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Do You Think It'S Wrong For People To Party When They Have Kids?
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Bunnytronix replied on Sun Jul 8, 2007 @ 5:38pm
Coolness: 152795
I know I'm stuck on the breastfeeding,
but I'm wondering if it affects your baby's mental state when a mother does LSD.
I'm feeling charu right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» soyfunk replied on Sun Jul 8, 2007 @ 7:56pm
Coolness: 127055
as you get older it takes more time to recover and how many days of not being able to give the most of 100% to your kids, while recovering, if you're living this lifestyle on a weekly basis?

but also,
i remember there was a study (or just an opinionated article) in some French newspaper about how it's important to still go out and have fun so your kids don't look at adulthood as some boring sterile death in small increments
I'm feeling homo right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Mike_Stinger replied on Sun Jul 8, 2007 @ 8:26pm
Coolness: 51525
two friends of mine are married and have a couple of kids...they still both party but i only ever see one of them at a time because the other one would have to be home babysitting. that's fine and everything but fuck having kids - they will only make it harder for you to continue living your hedonistic lifestyle. selfish little snots!
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Teblchple7 replied on Sun Jul 8, 2007 @ 11:11pm
Coolness: 44560
Mayday, are you pregnant?
I'm feeling belligerent right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Cano replied on Mon Jul 9, 2007 @ 12:43am
Coolness: 44945
Going to parties when you have kids is not a bad thing, when taken in moderation in my opinion.
I'm feeling hungrylicious right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Bad_Chemistry replied on Mon Jul 9, 2007 @ 2:42am
Coolness: 73370
yeah I think there's a certain line you shouldn't cross; But going out with friends and having a few beers shouldn't really be that big of a problem.

obviously, going out one night, taking 3 speeds 5 e's then shoving a kilo of GHB up your ass is going to fuck up your child raising abilities.

I think if parents can have a responsible person to watch the kids while they are gone for a day/night, then going out that night is alright. You don't have to smoke 5 rocks of crack a night to have a good time and to "party". I can smoke a j or two and have a very fun night. I've gone to raves and stayed the entire time relatively sober... I don't see why parents can't do this.

But partying junky style isn't really good for you anyways, and if your still doing that, then I don't think your ready to have kids anyways.
I'm feeling nice :) right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» AlienZeD replied on Mon Jul 9, 2007 @ 6:06am
Coolness: 509845
Originally Posted By SCOTTYP

When I say party, I mean like every weekend, Booze, Coke, Chemicals, staying up all night, whatever.

I think it's a bad idea to do that under any circumstance (partying hard every weekend), but if you have kids then it is not wise to do that. You might not being getting fucked up in front of your kids, but you have to explain to them the next day why you are lying in bed all day and feel bad and can't take them to the park.

I agree. Parents, once parents need to act and behave the way they want their kids to.
Set an example and live LIFE, not drug induced happiness.

What starts with 'a' and ends with 'bortion'?
I'm feeling evil right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Shindy replied on Mon Jul 9, 2007 @ 12:28pm
Coolness: 172125
I think it is impossible for a parent to be attentive to the need of the child if he is hungovewr or if he as a lack of sleep.

Once in a while ok, if the kid is with another gardien for the time of the party and the next day (The parent needs time to recover to be effective, and taking care of a kid on a down 0_o not sure)
But not every weekend, that's way too much...

Same topic, but another question:
What about pot? A parent who smokes joint every night after work for example? will he be fit to take care of his child?
I'm feeling like a petit canard right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Cano replied on Mon Jul 9, 2007 @ 12:31pm
Coolness: 44945

Pot? around their children? I'd worry more then just the parents being able to take care of them, I'd worry about the kids with the smoke.

Anyway, one thing to remember, you gotta be there for the child during the first months, have one of either parents with the child at all times, apparently its a very important stage.
I'm feeling hungrylicious right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Mon Jul 9, 2007 @ 1:49pm
Coolness: 84160
for the last time mayday...


but for real... i used to steal my moms stash all the time time when i was kid...

like those comercials go...


parents who use drugs... have children who use drugs....
I'm feeling warm unicorn jizz right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» PitaGore replied on Mon Jul 9, 2007 @ 1:57pm
Coolness: 472090
its all about providing a loving-careful-positive-wise surrounding and lifestyle, rest comes along naturally ..
it aint about partying or not, its about figuring out priorities , and when these priorities come from the heart (cuz trust me having a kid means loving him , something unimmaginable and so huge its unexplainable); your choices, your actions and everything that comes along in one's life, everything, goes along that way
from the moment you choose or realize you're totally devoted to the well-being and love of your child, nothing's more important and it aint anything like a sacrifice not to do this or not, its totally volunteer and natural and great
I'm feeling big things poppin' right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» DCRn replied on Mon Jul 9, 2007 @ 3:06pm
Coolness: 158520
Think of it this way: having a kid, at least until he's old enough, is an exchange of freedoms.

You take yours and give it to your kid. That kid becomes the only thing that should really matter. Your life should center around the kid's upbringing. You should give it your whole. It's your time to make amends. Your time to be the best you can be for someone else. Don't screw it up by being a selfish bastard.

Both my parents fail miserably. One is still, to this day, an alcoholic. The mother was a drug-addict, turned into prostitute. She's okay now but you have no idea the amount of guilt and regret she suffers from on a daily basis. It's killing her. As it would me, if I had a kid and continued wasting my life.
I'm feeling zen drunkard right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» PitaGore replied on Mon Jul 9, 2007 @ 3:26pm
Coolness: 472090
well stated :)
I'm feeling surrendered right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Niji replied on Mon Jul 9, 2007 @ 7:56pm
Coolness: 70500
Hm, if they party every weekend... all night long...
And work all week...

When the hell do they even see their children ? Are they actually raising them, or letting other people do it for them ?

In that sense, no, I don't think it's ok.

That, and partying that hard is risky for one's health. If the kids don't have their parents as parents, can they at least have them as providers ? When you have kids, you have to think further than the present moment or the next couple of days.

My answer to this, as always, is balance. Parents need to have fun, just like everybody else, but I don't think it's responsible to act like a teenager when you are responsible for a young life.
I'm feeling _______ right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» DiddyKong replied on Tue Jul 10, 2007 @ 10:45am
Coolness: 132430
Pour ma part.. j'vais pas arreter de vivre quand j'vais avoir des enfants... C'est sur que j'ferai pas l'party d'la même façon.. mais quand même.. c'est l'fun les party!
I'm feeling i miss you :'( right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cvxn replied on Tue Jul 10, 2007 @ 11:13am
Coolness: 178930
As a parent, I think it is good to party once in a while, everyone needs distractions. Like once a month or something.
But not every weekend, it's too much.
Balance :)
I'm feeling misanthropic right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» DiddyKong replied on Tue Jul 10, 2007 @ 11:59am
Coolness: 132430
C'est en plein sque j'voulais dire Aerial !!
I'm feeling i miss you :'( right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» MelooDie replied on Tue Jul 10, 2007 @ 12:06pm
Coolness: 248710
the worst i've seen was a pregnant girl dancing on speed in a party.Fucking idiot
I'm feeling monday grrrrrr right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» DiddyKong replied on Tue Jul 10, 2007 @ 12:27pm
Coolness: 132430
OUASH .... Comment peux-tu prendre dla drogue quand té enceinte ?? WTF !!! A dois pas le vouloir son bébé !!
I'm feeling i miss you :'( right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Deadfunk replied on Tue Jul 10, 2007 @ 12:39pm
Coolness: 153290
faire le party, cest ok, mais faire de la drogue, genre coke crack meth speed whatever, c'est bad, apres ca les parents sur le debuzz geule apres leur flo, pasque y sont fatiguer ... wow ...
I'm feeling promiscuous right now..
Do You Think It'S Wrong For People To Party When They Have Kids?
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