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» AVA_AXL replied on Wed Jun 4, 2008 @ 11:24pm. Posted in HITCHED! 06-16-2007 MTL ! Video!! 0_o.
Coolness: 35385
awww that was the best wedding reception i've been to ummmm... EVER ha ha

and to think i almost missed out on it :)

honoured that i got to be a part of such a beautiful day and rawkin' night! *mwah*

awesome footage! i'm in there somewhere just uber camouflaged in black, black, and more BLACK lol
» AVA_AXL replied on Sun May 25, 2008 @ 12:47am. Posted in Who Host One Ting He Is?.
Coolness: 35385
wow... just wow.
» AVA_AXL replied on Mon Mar 17, 2008 @ 1:45pm. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
Andy Warhol asked the question: "Does art imitate life or does life imitate art?"

Appropriate quote for even this creative medium I think...

Interpretation is necessary for all life's endeavors. It's all persons responsibility to create things and experiences that can provoke interpretation - either positive or negative - and in the end when negativity has spawned a creative endeavor (even when it's a positive project) those bad vibes will continue to haunt it.
» AVA_AXL replied on Sat Mar 15, 2008 @ 12:30am. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
wow -11 now... impressive.
» AVA_AXL replied on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 3:19pm. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385

"don't you have a kid to take care of" ...

please don't tell me you think that while this browser is open to [ rave.ca ] you honestly think i am just sitting around (and that i am ONLY on [ rave.ca ] for that matter LOL cause i'm not just online for this)

more like doing research, reading, making various appointments, going to various appointments, cleaning, cooking, tonnes of laundry, 24/7 i never stop, playing with my son, at friends places playing with their kids and my son, bathtime, bedtime, do it all over again... i'm the mater multi-tasker. ha ha ha...

Update » AVA_AXL wrote on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 3:23pm
HOWEVER daycare is closed today is a snowday! And I am looking after 2 other children because of it - fortunately while they are eating meals i can pop on and off the upstairs laptop... while they are downstairs have a little activity i can use my laptop... see how that works bouncing back and forth on and off again to be responsible in between???
» AVA_AXL replied on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 9:46am. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
Actually in municipal court it's not the police that do the work.
Your case would be assigned a detective that would decide if there was enough evidence to pursue in court.
However, internet bullying is not something these detective would have time to research or more likely, want to. Internet bullying - although a phenomenon on the rise, especially with tweens and teens - is the sort of thing that is most often investigated by academic institutions (sadly enough even when death threats are made.) They make the call to expel and or suspend students suspected of the harassment and bring what they know to the authorities. But usually unless someone gets physically hurt even the authorities cannot interfere.
Then they'd bring it to the prosecutor and he/she would make the final call. All in all if anything did happen could take 6 months to "investigate", another 6 months to pursue, and another 6 months to press charges/ draw up paper work.
Who wants to waste that much resources over the shady rave scene... I seriously doubt the legal system would. It would cost them more in money and resources than it'd be worth.

Update » AVA_AXL wrote on Wed Mar 5, 2008 @ 10:16am
I think I'd be more afraid of point 27 of the civil code of Quebec.

"Where the court has serious reasons to believe that a person is a danger to himself or to others owing to his mental state, it may, on the application of a physician or an interested person and notwithstanding the absence of consent, order that he be confined temporarily in a health or social services institution for a psychiatric assessment. The court may also, where appropriate, authorize any other medical examination that is necessary in the circumstances. The application, if refused, may not be submitted again except where different facts are alleged.

If the danger is grave and immediate, the person may be placed under preventive confinement, without the authorization of the court, as provided for in the Act respecting the protection of persons whose mental state presents a danger to themselves or to others."

1991, c. 64, a. 27; 1997, c. 75, s. 30.
» AVA_AXL replied on Tue Mar 4, 2008 @ 9:27pm. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm so he lies about his age too... interesting. not surprising.
» AVA_AXL replied on Tue Mar 4, 2008 @ 1:08am. Posted in Lost.
Coolness: 35385

I still don't know whether I like Lost yet but I am enjoying sitting on the fence, watching and deciding... so bizzare... and very entertaining.
» AVA_AXL replied on Mon Mar 3, 2008 @ 9:00pm. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
:( it didn't work

Update » AVA_AXL wrote on Mon Mar 3, 2008 @ 9:14pm
[ youtube.com ]

anyway... that's the link dunno if it'll work. kinda old but seen as how Betty Haze brought up politics i was wanting to throw it in *just didn't know how* blah
» AVA_AXL replied on Mon Mar 3, 2008 @ 8:49pm. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
how do you add a youtube post?

Update » AVA_AXL wrote on Mon Mar 3, 2008 @ 8:59pm
thanks Screwhead :)

Update » AVA_AXL wrote on Mon Mar 3, 2008 @ 9:00pm
» AVA_AXL replied on Mon Mar 3, 2008 @ 5:02pm. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
Originally Posted By STRIK_IX
*whips out his popcorn*

Drama, hot women talking dirty and romantic events... Man this thread delivers!

ba ha ha ha ha... you got it! ;)

what we do on the weekend eh... heh heh... more like what don't we do on the weekend *looks at GODISDEAD and raises eyebrows*
» AVA_AXL replied on Mon Mar 3, 2008 @ 3:24pm. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
Oh yes, I knew that but forgot it was sort of like your celebration to share with family and friends :)

Yes, VERY romantic!
» AVA_AXL replied on Mon Mar 3, 2008 @ 3:11pm. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
Yes Genvieve, that was me (and my son Alex)

(Off topic) how are things going for the two of you? ... beautiful reception/party btw... brought tears to my eyes and there were so many interesting people to talk to there from everywhere lol

I was thinking: wow, this is how I want my wedding to be... no doubt everyone's gonna be sitting around with their tattoos and piercings with their cute cocktail dresses on :)

Just beautiful!
» AVA_AXL replied on Mon Mar 3, 2008 @ 3:04pm. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
Ha ha no I am not referring to you... I'm referring to his "sister"
» AVA_AXL replied on Mon Mar 3, 2008 @ 2:59pm. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
Oh god... wow you are like the last woman on earth...
Wow. but if you really were the last woman on earth he would totally fuck you over too.

Back to my lady talk... nah, I don't think they could handle it BUT maybe on the weekend we could invite some playmates over?!
» AVA_AXL replied on Mon Mar 3, 2008 @ 2:50pm. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
Originally Posted By GODISDEAD_
Id really actually like that
heheeh :PPP

*wink wink wink* ou la la! Vous êtes une fille très sexy... femme fetale... you and me and bottle of wine baby...
» AVA_AXL replied on Mon Mar 3, 2008 @ 2:36pm. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
Originally Posted By LUNA-1
l;ol danielel shut up YOU a re under investigation ehre ! like stop turning shit around

oohhhhhhhhhhh under investigation for being tooo hawwwtttttt ouuuuu ouuuu ouuuu! ha ha sorry. couldn't resist :P
*says in a sultry voice* how bout you come over to my place and we do a lil investigatin' *bow chikka wowow...* ha ha ha ha...
» AVA_AXL replied on Mon Mar 3, 2008 @ 1:36pm. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
*eats some popcorn*

shit... i like the part in the movie where he tells everyone they are turning things around on him and lying...
» AVA_AXL replied on Mon Mar 3, 2008 @ 11:57am. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
I was merely just making a statement and asking a question, which you didn't feel like answering, for whatever reason I can't imagine...
» AVA_AXL replied on Mon Mar 3, 2008 @ 11:54am. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
I had a girl swear up and down to me last night that the ipod i have belonged to her and that you stole it when you stayed with her in January...

Hrmmm... told me some pretty horrible things you'd say to her, like threaten violence against her and when you felt like she was pushing you away said you were going to kill yourself because of her.

Wow, that sounds familiar. Only you were doing this to Danielle, myself, and this other girl... who else Jesse?

Is this your ipod? 'cause if I find you it's not you ain't getting it back. Consider me one of those vigilantes you always spoke about and one of your debts repaid to an obviously traumatized individual.
» AVA_AXL replied on Sun Mar 2, 2008 @ 11:07pm. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
i think we all have one... and i think we've all felt (at some point or another) like you took a little piece of happiness from it.

that's the problem. but i know i will never get an apology or an explanation. neither will anyone else.
when you are "better" maybe but by then no one will want to hear it.

so yes, here's to better days Jesse. better years. real tears. real sweat. and reality.
» AVA_AXL replied on Sun Mar 2, 2008 @ 10:32pm. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
uhmmm that was only an insult to yourself dear.

too bad i know it's the one thing you want but can't have the most... a family. btw whatever happened to the one that disowned you?
» AVA_AXL replied on Sun Mar 2, 2008 @ 10:27pm. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
there's one insult or thing that is worse than any other Jesse...
and that's to involve a threat against or directly disrespecting a child through their parent.

*looks out the door* oh look, there goes the little bit of respect anyone had left for you.
» AVA_AXL replied on Sun Mar 2, 2008 @ 8:34pm. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
thank you! merci!
» AVA_AXL replied on Sun Mar 2, 2008 @ 8:10pm. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
Sooooo how do i close my profile down?
I am done. How do I do this?
» AVA_AXL replied on Sun Mar 2, 2008 @ 7:59pm. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
No kidding.

I believe in karma but I'm also not a push over. I KNOW I am IMPERFECT but I also know I look out for others...
» AVA_AXL replied on Sun Mar 2, 2008 @ 7:48pm. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
"a car full of my friends come over" was EXACTLY HOW you put it ACTUALLY... so how EXACTLY am I supposed to interpret THAT Jesse?

How would YOU exactly interpret THAT Jesse? You private message me AGAIN and call me a DUMB BITCH... and a DUMB FUCK on here and say I am lying? What reason would I have to do that?

Why would I make anything up exactly... I am curious about that one. I really am. And why would I care that you record anything? Yeah, I really don't.

Update » AVA_AXL wrote on Sun Mar 2, 2008 @ 7:55pm
What post exactly are you talking about that you want me to delete? What makes you think that just because I am leaving the scene (again) and this site and this city that I would want all my advice to waste away and my words not to be heard?

What would you do if you were me? You never seem to back down and a LONG LONG TIME AGO I told you we were more alike then you knew... and now you know and unfortunately is REALLY BLOWS getting a taste of your own God damned medicine doesn't it?

So what I am causing drama... it's drama for a cause... for the ladies... for the men... for the fucking world that won't get pulled in, sucker punched, and spit out by someone as destructive and manipulative as you.
» AVA_AXL replied on Sun Mar 2, 2008 @ 7:30pm. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
Stop calling me on my cell and private messaging me or I'll continue to write shit here and I have a lot more to write. You were forewarned.

You can't harass someone and tell them you are taking legal action (ie: restraining order) if YOU are the one that won't leave them alone.

Like the cops would believe you or want to deal with it anyway. All of us talk Jesse. Don't you get it? Everyone has caught up on you, exchanged stories, and now it's all making sense.

Sure we are glad to hear you are helping yourself but you'd help yourself out a lot more if you'd settle your debts - or it least come clean about them and stop trying to pretend "everyone else is lying" and "everyone else is a bad person".

If you want to try and get a restraining order against me for writing what I write on here (because otherwise I hang up on him when he calls) then I will gladly comply with not having any contact with you... DUH i am trying to get you to leave me alone.

Like I said... you're ipod is in my mailbox. It ain't gonna be there forever. Don't try ringing the bell or coming in. Ryan will not take kindly to this either. Shit might not be good between him and I but he doesn't want you around anymore then I do.

Don't you dare message me or call me again. I don't take kindly to being threatened by your "car full of friends that are going to show up" while having dinner with a friend, her daughter and my son.

» AVA_AXL replied on Sun Mar 2, 2008 @ 2:10pm. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
well according to some i could be a snitch because i am posting this stuff and i just have come the the conclusion on [ rave.ca ] that because i have not done anything for you people on a personal level that you would automatically be my adversaries.

Update » AVA_AXL wrote on Sun Mar 2, 2008 @ 2:16pm
anyway, i'm done with this site.

it's not right for me. not the place to be. just got dragged on my boyfriend at the time year after i was clearly not very involved in the scene and then once again for a friend i stood up for then to foolishly find out i was duped as well.

take care of each other. these events can be a strong positive movement that unites people for either the right or wrong reasons. you decide.
» AVA_AXL replied on Sun Mar 2, 2008 @ 1:51pm. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
is that suppose to scare me asshole?

because you have no idea the WAY scarier "real life" things i've had to live through.

fucking joke. fucking criminals that try and buy their peace through threats. fucking lowlifes. i'll never be a lowlife criminal 2nd class citizen.

i'd rather set a good example and fight for what's right and get my bloody head bashed in then take crap from anyone.
» AVA_AXL replied on Sun Mar 2, 2008 @ 1:34pm. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
you are in no position to take legal action against anyone jesse... anyone.

the only reason i am joining in is because i don't want to see anyone else get hurt and it's mostly women. you are a little bit of a serial con you know... you bat your lashes and let a tear drop say you need cuddles then an hour later switch to being mad at the world, wanting to kill everyone that ever did you wrong without giving a damn about anyone but yourself.

i'm starting to realize that all the drama that surrounds you - you have yourself created. but hey, there's no such thing as "bad publicity" huh?

i just think that people can come out to have fun at you events if they want to and enjoy it for what it is... but for the love of God... don't front this guy money... become an "investor"... lend him anything because you'll never see it again and in the end he'll play it all to be "your fault".

anyway, i'm done. best of luck in the future. i am not a saint but i don't cheat, lie and steal. i'm moving to another province to be near family, finish university and become a better parent. so say what you want about me to whom ever you choose. i have nothing to hide or to be ashamed of other than believing in men that have let me down the past 5 years... giving everyone the "benefit of the doubt"... and trying to take care of others even though I have no energy left after taking care of and putting a small child first.

good day and good night. hope you have a fun time. but no, the drama isn't coming "out of the blue". it's here for a reason and if you ever want it to stop, break your pattern. old habits die hard. but so do friendships that are severed along the way.

good bye.
» AVA_AXL replied on Sun Mar 2, 2008 @ 12:15pm. Posted in Dance Da Fuck Up 2 @ Cafe Chaos March27th.
Coolness: 35385
I agree with Alex.
Jesse you can have "your ipod" - if it is your ipod (if anyone else claims it i will believe them in a heartbeat)
when i get my money back from your last 'Dance da Fuck up' "flyers" - which everyone says you never got printed.
now... if you have money for drugs and events then I think you can give a single mom back the money you conned her into lending you for God knows what.
i'm so done. with you. with the scene. with montreal. i am disgusted.


Not to mention the afternoon of the last event you called wanting to hangout - told me the whole thing was off - had me waiting around for over half an hour and never called back - I got a sitter to go out and everything - figured it was cancled and the next day you call to brag about what an amazing time you've had.


the more i reflect on what i will and won't put up with - what my standards are or what they should be the more and more I will side with Alex on everything. you always said you are like "robin hood robbing from the rich and giving to the poor" - BUT NO, I AM SORRY. YOU ARE NOT ROBBING FROM THE RICH... YOU ARE CONNING THE PEOPLE THAT CARE FOR YOU THAT BARELY HAVE ENOUGH TO MAKE IT ON THEIR OWN... BUT THEY WORK FOR IT UNLIKE YOURSELF. YOU ARE TAKING IT AND GIVING IT TO YOURSELF. NOT THE RICH TO THE POOR. BUT REALLY, THE POOR WHO WILL GET MUCH POORER TO THE POOR WHO WILL GET A LITTLE RICHER. HELLO. IT'S CALLED THEFT.
» AVA_AXL replied on Tue Feb 26, 2008 @ 2:18pm. Posted in Free psycho therapie !!!.
Coolness: 35385
LOL @ sabinonstop...

why not just "you"? :P
» AVA_AXL replied on Mon Feb 25, 2008 @ 10:06pm. Posted in Free psycho therapie !!!.
Coolness: 35385
get on with the crushing of patchouli and putting up our nose to be hardcore hippie then come hump a tree with me
» AVA_AXL replied on Sun Feb 24, 2008 @ 10:48pm. Posted in Free psycho therapie !!!.
Coolness: 35385
thank god.


So for folks that have 2 tv channels all that's on is Oscars and Sunday report... lame ass shit.

Nicole Kidman looks more and more like a freaky robot every few months. She used to be beautiful. Her hair colour is all wrong for her complexion.
» AVA_AXL replied on Sun Feb 24, 2008 @ 10:36pm. Posted in Free psycho therapie !!!.
Coolness: 35385
how did hippies even get brought up? lol i am not a hippie ("stereotypical" or "closet") ha ha and my friends really aren't identifiable with one specific genre but in general people that manage to narrow themselves down to a stereotype I wouldn't really want to be friends with because they lack authenticity/originality.
» AVA_AXL replied on Sun Feb 24, 2008 @ 9:03pm. Posted in Free psycho therapie !!!.
Coolness: 35385
hmmm well the "more hippish-types" that i hang out with don't take drugs or talk about chakrahs

mainly discuss taking care of your body - like eating healthy and stuff sooo yeah they don't smell or lack in the personal hygiene department - on the contrary.

i can't stand people that can't take care of themselves. how will they ever grow up? for those types psychotherapy would be the perfect fit he he

» AVA_AXL replied on Sun Feb 24, 2008 @ 5:12pm. Posted in Free psycho therapie !!!.
Coolness: 35385
uhmmm nooo i'm REALLY not a hippie lol

but i do have some "hippie-ish" friends ha ha as well many "genres" that share some similar philosophies and/or life style...

» AVA_AXL replied on Sun Feb 24, 2008 @ 3:50pm. Posted in Free psycho therapie !!!.
Coolness: 35385
Back to page 4 for a second I'm an open book but I also like to play devils advocate and push the envelop a little :P

And about the sharing details about life experiences (not really sure who that was regarding or if it was just a general statement) but personally, I wouldn't say anything that could be used against me because I don't do anything that can be used against me really :)

I'm a very proud, strong woman that thinks long and hard about making the right decisions for the right reasons these days. At 23 the majority of my friends are in their 30's and are married and/or have kids so yeahhhhh.

I think I'm a pretty wholesome lady with a lil post-modern twist is all :)
» AVA_AXL replied on Fri Feb 22, 2008 @ 7:00pm. Posted in Free psycho therapie !!!.
Coolness: 35385
it's for sure all about the LOVE - unconditionally!

and thank you for the complement :)

he means the absolute world to me!
AVA_AXL's Profile - Community Messages