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» Atrix replied on Tue Jun 13, 2006 @ 8:54am. Posted in Nostalgia!.
Coolness: 55980
.awiane is very hot. We have photographic proof. And she could afford to pay for it, but she don't because she's just so money baby. Therefore, I conclude that Alien Zed has agreed to provide the beer next time. You're truely a gentleman and a scholar!
» Atrix replied on Mon Jun 12, 2006 @ 7:14pm. Posted in Nostalgia!.
Coolness: 55980
The footage is great!!! Its mostly school girls grinding with other school girls who occasionally mob some innocent passers-by and make them into a George Sandwich so what's not to like?. I guess thats what happens when a party is the opposite of a sausage party. Thierry, awesome fete. The next one will be enormous. Normally you gotta wait til Halloween to get the school girl treatment, and that's exactly why this party is genius.
» Atrix replied on Sat Jun 10, 2006 @ 2:26pm. Posted in Nimi Strikes again pt.2!.
Coolness: 55980
Betty's the Queen of nasty pics. It's like med school gross. Kudos!
» Atrix replied on Fri Jun 9, 2006 @ 12:29pm. Posted in SAPhir Last nite.
Coolness: 55980
It was hype! One of the best vibes I seen, and by far the best seen at Saphs, which has a history of being quite decent. Tunes were great, bartending par excellance, and I think everybody was there.

But seriously, what the fuck is up with hip hop Djs not shutting the fuck up when they spin? Do they secretly want to be rappers? Do they think we give a shit what they got to say? I don't care if it is A-Track's bruv, keep the mic away from that kid cuz every time he spoke it knocked the flow. Otherwise, tell him to sign up for the next Much Music VJ Search which seems to be more up his alley.
» Atrix replied on Fri Jun 2, 2006 @ 5:08pm. Posted in Trance-Nrg Présente Revival, 2 Juin 2006.
Coolness: 55980
See yas tonite!
» Atrix replied on Tue May 30, 2006 @ 9:57pm. Posted in FS: Vestax PDX2000 Set.
Coolness: 55980
I'm selling a pair of Vestax PDX-2000 turntables (original retail $700 each), with 2 pairs of Staunton cartriges (original retail $300) for $800. I'm selling them cuz I'm way more into production and haven't used them too often. They're in almost mint condition, except one deck is missing a replaceable lightbulb that was bitten off by RainForce after the historic Ottawa DMC 2005. I haven't had the heart to replace it since the incident.

Pretty much every DJ and producer on ravewave and purerave has played on them at least once. so it's basicaly like they're famous. Like the Apollo Theatre, or J-Lo.

Feel free to try before you buy.
» Atrix replied on Tue May 30, 2006 @ 9:22pm. Posted in Nimi Strikes again!.
Coolness: 55980
Bitchin. Seriously bitchin.
» Atrix replied on Mon May 15, 2006 @ 6:45pm. Posted in Chemistry is fuuun.
Coolness: 55980
Francium is the bomb of the alkali metals. Wicked footage.
» Atrix replied on Mon May 8, 2006 @ 12:57pm. Posted in Great news!.
Coolness: 55980
Ian's lack of business and legal knowledge is frightening (just based on what you've posted thus far). This is exactly where the phrase "a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing" evolved from. Ian's clearly got a tenuous grasp of his legal obligations, or is misrepresenting his side (but if you aren't making your side clear after 4 pages of script...). For your own personal sake, get a clue.
» Atrix replied on Thu Mar 30, 2006 @ 1:49pm. Posted in Quebec Seperation.
Coolness: 55980
I've never had a rational and logical discussion about this topic with a Separatist. I just feel like I'm talking to a Palestinian about Israel. Arguments are full of logical trap-doors and trip-wires that prevent any possibility of a rational solution and all of my questions were never answered, only side-stepped.
» Atrix replied on Tue Mar 14, 2006 @ 12:30pm. Posted in All Aboard! with AfterDARK > post mortem.
Coolness: 55980
Props to everyone involved. Work by the skin of your teeth. Keep it up.
» Atrix replied on Fri Mar 10, 2006 @ 12:33pm. Posted in My Crash- warning nasty pics.
Coolness: 55980
Damn Lee, Glad you're alive!!!
Great medical pics though. Your tib looked fucked. Now you're part of the heavy-metal league!
Get well soon!
» Atrix replied on Fri Feb 24, 2006 @ 3:04pm. Posted in Go TEAM CANADA!!.
Coolness: 55980
The women owned this olympics. Go out and buy a girl a drink. For Canada.
» Atrix replied on Thu Feb 9, 2006 @ 10:56am. Posted in Faith War.
Coolness: 55980
I hate religion. Think for yourselves people. Don't let a dead dude from centuries ago do your thinking. Time for a change. I think it's coming.
» Atrix replied on Thu Feb 9, 2006 @ 10:51am. Posted in Pinky38 gone to BC.
Coolness: 55980
Have a sweet trip! Fernie is da shit. So are the Oz's. Send my regards, and get laid.
» Atrix replied on Tue Feb 7, 2006 @ 7:19pm. Posted in In Loving Memory.
Coolness: 55980
I'm terribly sorry. This is awful news.

PLease rest in peace. I know this is hardest on those left behind, so for what it's worth, you all are in my thoughts and have my support in any way I can help.

» Atrix replied on Thu Dec 22, 2005 @ 2:15pm. Posted in What are your plans for NYE?.
Coolness: 55980
I'm looking at Breaks Connection jam @ Kunta. Looks like my best choice in town!
» Atrix replied on Fri Dec 16, 2005 @ 8:38pm. Posted in Open Disc.: Co Op Artists/Rave Venue.
Coolness: 55980
I'm going to try to make it out from under the snow!!! Vodka has been sent for...reinforcments are on the way!
» Atrix replied on Fri Dec 16, 2005 @ 4:19pm. Posted in Open Disc.: Co Op Artists/Rave Venue.
Coolness: 55980
I think you've got a decent idea, and it really sounds like your heart is in the right place, but there are details you are missing that will drag your good intentions through the mud. Quebec is not the right place to do this because they've legislated the potential out of such concepts. In fact, I think the time for such initiatives has gone the way of natural communes and speak-easys. 2K5 is not about the PLUR, although I believe this is probably the time we need it the most. And when a music culture is so heavily dependant on narcotics, your tenants will have short attention spans, low incomes, and I think the community would ultimately end up full of broke squatters, possibly on meth.

What our generation is failing to see is that these concepts were all previously concieved by the hippies (which they stole from the beatniks, who stole from etc...). Well, those commune-living, music-making, freedom-loving hippies have grown up to become the shittiest, most hypocritical generation ever shat onto the planet (Boomers) and theyu've systematically eliminated every possible enjoyable experience they tried while growing up to protect us from making the same mistakes they made and they know better, blah blah blah.

If you try to set up this great idea, I promise the boomer-run government will make it impossible to actualize, and you'll be stuck with having your name on a very expensive and non-profit lease. Caveat emptor.
» Atrix replied on Fri Dec 16, 2005 @ 4:05pm. Posted in We'Re in fucking trouble.
Coolness: 55980
The brown and dirty planet we'll become is sandy planet (sand, aka Silicon). I studied organic chem at uni, and all life is carbon-based (DNA being a carbon-chain polymer). Carbon is capable of forming 4 bonds and is in the same chemical family as silicon (IV A) which is also capable of forming 4 bonds. Both are semi-metals and have remarkably similar properties, including the potential to form the backbone of "life" forms. Silicon-based life could theoretically evolve, and it could evolve ideally in a sandy planet devoid of carbon-based life-forms. Perhaps humans evolved only to birth the next generation of life. which will ultimately replace their creators.

This has been Dr. Science. Sweet dreams everyone.
» Atrix replied on Fri Dec 16, 2005 @ 1:42pm. Posted in Just got my 1st track signed !.
Coolness: 55980
Did they pay you a good $ amount $ for the signing?!? Congrats!
» Atrix replied on Sun Dec 11, 2005 @ 10:28am. Posted in large up to the one like SAKE.
Coolness: 55980
Specter's egg-ghosts are about to be demolished from Pins/Parc. See it while you can! Specter is a real artist. Sake is like trying to be a name brand or something. Sake is a really McDonald's kind of writer.
» Atrix replied on Thu Dec 8, 2005 @ 6:59pm. Posted in I'm Madforbrad.
Coolness: 55980
This thread is brilliant. On so many levels.
» Atrix replied on Thu Dec 8, 2005 @ 6:55pm. Posted in large up to the one like SAKE.
Coolness: 55980
Sake is prolific, no denying, but I don't think he has much style, just the one. He's probably the last mtl writer I'd want to put on a shirt, but these tees look alright.
» Atrix replied on Sun Dec 4, 2005 @ 12:53pm. Posted in Death At Club Vinyl (Shot Dead).
Coolness: 55980
If 50 gets shot to death, then he'll rise to immortal status like Biggie and Tupac. Fuck that shit. I do not need to be hearing new 50 Cent trax 5 years after the fucker died. I'd rather see us all making fun of him on the surreal life after he blew all the proceeds from his G-Unit Vibrators (Not to be sounding homophobic, but does anyone else here get the feeling that G-Unit is a G[ay]-Unit? Battery-operated ass-ticklers; Fiddy has a lisp, works out a lot, takes off his clothes frequently, yet has been to prison; All that fashion design; Patriarch Eminem is an icon in the gay community; The whole trying way too hard to show they're into hoes; I could go on but I digress). I believe 50 Cent is as gay as a tangerine.
» Atrix replied on Mon Nov 21, 2005 @ 7:02pm. Posted in Party gets busted.
Coolness: 55980
I propose a revival of the speak-easy and beer barons.
» Atrix replied on Sun Nov 13, 2005 @ 9:59am. Posted in M-Audio Sound Card Drivers.
Coolness: 55980
Nice one Scott! It worked perfectly and now I've got the full Ableton Live5! Wanna play?

Thanks for the help everyone.
» Atrix replied on Sat Nov 12, 2005 @ 4:43pm. Posted in M-Audio Sound Card Drivers.
Coolness: 55980
Thanks for the tip! That's actually the one I downloaded from the m-audio site since it seemed like the closest match. It didn't work, but that's likely my own retardedness.

Gonna try midiman! Thanks!
» Atrix replied on Sat Nov 12, 2005 @ 12:17pm. Posted in M-Audio Sound Card Drivers.
Coolness: 55980
So I have (what I believed to be) an M-Audio Audiophile Delta card that I bought in 2000. This summer my computer crashed hard (smoke and everything) and I had to reinstall everything. Now my soundcard is not recognized and I can't get no sound out of this box.

I went online to find a download for the driver, but if my card is listed, I sure as hell don't recognize it.

Does anyone know where I can find the driver for and M-Audio Delta, approx 5 years old, that has 1 RCA in, 1 RCA out, and 1 MIDI? She's simple, but she's all I have!
» Atrix replied on Tue Nov 8, 2005 @ 8:46pm. Posted in Dont miss it again Bitches.
Coolness: 55980
Just my 2 cents on this thread. Ivan is awesome.
» Atrix replied on Fri Nov 4, 2005 @ 4:19pm. Posted in La répression raciale à Paris !!!.
Coolness: 55980
When I was in Paris I played soccer with a bunch of Algerian guys and had good times. BUt the French did not like them one bit. They would talk of the Agerians like they were animals. I know the North-African muslims can be a violent group, but no more than the Haitians in Montreal, the Tamils in Toronto, and sure not anything as violent as old Whitey. Also, I find it interesting that it is in Paris the the depanneur is known as "l'arab'. France and Racial Tolerance do not go together that well, which is why most French colonies ended so violently.

None the less, I'm sure we aren't getting the full story. 8 days of riots? That doesn't happen by accident.
» Atrix replied on Wed Oct 26, 2005 @ 7:15pm. Posted in official statement from aria.
Coolness: 55980
Remarkable post. Ben, you're awesome. The emails you've had are really interesting and I don't think they are privilaged information, as Jean-Francois implies. I found a book a few years back called "Letters from a nut" which was a series of ridiculous letters the author had sent to major corporations, and the subsequent replies that were sent back. The fact that your letters were sent to the "info" address is what makes it public domain, so you're clean.

Now the only thing Aria could do, would be to try and hit you with a slander or defemation of character suit if they can prove that any loss of income is directly due to your comments and that your comments were diliberately false. Again, I think you're all good, but I got weak translation skills.
» Atrix replied on Mon Oct 24, 2005 @ 4:52pm. Posted in US own Internet?.
Coolness: 55980
ICANN is one of those government-funded, federally-protected groups that "isn't government". Which means that while IT may not be an official gov't agency, the people who work there are paid by the government. So it is government controlled.

Shouldn't there be an international way to control these domain names? If not, couldn't this be hacked?
» Atrix replied on Thu Oct 20, 2005 @ 5:00pm. Posted in New hurricane...bigger & Badder.
Coolness: 55980
I just don't want to see people hurt. But hurting the US wallet? Sweet.
» Atrix replied on Thu Oct 20, 2005 @ 4:54pm. Posted in US own Internet?.
Coolness: 55980
Hackers unite.

[ www.cnn.com ]
» Atrix replied on Thu Oct 20, 2005 @ 4:53pm. Posted in bush: GOD TOLD ME TO INVADE IRAQ.
Coolness: 55980
Everything always coincides with a) Revelations and b) Nostradamus because both texts are written so vaguely that you can impose your own meaning to any verse. Kinda like how your horoscope is always accurate if you believe it will be. Both are okay stories, but so is Star Wars and the Matrix. But people who seek to believe will impose their own coincidences on anything.
» Atrix replied on Thu Oct 20, 2005 @ 4:43pm. Posted in New hurricane...bigger & Badder.
Coolness: 55980
Not the end of the world. Just time to reconsider what is inhabitable in the southern US. I hope this one is really really expensive. Every hurricane makes Iraq look like a worse and worse decision.

End of the world just seems too easy. I don't think we're getting out of this that easily. Avian flu on the other hand...
» Atrix replied on Wed Oct 19, 2005 @ 3:46pm. Posted in Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story!.
Coolness: 55980
"Ha ha ha ha! No! Ha ha ha ha ha! Holy freaking GOD! Ha ha ha ha ha...."
- Brian (on Stewie shaving)

Priceless. Also, "You know what really grinds my gears? You America. Fuck you."
» Atrix replied on Wed Oct 19, 2005 @ 7:00am. Posted in Afghanistan Earthquake Video.
Coolness: 55980
Don't forget the bird flu! Thats gonna be like the Superbowl.
» Atrix replied on Wed Oct 19, 2005 @ 6:55am. Posted in Afghanistan Earthquake Video.
Coolness: 55980
It's now about 80,000 dead in this earthquake.
Hurricane Wilma went from a tropical storm to Cat 5 hurricane in about 24 hours and could rape Florida this weekend.
Nature be's pissed. End of the world? Not likely. End of humans is the question.
Atrix's Profile - Community Messages