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Dune Quotes
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Nuclear replied on Mon Aug 11, 2003 @ 3:07pm
Coolness: 2749645
-Such a rich store of myths enfold Paul Muad'dib, the Mentat Emperor, and
his sister, Alia, it is difficult to see the real person behind these
veils. But there were, after all, a man born Paul Atreides and a woman born
Alia. Their flesh was subject to space and time. And even though their
oracular powers placed them beyond the usual limits of time and space, they
came from human stock. They experianced real events which left real traces
upon a real universe. To understand them, it must be seen that their
catastrophe was the catastroph of all mankind. This work is dedicated,
then, not to Muad'dib or his sister, but to their heirs--to all of us.

-Dedicated in the Muad'dib Concordance as
copied from The Tabla Memorium of the
Mahdi Spirit Cult

-There exists no separation between gods and men; one blends softly casual
into the other.
-Proverbs of Muad'dib

-Every civilization must contend with an uncouscious force which can block,
betray or countermand almost any couscious intertion of the collective.

-Tleilaxu Theorem (unproven)

-The advent of the Field Process shield and the lasgun with their explosive
interaction, deadly to attacker and attacked, placed the current
determinatives on weapons technology. We need not go into the special role
of atomics. The fact that any Family in my Empire could so deploy its
atomics as to destroy the planetary bases of fifty or more other Famillies
causes some nervousness, true. But all of us possess precautionary plans
for devastatating retaliation. Guild and Landsraad contain the keys which
fold this force in check, No, my concern goes to the development of humans
as special weapons. Here is a virtually unlimited field which a few powers
are developing.

-Muad'dib: Lecture to the War College
from The Stilgar Chronicle

-"A wind has blown the land away
And blown the sky away
And all the men!
Who is this wind?
The trees stand unbent,
Drinking where men drank.
I've known too many worlds,
Too many men,
Too many trees
Too many winds."

-Empires do not suffer emptiness of purpose at the time of their creation.
It is when they have become established that aims are lost and replaced by
vague ritual.

-Words of Muad'dib
by Princess Irulan.

-"Once more the drama begins."

-The Emperor Pual Muad'dib
on his ascension to the Lion Throne

-Truth suffers from too much analysis.

-Ancient Fremen Saying

-The fremen see her as the Earth Figure, a demigoddess whose special charge
is to protect the tribes through her powers of violence. She is Reverend
Mother to their Reverend Mothers. To pilgrims who seek her out with demands
that she is a form of antimentat. She feeds on that proof that the
"analytic" has limits. She represents iltimate tension. She is the
virgin-harlot--witty, vulgar, cruel, as destructive in her whims as a
coriolis storm.

-St. Alia of the Knife
as taken from The Irulan Report

-The most dangerous game in the universi is to govern from an oracular base.
We do not consider ourselves wise enough or brave enough to play that game.
the measures detailed here for regulation in lesser matters are as near as
we dare venture to the brink of government. For our purposes, we borrow a
definition from the Bene Gesserit and we consider the various worlds as
gene pools, sources of teachings and teachers, sources of the possible. Our
goal is not to rule, but to tap these gene pools, to learn, and to free
ourselves from all restraints imposed by dependency and government.

-"The Orgy as a Tool of Statecraft,"
Chapter Three of The Steersmen's Guild

-Here lies a toppled god--
His fall was not a small one.
We did but build his pedestal,
A narrow and a tall one.

-Tleilaxu Epigram

-I think what a joy it is to be alive, and wonder if I'll ever leap inward
to the root of this flesh and know myself as once I was. The root is there.
Whether any act of mine can find it, that remains tangled in the future.
But all things a man can do are mine. Any act of mine may do it.

-The Ghola Speaks
Alia's Commentary

-Her hips are dunes curved by the wind,
Her eyes shine like summer heat.
Two braids of hair hanf down her back--
Rich with water rings, her hair!

My hands remember her skin,
Fragrant as amber, flower-scented.
Eyelids tremble with memories...
I am stricken by love's white flame!

-"You do not beg the sun for mercy."
-Muad'dib's Travail
from The Stilgar Commentary

-"I've had a bellyful of the god and priest business! You think I don;t see
my own mythos? Consult your data once more, Hayt. I've insinuated my rites
into the most elementary human acts. The people eat in the name of
Muad'dib! They make love in my name, are born in my name--cross the street
in my name. A roof beam cannot be raised in the lowliest hovel of far
Gangishree without invoking the blessinf of Muad'dib!"

-Book of Diatribes
from The Hayt Chronicle

-Oh, worm of many teeth,
Canst thou deny what has no cure?
The flesh and breath which lure thee
To the ground of all beginnings
Feed on monsters twisting in a door of fire!
Thou hast no robe in all thy attire
To cover intoxications of dicinity
Or hide the burnings of desire!

From the Dunebook

-The audacious nature of Muad'dib's actions may be seen in the fact that He
knew from the begining whither He was bound, yet not once did He step aside
from that path. He put it clearly when He said: "I tell you that I come now
to my time of testing when it will be shown that I am the Ultimate
Servent." Thus He weaves all into One, that both friend and foe may worship
Him. It is for this reason and this reason only that His Apostles prayed:
"Lord, save us from he other paths which Muad'dib covered with the Waters
if His Life." Those "other paths" may be imagined only with the deepest

-from The Yiam-el-Din
(Book of Judgment)

-No matter how exotic human civilization becomes, no matter the developments
of life and society nor the complexity of the machine / human interface,
there always come interludes of lonely power when the course of humankind,
the very future of humankind, depends upon the telatively simple actions of
single individuals.

-from The Tleilaxu Godbuk

-"She rides the sandworm of space!
She guides through all storms
Into the kand of gentle winds.
Though we sleep through the snake's den,
She guards our dreaming souls.
Shunning the desert heat,
She Hides us in a cool hollow.
The gleaming of her white teeth
Guides us in the night.
By the braids of her hair
We are lifted up to heaven!
Sweet fragrance, flower-scented,
Surrounds us in her presence,"

-"She stills all storms--
Her eyes kill our enemies,
And torment the unbelievers.
From the spires of Tuono
Where dawnlight strikes
And clear water runs,
You see her shadow.
In the shining summer heat
She serves us bread and milk--
Cool, fragrant with spices.
Her eyes melt our enemies,
Torment our oppressors
And pierce all mysteries.
She is Alia...Alia...Alia..."

-Production growth and income growth must not get out of step in my Empire.
That is the substance of my command. There are to be no balance-of-payment
difficulties between the different spheres of influence. And the reason for
this is simply because I command it. I want to emphasize my authority in
this area. I am the supreme energy-eater of this domain, and will remain
so, alive or dead. My Government is the economy.

-Order in Council
The Emperor Paul Muad'dib

-The convoluted wording of legalisms grew up around the necessity to hide
ourselves the violence we intend toward each other. Between depriving a man
of one hour from his life and depriving him of his life there exists only a
difference of deree. You have done violence to him, consumend his energy.
Elaborate euphemisms may conceal your intent to kill, but behind any use of
power over another the ultimate assumption remains: "I feed on your

-Addenda to Orders in Council
The Emperor Paul Muad'dib

-He has gone from Alia,
The womb of heaven!
Holy, holy, holy!
Fire-sand leagues
Confront our Lord.
He can see
Without eyes!
A demon upon him!
Holy, holy, holy
He solved for

-The Moon Falls Down
Songs from Muad'dib

-Tibana was an apoligist for Christianity, oribably a native of IV Anbus who
lived between the eight and ninth centuries before Corrino, likely in the
second reign of Dalamak. Of his writings, only a portion survives from
which this fragment is taken: "The hearts of all men dwell in the same

-from The Dunebuk of Irulan

-The sequential nature of actual events is not illuminated with lengthy
precision by the powers of precience except under the most extraordinary
circumstances. The oracle grasps incidents cut out of the historic chain.
Eternity moves. It inflicts itself upon the oracle and the supplicant
alike. Let Muad'dib's subjects doubt his majesty and his oracular visions.
Let them deny his powers. Let them never doubt Eternity.

-The Dune Gospels

-There exists a limit to the force even the most powerful may apply without
destroying themselves. Judging this limits is the true artistry of
government. Misuse of power is the fatal sin. The law cannot be a tool of
vengeance, never a hostage, nor a fortification against the martyrs it has
created. You cannot threaten any individual and escape the consequences.

-Muad'dib on Law
The Stilgar Commentary

-There was a man so wise,
He jumped into
A sandy place
And burnt out both his eyes!
And when he knew his eyes were gone,
He offered no complaint.
He summoned up a vision
And made himself a saint.

-Children's Verse
fron History of Muad'dib

-We say of Muad'dib that he has gone on a journey into that land where we
walk without footprints.

-Preamble to the Qizarate Creed

-No bitter stench of funeral-still for Muad'dub.
No knell nor solemn rite to free the mind
Fron avaricious shadows.
He is the fool saint,
The golden stranger living forever
On the edge of reason.
Let your guard fall and he is there!
His crimson peace and sovereign pallor
Strike into our universe on prophetic webs
To the verge of a quiet glance--there!
Out of bristling star-jungles:
Mysterious, lethal, an oracle without eyes,
Catspaw of prophecy, whose voice never dies!
Shai-hulub, he awaits thee upon a strand
Where couples walk and fix, eye to eye,
The delicious ennui of love.
He strides through the long cavern of time,
Scattering the fool-self of his dream.

-The Ghola's Hymn
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Nuclear replied on Mon Aug 11, 2003 @ 3:07pm
Coolness: 2749645
-This morning I was born in a yurt at the edge of a horse-plain in a land of
a planet which no longer exists. Tomorrow I will be born someone else in
another place. I have not yet chosen. This morning, though-- ahh, this
life! When my eyes had learned to focus, I looked out at sunshine on
trampled grass and I saw vigorous people going about the sweet activities
of their lives. Where...oh where has all of that vigor gone?

-The Stolen Journals

-I am the most ardent people-watcher who lived. I watch them inside me and
outside. Past and present can mingle with odd impositions in me. And as the
metamorphosis continues in my flesh wonderful things happen to my senses.
It's as though I sensed everything in close-up. I have extreamly acute
hearing and vision, plus a sense of smell extraordinarily discriminating. I
can detect and identify pheromones at three parts per million. I know. I
have tested it. You cannot hide very much from my senses. I think it would
horrify you what I can detect by smell alone. Your pheromones tell me what
you are doing or are prepared to do. And gesture and posture! I stared for
half a day once at an old man sttting on a bench in Arrakeen. he was a
fifth-generation desxendant of Stilgar the Naib and did not even know it. I
studied the angle of his neck, the skin flaps below his chin, the cracked
lips and moistness about his nostrils, the pores behind his ears, the wisps
of gray hair which crept from beneath the hood of his antique stillsuit.
Not once did he detect that he was being watched. Hah! Stilgar would have
known it in a second or two. But this old man was just waiting for someone
who never came. He got up finally and tottered off. He was very stiff after
all that sitting. I knew I would never see him in the flesh again. He was
that near death and his water was sure to be waisted. Well, that no longer
-The Stolen Journals

-Oh, the landscapes i have seen! And the people! The far wanderings of the
Fremen and all the rest of it. Even back through the myths to Terra. Oh,
the lessons in astronomy and intrigue, the migrations, the disheveled
flights, the leg-aching and lung-aching runs through so many nights on all
of these cosmic specks where we have defended our tramsient possession. I
tell you we are a marvel and my memories leave no doubt of this

-The Stolen Journals

-Sometimes I undulge myself in safaris which no other being may take. I
strike inward along the axis of my memories. Like a schoolchild reporting
on a vacation trip, I take up my subject. Let it be...femail intellectuals!
I course backward into the ocean which is my ancestors. I am a great winged
fish in the depths. The mouth of my awareness opens and I scool them up!
Sometimes...sometimes I hunt out histories. What a private joy to relive
the life of such a one while I mock the academic pretentions which
supposedly formed a biography.

-The Stolen Journals
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» G__ replied on Mon Aug 11, 2003 @ 5:53pm
Coolness: 142085
while watching the first casset of the remake Dune movie i told some friends that we really shouldn't be watching this movie, my friend dissagreed and said that there was mad action in it,,,having already seen it, i told him that there was pityfull action, and it was all on the second cassette anyway...just then, a semi-suspensufll (hahaha yeah right) scene came on, and they all had guns, so my friend was like, "well there gonna be action now no??"
"no" i said...he was all denying n shit, like he couldn't believe a movie based on dune could suck, so he refused to believe me that there wasn't any action...i told him, wait and see, on this cassette, theres only three shots fire (complete bs right outt my ass)

just then...there was action...




that was it...no more action

i laughed so fucking hard

what this example goes to show, is, Dune the movie sucks
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX replied on Mon Aug 11, 2003 @ 6:28pm
Coolness: 67235
heh, you're an idiot.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» G__ replied on Mon Aug 11, 2003 @ 7:46pm
Coolness: 142085
no YOU, for reading my whole post...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» G__ replied on Mon Aug 11, 2003 @ 7:46pm
Coolness: 142085
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 12:17am
Coolness: 67235
I bet you didn't understand 1984 either
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» neoform replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 2:42am
Coolness: 340385

i tried watching it when they played it on space, but the movie couldn't hold my attention for more then 30 minutes at a time, it was so preachy and dull. no one speaks like that.. it's like having a cast of yodas, it's just annoying.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» PitaGore replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 1:43pm
Coolness: 472525
You guys took the spice ???
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 1:48pm
Coolness: 67235
if you think thats bad, read the book.

Dune is one of the best sci fi stories. Its incredibleness can only becompared to Lord of the Ring's influence in the fantasy world.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Nuclear replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 1:48pm
Coolness: 2749645
I second that... I've read all 6 books...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» PitaGore replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 1:51pm
Coolness: 472525
Still up to come for me ...

I liked Lynch's movie big time thought ...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» G__ replied on Tue Aug 12, 2003 @ 4:04pm
Coolness: 142085

i not only understood 1984 i enjoyed it

don't shit pants cause i insulted you're Dune, i only insulted the re-make movie, if you've seen it, then you'd understand how pathetic it really was, it's an insult
Dune Quotes
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