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Quand ça va bien
By » Lyzzie on Fri Mar 9, 2007
1 Comment
Vous savez, il y a des jours où vous vous levez le matin et tout semble beau, la vie semble être faite pour être belle. C'est mon cas aujourd'hui, j'ai du ménage à faire, ma journée de travail devant moi, un examen à l'université en fin de soirée et un paquet de trucs à faire en arrivant...
backstage night club
By » BACKSTAGE on Wed Mar 7, 2007
backstage night club/Afterhours BEST Afterhours AN CITY OF OTTAWA .
By » narfette on Mon Mar 5, 2007
je suis vivante, et a buenos aires, en superbe compagnie. j´ai passe quasiment 70h dans des bus pour passer de lima a buenos aires, dont un qui a dure 28h sans clim ou je crois que quelqu´un a essaye de me violer pendant la nuit, mais c´est peut etre aussi les 5 valium que j´ai bouffe pour...
five minutes
By » eatingownbrain on Sat Mar 3, 2007
the next five minutes could be eternity... every second bleeding into the next and time is obliterated... i am alive. my thoughts wander back and forth, but everything is connected to these five minutes, nothing exceeds now, nothing undermines this moment... mundane beauty; home. peace, because i...
By » Mico on Wed Feb 28, 2007
There is no man, however wise, who has not at some period of his youth said things, or lived in a way the consciousness of which is so unpleasant to him in later life that he would gladly, if he could, expunge it from his memory.
By » Pan-do on Tue Feb 27, 2007
I have fought many battles in my youth.some with freinds,some alone.It was then a source of excitation for my mind.But I have grew older.My horns have curved back.My old armor is rusty and my sword tired. And yet.The battles to come are great. As Achilleus,I call upon my roots,in time of...
Que cherches-tu ?
By » Neoseed on Sun Feb 25, 2007
1 Comment
Que cherches tu quand tu vas danser ? Ce monde où tout devient si blanc, cette extase hypnotique, cette transe où tout se mêle... Parfois jme dis que c'est vide de sens, mais en même temps c'est ce qui me fait vivre.
mentez moi
By » Cya on Sun Feb 25, 2007
J'ai mal aux yeux, je vois trop clair, mentez-moi J'ai mal au coeur, je suis blessé, mentez-moi J'ai mal à l'âme, je suis perdu, mentez-moi Je suis naïf, profitez-en, mentez-moi Et si c'est ça la vérité, j'aime mieux la renier Je vois, je vois, je vois, suis-je obligé de...
Un anneau au cou
By » Lyzzie on Sat Feb 24, 2007
Bien des gens se demandent pourquoi je porte un anneau au cou et à qui il appartient. Peut-être est-ce pour me sentir mieux, peut-être est-ce pour me souvenir, ou pour me faire mal. La vérité c'est que je ne le sais pas vraiment. J'ai cet anneau au coup parce que c'est le sien. L'anneau...
By » lyls on Sat Feb 24, 2007
1 Comment
Noah est sur Terre
By » Fredyo on Wed Feb 21, 2007
1 Comment
Depuis 21h35 le 20 février je suis le Parrain du petit Noah née de ma suprbe amie Kelly et de mon ami de toujours Léo ! Un beaucoup de fleur pour Kelly et un cigar pour Léo. C'est vraiment cool ! Même si je ne veux pas d'enfant pour moi, voir la vie arriver sur Terre c'est trop joyeux et...
By » shin_star3 on Tue Feb 20, 2007
Sans aucune certitude Tenter de briser ces mots qui forgent ma pensée Foudroyants sentiments, sans peur de trébucher Est-ce vraiment possible? Tout me semble si irréel ''Pour toutes les fois ou j'ai tourné le dos a cette foutue réalité!'' Et risquer me perdre sans remord Je me...
avant Max Graham
By » Doone on Mon Feb 19, 2007
anticipe...deep prog psy house.
By » lilcrazy on Sun Feb 18, 2007
*Nobody knows where they might end up! *Living is easy with eyes closed. *Life made me the way I am.
David Bowie
By » lilcrazy on Sun Feb 18, 2007
“…and these children that you spit on, as they try to change their worlds, are immune to your consultations. They are quite aware of what they’re going though…”
FUCK the Fakers
By » Sicatrix on Tue Feb 6, 2007
You know who you are. You who stand at the corner of a rave, making fun of other ravers... What the fuck? You think you're in a club or something? If I wanted to be judged, Id go to a hiphop party. FUCK YOU. You know who you are. You're just so much better than everyone arent you? Cause you stand in...
By » shin_star3 on Tue Feb 6, 2007
Plus le temps passe, et plus on se forge notre propre conception de la vie, ou du moin une hypothèse de...Moi je me plais à croire que ma vie est un film qui tourne et tourne sans arrêt, jusqu'à ce que la bobine est fait son tour complet. Chacun crée son propre scénario...
Un sirop pour la toux
By » Lyzzie on Mon Feb 5, 2007
La fin de semaine a été horrible! Vendredi soir, dans mon cours de Contexte des Marchés Mondiaux, je toussais tellement que le prof a pris une pause pour me dire de rentrer chez moi. Bref, en rentrant chez moi, j'ai passé la soirée à me cracher les poumons. Je vous laisse deviner que samedi...
By » moohk on Mon Feb 5, 2007
EMERGENCY FEBRUARY PARTY The great grey beast february is trying to eat us alive. It is a monstrous month, a dire and dreary month. If this month smothers us, how will we ever find our way out its intestines of dark and despair? Don't get so depressed you take a sailing trip in your bathtub with...
A qui de droit
By » boudhafreak on Sat Feb 3, 2007
1 Comment
L'inattendu arrive perçu de mon point de vue je doute de ces capacités et la frapper par sa beauté je prend le temps de l'ecouter.En quelque instants l'éblouissement de ces penser commence a me hanter, intriguer je commence a me demander si je ne suis pas en train de rêver. Constatant son...
Death to humanity
By » FreeLotus on Sat Feb 3, 2007
So surprize, actually, no Its not a surprize, that the earth is in Dire trouble. i have known about this for some time, Hell, The fuckin hippys have known about it for at least 50 years, but the fuckin government has been very clever in hiding the fact. blaming it on alnino and alnina, Fucking...
Canalisation transcendantale
By » boudhafreak on Sat Feb 3, 2007
Savoir méditer afin de canaliser cette énergie trop souvent dépenser dans l'inutilité et de ce tourmenter sur des sujet déblatéré par d'illustre chien-pensé qui aurait du évoluer en même temps que l'humanité.
Month Test
By » Lyzzie on Fri Feb 2, 2007
One of you has a litlle link for a ''test'' to see if you month of birth fits with you personnality... And here's what I got What does your birth month reveal about you? Your Results: December Loyal and generous. Sexy. Patriotic. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty...
not to be understood
By » eatingownbrain on Wed Jan 31, 2007
if i let this pen wander with my mind it is aimless. let it go. my purpose is purposelessness; i believe so completely in nothing that nothing itself is cast into oblivion ...everything emerges ...this illogic is my revolution. as long as i remain senseless, incomprehensible...
Buying art from Maery/ Comission Info
By » maery on Mon Jan 29, 2007
I never thought I'm make an entry about this, but more and more people keep asking about it, so I figured I'd write something up to give people easy acess to information. Don't get me wrong, I love it when people at parties recongise me and ask me question about a piece, or commissioning, but...
By » AYkiN0XiA on Sun Jan 28, 2007
i don't want to write. things move while words stay, perceptions and situations change and the words become lies. i have to keep conscience on being true, all the time. words have a power to create, they can make illusions become so real. why do i write something when the first sentence is i...
By » Pan-do on Wed Jan 24, 2007
Il est le protecteur des bergers et des troupeaux (représentant symboliquement la Nature), et généralement représenté de la même façon que les satyres avec des pieds de bouc et des cornes. L’Hymne homérique qui lui est consacré le nomme fils d'Hermès et d'une nymphe, fille de Dryops...
By » RaVeStaR515 on Tue Jan 23, 2007
Today I am going to basic training, I am so nervous but this is my job and I have to do it the best that I can...When I get back in July...one of the first things I will be doing is going to a raveeee!!!! HELL YEAH!! I am going to miss that. Well, I'm off! Byeee
By » eatingownbrain on Sat Jan 20, 2007
My delusions take me further. Why am I alone? I cannot create the world for someone else. I cannot make another believe in this fantasy world, it’s mine, bittersweet in my beautiful solitude. Every mundane form that occupies my space is god and I live in heaven on earth. The cold air freezes...
Born to be Alive
By » BomBolenath on Thu Jan 18, 2007
We were born to be alive People ask me why I never find a place to stop And settle down, down, down But I never wanted all those things People need to justify Their lives, lives, lives We were born to be alive Time was on my side When I was running down the street It was so fine...
Save Your Self
By » moohk on Tue Jan 16, 2007
.... "When I was in the holding cell, we only got one pen to share between five guys every other day for only four hours, so when it was my turn, I had no choice whether I felt like it or not; I drew and wrote as much as I could. Only when I got to solitary did they let me buy my own pens. I had...
No Names Have Been Changed To Protect The Innocent. They're All Fucking Guilty!
By » moohk on Tue Jan 16, 2007
" I was thinking of picking up young boys, bringing them back to spend the night, kicking them out in the morning. Becoming a den mother to a herd of fourteen and fifteen-year-old near virgins whose chastity would be forever soiled, spoiled as I sucked up little pieces of their soul in exchange for...
By » LeMozz on Sat Jan 13, 2007
J’attends et espère le jour ou l’évolution nous sortira enfin de cette folie, et quelle nous mênera vers un monde sans religion, sans préjugé, sans vérités, un monde qui partage, qui est tolérant, respectueux et compréhensif, un monde sans frontières ni origines ethniques, un monde de...
the tribe
By » AYkiN0XiA on Thu Jan 11, 2007
1 Comment
i love you my friends. every day the tribe gets bigger, people connect together and we get closer and closer to each other. i think this is what's most beautiful in the world, i think each of you are the best thing ever. we are the 'one' we've been looking for. what makes us a family is that we...
Beaute paradisiaque
By » oreade on Thu Jan 11, 2007
Je suis consciente que je ne te connais point. Que de ton cote, tu ne sais que j'existe. Pourtant, tu es une partie importante d'un plan que je cheri depuis tant de matins. Belle et adorable, tu m'as seduite. Depuis le jour beni ou elle t'a presente, j'ai su que j'oublierai toute forme de...
Get out of my head!
By » Screwhead on Thu Jan 11, 2007
For the past couple of months, I've been having the weirdest dreams I've had in a long time. There's almost always a similar theme, even though they vary wildly; somthing extremely happy, and extreme violence. A lot of them somehow end up with me being at my grandparent's place with someone that I...
By » psychonaut on Wed Jan 10, 2007
Today is alots like yesterday, but will its be like that tomorow?
By » Cya on Tue Jan 9, 2007
1 Comment
Juste avant d'fermer la porte J'me d'mandais c'que j'oubliais J'ai touché à toutes mes poches Pour comprendre que c'qui m'manquait C'était ni ma guitare Ni un quelconque médicament Pour soulager quelque souffrance Ou pour faire passer le temps Pis tout au long de l'escalier Que j'ai...
"Ambiguous chimera"
By » Jamers on Sun Jan 7, 2007
1 Comment
How devastatingly easy it is to get lost, to not just let go and be. How fickle and devious the ego can be, one minute here we are everything is fine, then with barely a noticeable arrival we are a thousand miles away in a barren and chimerical place. How much simpler and more peaceful it is upon...
By » DjZee on Fri Jan 5, 2007
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