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» Atrix replied on Sun Aug 21, 2005 @ 3:34pm. Posted in booty party.
Coolness: 55975
first off... this is NOT ATRIX

its MURDOCK ROCK rockin' his account cuz rave wave gave me a password i'd have to be einstien to remember...

but yeah...

this is my review of the booty party....

got there at about midnight venue was hot and there was a decent croud.

really good sound but i expected much better visuals since it was at the s.a.t. though.

it was pretty much lame anime (circa 1997) looping all night.

they woulda been better off without a vj at all and a couple of "debbie does" dvds in my opinion.

when i first got there i was having fun and the music was cheezy but pretty much what i expected.

then half way through the night they stopped playing booty and ghetto bass and started playing FUCKIN' TRANCE MUSIC???

like for real...

that killed it for me.

whats up with that.

the dj was trying to pawn off euro trance rmx's of miami bass tracks as booty house?

i've been listening to miami bass for over a decade and a half and i've never heard it played in a way that made me wanna slam my dick in car door before.

it was like going to a gabber party and hearing john tesh play the skin flute.


this party woulda been much better if it wasn't rated pg13 and i probably wouldn't have bitched so much if there wasn't a 10$ price tag that made me expect some sort of entertainment.

and when did all the girls in montreal decide its not cool to dance with guys anymore?

i was expecting all the girls to be bent over dancing with chairs and shit.

booty ho's are spossed to be bi-sexual...

not lesbian.

bitches gotta learn to take some mutha fuckin' DICK YO.

so ya...

next booty party i go to...

i wanna see some booty... hear some booty....

and not be able to dance without sliding all over the jizz covered floor.

p.s. someone should bring down speaker phreaker!!
» Atrix replied on Thu Aug 18, 2005 @ 3:50pm. Posted in National Unity.
Coolness: 55975
I'm just real frustrated because despite the headaches, this is still my favourite place in the world.
» Atrix replied on Thu Aug 18, 2005 @ 11:59am. Posted in National Unity.
Coolness: 55975
But the government is made up from candidates from the Idiot People Population! Quebec is run piss-poorly and if you ever move out to another province (not visit...I'm talking about working, paying taxes, using civil services, etc...) and you will instantly notice a difference in how services are administered. Canada is a G8 nation. Quebec is more reflective of what we see in countries like Romania, East Germany, Brazil, and maybe Italy: Almost there, but coming off hard times.

I'm speaking as someone whose roots are here in Montreal. Most of my family is buried in Mont Royal. The ones who aren't dead are living much better lives in Canada and the US. People simply get paid more in other provinces. I'm a teacher, but I'm getting paid $15K less than I'd be getting in Ontario where I trained.

I'm sorry MDC, you gotta look into how Quebec would be drawn up after separtaion. There are pockets of people, communities, who will refuse to agree to a new nation of Quebec. In West Quebec, a place called Pontiac County have made it clear they're Canadian would continue to pay their taxes to Ottawa. It is their right to do so. If Quebec tried to enforce any laws, they would violently refuse.

They've done it before. When the language police tried to enforce Bill 101 on the signs in Shawville, they were met by a number of shot-gun toting pick-up trucks and told that they could leave of their own accord, by car or on foot. Even the local SQ police told them to fuck off. Effectively, in order to enforce the law the quebec government would need to call on the army. Ottawa pretty much laughed at Quebec and said the army is not here to enforce local by-law. Obviously the army is only here to clear Toronto streets of snow.

The point is, if Quebec seperated, there would be an instant civil war at dozens of locations like Pontiac and Montreal, and Canada would be backing up one of the factions. Even if Quebec could keep all of their crown corporations (which they wouldn't, I assure you) they wouldn't ever recover financially from the fight. Canada's military bases and soldiers stationed in Quebec are CANADA'S and would remain loyal to the Crown. You think the bases in Quebec are only staffed by the Quebecois? Quebec would look like Swiss cheese.

We only have 35 mil peeps here. Quebec needs to get its head out of its ass. Bottom line.
» Atrix replied on Wed Aug 17, 2005 @ 4:54pm. Posted in National Unity.
Coolness: 55975
MDC, I usually agree with your posts as they are every insightful. I don't know what your background is, but you have a consistent logic that I've liked. Have you ever lived outside of Quebec for a significant period of time?

However, attributes of Quebec that you mentioned are not exclusively Quebecois. Infact, all the freebies enjoyed here exist everywhere, only under better administration. Free health care? You get that everywhere, only Quebec has the longest waiting periods, the most paperwork for doctors, and the highest emmigration of provincially trained doctors (in otherwords they jumping a sinking ship for Ontario, Alberta, and the US as soon as QC gives them their MD). I just got my health card for Quebec and the thing has already cost me $400 because Quebec doesn't have the right doctors for me to see and I can only find them in Ontario, so I gotta pay up front and then file a report to get my money back in 6-8 weeks.

Quebec highways are second worst to the arctic territories with the highest commuter death rate in Canada.

Quebec's public schools are a tragedy next to the rest of Canada, and even the private schools like LCC are a pale mockery of their Ontario counterparts like UCC. University is certainly cheaper, but not for very much longer, hence the protests last year.

Every one of QUebecs labour unions is in some form of strike, from labourers to teachers to doctors and nurses. Not a good sign for happy shiney people.

And, sadly, most of the resources Quebec is proud of (lumber, James Bay Hydro, fresh water) are owned and operated under federal government. The only thing that would change would be quebec's cut of the income would bypass the provincial government and go right to the hands of private federal contractors, not into public works. Quebec still has it's other industries I suppose. But if you think the Canadian government will let go of those enormous forms of income without a fight, you're naive. And Quebec wouldn't have an army to protect itself or its resources if it wanted to.

Any other shining examples of Quebecs greatness?

And remember, when the troops are complaining, it means they are happy. And yes, Quebec has been lead by some pretty shitty leaders. But Quebec has also produced Canada's greatest prime ministers. That I find interesting.
» Atrix replied on Wed Aug 17, 2005 @ 12:36pm. Posted in National Unity.
Coolness: 55975
Very interesting...
On one hand, the US would LOVE to adopt Canada. They have a hard-on for us, our resources, our space. Our population is 1/10th of theirs. It wouldn't be very hard for them to take over a united canada.

Sure, if Canada became an american entity as a whole, we'd have the same # of electoral votes as Cali, but that is not the plan mes amis! Each province would be added as a unique state, which would reduce the sum of our electoral votes to less than that of Alaska or Hawaii. THe US is not about to give that much sway to the northern newbies, especially not in a FOX run USA.

Throw possible seperation of Quebec and BC/ALberta and now the US can get all 10 provinces and 3 territories for a substantial discount.

I don't mean to dump on Quebec, but I have had the opportunity to live in every province except Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and New Brunswick. I even lived in Nunavut once, so I have seen a bit and I have a lot of thought and reflection in this statement:


From my experience, the people of Quebec are amazing, but this province would honestly be further ahead if it were run by Iraqi insurgents. I don't know how one government can be so consistent in making the worst decisions possible, but it feels like they have QUebec scientists trying to calculate the best way to fuck up. It feels like it is completely run by the fucked up kids in elementary school who used to eat their own snot and glue paste and were never allowed to use the real scissors. I can't see myself staying here forever on account of how retarded this provincial government is.

How did an idea as stupid as Quebec sovereignty ever gain popularity in the first place? Am I over-estimating the intelligence of this province? Why does the province least likely to survive on its own seem the most hell-bent on independance? It's like Ralph Wiggum trying to become a Navy SEAL.
» Atrix replied on Tue Aug 16, 2005 @ 2:35pm. Posted in Compilation Project.
Coolness: 55975
Try Fred's link to the STM sounds on page 1...does it still work?

I just got home from London last night (Ontario...not the real, good london) so I'll be back online regularly. Finally.

You certainly do not need to compose something brand new. If you have a track that you already like and think it could fit the theme, I'd say you're done.

And I wouldn't sweat the STM sounds yet. We can easily get those samples and enter them at the studio. Everyone on this CD will have to drop in at some point to finalize their mixdowns and finish their tracks. We'll need to EQ them anyway to make sure speakers don't freak.

How was Eclipse?
» Atrix replied on Thu Aug 11, 2005 @ 10:57am. Posted in Random emails from wannabe trance DJs.
Coolness: 55975
So, let me get this straight...up to 20 disgruntled Metro police rejects, back-up fighters lying in wait, and the distinct possibility of SWAT intervention? There is no part of that sentence I didn't like.
» Atrix replied on Wed Aug 10, 2005 @ 6:03pm. Posted in Random emails from wannabe trance DJs.
Coolness: 55975
The not-getting-in-jail definitely ups the ante some. If you're not down with a little track and field after, I understand. But public disturbance ain't no thing. As long as nobody presses charges afterwards you'll be just fine. Public disturbance, shmublic disturbance.
» Atrix replied on Wed Aug 10, 2005 @ 4:31pm. Posted in Random emails from wannabe trance DJs.
Coolness: 55975
The one weak thing about Fight Club is it's so private. Members only. I think it'd be way more fun to arrange throw downs in nice public areas like the metro or les ailes or some thing. People react unpredictably when pride comes into play in public mash-ups. Also, it would be fun to film.
» Atrix replied on Wed Aug 10, 2005 @ 2:00pm. Posted in Compilation Project.
Coolness: 55975
I'm back online after much hiatus. Had to bump this. How are the tracks coming? I've added more tracks to the mix, but there are still a few spots left on this mix. Message me links if you can!
» Atrix replied on Thu Jul 28, 2005 @ 11:24am. Posted in Compilation Project.
Coolness: 55975
The metro theme is great. I've started the design concept for the CD package. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions...

Don't forget: Tracks included need to be 100% legal. If you use a sample, make sure you have the papers that says you (we) won't get sued if we play it. Sampling the STM is fine.

Obviously it's best if your track is totally original.

I have a definite deadline now that this CD will NEED to be finished, but it's about 1 year (1 year to completely finished product) so no need to panic. I'm going to Germany next summer for World Cup '06 and I want to bring promo material to distibute around central europe.
» Atrix replied on Tue Jul 26, 2005 @ 3:11pm. Posted in Compilation Project.
Coolness: 55975
My comp just died so I'm not going to be online too ofter til the fuckers fixed.

More time is definitely not an issue. I'm working on a film project that is taking up some time.

I'm going with OPEN DEADLINE.

In other words, once we have enough quality tracks for a disk, it'll close and we'll wrap it.

2 tracks have already been accepted, the first and last tracks. It's going to be good!

I can't wait to hear the new ideas!!!!!
» Atrix replied on Mon Jul 18, 2005 @ 10:37am. Posted in Gunshots @ ARIA.
Coolness: 55975
FACT: Anyone who owns a club is scum. Some are more blatantly evil than others, but every single owner I've met, without fail, is some form of shit-eating low-life. You need to be in order to enter that kind of business. But it makes them expendable.

So next time you hear a club owner was shot and killed, stabbed, hacked with an axe, or dies of a coke OD, pop open a bottle of Wildcat and have a celebratory toast. But there will be another spawned in their place so enjoy it while it lasts.
» Atrix replied on Mon Jul 18, 2005 @ 9:07am. Posted in Compilation Project.
Coolness: 55975
We'll sell this wherever we can.

There could be a good CD launch party we could through when it's done, DNA always helps with selling.

But I think this is ultimately going to be less valluable as a sellable product, and more valuable as a promotional product on our behalf...that we can sell. We'll talk finances after we've all met, but before anyone has to commit to the project.

As for a deadline, I want to be able to start post-production by the end of summer so we can have a release by fall. SO tracks won't need to be finished till mid august at the earliest.

Scotty! Give me a shout this aft! We should hook up when you're on said free time. I'm chronically on freee time but I'm heading out of town on Thurs.
» Atrix replied on Sun Jul 17, 2005 @ 4:14pm. Posted in Compilation Project.
Coolness: 55975
Oliver WOuld be right up there too. I hope this wont be a 1 time deal. More theme-albums to follow if this works!
» Atrix replied on Sat Jul 16, 2005 @ 7:49pm. Posted in Compilation Project.
Coolness: 55975
I'm totally down. I'll post more info as needed, but for now get creative!

I'm going to try to set up a rendez-vous at the studio sometime in the next few weeks, if anyone is down for that.

Or at some event. Tipsy's Beer fest?
» Atrix replied on Wed Jul 13, 2005 @ 11:35am. Posted in Compilation Project.
Coolness: 55975
I'm a fan of Metro, but I'd like to modify it ever so slightly: Rush Hour

I want the kind of complation where someone who takes the metro every day could drop this cd on their headphones and be ready for battle in Berri-UQAM. This could be a commuting soundtrack for the montreal underground. It's unique to Montreal. Its something common for people within the city. Its also a theme that can be very flexible with things like tempo.

» Atrix replied on Tue Jul 12, 2005 @ 9:30pm. Posted in Compilation Project.
Coolness: 55975
As far as themes go, I like the way Vice has themes every issue and I wanted a similar concept.
I'm just going to think up a few themes:
Fast Cars, Faster Women (not being sexualist)
The Metro (Ode to the STM)
The Internet is Awesome
The Sopranos (Season 4)
Going to the Hospital!
Hiking (Lost in the Wilderness)
Night of Drinking
Fight Music

I just realized I could do that for quite a while so I'll stop. Let me know if any of those seemed alright or if you have a good idea. I'd personally like to do something a little more jacked and up tempo instead of dark, tortured, meloncholy, or wtv/
» Atrix replied on Mon Jul 11, 2005 @ 10:40pm. Posted in Hip Hop Producers.
Coolness: 55975
thnx Fred! Always the voice of reason!
» Atrix replied on Mon Jul 11, 2005 @ 4:06pm. Posted in What up with all da selling?.
Coolness: 55975
Drug money! It seems so obvious now.

But to be replaced? I dunno. I've always found that people regret selling the hardware cuz certain pieces have distinct sounds. The Roland 303 is the classic example. Software is versatile, but there's just something about analogue. I don't think I'll ever get rid of some eqip unless space was at a premium. And I sure as fuck aint there yet.

Still, good deals!
» Atrix replied on Mon Jul 11, 2005 @ 10:24am. Posted in Hip Hop Producers.
Coolness: 55975
Does anyone here produce hip hop? A friend of mine in Ontario is making a documentary about urban music in Canada and needs some instrumentals for back ground music.

It would be inappropriate to include tracks by G-Unit cuz they're yanks and its about Canada's underground. Also, this project doesn't have the budget for licensing (seen FUBAR? This project has even less $$ than that...but more than The Blair Witch) Obviously full credit will be given to authors and this project is slated to include a soundtrack.

THe project also needs MCs who would be comfortable talking about their process and demo their best skills on camera, although my friend says that he'd need to audition MCs. He says he's already lined up his main emcees for the project but he's open to newbies.

Post up links to your tracks, or PM my ass.

» Atrix replied on Mon Jul 11, 2005 @ 10:10am. Posted in Compilation Project.
Coolness: 55975
This is a message bandied about quite often, but it is often hard to get something together.

I've got the facilities, the time, and the inclination to make a compilation, and I know more than enough producers that could fill an album so I'm going to work on this all summer.

Compilations are usually based on a particular style, or the collective acts of a particular label. This comp is going to be a little different in that the producers must compose a track to fit a specified theme. For example, compilation 1 might be music for driving, so producers would submit their best track that might go good with driving fast. The point is to see how each producer interprets the theme. Other themes might include: Music to Fight by, Music after you've been dumped, Comedown & Crackout! (the musical)...dig? Every volume would have a different vibe.

I'd like to extend the invite to other MTL producers who would like to be included that I might otherwise not have an opportunity to hear.

If this sounds like something you'd be into and we've never talked before, PM me and we'll take it from there.

» Atrix replied on Mon Jul 11, 2005 @ 9:56am. Posted in What up with all da selling?.
Coolness: 55975
This section is turing into a pawn shop. What up with people hocking mad gear?

Can't hack out a tune?

Not complaining, I just find it interesting. This has potential.
» Atrix replied on Mon Jul 11, 2005 @ 9:47am. Posted in Screwhead hiphop?.
Coolness: 55975
Yo Fred, you gotta do it up in total Vegas Lounge steez. I can croon like a motherfucker. Caucasia knows how to party!

But yeah. Vegas Steez.
» Atrix replied on Thu Jul 7, 2005 @ 10:08am. Posted in London, UK Transit Attack.
Coolness: 55975
Originally posted by DJNEOFORM...

a lil' late on the draw there pointdexter..

[ www.rave.ca ]


I wasn't aware this was a competition Ian. You're inappropriate as usual.

I was on the phone/msn with my old roomates in London all morning. I used to live at King's Cross and one of my old roomates is unaccounted for.

But thanks for the heads up kid.
» Atrix replied on Thu Jul 7, 2005 @ 9:37am. Posted in Lionel Groulx, We Barely Knew Yee.
Coolness: 55975
Fuck voting. Run for election. The risk of NOT running for election yourself is that you'll be represented by someone less capable than you.
» Atrix replied on Thu Jul 7, 2005 @ 9:33am. Posted in London, UK Transit Attack.
Coolness: 55975
Looks like the UK has been attacked.

The Underground was hit this morning.
» Atrix replied on Wed Jul 6, 2005 @ 5:45pm. Posted in Lionel Groulx, We Barely Knew Yee.
Coolness: 55975
I'm definitely not talking about the laisez-faire attitude in QC. I believe the rest of North America could learn from Quebec in that department. I moved here from Toronto because I didn't agree with the 9-5 "Hi, What do YOU do" attitude I experienced there. Toronto was greedy about things, but it would never have emerged as the bigge$t city unless Montreal dropped the ball 1st.

I'm talking about the way the government spends, and operates, and the way it dropped the ball and let Toronto boom. And maybe it's a good thing. Toronto has a crazy crime rate, where MTL is pretty safe. Quebec has a distict flavour and culture. I, as an Ontarian, view Ontario's culture as the complete lack of a culture (except maybe Diet USA, or America Lite). Toronto may get the job done, but Montreal has a better rep internationally.

This is the first year I experienced the nature of QC politics via the Ministry of Ed (now the Ministry of Education, Sport, and Leisure...I don't see the connection either). It is nuts even by institutional standards.

You're right, Dr. Mailloux does not belong in that list any more than a radio shock-DJ belongs. I don't know why I included him. But, yes, he is a dink. I can also find you 2 dozen equal dinks in Ontario, or any other anglo territory. And I was paraphrasing M. Parizeau. But if there is one fellow who should have known better than to go there, it's Parizeau. That guy is SMART. He was a Rhodes Scholar, which is a big fucking deal. A person in his position as the Premier of a province should have excercised a little diplomacy in such a pivotal and historical speech. His words will grow more twisted with the passing of time and he squandered what was an impressive accomplishment of leadership. And Dreamer dropped some knowledge about WHY he would say such a thing (Thanks!).

For the record (it's a hot topic), I really want to understand what the deal is. I've thought a lot about QC sovereignty. Sometimes I believe the US would buy Canada for scrap. Othertimes I think, Hey, if Lichtenstein can do it...

Education helps. Racism does grow out ignorance and fear. The province does have the highest drop out rate in Canada and the public school system is the poorest, but the people who are causing the most headaches are among the most educated (i.e. Parizeau, Dr. Mailloux, Government Administrators, etc...). So what a gwan? I understand that Montreal is not reflective of the rest of Quebec.

Where is this going?
» Atrix replied on Wed Jul 6, 2005 @ 3:26pm. Posted in Dog got Sprayed by a skunk...helpppppp.
Coolness: 55975
My dad's a veterinarian and he swear by tomato juice. And he sells "Skunk-Off" to pet owners at a premium price, but still recommends tomato juice. You need a lot of it.

Otherwise, I know some people who would LOVE to sell you some SKunk-Off ($29.99).
» Atrix replied on Wed Jul 6, 2005 @ 3:22pm. Posted in Wanted: Serious music producer.
Coolness: 55975
"Actual Label"...that doesn't do their own production or engineering? Sounds like they are tip top! ;)

Your project sounds unclear. Do you need to record your own stuff and engineer it? Are you looking for submissions in the style of "synthpop"? Are you looking collaborators in synthpop?

By synthpop, do you mean like Daftpunk? Or more Ladytron? Maybe a little Goldfrapp? Juniorboys?

Me, I'm down for whatever.
» Atrix replied on Wed Jul 6, 2005 @ 3:13pm. Posted in Lionel Groulx, We Barely Knew Yee.
Coolness: 55975
I hope it was clear that I was refering to Quebec in the Legal Political Entity kinda way, and not the fine-ass people of quebec who are way more fun, intelligent, and beautiful than anywhere else in Canada.

I was implying that, with a government like Quebec has, it's no wonder the drop-out rates are what they are, and that the government can't manage its finances! That wasn't clear, I appologise, and I hope it is now!

But, yeah, QC Gov't does dumb DUMB shit like that all the time. They do racial intolerance the way the Old French do incompetance. Fine examples of this racism above and beyond Lionel "Mein Kampf" Groulx include: 1) Jaques "It was those fucking ethnics that made us lose the referendum " Parizeau. 2) Dr. Pierre Mailloux (radio personality) who is under CRTC investigation for implying in June (2005!...NOT 1935) that Blacks are primitive next to white europeans. 3) Bill 101 which scared out all the big anglo business ($$) to Toronto and dropped QC's economy to the competitive level of Romania and Latvia, and just behind Mexico.

Now it looks like Quebecers would rather have a PQ government. While I enjoy the cheap property values that the political instability of the PQ brings with them, don't the soaring taxes and unemployment rates and plummeting incomes make life generally harder on Quebecers?

My question is: When will these fine, intelligent People of Quebec get a clue and realize they're fucking themselves by choosing such an impotent political party and that Toronto is gladly taking their share of the money?
» Atrix replied on Wed Jul 6, 2005 @ 9:24am. Posted in Lionel Groulx, We Barely Knew Yee.
Coolness: 55975
Quebec is the kind of province that would name a metro station after Adolph Hitler if he said something nice about Quebec or the French Language.

It's the poorest province with the highest drop-out rate for a reason! Gosh! Idiots!
» Atrix replied on Tue Jul 5, 2005 @ 7:10pm. Posted in happy soviet Kannuckastan day....
Coolness: 55975
I went to Ottawa, which was classy as usual. What is wrong with people in that city? I've been around the world a few times and I've never encountered a more offensive or tasteless bunch than I do in downtown Ottawa on C-Day.

Even red-state Americans are cooler than Nottawa. There's the roving packs of drunk dicks (females seem to be at a premium in O-Town) and all they do is get up in your shit as you walk by. I bottled 2 guys in the face on 2 seperate occasions for being disrespectful.
And the Ottawa women...the few, the plain, the conceited. I guess when there are 7 drunk dicks for every pussy you begin to believe you're all that.

WHat a disgusting, petty, uninspired little berg. I hate BEING from Ottawa.

Anyone want to go again next year? I'm so there.
» Atrix replied on Mon Jun 27, 2005 @ 2:35pm. Posted in Gazebo jam.
Coolness: 55975
It's a good location, but be warned, setting up during the tams is a no-no, and setting up without a permit will mean you can be shut down fast. And the police are entitled to take your gear if you set it up. Granted they'd have to be pretty big cunts to do it, but the letter of the law is on their side.

You need to apply for a permit with the city in order to use their electrical outlets located at the gazebo, and unless you're backed up by CIBC or RBC, it's a bit of a wait.

My advice, for what it's worth, set up and play. If a anyone asks you if you have a permit, answer yes. If they ask you to produce the paper work, tell them you can go get it. If they ask you to get it, the jig is up. Dismantle without a fuss. Then set up again next time.

But don't rock the boat or rage against the machine or whatever. You'll just make it harder for people to set up in the future.
» Atrix replied on Mon Jun 27, 2005 @ 2:17pm. Posted in Picnic electronic.
Coolness: 55975
Most of the crackers you see dancing and cheering for lame techno are leftovers from the after-hours massive who tried speed for the first time and can't find the off-switch.

If you're about promotion, you need to flyer these fucks when they're cheering their asses off like a 5 year-old at a water park. It's like they're asking you for it. They don't know what is what. You just go and tell them you're their daddy.

I've had some amazing times at Pique nique. Well, one anyway. The only time I went Aquasky showed up for a suprise set so it was like a private party with only 50 peeps there. Phat location. And it looks like there might be some surprises this summer as well...
» Atrix replied on Mon Jun 20, 2005 @ 2:50pm. Posted in john b @ gravity.
Coolness: 55975
When dude (John B dude) arrived I couldn't see any IDJ boyz anywhere so I brought him to the DJ booth figuring they'd be there, and they were. I told John the "guy with the dreads" is the boss, not that Seb has priority over anyone else, it's just his description is easiest to pick out!

You IDJ guys did a fucking good job. Be proud. You can't predict events outside your control and that is why not every fucker can hold down the job as Party Producers. It's even more risky than trading stock.

Like seb sez, Karma. It can be a bitch, it can be a lady. That night, she was a colossal cunt.

You guys will prevail.
» Atrix replied on Mon Jun 20, 2005 @ 2:36pm. Posted in Hardsteppers Record Launch.!@%#@^.
Coolness: 55975
I'm likely gonna be there for a few brews. The tunes are so phat. C yas 2nite
» Atrix replied on Fri Jun 10, 2005 @ 4:36pm. Posted in jobs.
Coolness: 55975
After 9 months of teaching HELL I get my first summer off where a paycheque is magically deposited every 2 weeks while I do fuck-all. And since I was fucked over by the school board by having them pay me the meagre entry-level teacher salary all year (I'm supposed to be in the highest which is $15K more a year to start) I'm getting a raise and a really stupid big retroactive cheque so I'm going to be flossin all summer.

SO I'm producing a satirical TV series this summer about the music industry.
» Atrix replied on Fri Jun 10, 2005 @ 4:25pm. Posted in Simpsons Movie.
Coolness: 55975
My first feeling is this is a bad idea. I was impressed that the Simpsons hadn't done what every othert fucking cartoon has done.

My second feeling is, maybe with thhis cast and some of the better staff writers like Seth McFarlane and Conan O'Brien, this could be really funny.

My final feeling is slight nausea, but thats cuz I'm stuck looking at all the really fat american F1 tourists trying to force their McAsses into svelt MTL fashion and it is over 40 degrees out.
» Atrix replied on Sun Jun 5, 2005 @ 6:49pm. Posted in john b @ gravity.
Coolness: 55975
Wow. John B is a total rockstar. Last night was legendary.
Atrix's Profile - Community Messages