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Events Calendar - June 21, 2002
SYNC! Live [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Jun 21, 2002 @ 12:00am
Location:SAT : 305 Ste-Catherine O.
Description:For the summer solstice, we propose a multimedia vernissage presenting an innovative audiovisual synchronisation oject, featuring the interactive video sequencer Sync! developed by 01ek from the !Artera! group. The sequencer will be contextualized in an immersive environment by Enna Esil and kciN, and we feature some of the rising stars of the Montreal electronic music scene. Music and visuals will then evolve coherently, especially for the performance by 01ek (music) and kciN (visuals) in their project "Resistance Symbolique".
Extras:Presale 12$, porte 17$
No Guestlist
SAT: 305 Ste-Catherine O
Musik Hall: 4511 St-Denis
Terminal rec.:2011 St-Denis
Megohm: 153 Ste-Catherine E
Added:Fri Jun 21, 2002 @ 12:00am by » Unknown User
Events Calendar - June 21, 2002
13 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
» BarLu
» clown
» goalien
» Hidra
» Nuclear
» tcha
» Toltech
Contributing Members: » Nuclear (3)
Member Comments
» goalien said @ Thu Apr 14, 2005 @ 8:08am
haha i remember ulric and me watching one of the speakers catching fire live and telling tao-nhan about it. for some reason he didn't beleive me till the flame got huge... hahaha i'll never forget his face.
» djAmalgam said @ Sun Jun 9, 2002 @ 10:50am
Sounds like an interesting concept. I think i'll check it out after my prom!