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Post Your Dreams Here
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Czarkastik replied on Tue Dec 23, 2003 @ 4:18am
Coolness: 149745
• Czarcaustic
2003-12-01 13:35:24

Posts: 919
From: Montreal
post your dreams here (
starting this thread up again just had some weird dreams will forget them soon...if you dont wanna read my boring dreams, fine, but sometimes its cool to read your own dreams a few days (or hours later) once you've totally forgotten them

in this dream i was on a bus, with school kids, going to some sort of field trip exposition where we were gonna see cool space stuff. i was sort of a kid, but sort of not... cause i went off from the group and went to the washroom. when i came out of the stall (thankfully i didnt pee my bed at this point. anyways) when i came out of the stall, a red-faced teacher was freaking out in the entrance of the washroom, and insisting that all the kids make a single file line or something. i thought it didn't apply to me -since i was older or something, than the kids, so i paid no heed and brushed by the teacher. when i got back out into the hallway (a couple of floors up from the main room / gathering place where the rest of the kids were), all hell was breaking loose, people were running around, and all of a sudden I was scared. the elevator wasn't working so I took the darkened emergency firestairs down, people screaming and shit, and came out into the main room/arena type shiz, where I was informed that we were being attacked. I ended up leaning against one of the glass walls of this massive arena structure that I was in, wondering what the fuck was going on, when everyone started screaming even louder and pointing at the sky. through another window or glass bit in the ceiling we could see some sort of massive object smoking and flying towards us and everyone was like "plane" "holy fuck" "its gonna kill us" and shit. the object actually went by the window and landed somewhere close by with a dull thud, but didnt actually penetrate the main arena that we were in. people around me were lying flat on their stomachs on the floor, or running around like crazy. next, a helicopter came crashing into the arena, shattering glass and exploding at the far end of the room, many meters away from me, but i was beginning to get worried. for some reason, it was explained to me at this point, by some dude lying on his stomach near me, that "they want the satellite" or something to that effect, referring to the hi-tech space technology that we had come that very day to see; and it all made sense. taking advantage of the school trip as cover, terrorists of some sort were now attacking the space base to try and destroy the hidh tech satellites on display. or something. the last thing i remember is looking through the window where i was crouched and seeing this fucking mammothian like eighty wheeler truck slowly turning and directing itself towards a door in the arena right next to me... it was like a tractor trailer truck with all sorts of weird space shit on the numerous back trailers, and it was pretty obvious it was gonna cause some serious damage. it was white. then i woke up.

in an earlier dream.. that i woke up from feeling really thirsty, this is what happened:

i was in some dude's weird old house, and he had a 2 litre bottle of coke with a bit left in it, that i wanted. i wanted a glass to put it in, so i looked at his counter in his kitchen, but it was all fucked up, like it looked like the roof of a house or soemthing. i thought i had to climb up onto the counter to get to the cupboards, which were like second story windows, but wooden like cupboards. then my unknown male friend of about my age crouched down and pulled open a cupboard, so i didn't have to go up there after all, and revealed these strange inner compartment, where a couple of glasses were like strapped into these pre-determined glass-sized spaces. i remember thinking or knowing that my friend had not put them here, that when he had moved here, this is what it was like, and it was highly likely that he had never even used these glasses -somehow they were just left like that by the previous owner. "everyone's thinks st-laurent or st-denis is so great", he said, or something to this effect "but st-hubert has a life of its own"... aaah, i thought, we are on st-hubert street, in some 15th century weird-ass apartment. next, i needed ice, but the ice in his freezer was like all stuck together in one big impossible to penetrate chunk. next thing i knew, there was a chunk of ice, made up of many fused ice cubes, in my glass. somehow i knew that it had been in the glass the whole time, while it was in the cupboard -which logically i guess must have been subzero. then i poured the coke into the glass, the ice broke into smaller chunks, and damn, it was a good looking glass of coca cola. then i woke up wishing i had fucking coca cola in my house.

aight that's it for now. i know i had some other ones.. i've been remembering a lot of dreams lately. weird shit.

Hear Sarcastic's ghetto-tek creations @ [ www.rave.ca ]
[ www.level4productions.com ]
!one love

D • ufot
2003-12-01 13:42:41

Posts: 283
From: Montreal
Re: post your dreams here (
nice one man, pretty crazy stuff!

The only dream I can remember of recent dayz was this weird one, that(big surprise, a reocurring theme in my dreams) involved robots. There was this green robot guy in a green suit, going arround Montreal, selling this weird puter virus that you upload to your toaster, it flashes a bunch of shit which erases your entire capacity for short term memory.

So no one was remembering anything about how all these robots were infultrating everywhere, like all of the sudden, all these robots were replacing people at their jobs an shit, and the remaining humans that were outside and stuff, all had like tv-snow in their eyes, like you couldn't see their pupils an shit, they were just walking zombies...

ANyways, I woke up just after I was being chased by a couple of those stupid green suited pimp bots, shooting purple lazers and yelling closed source code obsenity slang at me...gotta love seperate realities...

Ufot-those damn green pimp bots, "...no I don't want a dose of the hottest new virus, mkay?"

[ Edited by ufot on 2003-12-01 13:46:25 ]

"...if knowledge be weapon, then let the sword of knowledge be my weapon, rather then let it be at mine own neck..."

D • queen B
2003-12-01 16:35:18

Posts: 1106
From: Montreal
Re: post your dreams here (
i had a dream that steve lala was a piece of shit cause he made me fall on my ass

::that's how we dress in montreal, WELL::

D • Scribbler
2003-12-01 16:48:31

Posts: 2373
From: Montreal
Re: post your dreams here (
a couple nights ago I dreamt that I was dying a pair of pants, but when I pulled them outof the water, they'd been bleached. I started to scream really loud... Then I dipped them back into the water, pulled them out, and they were navy blue again.

Intergalctic Planetary!

D • Grey Poopon
2003-12-01 17:00:13

Posts: 3727
From: Montreal
Re: post your dreams here (
Originally posted by QUEEN B...

i had a dream that steve lala was a piece of shit cause he made me fall on my ass


so *he* did that...
I thought that was natural causes.

D • kick up a slut
2003-12-01 19:45:32

Posts: 2525
From: Montreal
Re: post your dreams here (
i didnt have to DREAM that

I'd rather be in Iceland

D • Zeek
2003-12-01 19:50:13

Posts: 76
From: Montreal
Re: post your dreams here (
Je fais souvent ce rêve étrange et pénétrant
D'une femme inconnue, et que j'aime, et qui m'aime
Et qui n'est, chaque fois, ni tout à fait la même
Ni tout à fait une autre, et m'aime et me comprend.

Car elle me comprend, et mon coeur, transparent
Pour elle seule, hélas ! cesse d'être un problème
Pour elle seule, et les moiteurs de mon front blême,
Elle seule les sait rafraîchir, en pleurant.

Est-elle brune, blonde ou rousse ? - Je l'ignore.
Son nom ? Je me souviens qu'il est doux et sonore
Comme ceux des aimés que la Vie exila.

Son regard est pareil au regard des statues,
Et, pour sa voix, lointaine, et calme, et grave, elle a
L'inflexion des voix chères qui se sont tues.

Je fais souvent ce rêve étrange et pénétrant.
D'une femme inconnue, et que j'aime, et qui m'aime.
Et qui n'est, chaque fois, ni tout à fait la même, ni tout à fait une autre.

D • little sarah
2003-12-01 19:51:20

Posts: 3118
From: Montreal
Re: post your dreams here (
i've always found it hard to care about other peoples drems for some reason

*pretty in pink* -xoxox-

D • kick up a slut
2003-12-01 22:36:55

Posts: 2525
From: Montreal
Re: post your dreams here (
me too

I'd rather be in Iceland

2003-12-02 11:13:59

Posts: 7702
From: Montreal
Re: post your dreams here (
I had the most embrassing dream ever

Oh and please tell your pants its not polite to point

D • !Phoenix!
2003-12-02 11:44:45

Posts: 370
From: Montreal
Re: post your dreams here (
I believe pants have a mind of their own and the owner shouldn't be held responsable.


"And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." (Genesis: 006:005)

"And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth."
(Genesis: 006:012)

D • Czarcaustic
2003-12-02 18:45:08

Posts: 919
From: Montreal
Re: post your dreams here (
a) jess, i'm REALLY sorry, for that and a lot of shit I did that night... wouldn't of done it unless i was completely inebriated. it was a heartless act. i hope you can find it in your west island heart to forgive me.

b) i don't really care that much about other people's dreams either. but i like to read about my OWN dreams like weeks and months later. it's fucked up, you read shit you had totally forgotten about

Here's the dream I had last night:

In my dream, was lying on my futon in my living room (which is where i actually passed out while watching south park.. then started dreaming) and there was a smoke alarm going off, i was struggling to move or get out of the room, in a panic, but could not move -bodily totally imobilized, i may have flopped onto the floor (in my dream) but had no control of motor skills. realized that i was probably suffering from smoke inhalation, asphyxia, sure that the end was near. somehow, it turned out that someone was sitting in the room with me, in my blue chair, and we then noticed that the source of the fire was in my friend's lap. she proceeded to slap her pantlegs, causing smoke to rise, and somehow at this point there was no cause for concern anymore.

then i woke up and went into my bed to sleep the rest of the night. woke up in the morning and my glasses were ALL fucked up, in 3 pieces on the floor. 6 hours later still can't find the 3rd piece. fuck

Hear Sarcastic's ghetto-tek creations @ [ www.rave.ca ]
[ www.level4productions.com ]
!one love

D • elixireleven.
2003-12-03 06:58:43

Posts: 1661
From: Montreal
Re: post your dreams here (
there was a little girl, with brigght white hair, large red eyes, and she just stands there.

i think her name's bev.

shes haunting my subconscious.

[ www.elixireleven.com ]

D • Ass-Tech
2003-12-03 08:35:56

Posts: 2449
From: Montreal
Re: post your dreams here (
like I can't remeber specificaly what I dreamed about but it was hilarious! I woke up laughing......it's not the first time it hapens to me, it's weird ey?

I remember once, my sister came in my room to use my computer, in the morning while I was still sleeping, and when I woke up she was like "why were u laughing? I thought it was weird....weirdo!"....I didn't even think I woke up in laughter, I thought that since my dream was funny that I was only laughing in my dreams also....

so in conclusion; I'm living in a dream......or something along those lines.

The "Employee of The Month" award is the opiate of the masses.

[ www.Level4Productions.com ]

D • Czarcaustic
2003-12-19 00:39:09

Posts: 919
From: Montreal
Re: post your dreams here (
Last night I dreamt that I was introducing two old friends of mine to each other, and I was telling them that they should REALLY get along, because they both played bass, and lived in the same town, and had so much in common. Then I woke up and I realized that I was introducing the same person to himself. Morgan Moore... best bassist ever. What the fuck?!?

Hear Sarcastic's ghetto-tek creations @ [ www.rave.ca ]
[ www.level4productions.com ]
!one love

D • phrawzty
2003-12-19 00:43:50

Posts: 1
From: Western Canada
Re: post your dreams here (
Sometimes i dream about sleeping. Then, i get all upset when i "wake up"; cause, hey, nobody likes getting woken up.

Man, i wish i was sleeping right now.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Toltech replied on Tue Dec 23, 2003 @ 4:21am
Coolness: 146135
my dream was the bomb....I can't remember a thing about it though :b
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» eltopo replied on Tue Dec 30, 2003 @ 9:56pm
Coolness: 63625
a couple days ago i dreamt i was travelling the world, sorta thru an atlas at the same time because i could zoom out at times and see the places from a bird's eye view and sometimes even as big maps... i had missions but not very important ones, sorta like checkpoints to go to but i was mostly on my own agenda.... i mostly travelled to very hot dusty countries, most looking third-world types... what i remember most was encountering some snakes in a village and i asked to handle them, but they bit me. i kept trying to get thru to these creatures and i was sure i was and they kept biting me, but i kept telling people who were worried that they weren't poisonous. i thought they were left by one of the people that gave me my missions, who would've obviously leeched their poisons leaving them harmless, but as i looked into the wounds i began to wonder...
-->what do snake bites mean?
the dream got weird after that as i ran out into the street filled with thoughts and feelings or aprehension and guilt... i ended up throwing myself in a huge lake and i think some voice told me the mission was now skewed but i didn't care i was meant to be in the lake and they told me i was sick with a fever but i don't know what voice that was.

the next night there were people after me (ninja types and secret society) and i was leaping thru wonderlands and jungles... one place was a beautiful japanese-style hotel but the rooms were all up in trees. it was so nice i brought my mother there as a treat, it being her birthday today, but it was kinda tense what with all the baddies still after me. it was really nice though. i felt bad for the ninja stars in the wood floors and beams, but i'm sure they understood.
then there was this whole silly world rebirth thing again where i always end up a funny looking kid lying somewhere and have to survive in a ruined world. happens sometimes.
ah those reacurring dream themes... fun fun... new mix
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» wisp replied on Tue Dec 30, 2003 @ 10:02pm
Coolness: 98035
i had this fucked up dream that i fell asleep next to someone 'cause we got wasted and just passed out.

i woke up, and it was true.

like, wtf.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» wisp replied on Sat Jan 24, 2004 @ 3:46am
Coolness: 98035
Ok...I've never been more serious.

I had a dream I was watching TV, and it was just Ed the Sock. Then Gay Steve (with his big hair,) (it was black and spiky) came up and said something really stupid and hilarious out of nowhere in my dream to Gay Steve.

(Like, Gay Steve?!)

Apparently, I started cracking up in my dream almost crying of laughter, according to my boyfriend, and making hand gestures.

I woke up crying of laughter, to MY recolection, and all I could remember was Gay Steve and Ed the Sock.

And I remember the joke, but it was only funny in a nonesensical way in my dream, not even funny in life, like just to me. I even find it funny in real life, but I guess it can only be funny to me I couldn't even explain it to the Steve that's gay.



Thanks to me, Max, Gay Steve (for some odd reason).

I hope I have more dreams to come like that.

But, I was CRYING OF LAUGHTER in my dream. Thanks Ed hte Sock and Gay Steve.

I don't even know why I dreamed of you two, but you two made my dreams for this year, so far..

Thank you.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Mico replied on Sat Jan 24, 2004 @ 6:10pm
Coolness: 151175
I had this dream where my best friend was shot, and preety much the whole dream was me, family and freinds at his funeral after-party at a bar. It was really fucked up. I was so happy when I woke up
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Purple_Lee replied on Sat Jan 24, 2004 @ 7:12pm
Coolness: 239335
i don't remember my dreams ...that might explain things i guess?

Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» beercrack replied on Sat Jan 24, 2004 @ 10:31pm
Coolness: 72150
dreams are teachers
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cactain_steef replied on Wed Jan 28, 2004 @ 5:37pm
Coolness: 155390
k i ad a weird weird weird fucking dream last night.. and i woke up..fel lasleep, and kept dreaming the same dream, wtf lol

i dreamt that... i did lines of coke with my. .DAD? hah, then that i did oodles an oodles of k with the rest of my family, but the k was pasty like pcp paste, and we mixed it with juice.. and drank it.. then all my unles n shit were passed out..nopt on beds..but beside them..and there were lots of rooms, and bed in all of them.. then there was a secret room, and it had a bed. LOl wtf.. AND THEN, my lttle cousins got into a fight over the k, and they got scolded by my aunt to share. WOW. i think family has infested everything. GOOD LORD>. and then we went bowl shopping, and there was a bowl in a closet thats like thse bowls we had when i was 10 and then my mom broke it.. like the bowls we had when i was 10. wtf, she breaks evrthhign Lol..

k!! had to get that out, it was gheyyy!!!
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» beercrack replied on Wed Jan 28, 2004 @ 6:19pm
Coolness: 72150
last night
i was walking down a seemingly familiar street near the train tracks in the mile-end in neo-montreal and turned right, into an alleyway, with a floor made of hollow wood on concrete on one side and concrete on the other - this i found weird - so i catapulpted myself through the cosmos to an alternate earth billions of light years away !
that's all i remember now
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» toebee replied on Thu Jan 29, 2004 @ 9:35am
Coolness: 87780
Last night I had a nightmare. Its been years since a dream has scared me awake like that.

I wasnt part of the dream.. it was like a movie.

So it was two little boys, sitting face to face in a park. One of them had a glass bowl on his head, and was confessing to killing or hurting someone, I dont remember. As he was speaking, the other little boy picked up a big stick, smashed the guy's head to peices yelling " theres not enough room for your head here!". there was a shattering sound cause of the glass bowl.

And then the kid (who still had a head, obviously) ran into a store, yelling "i killed someone! help! ahh" or something of that sort. no one noticed him. so he ran down the street. My dream stayed in the store. It was a store full of dresses. They were all the same. The women in the store were also wearing this same dress. It came in two colors: black and yellow. and then some women enters the store, asking them why they hadnt payed attention to the little boy..

and then I wake up, petrified of myself. Like... wtf is going on in my subconsious?! Im not even in my dreams... or am i... %&@*%(#^*
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Trey replied on Thu Jan 29, 2004 @ 7:01pm
Coolness: 103480
my nightmare was even worse then yours Pixie.

i dreamt i was waiting in line for a Ray Junior party....
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» wisp replied on Thu Jan 29, 2004 @ 8:24pm
Coolness: 98035
i had a dream jeff died, fucken freaked me out.

i woke up fucking distraught.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» o_skoo_bigwheela replied on Thu Jan 29, 2004 @ 8:49pm
Coolness: 66770
I had just seen this movie called "waking life" excellent film by the way....I drempt about three days later that I was sitting down having a conversation with an old friend of mine that I havn't seen for YEARS as I am talking to him I realize that I am dreaming. I look at him and start giggling..he looks and me and stops talking...asks me,"what the hell are you laughing at? are you listenning to me?" and I get this sudden urge to ask him, "how does it feel to be a character in my dream?" The whole dream shifts and the subject is changed drastically... all of a sudden I am in a forest with the sun shinning through the leafs and the birds chirping...whatever you get the point. Between the time where I was waiting for an answer from my so-called friend the time I realized I was in the forest...the idea came to me....
It's like my brain refused to give me that power to know that all this was just a part of my imagination and that I was concious of it. I have never told anyone abou this dream...thinking maybe I was some kind of a weirdo but I think maybe it has to do with my self spiritual growth of somekind...
ever go to bed afraid of dreaming???
Other than after seeing a freddy movie? lol
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» toebee replied on Fri Jan 30, 2004 @ 2:21pm
Coolness: 87780
im never afraid of dreaming. I always look forward to it.

Im mostly scared of waking up, disapointed.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» eltopo replied on Fri Jan 30, 2004 @ 2:50pm
Coolness: 63625
i've been terrified to dream lately cuz i always end up losing my teeth or watching them rot away
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cactain_steef replied on Sat Jan 31, 2004 @ 11:42pm
Coolness: 155390
ahhh if it makes you feel better, my teeth actually ARE rotting away... and i have to get 3 teeth pulled. not wisdom.

but those dreams really fukn suk jen-malen.

i barely ever remmber dreams tho..an when i do., theyre ugly!

ahah doesnt it suk, when you dream, but you think youre awak in your dreamm .. like hitting snooze on yer alarm clock, ya know doing regular, ordinary things (like eating breakfast getting ready for school) and then your alarm clock actually rings... and you do erything you just did in yer dream... So you feel like you havent slept...

Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» toebee replied on Sun Feb 1, 2004 @ 8:12am
Coolness: 87780
i just woke up from the WORST sleep possible.

and im still high on pcp. DAMMMMNNNIT
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cactain_steef replied on Sun Feb 1, 2004 @ 12:48pm
Coolness: 155390
haha wow, this is pretty much what i rember from my ..dream.. fucked up shit. it was about METH. hah YEAH. METTTHHAMPHETAMINE. and the only thing thats really clear part. .. uh besides the fact tht i was with guysam, and jackie??? WTF? i dont even know jackie.. hah HI JACKIE.

and then caro came running in, to this room where we(jackie, guysam and i) were frantically covering windows, with bristol board? ANd... SHEETS. WOW. .. anywhore, caro was like! nooo stopdoing the meth its cut! with crack..and some drug that doesnt exist.. hah.

then i got woken up.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» AngryChinchilla replied on Sun Feb 1, 2004 @ 1:32pm
Coolness: 56775
last dream i remember was on...friday night/saturday morning, and i was here in my computer room, and my supposed bf came in. Now this "so called boyfriend" was this guy at my work that i hate with a passion, and hes like,
lets go have sex, and im like, meh why not
then we left the comp room and my house turned into my best friends old house and we went into her spare bedroom and was just about to get it on and i woke up in horror.
of all people
why the guy i hate? why not some hot piece of ass?
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