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» alpha replied on Thu Apr 10, 2014 @ 2:51am. Posted in Before internet.
Coolness: 21030
Scrambled porn ^_^
» alpha replied on Sun Apr 6, 2014 @ 11:28am. Posted in Before internet.
Coolness: 21030
I saw an ad on Craigslist not so long ago and some guy wanted to have phone sex. Pictures of people doused in spray-net calling party lines warped my mind.

Anyway. There was Brave New Waves! With the ever luscious Patty Schmidt. I used to sleep with the radio when I was just a baby werewolf (still am), and I'd switch stations during the night. Brave New Waves was a lot like Stereophobic meets Underground Sounds meets City Sounds Underground. It used to play nightly between midnight and 4:00 AM. I used to get shit scared as listening to it, but I used to listen to it anyway.

I still get scared listening to Stereophobic. Love that shit. Still sleep with music, too.
» alpha replied on Mon Mar 31, 2014 @ 7:22am. Posted in Free Kandi with your KikWear.com order.
Coolness: 21030
I dare anyone to wear a pair and look credible.
» alpha replied on Thu Jan 23, 2014 @ 5:29pm. Posted in facefuckbook.
Coolness: 21030
Facebook was made by some dude who wanted to fuck and make money, thereby the rapeyness.

And he's not my ex-boyfriend. He's still my boyfriend, we haven't broken-up. He's just mad and won't face the music. I still DGAF, I don't stalk people. It's creepy and weird.

I think I've been too far in my social exploration. Time I cut this shit out.
» alpha replied on Thu Jan 16, 2014 @ 5:38am. Posted in One year.
Coolness: 21030
You still owe me $5.00, munchkin.

... I actually think it was Dan, not sure anymore.

And yes, yes, I remember. S'cool. I don't know how I'm going to make it up, but I remember.

Speaking of Dan, though, anyone got Acid Overdose? I really miss that mix...
» alpha replied on Mon Jan 13, 2014 @ 10:16am. Posted in One year.
Coolness: 21030
Without seeing my boyfriend is a bit too much.

If he wants to be cool for his group of friends, let him be cool with his group of friends. IDGAF anymore.
» alpha replied on Fri Jan 10, 2014 @ 3:17pm. Posted in facefuckbook.
Coolness: 21030
I don't like Facebook myself, but I do see how it is sort of like a forum, e-mail, profile and chat in one place. It's very convenient, but I don't like the framework. I don't like how it re-defines the word "friend", how it forces you to use known things instead of being able to put whatever you want, etc.

I tried it. Guy who asked to be my boyfriend used it, and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I think I used pretty much all features by now, and it's just really annoying. You chat with someone or exchange messages, and you have their big fat ugly face in the message all the time, and they change their profile picture every two hours.

It was made by some dorm dude. Boys just want to get in, and that's exactly what Facebook is about. It's like a window where zombies lurk and attack you.

We're not the only ones. Facebook claims 1,000,000,000 users, but that's registered accounts. I know some people who have several accounts, I myself had three at some point. Actual March figures for "unique users" (so a unique person, unique IP, browser signature, cookie, whatever, etc.) was around 153M, in decline, with growth especially in developing countries.

You can easily imagine how a Thai scammer would have 100 accounts, and there are plenty of those around the world.

Facebook is also and obviously a military technology. It's easy to understand why, you can very easily plot social diagrams for individuals, correlate them, etc.

For social networking, I prefer Google+ myself, but not a lot of people use it, so it makes it hard to use chat and stuff.

It's easier to broadcast information on Google+. You can add people to "circles", which can be based on relationship or interest, so say "food", "music", "dj", "montreal", "etc". so if you hear an awesome new track you can share it with your DJ list, and music list, and people can be part of more than one circle.

But yeah, I don't like Facebook either. It's too rapey.
» alpha replied on Tue Dec 31, 2013 @ 9:14pm. Posted in Happy Holidays everyone!.
Coolness: 21030
A belated merry x-mas and a happy new year to everyone as well.
» alpha replied on Fri Dec 6, 2013 @ 6:52pm. Posted in Fukushima: Worst yet to come.
Coolness: 21030
Originally Posted By FLO
Experiencing extraordinary "ups" makes the normality look like it's a "down".

That is how the cops first explained "drugs" in 8th grade, I think.
» alpha replied on Thu Dec 5, 2013 @ 9:09pm. Posted in Fukushima: Worst yet to come.
Coolness: 21030
It shouldn't, but there are few people who will make real what should be, and I can't fight alone anymore.

I'm bleeding everywhere.
» alpha replied on Thu Dec 5, 2013 @ 5:18pm. Posted in Fukushima: Worst yet to come.
Coolness: 21030
I'm sorry.

I just don't think I believe in life anymore.
» alpha replied on Thu Dec 5, 2013 @ 12:18am. Posted in Fukushima: Worst yet to come.
Coolness: 21030
I don't think it's vital.

You have to realize that the news industry plows its own fields. They create drama to write about it.

Besides, the map is entirely inconclusive. It's not like any kind of radiation, particle or electromagnetic, is going to make it through 3,000 miles of dirt, across mountain ranges, to freakin' Kansas and the "middle-east".

I'd be a lot more worried about the stale metro air.

And as I mentioned, nothing can be done about it. There is no deployable technology capable of remediating the situation.

It's like panicking because the sun will rise around 7:00 AM.
» alpha replied on Wed Dec 4, 2013 @ 11:20pm. Posted in Fukushima: Worst yet to come.
Coolness: 21030
There is no reason to create mass hysteria and panic.

Nothing can be done about it. What do you want us to do? Build a lead dome around the coastlines?

Radiation, krokodil in the U.S., it's a bona fide apocalypse with zombies and three-eyed monsters. Lighten-up, will you.
» alpha replied on Mon Dec 2, 2013 @ 6:08am. Posted in You guys have to see this.
Coolness: 21030
» alpha replied on Thu Oct 3, 2013 @ 12:20pm. Posted in Rave Nostalgia Thread.
Coolness: 21030
I still have a pair of phat pants. I actually got them at Les Ailes de la Mode, of all places. They were cheap, too. I wore them not long ago. dat comfort. I have to find new ones.

@luminatix These days I listen to a bunch of stuff, mostly dubstep, neurofunk, hardcore, rock, industrial, alternative.

@screwhead tfw no bf

Not feeling well lately, as you may've noticed. Feeling lost now. I come here for comfort.

In other news, I went to the Belmont yesterday. Pretty chill spot, but I was disappoint at the lack of dubstep. It was mostly broken beats with hip hop. I left early and got my fix somewhere else, but I was already pretty drunk at that point. Booze is not helping At All. I miss raves big time because of that... no alcohol.

Of all the drugs I've taken, alcohol has to be the worst. Poisonous rotten grain juice ftw. It's expensive as fuck, too. I drink like a fish.
» alpha replied on Tue Oct 1, 2013 @ 4:52pm. Posted in Rave Nostalgia Thread.
Coolness: 21030
» alpha replied on Mon Sep 30, 2013 @ 2:01pm. Posted in Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed Libara Suhn Sol.
Coolness: 21030
>look at profile
» alpha replied on Sat Sep 28, 2013 @ 6:21pm. Posted in Associations.
Coolness: 21030
Does anyone even like hhc anymore?
» alpha replied on Wed Sep 11, 2013 @ 3:41am. Posted in Associations.
Coolness: 21030

Kagome is starting to lose patience.
» alpha replied on Mon Sep 9, 2013 @ 10:20pm. Posted in Associations.
Coolness: 21030
If you guys see my boyfriend, please tell him that I'm worried and that I need to see him, OK?

» alpha replied on Sat Sep 7, 2013 @ 1:15pm. Posted in Associations.
Coolness: 21030
Just go douse yourself in LSD, PCP and ergot as you usually do you crazy hellspawn. You said so yourself before the crowd at the restaurant started clapping and hooing. "We're not his friends.".

» alpha replied on Sat Sep 7, 2013 @ 4:38am. Posted in Associations.
Coolness: 21030
You're not my boyfriend's friends and you falsified his Facebook profile.

I hope you die in a fire. I hope all the money I ever spent, I hope all the money that was ever made because of me, I hope all the drugs I took, I am putting everything on him. If that means your death, so be it.

I demand my boyfriend. If I do not see him again very soon, the cops are going to be involved...in an official manner.

You know what they say, right? "It's all fun and games until somebody calls the cops."? Well this is your last wake-up call.
» alpha replied on Sat Sep 7, 2013 @ 4:34am. Posted in Frigid @ Apollon on thursdays.
Coolness: 21030
—Something about being my boyfriend's friends.
—"We're not his friends."

You're dead. If you're not: die.
» alpha replied on Fri Sep 6, 2013 @ 8:02pm. Posted in Associations.
Coolness: 21030
» alpha replied on Fri Sep 6, 2013 @ 7:46pm. Posted in Frigid @ Apollon on thursdays.
Coolness: 21030
>she thinks I'm funny

For the record, though, the nights are held at the Katacombes, in the basement of the Apollon. The two are semi-separate entities; the Apollon holds City Beats nights (hip hop, R&B and EDM) on Thursdays.

In all seriousness and also for the record, I think a very good DJ is losing the spot. I'm not at all happy about this.
» alpha replied on Fri Sep 6, 2013 @ 4:46am. Posted in Frigid @ Apollon on thursdays.
Coolness: 21030
Looks like I won't be there on Thursdays anymore, starting September 26th.

Actually, looks like I won't be going there at all anymore. I'm actually sick of being outright called by the name of the place across the fucking city.

Fucking clubbers.
» alpha replied on Thu Sep 5, 2013 @ 7:20am. Posted in I demand dubstep.
Coolness: 21030
I sort of miss raves, but I fairly recently noticed that I more or less stopped going to raves about the same time they banned cigarette smoking in indoor venues. It's been a while. Since then I never really went out except in the Village and only in certain clubs where girls weren't allowed or where there was specifically crafted ventilation.

I noticed that after I learned of female pheromones and homosexual men and tried to gauge just to what extent it affected me. I have very acute senses, it seems.

» alpha replied on Wed Sep 4, 2013 @ 7:10pm. Posted in What do I need....
Coolness: 21030
There are some real estate agents who deal in commercial and industrial spaces.

I'm sure some of them could be persuaded to outright lend the space for the night, or lend you the keys to later deny knowledge, but even then it's a big leap of faith for the promoters. You just don't want to hear White Rabbit as the last track.

Depending on the location, then it's just doing what needs to be done to make sure everyone's comfortable and the night goes smoothly.

Probably worth a shot. I mean, nobody cares if there's loud music and rowdy people among empty manufacturing warehouses. There's just the jelly city who might want invites, but if everything is more or less well thought-of prior, I'm sure they have more important things to do.
» alpha replied on Tue Sep 3, 2013 @ 4:21pm. Posted in I demand dubstep.
Coolness: 21030

There's got to be other genetic fags out there. I'm sick of dealing with rape victims and pervs.
» alpha replied on Tue Sep 3, 2013 @ 4:18pm. Posted in Associations.
Coolness: 21030
» alpha replied on Tue Sep 3, 2013 @ 7:15am. Posted in Y'a du monde....
Coolness: 21030
» alpha replied on Tue Sep 3, 2013 @ 6:20am. Posted in Associations.
Coolness: 21030

She's all over my Facebook page, too.
» alpha replied on Tue Sep 3, 2013 @ 5:52am. Posted in Associations.
Coolness: 21030
I have sufficient evidence to believe that you (plural form) read his e-mails, yes.

I often go talk to you? Your statement is an obvious lie to pretty much everyone here.

Also stop involving yourself in other people's business. If I wanted to talk to you, I would do it directly. Please try to be a diligent spectator/fan.
» alpha replied on Mon Sep 2, 2013 @ 9:58pm. Posted in Associations.
Coolness: 21030
I'm sorry. It's just...my mind is a tangled knot I fear I may not be able to untie.
» alpha replied on Mon Sep 2, 2013 @ 9:04pm. Posted in Associations.
Coolness: 21030
I know I am confused, and I am sorry if my own confusion confuses you, but how do you guys feel about associations to groups of people?

In recent years I was presented with social associations. It started with nationalism, when I was almost kidnapped to train for the freakin' olympics. I had never really identified with a nation or group of people before, and the copy of the olympic charter that I was presented stated that "athletes represented themselves". I accepted on that particular ground, but turns out the copy had been...edited. I was then unable to pursue as I did not agree with the purpose.

Afterwards, came knowledge of various other groups, communities, and more recently gangs. When I just started going to raves an important realization came to me, that you could only be with everyone else so long as you were alone.

The only thing I see that comes out of associations is competition, war, violence, abuse, etc. I have never been able to witness anything positive from association other than a selfish satisfaction of knowing you are accepted within a group.

This was never much of a problem until fairly recently, when I got a boyfriend who was a fair bit more social than I expected (see I Demand Dubstep thread). When he showed me his Facebook, he said something like "I'm not going to add you because my friends will Never leave you Alone." I didn't have a Facebook page, so this wasn't a problem, but he was right. His friends go as far as even read his e-mails, they stalk me, harass me, etc. It's actually a fairly big issue in my life right now, and it's excessively mentally and emotionally draining.

I know his friends are important to him, and that's why I accepted to explore that a bit. I am unsure what his actual and original intentions were, but I originally thought he knew me from 4chan's cooking board. I thought I'd found a nice boyfriend who wanted to be an art teacher, that I could lay in his arms and watch anime, and just have a nice fun life with. Mad Child says sometimes dreams turn into nightmares, and in this case this is what happened.

If his friends would leave me alone, I think my life would be so much better, and I would probably just let go of him simply because I can't handle his friends and he obviously can't tell them to lay off my back. He apparently got a boyfriend now, too, but overall he doesn't seem happy. I'm worried about him, still, but I still have to figure out this one-to-many relationship thing.

I digressed a bit, but the concept is the same. I don't know what friends and groups of friends are, and I don't really like what I found out so far.

I feel like my head is going to explode.

TL;DR: how deal with gangster boyfriend?
» alpha replied on Sun Sep 1, 2013 @ 5:52pm. Posted in Y'a du monde....
Coolness: 21030
You now wish you had gone in furpants with a pacifier to ragga-rag-on Robert de la Gauthier.
» alpha replied on Sat Aug 31, 2013 @ 2:54pm. Posted in Y'a du monde....
Coolness: 21030
qui s'en vont au Saint-Hubert demain!
» alpha replied on Sat Aug 31, 2013 @ 2:32pm. Posted in I demand dubstep.
Coolness: 21030
I tried to get the Harlem Shuffle going, but it didn't really catch.

» alpha replied on Sun Aug 25, 2013 @ 12:16am. Posted in I demand dubstep.
Coolness: 21030
I think there's a night on Wednesdays at the Belmont. If you meant in the Village, they play some for me, but I don't think they play it otherwise.
» alpha replied on Sat Aug 24, 2013 @ 3:25pm. Posted in What do I need....
Coolness: 21030
There are plenty of venues in Montreal and you know it.
alpha's Profile - Community Messages