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Muslim Grave Desecrated In France(vid)
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Wizdumb replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 8:03pm
Coolness: 123030
i as well dislike religion, ALL RELIGIONS. however, you seem to be focusing a lot negativity towards islam in particular which in turn i think takes away from your argument.
the only reason why islam seems to be a problem is because unlike every other religion, there are actually countries that use theocratic influences for islam to spout whatever they believe and therefore that becomes 'religious doctrine'
call and present yourself however you want, mr. cleanser, but focusing on one religion in particular makes your points moot and in fact is a little disturbing
I'm feeling battery operated right now..
Neutral [0]Toggle ReplyLink» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 9:41pm
Coolness: 30960
The reason I attack islam in particular has to do with the fact that it is the hardest opponent to beat.
So if I can overcome this one religion, rest will go with it. Speaking of negativity, I honestly think that islam is the greatest danger for man kind, and hence why the priority to discredit it. I don't think calling my points moot is appropriate if you've done as much research as me on the subject. Don't get me wrong, it's nothing personal against islam, its just that I have to attack the frontrunner to beat the rest.
I'm feeling freemontrealclassifi right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Wizdumb replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 9:48pm
Coolness: 123030
hardest to beat? why? is it because it's the fastest growing religion in history? how has your research proven that islam, above all else, is the threat to mankind?
I'm feeling battery operated right now..
Neutral [0]Toggle ReplyLink» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 9:52pm
Coolness: 30960
The proof lies in the koran itself. Islam's purpose is to spread like a wild fire.
And if we let it get out of hand, we'll most definitely end up in another facist era.

Because that's what islam is, a fascist religion. I think preemptively fighting the problem before it persists is the key to not letting it get out of hand.
I'm feeling freemontrealclassifi right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Wizdumb replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 10:00pm
Coolness: 123030
"Because that's what islam is, a fascist religion. I think preemptively fighting the problem before it persists is the key to not letting it get out of hand."

that sounds in itself a little fascist, no?

and how would you fight it? that seems like a pipe dream to me.
i'm all about abolishing religion, as it's been the source of mankind's trouble for ages, but i think (hope) eventually people will realize that the safety blanket they call religion AS A WHOLE is nothing but false security.
hurray for globalization!!
I'm feeling battery operated right now..
Neutral [0]Toggle ReplyLink» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 10:17pm
Coolness: 30960
The only way I can fight it is by educating people, regardless of their religion. With common sense and logic demonstrate that religion can be a dangerous killing machine. Islam is the living proof of that. I mean at the current moment in time, there is no better culprit than islam to make people aware. Mainly the reason why i do it is because I CAN. If we were in 1940 i'd probably be disposed by the gestapo for speaking out against fascism. If we want to abolish religion, we have to go after the front runner. And that is clearly islam.
I'm feeling freemontrealclassifi right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Wizdumb replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 10:26pm
Coolness: 123030
christianity has proven to be pretty brutal as well...

if you look past islam into other religions, you'll see other faults as well. you take islam as a threat due to the amount of devout people it has. i think it's a bad example if you want to attack religion as a whole.
like i said before, it's the only religion that actually has entire countries backing it and therefore personal reasons and motivations get mixed into the fray and therefore, the true devotees are ignored in your view. if you only want to see the bad, then so be it, but this doesn't speak for the entire religious group as a whole
I'm feeling battery operated right now..
Neutral [0]Toggle ReplyLink» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 10:43pm
Coolness: 30960
Yea well judaism isn't entirely a religion of peace either. But judaism and chritianity combined do not add up to the level of threat that islam poses to the world. Not in this day and age at least. I could be wasting my effort attacking the little guy, but on the other hand I can concentrate all my effort on the main threat. Attack on islam is in itself attack on the idea of religion and is the key to abolishing it. According to my reasoning at least.

You should probably note that the current contemporary religions have rewritten their holy books to fit the context of our time.
Islam has not modified the koran since it has been written. SO it is those prehistoric savage ideas that I feel I must fight.
I'm feeling freemontrealclassifi right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Wizdumb replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 11:07pm
Coolness: 123030
700 AD is prehistoric?

sure, most holy books today have been edited and translated to high hell, but does that mean they should/would/could be any more or less of a "threat" than the words spoken in the koran?
at this point i'll agree to disagree with you
I'm feeling battery operated right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» nothingnopenope replied on Mon Apr 7, 2008 @ 11:45pm
Coolness: 201945
Desecrating graves is inexcusable regardless of the religion.
I'm feeling gangsta right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 6:25am
Coolness: 92410
The irony of this situation is that Ethnic_Cleanser behaves in exactly the same fashion as that which he alleges Moslems practice.

According to this user, Islam oppresses people who do not share the beleifs of Islam, and hence is an intolerant religion. Whether or not this is true of all, some, or any Moslems is certainly a topic worth debating. It rests on how you read certain texts, how you interpret certain historical events, and whose actions you take as being representative of Islam.

Unfortunately, this user then goes on to suggest that anyone who holds certain beliefs (ie. is a Moslem) is therefore a legitimate target of violence and intimidiation. Dude, that's exactly what you accuse Moslems of doing. An individual is certainly not to be held responsible for every act of others of his same religious or ethnic group, otherwise it would stand to reason that every German should have been executed in responce to the intolerance of Nazism. Since the user seems to be of reasonable intellegence, it amazes me how he has not grasped this basic point.

Any individual who targets members of a group because of their beleifs is commiting a crime of hate. And any individual guilty of such crime, whether they be a Moslem or a user called Ethnic_Cleanser, deserves to face the consequences.
I'm feeling loco right now..
Neutral [0]Toggle ReplyLink» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 8:00am
Coolness: 30960
I behead, mutilate women, hang homosexuals, and blow myself up in public in the name of a god that doesn't exist? is that what you're trying to say? Because that would be the same fashion as islam. You clearly need a reality check on the situation. The reason why I'm so hostile towards muslims is because the nature of their religion is hostile in itself. How about you get out of under the rock that you've been living all this time and realize that islam is the greatest threat to man kind, I'm just returning the favor in a none violent way.

I'm all for abolishing religion altogether, it's just that islam is my primary target.
I'm feeling freemontrealclassifi right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Jaggery replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 9:23am
Coolness: 37755
Nice sidestepping there. Either you totally missed the point in what PoiSoNeD_CaNdY said or you chose to do so. I'd bet on the latter. Whether your intolerance is motivated or not, the fact remains that it's still intolerance. Not acknowledging this is just hypocritical of you. You are intolerant.
I'm feeling studious right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Morphine replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 9:28am
Coolness: 51690
"every German should have been executed in responce to the intolerance of Nazism."

bon! la ca roule
Neutral [0]Toggle ReplyLink» Ethnic_Cleanser replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 10:23am
Coolness: 30960
Originally Posted By GLANDITH

Nice sidestepping there. Either you totally missed the point in what PoiSoNeD_CaNdY said or you chose to do so. I'd bet on the latter. Whether your intolerance is motivated or not, the fact remains that it's still intolerance. Not acknowledging this is just hypocritical of you. You are intolerant.

Well, maybe this sounds totally crazy and just outrageous, but I'm fighting intolerance with intolerance.
If muslims do not tolerate existence of other religions and beliefs, then they should expect NO LESS from others.

And according to the koran they cannot coexist in a world with other beliefs. The main purpose of islam is to spread like a cancer, spewing the faulty and outdated ideological beliefs through propaganda. And that results in violence. If you want to stand by and watch another epoch of nazi fascism, that's fine, but please don't criticize me if I'm trying to raise awareness on this very important issue.

If you want my advice as a surgeon, I'd cut out the cancer first and then get plastic surgery.
I'm feeling freemontrealclassifi right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Jaggery replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 11:13am
Coolness: 37755
Originally Posted By ETHNIC_CLEANSER

If you want to stand by and watch another epoch of nazi fascism, that's fine, but please don't criticize me if I'm trying to raise awareness on this very important issue.

I don't believe I've given my opinion on the matter as of yet, and for the record, I criticized you for sidestepping and being hypocritical. With your affirmation, the latter's now out the window.
I'm feeling studious right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» moondancer replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 12:05pm
Coolness: 92985

That's what Hitler said abotu the jews. It's amazing how you try to turn the blame the other way. You are the one here trying to incite WW3 and you're saying this is what you want to prevent. You encourage the desecration of muslim graves why? Is this your idea of avoiding WW3? You have no interest in our security, you are only interested in carrying out your own personal sense of justice. You see them as worthy of some kind of revenge. You have no game plan besides hurting people. Also it seems strangely convenient that someone who believes in ethnic cleansing takes a stance against relgion. All the poorest most torn apart and desperate peoples are also the most religious and what do you know, coloured.

I believe we should have the right to believe whatever we want. You have the right to be racist. What bothers me is you come here with all that as if this were some kind of safe haven for people like you. Your ideas against religon may support the stance of a few people here but no one here is like you. My own personal sense of justice tells me to stand up for the honour of all the millions of jews who died and germans shamed by the symbols you so proudly display for what you say is simply to provoke us. How self-important can you be? First of all I don't believe that's your reason, cause no one is that stupid to take so muhc credit away from their cause and if that is the case and that is the only reason why.. you still deserve to be beaten to a pulp for borrowing something from another culture and situation you don't understand and have no right to judge. Jews came here to canada to get away from all that, no one deserves to see this shit. It's nto just abotu them either, it's for every ethnicity you believe the world would be better withough. Between you and them I stand by them. I think it's dangerous to convey the idea that racism is socially acceptable, too many would be tempted to hate and spread hate. Being tolerant to you would be a danger to my culture. People like you should be made examples if you ask me. Yes, intolerant isn't it? I guess I'm just treating intolerance with more intolerance, ya know.
I'm feeling bored right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» basdini replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 12:43pm
Coolness: 145920
if the scientific atheist position is indeed so compelling why are there still religious people in the world? Scientific atheism has been around for about 500 years why hasn't it done it's job and gotten rid of religion all together? The fact is, it's not nearly as compelling as atheists argue it to be, it leaves serious questions un answered concerning morallity and justice, but other things as well like beauty and the meaning and value of human existance.

in a trully free and pluralistic society we would put scientific atheism and spiritual perspectives on the market place of ideas and see if one triumphs over the other, in the sense that gradually one of them would possibly be favored by the majority of people over the other. But that's not good enough for atheists, anyone who choses a spiritual perspective of the world is being brainwashed, or not thinking clearly. I think it's funny the way that if you disagree with the atheist position your being irrational (in their opinion), there can be only one perspective, theirs, am i the only one who see's this as form intellectual totallitarianism? On top of everything (as we have gone over on countless occassions on this message board) the atheist position is founded neither on logical mathematical proof derived from axioms, nor empirical observation and experimentation, so what is it based on? The answer...very little in the way of evidence or argument, and a lot in terms of rhetoric and disingenious strong arm tactics. The answer i get from atheists when pressed on this point is something along the lines of "Well...It's obvious, god doesn't exist". I can't be the only one who sees this for what really is, can I? As far as the atheist is concerned anyone who supports the atheist position is a loyal devotee and anyone who disagrees (even the slightest of derivations) is heretic.

I'd just like to say on a totally different note, it's time to cleanup the news section, i think if we can't stop arguing about religion vs atheism in the news section someone shoul start a community where we can argue this till the end of time...We are running a non stop argument for the last few months and it's ruinning the news section, i for one am sick this, i'm tired of people comming into good threads and shitting on them with nothing but provocative bravado, we had a good thing going for a few years but i got to say that the news section is crap now and i don't even feel like posting new threads in it anymore...
I'm feeling surly right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» nothingnopenope replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 2:23pm
Coolness: 201945
ethnic_cleanser is obviously a troll, I mean come on.

But I still thought this image was funny:

I'm feeling gangsta right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Screwhead replied on Tue Apr 8, 2008 @ 2:25pm
Coolness: 686310
hahahahahahahahahaha that's great
I'm feeling like cheezing right now..
Muslim Grave Desecrated In France(vid)
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