. Speed is garbage.

yes. this is why i left. i am not impressed by 21 year old ''djs'' who have known psytrance for under a year... or even two... you do not know how deep it goes, and why we are here... yet. take 10 more years. get maturity. live and experience before you think about leading...

but no, it's lost.

but it's useless speaking about this. we just learn about human nature. everyone wants the attention. i know how it feels too.
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Thu Dec 8, 2011 @ 9:19am. Posted in The NEW My Dream Thread.
Coolness: 167290
j'ai reve que je detournais un bateau, terroriste style, pour organiser un rave... et aussi j'ai rêvé que je me baignais dans un lac en novembre, et que j'aimais ca.
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Sun Oct 23, 2011 @ 11:05pm. Posted in Anxiety - shit got serious.
Coolness: 167290
just don't cook with hemp seed oil... something about the burning point, either it's very bad for you, or it fires... not sure which, i just remember i've been told it''s for use on salads, etc.
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Fri Oct 21, 2011 @ 10:14pm. Posted in psytrance.
Coolness: 167290
Originally Posted By V.2-1
I'm wondering. Can goa/psy exist WITHOUT fractals ? It seems to me as though separation of both may result in immediate death. Is it just me but I have a hard time finding another musical style that isn't visually represented by the EXACT SAME DESIGNS AND IMAGERY all the time. What is to blame here ? Lack of imagination ? A stronger will to be represented by the exact same things ?

I can't figure it out.

blame LSD ;)

trippy visuals. the air becomes saturated with sound, the geometry and clarity of sound like a crystal, and the sun passing through create rainbows, they are pulsing liquid organic... like the chlorophyl in plants, or the blood in veins... the beat is the heartbeat, the drumbeat, through it we become timeless, we become everything, we become one.

fractals? they are like a texture in the air, it's a form that moving colors often take. i'm not sure why, maybe it's from years of suggestion, and that's why i see it. sometimes also like gasoline in the puddle of water... just, everything more colorful... and pulsing.

i don't see them all the time, but they are pleasing to my eyes. sometimes they are disturbing, because they are so simple, they mirror some parts of me that i wish i did not see. the complexity is easy to accept because you lose yourself in it... but sometimes the simplicity of some visuals is disarming... puts you right in your place.

but yes hum... that's just the way i trip. i don't know about other people out there. i just love colors <3

on a less lyrical expression, computer generated fractals ally together technology and nature. what's beyond the human brain. expansion in the infinitely small or infinitely big. travelling... without moving. :P
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Wed Oct 19, 2011 @ 7:00pm. Posted in psytrance.
Coolness: 167290
"Dance… …dance is active meditation…. ….When we dance, We go beyond thought, beyond mind, and beyond our own individuality… To become One in the Divine Ecstasy of union with the Cosmic Spirit…. This is the essence of the Trance Dance Experience."
-- Goa Gil
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Wed Oct 19, 2011 @ 4:51pm. Posted in whats your costume this year.
Coolness: 167290
not sure yet, it depends on where i'll be... i tend to decide and create my costume only two or 3 days in advance... :P
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Wed Oct 19, 2011 @ 4:43pm. Posted in psytrance.
Coolness: 167290
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Wed Oct 19, 2011 @ 12:27pm. Posted in GIF Thread!.
Coolness: 167290

Update » AYkiN0XiA wrote on Wed Oct 19, 2011 @ 12:52pm
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Wed Oct 19, 2011 @ 12:25pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 167290
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Wed Oct 19, 2011 @ 10:25am. Posted in Anxiety - shit got serious.
Coolness: 167290
Originally Posted By RAMMIUS
(...) moon crystals (...) Not meant for pregnant women, (...)

ironically, there is a stone called moonstone and it is believed to be beneficial for pregnant women or those that want to get pregnant.
just saying, as general hippy new-age anthropology... ;)
[ en.wikipedia.org ]

i find these stones really beautiful, they have a nice glow... though opal is even more impressive in that aspect...


as for meds, well, it's like foods... everything came from nature at some point, and went through some processing that create jobs, consume energy, make the wheel turn, etc... depends on how you want to treat your body and your mind, in the end, it's a personnal choice.

i mean, you could also take huge trips of DMT and ask the alien-angels... maybe THEY know. :P (/semi-joking)

if you look on the plant side, maybe St-John's Wort could also help... they sell that in pills at the pharmacie, and it's a mild antidepressant and a mild anti-anxiety too... or i'd say, a chill pill, a light mood enhancer...
i've never taken it seriously though, so i don't know what it does for real.
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Mon Oct 17, 2011 @ 7:12pm. Posted in Anxiety - shit got serious.
Coolness: 167290
Neuromyth lol... right on subject :P
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Mon Oct 17, 2011 @ 2:36pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 167290
» AYkiN0XiA replied on Mon Oct 17, 2011 @ 2:16pm. Posted in Anxiety - shit got serious.
Coolness: 167290
Originally Posted By ALIENZED
that's pretty much it... It's amazing how life goes by so quickly with so many advances in science and technology and yet there are still so many basic things we don't understand or control...

i think control is the issue here.
we would like to control everything,
but life is utter chaos by nature...
it's in learning to stay open to the good things that disturbance can bring.
but too often we can't see them because we think our plan is the best thing ever...
sometimes it's life trying to teach us something...
letting go... the greatest lesson in all life and death,
so hard to accept sometimes...
and it's this resistance, this friction, like in an electrical circuit
i feel that is what anxiety is...
AYkiN0XiA's Profile - Community Messages