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» Atrix replied on Tue Dec 8, 2009 @ 12:50am. Posted in Annual Ravewave Awards.
Coolness: 55975
This is stupid and retarded. Miss youse.
» Atrix replied on Mon Oct 12, 2009 @ 6:09am. Posted in ONETON Paintings firesale...
Coolness: 55975
I haven't been on here in like forever, mainly cuz I forgot my passwords and shit. But stepping out of retirement to say Reg, you art is profoundly awesome. Also it's very weird to sleep on your couch surrounded by your arts, and getting randomly assaulted by oscar all night. It was nearly impossible to rub one out in a timely fashion.
» Atrix replied on Sat Sep 6, 2008 @ 3:51pm. Posted in Sammy Soyfunk....
Coolness: 55975
Sammy was the among the first people I met when I moved to Montreal 6 years ago. I missed a call last night and got the message this morning, and then I just skidded out. Sam was as unique as they came because he had an intellectual spirit that could see his surroundings with a remarkable eye. He had an adventurous heart and lived more in his 27 years than most people live in a lifetime. He's an example of how to live and I was proud to call him a friend.

He was my introduction to this community, and now I feel it an appropriate time to retire from ravewave. It won't be the same without him and I'd rather not soil his beautiful memory on a site like this. So take care all of you.

Rest in Peace Sammono.
» Atrix replied on Thu Jul 10, 2008 @ 8:11pm. Posted in COUSIN SEX - New Pad Class video feat. Électro Lise.
Coolness: 55975
Originally Posted By EL_LEADER_MAXIMO
i usually go for 16:9, but for youtube its gonna be ghetto and shitty so might as well go full on

4:3 looks way shittier. I can show you how to properly compress vids for YouTube because I'm hoping you'll make more.
» Atrix replied on Wed Jul 9, 2008 @ 8:45pm. Posted in COUSIN SEX - New Pad Class video feat. Électro Lise.
Coolness: 55975
Still watchin it and it's totally adorable! 10,000 props to Tipsy. Less thinking and more doing. I'm going to refer the people who can't afford me directly to you, but you better charge them nicely. You deserve. From now on you best kick things into 16:9. 4:3 is whack.
» Atrix replied on Mon Jul 7, 2008 @ 12:06pm. Posted in COUSIN SEX - New Pad Class video feat. Électro Lise.
Coolness: 55975
Not bad at all for a video that was unshot as of a week ago! I'm guessing it was all one-takes? If it was, impressive! Great turn-around. But, Reg has got to stop half-assing his nude scenes...If you can't do full-frontal then leave the diapers on. Your junk will look 200x better pixilated out but jiggling naturally like you got nothing to hide. Ask Bink182.

I guess you didn't use those sweet HD cams after all? What cams did you end up shooting on?
» Atrix replied on Sun Jun 29, 2008 @ 1:01pm. Posted in iBIG. new Regimental .One Ton music video by Atrix!!.
Coolness: 55975
And just to clarify, Bliss, you know we get along and I`ve only had positive things to say about you in the past, but this online Jekyl-Hyde thing of late seem really uncharacteristic of you from my POV. I would have no problem if people don`t like the vid or the song, but as an artist, I know you prefer getting something constructive from your critics and not such obvious personal jabs. Maybe these guys did something similar to incur your wrath that I`m unaware of, but thats likely because I post up here like once every 2 months and missed the opening salvo. And this is why I don`t come round these parts no more. Also cuz I`m getting way too old for this.

I get the feeling our threads stay up because of Bliss`s flame-fanning. It would be a fucking brilliant symbiotic viral marketing strategy if it wasn`t simply internet beefery.
» Atrix replied on Sun Jun 29, 2008 @ 10:28am. Posted in iBIG. new Regimental .One Ton music video by Atrix!!.
Coolness: 55975
Thanks for bumping this shit Bliss. I knew I could count on your sense of entitlement (or jealousy) to say something petty and bump this thread so we can keep this thing getting hits, but I was sort of hoping that you would take a higher road and surprise me, even at the expense of views. Maybe there are mitigating factors but I guess I can`t say I really know who you are, but at least you are predictable. Keep on bumping.
» Atrix replied on Sat Jun 28, 2008 @ 1:44pm. Posted in iBIG. new Regimental .One Ton music video by Atrix!!.
Coolness: 55975
It's not like you're going to rape him...you COULD rape him...You're not going to rape him.
» Atrix replied on Fri Jun 27, 2008 @ 5:46pm. Posted in Hate and dnb.
Coolness: 55975
Is this seriously necessary? This isn't like the West/East coast hip hop rivalry where there are millions of dollars in record sales on the table. What's at stake here? What does this accomplish? Unless this is some kind of subversive form of marketing to generate buzz (in which case, I'm actually impressed) these scenes ain't big enough for petty beefs. Cooperate and maybe you'll build something worth fighting over. Or fight with the french hip hop scene. That's just funny.
» Atrix replied on Fri Jun 27, 2008 @ 5:36pm. Posted in iBIG. new Regimental .One Ton music video by Atrix!!.
Coolness: 55975
And bangin tune mate. This is just an advertisement for the talent presented. My hats off to you guys. I had a blast.
» Atrix replied on Fri Jun 27, 2008 @ 5:27pm. Posted in iBIG. new Regimental .One Ton music video by Atrix!!.
Coolness: 55975
thanks for the great support! Not sure how many hours it took but its been about 4 months from shoot to post during which I almost starved several times, moved, and had a root canal. Also working with Reg is really painful and frustrating but the guy can play to a camera, so you just deal.

Pass it around! We're not done til Apple threatens legal action!
» Atrix replied on Thu Jun 26, 2008 @ 2:59pm. Posted in One Ton Vernissage @ Blizzarts.
Coolness: 55975
There will NOT be a video launch at this event. Sorry for the inconvenience...
» Atrix replied on Thu Jun 12, 2008 @ 8:07pm. Posted in Don't Fake The Break w/ PAD CLASS june 6th.
Coolness: 55975
Melo's dog is totally Penelope Cruz and is a fine bitch. Are people actually seriously grieving over this? I'm seeing people I have so much respect and admiration flinging more shit than the simians at the monkey house and it makes me want to fucking puke. If you want props, my advice is to do something worth propping and quit shit-talking. If you're actually doing something worthwhile I don't think you'll find you have time for net beef. You'll also find that you won't have to sing your own praises because you'll have a choir to do it for you.
» Atrix replied on Thu Jun 12, 2008 @ 5:41pm. Posted in Dont Fake The Break Georgie"S B Day..
Coolness: 55975
I've heard there's footage of Reg's package out there...It's like that shot of bigfoot from the 70s mixed with the events of September 11th.
» Atrix replied on Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 1:26pm. Posted in Dont Fake The Break Georgie"S B Day..
Coolness: 55975
Tried my best to make it there guys. But I failed you and I'm sorry. Ask Matilde...I tried to get my crew out but it was like herding cats. Glad to see it was fun! George: I owe you some drinking. Let me know when and where this can be done! xoxoxox
» Atrix replied on Tue May 6, 2008 @ 1:42pm. Posted in MERKLE...MJ pawns.
Coolness: 55975
Wait...Reg didn't invent Merk? Just Merkle? And I got all excited when TI was dropping it in his new track with Busta. THought he mighta been checking out your YouTube smack talking... ; )
» Atrix replied on Mon Apr 21, 2008 @ 1:32pm. Posted in vore for padclass.
Coolness: 55975
Vore harder people. Lukas is still pwning this shit. Does he use a better msg board cuz he's undoubtedly pushing his shit somehow. Maybe a forum with less flaming and more action? Is there one? I'll bet he's using facebook. Vore you bastards! ; ) Don't let Lukas the Dark Lord Master get the better of us.
» Atrix replied on Mon Apr 21, 2008 @ 1:16pm. Posted in Regimental Paintings (new one ton series).
Coolness: 55975
Awesome. More. Deviant art is a good call. Do it.
» Atrix replied on Fri Apr 18, 2008 @ 2:25pm. Posted in vore for padclass.
Coolness: 55975
I perceived this as more like an announcement that there is an election, and that members of this community have taken the time to enter said voting process. Of course if you wanted to vote for someone like, say, Lukas Rossi, or some other band, of course you're entited to cast your vote. But what has Lukas done for you? He's probably on some lamer board pimping out his shit the same way.

You get 3 votes per day, so it's not like it's even as valuable as a complimentary after-dinner mint to you, but it does mean a lot to some degenerates around here who make very offensive music. I'm looking at it like we're haX0ring Universal Music.

You guys are climbing up the list...Take out Lukas Rossi. He looks like a douche-fag.

» Atrix replied on Thu Apr 17, 2008 @ 4:26pm. Posted in vore for padclass.
Coolness: 55975
Voring like a Whore. But just cuz you're the only band with pants around the ankles.
» Atrix replied on Fri Mar 28, 2008 @ 5:37pm. Posted in Anti-Police Brutality Riot Footage.
Coolness: 55975
Thanks for the positive comments! I agree with a lot of the sentiments expressed here, and from my POV in the demonstrations, the cops did not act inappropriately in the least and were provoked into their response. I knew it was going to get more intense when I saw an older dude having a smoke in front of a Bureau en Gros get hit with a beer bottle. And that was 3 minutes into the march.

I believe it would have been much more productive for the cause if it would have been incident-free, instead of confirming the anticipated behaviour. The media coverage was not supportive in the least. Interestingly none of the major media sources cited the COPB organization in their coverage of the protest, which I thinkn is good for their legitimate cause.
» Atrix replied on Fri Mar 28, 2008 @ 9:11am. Posted in Anti-Police Brutality Riot Footage.
Coolness: 55975
I can tell flo and gamos were elsewhere that day! A police car was molotov-coktailed, at least 10 stores had windows smashed, and I have admit that I got pretty scared after I had a brick thrown at me by a protester and got hit in the back of the head by a cop. Once I realized that I wasn't on any side I stopped overtly filming and focus on not getting hurt. Also seeing one of the vandals clock a photographer with a 2x4 made me a little shy so I wasn't able to capture my best shots of the carnage, but theres always next year! : P
» Atrix replied on Thu Mar 27, 2008 @ 7:52pm. Posted in Anti-Police Brutality Riot Footage.
Coolness: 55975
We could have had a much better riot if more people took the time to SHOW UP. There was even a facebook group. jk. But everyone seriously bailed.

The tune is Stupid MF by Mindless Self Indulgence!
» Atrix replied on Thu Mar 27, 2008 @ 7:29pm. Posted in Anti-Police Brutality Riot Footage.
Coolness: 55975
A vid I made from a stroll in the riot on March 15th.

» Atrix replied on Thu Mar 13, 2008 @ 5:13pm. Posted in Music Needed for Fashion Videos.
Coolness: 55975
I'm shooting L'Oreal Fashion Week in Toronto next week for Flare Magazine and Rogers and will be producing 6 segments per day for their website.

I'm looking for anyone who has music that they produced that would fit in with runway fashion shows, interviews with designers, and other such segments. House, breaks, electro and ambient tunes in the 120 - 140 bpm range are ideal.

I'm going to look into what kind of compensation ($) could be arranged for the use of your music, but I'm just the videographer and need to talk to my handlers. At the very least it could be some good high traffic professional exposure and I'd ask specific permission from you and detail the terms before using anything. I don't see why these sponsors couldn't hook up deserving producers for their efforts...

Hit me up if you're interested!

» Atrix replied on Mon Jan 21, 2008 @ 7:49pm. Posted in CLOVERFIELD CAM FULL MOVIE... (for review purposes...).
Coolness: 55975
Originally Posted By MOLOCH
An' I'd bring a puke bagg too. ;)

I'll bring adult diapers// XD
» Atrix replied on Mon Jan 21, 2008 @ 6:23pm. Posted in CLOVERFIELD CAM FULL MOVIE... (for review purposes...).
Coolness: 55975
If you get motion sick from a hand-held cam on a big screen, why don't you just stay home and have an orange pekoe tea and watch Oprah cuz you're a pussyhole. I'm gonna go see it again, only on mescaline and sitting in the front row. Whiney bitches. Yeah you, Fred and Mark. ;)
» Atrix replied on Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 10:42pm. Posted in MACBOOK AIR!!! Worlds thinest notebook!!!.
Coolness: 55975
Looks pretty easy to break though...
» Atrix replied on Mon Dec 10, 2007 @ 11:21pm. Posted in The Grime - Dubstep production workshops start the 11th of January.
Coolness: 55975
You should be corresponding. Not a bad idea. Lets see if he's down first.
» Atrix replied on Mon Dec 10, 2007 @ 5:31pm. Posted in The Grime - Dubstep production workshops start the 11th of January.
Coolness: 55975
Let me know if you'd like some video documentation of this workshop. I'd love to shoot it.
» Atrix replied on Fri Nov 23, 2007 @ 3:43pm. Posted in Darth Vader on the town.
Coolness: 55975
The medieval video would be like my Apocalypse Now! You're damn right it'll get posted!! In the meantime, it's going to be benders with D Viddy.
» Atrix replied on Fri Nov 23, 2007 @ 10:18am. Posted in Darth Vader on the town.
Coolness: 55975
$500 to buy, but I don't think it was purchased in Canada.I'll ask dude when I see him. Rumour has it we may have recruited up to 15 new storm troopers who ordered their costumes online. If this is true we're attacking the medieval forest guys when the tam tams gets going again.
» Atrix replied on Wed Nov 21, 2007 @ 6:27pm. Posted in Darth Vader on the town.
Coolness: 55975
I borrowed the costume from a friend, but I think it runs something like $500. It's insane!
» Atrix replied on Wed Nov 21, 2007 @ 1:33pm. Posted in Darth Vader on the town.
Coolness: 55975
It's me, Destro, and Destro's roomie (is steph on ravewave?). We still have the costumes so we're thinking of what to do next. Vader blowing lines off an escort's ass? I think the possibilities are endless. I want to turn Vader into Colin Farrell.
» Atrix replied on Tue Nov 20, 2007 @ 7:16pm. Posted in Darth Vader on the town.
Coolness: 55975

More Vader to come...
» Atrix replied on Mon Nov 19, 2007 @ 6:29pm. Posted in great video on media ownership.
Coolness: 55975
Prometeus: The future of media.

» Atrix replied on Mon Nov 19, 2007 @ 6:24pm. Posted in I don't wanna work...
Coolness: 55975
Go for what you live to do and you'll never work another day in your life. If you have the skill, and the persistence to work on it on top of your day job, eventually it might click. And quitting your day job to do it is the sweetest thing you can possibly do. But there's no way it'll come easy. It'll make you fight tooth and nail for it.

I take the filming gigs I want to take. I edit whenever I want to edit and I work out of my apartment. I get my asking rates, and there's no shortage of punters. For the first time in my life I am my own boss and it's totally awesome. I'm nowhere near rich yet, but I'm totally fulfilled.
» Atrix replied on Thu Nov 15, 2007 @ 1:34am. Posted in WTF? Is this guy nuts or a genious?.
Coolness: 55975
Google his name, JT Colfax, for more info. But check out this guys vids. Maybe there's a little nuts in every genius...

[ www.youtube.com ]
» Atrix replied on Tue Oct 2, 2007 @ 1:32pm. Posted in Quelqu'un veux un petit chat????.
Coolness: 55975
If we don't get this cat out of here by friday....it's going to chinatown. Dig?
Atrix's Profile - Community Messages