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Mountain Mush Craaazy House Partyyy!!
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Nov 23, 2003 @ 4:29pm
Coolness: 92310
"I'm like Jesus on mush"

Last night will go down in the collective memory of those who experienced it, as I did, as among the most blissfully beautiful nights of fucked-UP-ness (in the best possible way) imaginable. After not taking any drugs for a relatively lengthy period of time (3 weeks), I decided to indulge myself in my favorite of conscienceness enhancing substances, in the company of an extraordinary group of people.

To provide a glimpse of my state of mind during that night, consider this telegram I sent to my sober mind, from my drug-enhanced mind: "Sunday, the 23rd of November, 2003, 4:35AM - the moment that shit changed." Or did it? Have we improved somehow, or is it all illusory? In my opinion, the drug experience has the capability to change us for the better - but the experience of insight attained while on drugs, alone, doesn't change much.

Insight is only significant if it is accompanied by action, which in turn rewires our brain's code to enable us to perform that same action while sober. In a sense, I beleive drugs (psychedelics in particular) can act as enourmous catalysts for the deliberate modification of learned behavior, but only when it is used consciously as a tool for that purpose.

This weekend was life-altering for me for more then one reason: Jessica, a good friend of mine from t.o, just moved up to montreal with me. If you haven't yet met her you will, and you will LOVE her, cuz she is a fucking incredible person. My one regrettable action while on mush was flirting with her 'ardcore and getting rejected, in the process damaging the trust that we had built up, but now that its been done I can now work to rebuild that trust with a greater sense of understanding. Okay...enough of my rambling, on to the story!

The night began in earnest when we showed up at some people's house in the mcgill ghetto (URGH i forgot alot of their names but they were all awesome). Amazingly, it turns out that many of Jess's T.O friends are friends with my Montreal friends without us even realizing it - its like a whole network of party kids, transcending geographical boundaries, all united not by a common political ideology but simply by a common mutual acceptance of each other's inner beauty.

After chilling for a while and watching a bit of 6 feet under (nothing like that to liven up the party atmosphere!) Fred, Julian, Mo'lissa, Charlie and others showed up, and they headed to the mountain while I had to go back to my place to stock up on mush. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to find them back on the mountain, as I was coming from an opposite direction, but following a combination of intuition, sketchy phone directions, and the annoying (but finally useful!) 737 spotlight as a landmark, I was finally to able to rejoin my comrades in mush. In fact, the walk there (tho i was sober) was beautiful and trippy as hell - wandering alone along winding pathways bounded by rows of graceful trees illumanated in the moonlight was an experience to cherish. (try this sometime - yes YOU!)

Once back in the group, we wandered around for awhile, first planning on setting up a campfire somewhere, but we were all kinda cold so that idea didn't catch on too well. Stopping for a bong hit, I ate my aprox. 3 grams of ground up mush along with a yummy chocolate bar, then Julian as the most clear-headed out of all of us led us back to Charlie's place. Along the walk I felt an enourmous tingly sense of anticipation built up within me, starting from my stomach and radiating outwards, and at that point i KNEW that it would be a hellava trip.

Arriving at Charlie's place, I had a sudden urge to exspress myself, and starting babbling away - unfortunately I was abit in my own world and insensitive to where other people were at in their trips, so like a radio station with noone attuned to the proper frequency, I failed to find a suitable outlet for my thoughts. At that point I became aware of really starting to trip, and, sailing along the rivers of consciousness to reach the mysterious ocean of the uknown, gazed inwards in meditative thought. Julian was trying to get me to contain my mush craziness, but then the Animatrix was put on which was a lil too much brain candy for me at the time =p so I went back to viewing the other animation that was unfolding on the insides of my eyelids.

I'm becoming increasingly aware that I'm in danger here of typing forever, so i'll try to stick to the highlights in point form:

-hearing the alphabet soup of several combinations of letters being offered to me, yet i was plenty happy where i was (with a little hash of course)

-accidentally inhaling hash through my nose and erupting in bursts of peeling laughter

-having sooo much fun making facial expressions by myself in the bathroom mirror. i gotta learn from gen how to do this better tho :p

-trippy telepathic abilities with charlie...i could actually SENSE his mind, it was incredible

-fred BAHAHAHA ur so great it hurts...thanks for being there cuz u were probably the one person there that understood where i was at the most, and who i could relate my thoughts to the best

-meeting a really smart guy called dave that despite his annoying habit of starting and ending each sentence with 'dude' (dude, where's my car, duuuude) was really great to know once we connected on a deeper level

-charlie's craaazy skilled trance dance and my freaky liquid flow on the dance floor of his bedroom, i don't even KNOW how much shit i broke in the process

-coming down, asking what time it is, and upon hearing its only 5:30 exclaiming "we have sooo much time! isn't this wonderful?"

-"you want me to be your strict daddaay don't u" (me to jess in my obnoxious flirting mode, i still got much love for ya even though we will just be really good friends)

and here are some of my thoughts, insights, and revelations that occured to me while tripping:

-if you can relive a past event so vividly that you feel you are experiencing it, or imagine yourself in the future so concretely that you can see it unfolding, then the imaginary boundaries between past, present, and future dissolve instantly like so many other illusions

-paradoxically, many works of art or ideas that are considered 'genius' are only understood by a select few, so the consensus opinion is most certainly not the more correct one. is "consensus reality" also just as flawed? some exeptions can be found, however, notably the bible, which despite the fact that by many measures of "objective" criteria is a terrible piece of writing, has somehow managed to endure and touch millions of us, because it is a collection of the collective writings and thoughts of several of history's enduring geniuses (solomon, for example)

-superficially we are all different, yet strip away the effects of social conditioning, and we are more alike then the intact ego will ever dare to admit. the people i shared the experience with ranged from straight-A mcgill students to high school dropouts, yet we all belonged together, there was noone who was out of place.

-drugs can eliminate sensitivity to negative feedback, disinhibiting ourselves and allowing us to follow our inner voice that says 'yes' without the prescense of the sober voice that keeps repeating 'no'. by de-sensitizing ourselves to negative feedback while sober, we can recreate the freedom and lack of inhibition we feel on drugs.

These are but a few drops of my be-mushroomed liquid thoughts which I managed to solidify on paper. As the ego re-established itself as surely as it dissolved but a few hours before, I had no choice but to accept re-integration into consensus reality, meditating for a short while before passing out in deep sleep, thankful to this earth's incredible botany for providing such a wonderful tool for our use.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Toltech replied on Sun Nov 23, 2003 @ 5:05pm
Coolness: 146040
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» fukt replied on Sun Nov 23, 2003 @ 5:17pm
Coolness: 72305
stop doing drugs.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Screwhead replied on Sun Nov 23, 2003 @ 5:21pm
Coolness: 686210
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Nov 23, 2003 @ 6:41pm
Coolness: 92310
someone please break my fingers so i stop posting
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Nuclear replied on Sun Nov 23, 2003 @ 6:42pm
Coolness: 2747675
1000 posts...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Bunnytronix replied on Sun Nov 23, 2003 @ 8:56pm
Coolness: 153130
So you connected deeply with a guy named David?

And when did the drugs wear off again?
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Purple_Lee replied on Sun Nov 23, 2003 @ 9:05pm
Coolness: 239240
can we say that Dan had fun....no not @ all.

Would have come but i needed to sleep..

Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» somekid replied on Sun Nov 23, 2003 @ 11:43pm
Coolness: 85625
This night was so much fun. I can't belive how great the mountain was I would totaly have stayed longer but people had to get to wormth... aw well. I love mushrooms even though I feel like crap today. Thank you everybody that was there I'll try to find some pictures off purerave cause that were most of those people are on.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Mali replied on Mon Nov 24, 2003 @ 7:40am
Coolness: 202735
Oh wow hehe
I haven't done mush since the summer
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» G__ replied on Mon Nov 24, 2003 @ 8:57am
Coolness: 141985
does he realize his posts are that long???
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cloud9ine replied on Mon Nov 24, 2003 @ 9:04am
Coolness: 139340
drugs are cool.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Screwhead replied on Mon Nov 24, 2003 @ 9:31am
Coolness: 686210
I don't think the problem is that his posts are too long. I think the problem is that you all don't have the attention span and open enough minds to bother trying to read and gain insight from what he posts. Amidst all that random drug-induced rambling is someone who understands a hell of a lot more about life and people than any of you even come close to understanding. So these thoughts, understanding and concepts were all brought about by drugs. ANY of the music that ANY of you listen to has in some way been influenced by drugs, and anyone who thinks otherwise is clueless.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Mon Nov 24, 2003 @ 4:41pm
Coolness: 92310
Thanks alot Fred. I don't think that drugs have been the only factor that has been an influence on me, probably alot less than travelling, but I can't deny that drugs play a significant role in my life.

and to everyone complaining about my long posts, here's a great solution for dealing with it: DON'T READ THEM!
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» fukt replied on Mon Nov 24, 2003 @ 4:57pm
Coolness: 72305
first all no beef to you. at all.....

but to respond to your post.
thats retarded.
"I think the problem is that you all don't have the attention span and open enough minds to bother trying to read and gain insight from what he posts."

thats a generalisation. en masse.
a bad one at that.
how do you know mwhat anyone does with the information contained in anyones posts.... nevermind dans.
how do you know what we do or dont read?
how do you know what we learn and "gain insight" from?
you dont.

"who understands a hell of a lot more about life and people than any of you even come close to understanding."

whens the last time u spent a day in my shoes?
or me in yours?

in my opinion. and an opinion it is....
there is absolutely no need for drugs to come to any conclusions on life.
wisdom, experience, knowledge, observation etc..... those are the tools required...
drugs simply give an alternative view point, which can then be used to compare one's orignal concepts and to hopefully build upon them.
obviously more knowledge can be attained when observing any given situation through multiple angles.

nah but anyways.
my opinion.
just stupid internet arguing..........
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» G__ replied on Mon Nov 24, 2003 @ 7:51pm
Coolness: 141985
hell i read the post, but damn, just saying it was long...like all of his posts

alright, so no more comments from this peanut gallery
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» PookStah replied on Mon Nov 24, 2003 @ 10:34pm
Coolness: 106535
mush is just whack, i dont think ive ever had a fun trip on mush...ever,
just ask matt, how fun was that mountain???
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» fukt replied on Mon Nov 24, 2003 @ 11:33pm
Coolness: 72305
"pookie where are we??????????????"
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Toltech replied on Tue Nov 25, 2003 @ 12:54am
Coolness: 146040
Originally posted by SPOOKY...

I don't think the problem is that his posts are too long. I think the problem is that you all don't have the attention span and open enough minds to bother trying to read and gain insight from what he posts. Amidst all that random drug-induced rambling is someone who understands a hell of a lot more about life and people than any of you even come close to understanding. So these thoughts, understanding and concepts were all brought about by drugs. ANY of the music that ANY of you listen to has in some way been influenced by drugs, and anyone who thinks otherwise is clueless.

I totally agree with that last sentence....but I couldn't read the rest :b
Mountain Mush Craaazy House Partyyy!!
Page: 1
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