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Events Calendar - October 20, 2004
SSUN Set Wednesdays [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Wed Oct 20, 2004 @ 9:00pm
Info:The Agora Lounge offers ample space for a groovy but relaxed flow, making tasty extras such as live art installations, cinematic visual projections, and spoken word overdubs... our pleasure, as well as yours!

- PRESSWON COLLECTIVE special Jam session show! - ( [ presswon.com ] )
( [ www.geocities.com ] )

This was one of the shows we had planned for our summer event, and so we are making sure the idea is not wasted! A special collaboration of Presswon members will create a sonic atmosphere for Spoken Word artists and live Canvas painters, both of whom are TBA or will be kept a surprise until the event.

The spoken word artists will have pieces prepared and will lock into the flow and rhythm of the music. The canvas painters will react to what they see and hear and put their canvases up on the wall as soon as they're "done".


These guys have been a main force behind the truly phenomenal Ghetto Freak Thursdays and will continue to represent the chiller side of Reggae influenced drum n bass, breakbeat and downtempo for us. Personally I remember them best for their spot on half-tempo cuts!

- CPI (Theta States) -
( [ thetastates.com ] )

With an appalling selection of vinyl to work with, the mixes on the website above show an incredible diversity in sound. And yet there is a common element - genuine music that hits where it counts. We're going to leave it wide open this time - don't expect any particular style for this set!

- KODA and ALISON WONDERLAND (7th Harmonic) -
( [ sacredcycles.ca ] )

After a WICKED festival (Anishnabe) this summer care of the 7th Harmonic crew, we can't help but get enough of the sound! Amazing ambient and oldschool selections together will bring us back to where it began for so many of us.

( [ blu3planet.net ] )

SSUN being an organization that focuses on chill events to bring people together in an atmosphere that brings the artistic and social elements together, it should be no surprise to see us starting up a monthly. And the deep triphop and downtempo tunes we drop will hopefully say more than words ever could. The time to come together, interact, research and develop, make change happen, is now. The future is unwritten.

VENUE : Agora Lounge (aka Universe City Lounge) 145 Besserer
(near old VIBE/Atomic Nightclub)

[ www.google.ca ]

COVER : FREE With Student ID! Otherwise, 2$ Cover (may be treated as optional donation, but be prepared in case it isn't, lol)


- REINFORCED SOUNDSYSTEM - That's right, we are bringing in some mains to beef up the existing soundsystem. The idea is to create a *full range* soundsystem, not a loud one.

- VISUAL PROJECTIONS! (c/o SSUN) - We will be doing big screen projections to further promote an artistic atmosphere. Laid back themes all night.

Don't miss this one! ;)
Added:Wed Oct 20, 2004 @ 9:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - October 20, 2004
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