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10 Day-Old Baby Dolphin Rescued ->
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Nathan replied on Thu Nov 11, 2010 @ 7:05pm
Coolness: 167255
Originally Posted By V.2-1

I got a question : if you're a vegan and there's a zombie outbreak, are you pretty much fucked right there ?

Although last I checked, once you turn, hunger is the only thing you're focused on so if you're a vegan and there is a zombie outbreak, you'll invariably end up feasting on flesh and brains anyway... so what's the point ? LOL !

hahaha XD

worse than that, if you don't turn, and the food runs out, people will turn to cannibalism, and since people mostly eat non-carnivore animals, vegetarians would be the first on the menu! :p

but hell, if you're a zombie, i don't really think morals ans such really matter anymore ...

besides, like i said, i'm against the industry, so i have no problem with eating 'wild' humans ;)
I'm feeling you up right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» JasonBeastly replied on Thu Nov 11, 2010 @ 11:51pm
Coolness: 77420
You don't get the funny skin conditions and bad teeth if you eat herbivores. Remember that if you ever start up your own White Glove Society.
I'm feeling caps lock right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» JojoBizarre replied on Fri Nov 12, 2010 @ 8:10am
Coolness: 295685
I don't mind if people are vegans are not, but it's some of them attitude that bothers me.
I'm feeling cool story bro right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» LeChat replied on Fri Nov 12, 2010 @ 9:11am
Coolness: 116245
Originally Posted By VJ_ALBIREO

Pis, le livre? intéressant?

j'vais a la librairie se soir! :)
I'm feeling fireflies right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» prrr replied on Sun Nov 14, 2010 @ 8:03pm
Coolness: 44355
Why is it that every time I come onto this board to try to have fun and befriend people,

The lifestyle (my lifestyle) of choosing not to exploit animals because I don't have to to survive,

Somehow is turned into a personal hate war? When it's not personal at all, but people turn it that way because they feel criticized and threatened by something they've been trained to fear by the animal agriculture industry/government who subsidizes it?

You all are so nice to me in person and think I'm a very sweet person at parties and all that, and you'll share my positive energy on the dance floor, and talk to me and try to be my friend, and I'll be super nice to you in return.

Yet on the internet you'll flip your lids about shit you know nothing about, just brainwashing.

Veganism isn't about hating everyone else or some sort of ego trip thing. It's not a fucking club or self-righteous movement, and it's not about being privaledged and buying all sorts of expensive products.

News flash, veganism is about the animals, and I went vegan because I'm a caring person in the first place. I'm not saying that non-vegans are not caring people, but that caring about others (including other animals) is what prompted me to go vegan in the first place.

For the record, when I went vegan, I was dirt poor and found out that going vegan actually helped me save lots of money because it turned out that lentils and stuff are cheaper than everything else, and that omega 3 from flax costs many times less for the same amount of it than if I were to get it from fish, which would have killed dolphins etc at the same time.

It's very sad that it's so easy to live without exploiting and using animals (as far as is possible), yet we've all been brainwashed by our institutions to believe that it's not, and that you have to buy expensive luxury products. If you went vegan and didn't know what you were doing, also, it's not veganism's problem, it's society's problem for not educating you properly about where to find your nutrients, and your own problem for not finding the information yourself.

It's also lame that people have to come on here and bash others because they are doing what they can to avoid animal suffering. It's pathetic bullying, bullying people just for trying to be nice.

I'm nice to you in person despite the fact that you might be a minority or different from me in whatever aspect, you might have radically different views to mine, hell you do things that I think are completely horrific yet I'm still nice to you. Vegans get WAY more disrespect from others than they EVER dish out to anyone else. I've NEVER said to someone, hey you're not vegan so fuck you, or anything like that (unless someone attacked me first).

The least you can do is not persecute me and whoever else chooses to try to minimize their impact on animals, human animals and the environment by living a vegan lifestyle. The reason, the ONLY reason I'm using vegan soap (soap that isn't made of or tested on animals) instead of animal-based lab torture soap is because of the impact on other animals. NOT to say "fuck you I'm better than you." I think that's all in your minds because I've never met another vegan who is vegan out of spite to other people, either (maybe the vegan friends I have are really nice and actually vegan, I don't know).

If you've read this far, congratulations, I don't hate you but please get off your bullying anti-vegan podium and we can go back to being friendly. Sound like a plan?
Update » prrr wrote on Sun Nov 14, 2010 @ 8:14pm
Moloch so basically you being all nice to me and liking me in person was based solely on the fact that you didn't know I was vegan, but now that you know I'm vegan, I'm all of a sudden not a person with feelings and worthy of your respect?
Update » prrr wrote on Sun Nov 14, 2010 @ 8:15pm
p.s. is this a place for ravers or bigots?
Update » prrr wrote on Sun Nov 14, 2010 @ 8:18pm
It's like finding out your friend or kid is gay and all of a sudden disowning and hating them because of that, despite that they are still the same person you knew from before.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Niji replied on Sun Nov 14, 2010 @ 9:29pm
Coolness: 70925
Lyla, while veganism itself isn't an ego trip, can you deny that some of the people who adhere to the idea make it feel like it is?
And, of course, as is the case with so many other things, the people who see themselves as some sort of elite because they adopted a certain thing... tend to be the most vocal about it. More so than those who genuinely believe in the principle for its sake.

As to "feeling threatened by [veganism] because we've been trained to fear it by the animal agriculture industry [...]" ... I'll just rely on my dentition type, which categorizes me as an omnivore.

- - - - -

"omega 3 from flax costs many times less for the same amount of it than if I were to get it from fish, which would have killed dolphins etc at the same time." this I certainly cannot object. Unrespectful, barbaric hunt/fishing or any other methods of obtaining any material definitely are a problem.

- - - - -

"It's very sad that it's so easy to live without exploiting and using animals (as far as is possible), yet we've all been brainwashed by our institutions to believe that it's not, and that you have to buy expensive luxury products. If you went vegan"

That's what I was about to say after reading the previous paragraph. Veganism has become some sort of trend for some. It's definitely been identified as such by the media (and who knows which entities in the background? I honestly don't pay attention, not enough to know anyway). Where there is a trend, there will be people trying to profit. If you want to profit, you have to drown the information about cheaper options in a sea of "it's more expensive but worth it" propaganda.
Honestly, I have no clue about said options. But the principle holds for so many things...

- - - - -

For the record - if I was seen as a bully: I enjoy causing reactions. But I'm not a mean person. Well, most of the time.

- - - - -

All this being said: I definitely think that there is a lot of abuse going on, that the human race doesn't respect its environment in general. But I'm a firm believer in balance above all other things, and I'm not ready to embrace one extreme (veganism) just to attempt to create an equilibrium with those who abuse... I just try to respect said balance for my own self. Most times, anyway...

(apparently, drinking wine will make me put most-likely-more-obvious-than-needed separations in my text.)
I'm feeling ribs plx right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» perception replied on Sun Nov 14, 2010 @ 10:17pm
Coolness: 66625
I did read the whole posts, and although there may be more important points to discuss, I couldn't help but notice that you completely missed the point with this comment "As to "feeling threatened by [veganism] because we've been trained to fear it by the animal agriculture industry [...]" ... I'll just rely on my dentition type, which categorizes me as an omnivore" She was referring to being nice to animals and not exploiting them and therefore a reference to an evolutionary byproduct, said dentition type, is not a congruent rebuttal.

Although, might I add that our meet tearing and meet chewing teeth are less sharp than before and that some people are born without wisdom teeth (and the rest remove them), which may be an indication of a decrease in meet consumption (raw particularly) or the invention of utensils, who knows :p

I am a science student and I have learned that if your going to make personal decisions like being vegetarian it's best not to base it on scientific facts but to base it on more esoteric values, like live and let live. Please do not make a reference to plants being alive hahaha. I think being vegan to be nice to animals is a great idea. Just because our ancestors did something, doesn't mean we have to.

I also believe in balance, I heard a great quote the other day, Karma/Universe doesn't care whether you know or not that retribution has occurred, something like that. I believe that there is a balance between good and evil and that we all do parts contributing to both forces.

I was raised eating meet, and it's hard not to fall back on the cooking strategies your accustomed to. It breaks my heart every time I see a truck full of animals, and sometimes I can't even eat my dinner because I am thinking about the conditions it lived in (and other things), so bit by bit I eat more and more veggies, legumes and fruits (I've always eaten lots of grains). It is mighty yummy. Although, I love fat, like bacon!
I'm feeling pink right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» greatjob replied on Sun Nov 14, 2010 @ 10:53pm
Coolness: 283165
Originally Posted By LYLA

now that you know I'm vegan, I'm all of a sudden not a person with feelings and worthy of your respect?

pretty much, yeh
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» prrr replied on Mon Nov 15, 2010 @ 12:27am
Coolness: 44355
I totally agree with that it doesn't work to base arguments on going vegan on scientific facts, and that the only meaningful arguments would be logic/ethical arguments. Especially for veganism since it's not only diet (like strict vegetarianism and vegetarianism). What tends to work for me is to explain what I've found from an abolitionist standpoint, and that since I don't need to use animals to live, I don't. So live and let live, specifically avoiding using and harming animals in all aspects of life which actually turned out a lot easier to do than I thought it would be, even as a broke kid living in Alberta. Breaking the myth that it's difficult or unatainable, and smashing the superhero complex (that some vegans seem to think they are, well they're not).. works. For other people who aren't interested in it, and/or just want to argue on a personal level and throw insults, instead of discussing kindly...

I don't need to push with them. It's not worth it, the time, the effort and the stress. There are always other people who care more and want advice on products and nutrition and how to go vegan.. so it's best to move on to them. Nothing will come of an insult-fest with the others, as I've learned in the past.

We're getting side-tracked a bit though, this thread was about bashing vegans though, wasn't it? Not about veganism itself - it would be nice to have discussions on that, but I don't think it's possible here with all the trolling. And definitely, I'm not expecting or trying to influence people to stop using animals here, as I know this forum is too much of a volatile environment for that and there are better places for it, like anywhere else. So I don't think this is the place for debating ABOUT veganism, but whether or not to attack vegans personally in the scene and elsewhere.

All I'm asking is for a little respect.

I don't go around attacking other ravers (or anyone else) who has different viewpoints than I do.. and believe me I care about this issue more than most of you do.. it's all I ask in return. I don't want to be attacked for it since I'm not attacking you. Yes I disaggree on the issue, strongly. I won't be one of those hypocritical vegans who says they're not one of "those" vegans that cares what everyone else does.. of course I care about animals being used, whether its by me or by anyone else. But I don't hate people for it. I don't go around screaming nasty PETA catch phrases at them. If I ever try to encourage people to stop using animals it's in a non-violent and creative way, with positive intentions all around and no attacking. So I don't deserve to be attacked and ALIENATED for it either.

I refuse to stop coming to parties and being friendly with people, I don't put up with bullying BS. I will not be bullied away from the scene that I've been a part of, loved and supported for so many years. I've never known peer pressure, which is one reason why I've always done everything I wanted to do and thought was right. Whether it's veganism or human rights issues or going to raves when my entire redneck school in Alberta said it wasn't cool. I don't care about them or anyone who will attack me for anything else I do that doesn't hurt them, like not using animals. They shouldn't generalize and hate every single vegan because they didn't get along with the ones they met. Chances are, they were an asshole to the vegan before the vegan even did anything to them in the first place. I don't get along with every vegan and quasi-vegan. And there are a lot of extremely stupid omnivores out there too. Would you like for me to judge you based on George Bush, Hitler, and every other asshole who happened to be non-vegan, or give each new person the benefit of the doubt?

Extremism in relation to veganism:

Veganism's not such an extreme thing as it's made out to be, I don't think. Extremely what? The word extreme is often spread as a scare word, when it doesn't hold much weight on its own. Extremely extreme?

For me, veganism seemed like the moderate thing to do. Getting my tasty stuff, nutrients and products from plant and synth sources instead of animal source. I don't think that's so unbalanced or out-there. Especially if you don't just eat lettuce and bs supplements, and you're actually getting the balance of nutrients that you need. The only reason it seems extreme is for the same reason why something like raving is seen that way.. because it's not how we (most of us) were brought up. When we know that raving isn't all that "extreme" unless we mean extremely fun, extremely liberating. Like veganism is extremely... caring about animals?

IMO only things like torturing one another, gay-bashing, rape, etc merit that connotative use of the word "extreme". But using vegetable glycerin soaps instead of animal glycerine soap? And even sharing the info that these options exist with others? No, not extreme in that context.
Update » prrr wrote on Mon Nov 15, 2010 @ 12:36am
btw I really appreciate the polite and non-malicious replies.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» MolocH replied on Mon Nov 15, 2010 @ 7:14am
Coolness: 226985
Originally Posted By LYLA

MOLOCH so basically you being all nice to me and liking me in person was based solely on the fact that you didn't know I was vegan, but now that you know I'm vegan, I'm all of a sudden not a person with feelings and worthy of your respect?

I was making a joke.
Having a sense of humor you know.
Come on, get off the high horse.
Some of my best friends are vegetarians.
I just kid around, and never meant to put you down.

So now you go and call me a hypocrite for beeing nice with you in person.
Come on, who'se pointing figers nao?

Take a chill pill. and talk about the pot calling the kettle blacj,
I'm feeling toxik right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Screwhead replied on Mon Nov 15, 2010 @ 7:16am
Coolness: 686300
Originally Posted By MOLOCH

Some of my best friends are vegetarians.

Bliss account hijack?

I'm feeling like a drama magnet right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» MolocH replied on Mon Nov 15, 2010 @ 9:30am
Coolness: 226985
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD

Bliss account hijack?

I'm feeling toxik right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» DCRn replied on Mon Nov 15, 2010 @ 9:44am
Coolness: 158945
Originally Posted By LYLA

Would you like for me to judge you based on George Bush, Hitler, and every other asshole who happened to be non-vegan, or give each new person the benefit of the doubt?

Godwin's Law.


I'm always amazed at people coming in to a thread and then feeling bullied by something they weren't a part of.

It's like seeing a kid waving his arms around and then walking in his path so as to complain of getting punched.

Free speech, folks. Don't like the thread, don't fuel the flame?
I'm feeling mentats-ed right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Rakoon replied on Mon Nov 15, 2010 @ 10:00am
Coolness: 176150
lol @ Godwin's law
I'm feeling breeeeee right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» databoy replied on Mon Nov 15, 2010 @ 1:04pm
Coolness: 106825
"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions"

Originally Posted By LYLA

I totally agree with that it doesn't work to base arguments on going vegan on scientific facts, and that the only meaningful arguments would be logic/ethical arguments.

My naturopath actually gets a good portion of his business from from ex-vegetarians and vegans. Sure it feels good to not eat meat as it takes a load off your digestive system (and your conscience) but some of the enzymes found only in meat are quite important to maintain a healthy balance.
The tricky thing with nutriment deficiency is that in only shows up 10-15 years down the line and by the time you start felling symptoms, the problem can be quite severe. At that point supplements often wont work because your body, lacking essential amino acids for so long, has lost the capacity to assimilate the missing nutriments and to digest meat.

In my opinion, ideological reasons are the worst possible reasons to chose a diet. Humans have been eating various types of meats for as long as we've had consciences and, like it or not, it has become an important part of who we are and what we need to maintain a healthy balance as humans. So choosing your diet to be nice to animals can have some pretty serious negative impacts on your health... according to science.

So his suggestion to me (my naturopath) has been to eat only organic meat, in small quantity's, a few times a week. We really dont have to eat that much to get all we need.

(This post has nothing to do with a corporate conspiracy to undermine non carnivores.)
I'm feeling crazy lazers right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» perception replied on Mon Nov 15, 2010 @ 1:23pm
Coolness: 66625
everything in moderation!

Man, organic meet is so delicious, I never thought I'd notice the difference until I tried it. My family purchases the whole animal from free range farms (certified organic), although we are never sure what to do with the tongue and eye balls, kinda gross...

diet wise, the last bio class I took, one of many, you can get all 8 essential amino acids from eating a combination of for example, corn and beans, while the body synthesis the remaining 12 as long as the diet includes organic nitrogen (organic in the sense of chemistry)... Not sure meat is necessary... Vitamin and mineral wise, I'd have to look it up. I think the major problem with being vegan or vegetarian is a lack of knowledge, thus the inability of making a balanced meal.
I'm feeling pink right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Kishmay_Pinas replied on Mon Nov 15, 2010 @ 1:29pm
Coolness: 103965
Recoil, how dare you start a thread to bash vegans...o_O
I'm feeling ez sessions monday wut! right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Niji replied on Mon Nov 15, 2010 @ 1:37pm
Coolness: 70925
Originally Posted By DATABOY

(This post has nothing to do with a corporate conspiracy to undermine non carnivores.)

Pfff... CLEARLY your naturopath is funded in secret by McDonald's.
I'm feeling ribs plx right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Rakoon replied on Mon Nov 15, 2010 @ 1:41pm
Coolness: 176150
I'm feeling breeeeee right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» flo replied on Mon Nov 15, 2010 @ 1:47pm
Coolness: 147035
Originally Posted By DATABOY

My naturopath actually gets a good portion of his business from from ex-vegetarians and vegans.

You seem to interpret that as "vegetarians/vegans require more treatment"... I see it more as "vegetarians/vegans are more prone to go to a naturopath than to an allopath aka regular medical doctor". I also noticed that most people being kinda hypochondriacal or health-obsessed (in a bad way) tend to have specific diets (lactose-free, gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian, etc.) and go to naturopaths; this is just an observation of mine, but I think it also contributes to explain that your naturopath gets a good portion of his business from from ex-vegetarians and vegans.

People with such diets tend to have specific health problems (such as deficiencies in certain amino-acids, etc.), but carnivores also tend to have their own kind of health problems (cholesterol, clogged arteries, stress, muscle pain/contraction, etc.).
Each person has specific nutrition needs due to many factors (genetics, blood type, physical activities, eating habits, climate, hormons, disease, etc.).

also, check this: [ www.guardian.co.uk ]
I'm feeling the flow right now..
10 Day-Old Baby Dolphin Rescued ->
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