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Peel Pub Food Inspection #1
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Apr 4, 2004 @ 12:35pm
Coolness: 92430
On any given Friday or Saturday night, there will be a multiple block long lineup of drunken American frat boys looking to get wasted off of cheap recycled beer at the Peel Pub. These people are fun to point at and laugh. Recently, however, I've noticed that in addition to nasty beer, Peel Pub advertises suspiciously inexpensive food. I decided that for the sake of public safety in Montreal, I'd better conduct a food inspection quick. Before anyone gets hurt, y'know.

I walk in on a Sunday morning to a crowd of overweight middle-aged sports looser-types, and order the most redicuously cheap item on the menu: 2 eggs, coffee, potatoes, and toast for $1.99. Soon, a fairly large platter containing generous portions of all the above appears before me, which I suspiciously turn over with my fork for any signs of contamination. All appears okay, so I begin with the eggs..

Now, I tend to be picky when I order the eggs "over" and get them almost raw and way too runny. But, dare I say, these eggs were actually good! Not too runny, and quite tasty. I tried the potatoes next, which were at least above average. The waitress refilled my coffee AND remembered to give me more cream and sugar, which is more than I can say for most places. Finnally, not only was I given TWO (!) large slices of toast, but the waittress provided peanut butter, jam, AND honey when I only asked for some jam. These peel pubbers have something going for them after all!

My last item of inspection was the bill, and at $2.29 tax included, I must give this breakfast a "PASS" rating on the food inspection scale. I was feeling so inexplicably overjoyed that I even rounded up the bill to a full $3 (thats over 20% tip, folks!) I assure you that this uncharacterisic display of generousity on my part was completely unrelated to the fact that my waitress was hot, wearing a low cut shirt, and frequently bent over in front of me to clear my place. Awesome!

Its been over an hour since I last finished my meal, and I have yet to exhibit any signs of nauseau, diarreah, or other such maladies...though I will update this thread if neccesary. Now, I may even be forced to inspect those 9 cent chicken wings later on today...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Violence_Inc replied on Sun Apr 4, 2004 @ 1:29pm
Coolness: 174830
bqahahah to funny
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» TONES replied on Sun Apr 4, 2004 @ 1:51pm
Coolness: 51210
Theres a new Peel Pub a couple of blocks from my house....7$ pitchers on Mondays!!! When theres a hockey game and the habs score, they give free pitchers to everyone...its a magical place.

Poisoned Candy, you need a little lesson on tipping though. It doesent matter if you tip more than 20%. The minimum is a loonie, otherwise, walk away and just dont tip. What do you want the guy to do with 2 quarters, 2 dimes and a penny??? Thats even more insulting than the no-tip walk-away. Waiters and bartenders just end up with jars full of dimes and nickels. No bank in Montreal will take that shit. Remember, they live off of that shit.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Sun Apr 4, 2004 @ 2:02pm
Coolness: 86425
ahahah, nice. i was refused admission to peel pub once cuz i was wearing a braclet with rubber spikes, and refused to remove it. what a bunch shit-suckers!
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Oliver_TwisteD replied on Sun Apr 4, 2004 @ 2:05pm
Coolness: 86425
also, tones. NO ONE TIPS ME for doing my job... i think 20% on 2$ is fine~
ahahaha, i'm starting to remind myself of that guy in Resevoir Dogs.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» little_sarah replied on Sun Apr 4, 2004 @ 2:09pm
Coolness: 122180
weren't they recycling spaghetti or somethign a few years ago though?
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» TONES replied on Sun Apr 4, 2004 @ 2:10pm
Coolness: 51210
Thats cause people lack etiquette these days
yeah thats right.E-TI-QUETTE
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» nothingnopenope replied on Sun Apr 4, 2004 @ 2:51pm
Coolness: 201965
they have to share all the tips anyway, so that looney could easily become 10 dimes
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» TONES replied on Sun Apr 4, 2004 @ 3:21pm
Coolness: 51210
i would tend to think that they split a large number of loonies. I dont think they change the loonies into dimes...
why am i arguing over this anyways..if you wanna be a jew, be my guest. One day youll be embarassed thats all. I was in a bar a coupla weeks ago and some kid tipped the tender nickels and dimes....the tender threw them in the clients face one by one very slowly, saying «what the fuck am i sposed to do with this shit, i prefer if you just dont tip»
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» toebee replied on Sun Apr 4, 2004 @ 3:27pm
Coolness: 87805
woahh. recycled spaghetti?

[ WWW. ]
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cactain_steef replied on Sun Apr 4, 2004 @ 3:44pm
Coolness: 155415
i hear herpes is in this week.

dan: hahah KUDOS
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» nothingnopenope replied on Sun Apr 4, 2004 @ 3:45pm
Coolness: 201965
well tipping is supposed to be based on the service, so if the service is better I will tip more, if the service is average I will tip the standard 15%... That's the way most people tip..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» TONES replied on Sun Apr 4, 2004 @ 3:55pm
Coolness: 51210
tipping is a social contract
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Apr 4, 2004 @ 4:15pm
Coolness: 92430
yo TONES maybe i do need a lesson in tipping, but i think perhaps you need a lesson in shutting the fuck up. tipping is NOT a social contract, it is a social convention, and quite a ridiculous one at that. you know why waitors and bartenders make their living off tips? its because the restaurant/bar owners cut their employees salaries in responce to people giving tips, so in the end it all balances out..wouldn't it be better if waitors and bartenders were just paid higher salaries to begin with?
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» TONES replied on Sun Apr 4, 2004 @ 4:29pm
Coolness: 51210
Yo, why the hostility guyee!! Cant a wigga help another wigga out??? Its not my fault youre a cheapass mofo. the fact is bartenders arent paid higher salaries and when YOU dont pay the difference they cant make ends meet. Just tip properly for the service you receive and zip it. Youre just mad cuz u got caught being a jew!
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Screwhead replied on Sun Apr 4, 2004 @ 4:35pm
Coolness: 686330
I only tip decently if:
It's a restauraunt/coffee shop that I'm a regular at
If I'm at a bar that I'm a regular at

and I only tip well at those places because I've learned that high tipping (as well as talking to the waiters/waitresses/bartenders/etc and getting to know them) ends up with you getting all sorts of privileges that "normal" customers don't get, like being able to order things that aren't on the menu or getting certain items on the house.

Occaisionally I'll tip if the quality of the food/beverage I'm getting is exceptional, but I usually never tip unless the quality of the food/drink/whatever I ordered is high enough to make me want to be a regular at the place, in which case I then procede to shmooze myself into free stuff by tipping high.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» nothingnopenope replied on Sun Apr 4, 2004 @ 4:37pm
Coolness: 201965
I think the solution to our problem is if we ever go somewhere, TONES can come, and he can leave all the tip..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» TONES replied on Sun Apr 4, 2004 @ 4:38pm
Coolness: 51210
there ya go!!!
Excellent solution, you pay the beer, I pay the tip hehehe
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Apr 4, 2004 @ 4:46pm
Coolness: 92430
tones what the fuck u calling me a cheapass mofo? if you actually knew me you'd know i was mister BLING-BLING. hence i go to peel pub and order a two-doller breakfast, its all about showing off the BLING get it? when i walk in the bar and show off my SHINY pennies all the hoes be wantin some. i got the most shiny pennies in the hood yo, i be polishing that shit all day. you can't even compete with that huh foo'
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» TONES replied on Sun Apr 4, 2004 @ 4:48pm
Coolness: 51210
im sur u get a lot of « hoes »
Peel Pub Food Inspection #1
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