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Foster Families Needed
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» moondancer replied on Sun Oct 8, 2006 @ 9:13pm
Coolness: 92980
I think I made a mistake, I actually paid for the neuturing and the chip. The thing is that they won't let you adopt an animal that isn't neutured and chipped and the animals in the sickroom are not neutured or chipped before going there but can quite likely be neutured already. The chip was cheap I think. So if it's neutered it's free except for possibly the chip. I agree the problem is freaking peopel bringing their pets in.. it's because they dont understand, they want to live in this perfect guilt free convenient life and they wanna believe their pet is gonna be okay, they also don't know enough abotu the situation. I think that if someone actually maybe told them that their cat will be killed it could help a lot too though cause people wanna be ignorant and sometimes you gotta tell them straght up so they can face the truth and decide. People think that they're doign the world a favour by bringing their pets there, for a lot of peopel its the first thing they mention when their pet starts to cause the slightest problem, so non-chalant as if sending yourt pet their is good for it or the world and people have to know what it's like so they don't and others have to know how desperate teh situation is so they adopt.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» subfl0wer replied on Sun Oct 8, 2006 @ 10:41pm
Coolness: 74185
yeah exactly man...its fucking sad how mean people can be....I got an email tonight that there in serious need of foster parents...15 more cats might be put down again because they are all sick and need to get better!!! Also a husky with a broken leg needs a permanent foster home:(:(:( It really makes me wanna cry...:S:S:S:S
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Holly_Golightly replied on Sun Oct 8, 2006 @ 11:40pm
Coolness: 159450
today we went to the williamsburg shelter and we adopted a second cat. the season of kitty seem over but we were determinated to come back with one. our cat need a friend!

i was so sad.. this shelter is not the kind of spca..it's a men who owns that and they don't kill the animals. even if they are sick..some of them are in bad shape but a good vet take care of them. a little puppy was there,in his cage with his pelvis breack because he had been trown by someone's car!
arrrggg i hate people who do that..

so we choose a 1 1/2 year old black female cat. she's verry funny looking because she's very small with a little short tale! my other cat senator was scared but now they start to already get along!
we try to find a name now. she's a cuttie. any sugestion? :)

I'm feeling gainsbourg right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Bunnytronix replied on Mon Oct 9, 2006 @ 12:36am
Coolness: 153225

that's the name of my second cat. all black.
I'm feeling cracktastic right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» subfl0wer replied on Mon Oct 9, 2006 @ 8:39pm
Coolness: 74185
good for u Betty Haze!! I heard of the Williamsburg shelter. I dont know much about them but I sure hope they have the funds to take care of the animals properly. As most "anti-euthanizing" shelters dont. There is too much to take care of and they end up starving to death. They think they are doing the animals a favor but they really arent.

read the following email and please pass it around, thanks:

Bonjour à tous,

Comme la semaine passée, le programme des familles d’accueil est toujours aussi débordé! Toutes nos cages sont pleines, ce qui nous empêchera de prendre de nouveaux animaux pour famille d’accueil et augmentera conséquemment notre taux d’euthanasie. Nous voulons à tout prix éviter cette situation!! Pour ce faire, nous avons besoin de votre aide immédiate! Voici, encore, une liste de tous les animaux que nous avons à placer.

Chats Malades

783 : Chatons malade, a besoin de voir un vétérinaire
592 : Chatte de 3 mois, éternue et écoulements du nez
70384 : Chatte de 1 an et demi, éternue et est congestionnée
797 : Chatte d’environ 1 an, éternue
903 : Chatte possiblement gestante, écoulement des yeux
677 : Chatte d’environ 4 ou 5 ans, éternue

Nous tenons à vous rappeler que nous avons en ce moment une surpopulation à la SPCA ce qui fait que les chats malades ont moins de chances d’être sauvés. Nous requérons votre aide à ce niveau. Nous avons un vétérinaire à seulement 5$ (consultation + traitements si nécessaires) pour les familles d’accueil, ne l’oubliez pas! Sauvez une vie!

Chats pour foyer temporaire

764 : Chatte tigrée + 2 chatons (noir et tigré) de 1 mois
1148 : Chatte gestante noire (sur le point d’accoucher)
514 : Chatte gestante calico dilué, léger problème de vision
612 : Snowball, chatte de 3 ans, avec 3 chatons de 3 semaines
868 : Chatte grise + 5 chatons d’environ 5 semaines
825 : Chatte gestante, grise
675 : Chatte + 4 chatons d’un mois
644 : Chatte probablement gestante
713 : 1 chaton, 3 mois, infection à l’œil déjà sous traitement

Nous avons déjà plusieurs chats et chatons qui n’attendent que de voir le vétérinaire lundi matin pour avoir à être placés en famille d’accueil. Si les chats mentionnés ci-haut ne quittent pas rapidement, nous n’aurons pas de place pour les nouveaux venus. Aidez-nous!

Chiens pour foyer temporaire

- Nous avons un jeune husky à la patte fracturée. La famille d’accueil devra encourir des frais vétérinaires, mais pourrait bénéficier d’un rabais important s’ils veulent l’adopter par la suite.
- Nous avons plusieurs chiens qui ont la toux de chenil. Ils doivent partir en famille d’accueil pour mieux guérir et se reposer. Pour l’instant, les chiens que nous avons sont tous des gros chiens.

Contactez-nous le plus rapidement possible au 514-735-2711 poste 237.


Hi everybody!

As it was last week, the Foster program is still too busy this week. All our cages are used and we won’t be able to take new animals to place in foster care until the animals in those cages leave. This situation, if it happens, would accordingly increase our euthanasia rate, which we absolutely want to avoid! That is why we need your immediate help. Here is, again, a list of all the animals we have to place.

Sick Cats

783 : sick male kitten, needs to see the vet
592 : 3 months old female kitten, sneezes and eyes secretions
70384 : 1 year and a half female cat, sneezes and is congested
797 : 1 year old female cat, sneezes
903 : Possibly pregnant cat, eyes secretions
677 : 4 or 5 years old female cat, sneezes

We want to remind you that we now have an overpopulation of cats at the SPCA. Thus, sick cats have less chances to be saved because they are not prioritized. We ask for your help about that! We have a vet for the foster families that you can see for only 5$ (including the consultation + treatments if needed), don’t forget it!!! Please help us, save a life!

Cats for temporary shelter

764 : Tabby cat and her 2 kittens (black, tabby), 1 month old
1148 : Pregnant black cat (she will give birth really soon)
514 : Pregnant calico cat, light vision problem
612 : Snowball, 3 years old cat, and her 3 kittens of 3 weeks
868 : Grey cat + 5 kittens of about 5 weeks
825 : Pregnant cat, grey
675 : Cat + 4 kittens of about 5 weeks
644 : Possibly pregnant cat
713 : 1 kitten, 3 months, eye infection under treatment

We have already many kittens and cats that will just need to see the vet on Monday morning to be placed in a foster family. If the upmentionned cats don’t leave soon, we won’t have place for those cats that come up Monday. Help us!!

Dogs for temporary shelter

- We have a young husky with a broken leg. The foster family will have to invest to heal him but could beneficiate from an important rebate on the adoption fees if they want to adopt him.
- We have many dogs who have the kennel cough. They need to be placed in foster homes to heal in a calm environment. All the dogs we have to place right now are big dogs.

Contact us as soon as possible at 514-735-2711 extension 237.
Update » subfl0wer wrote on Sat Oct 21, 2006 @ 9:42am

Temporary Foster:
- 776 : White and grey female cat, very gentle, probably pregnant. For 2-3 weeks if she’s not pregnant, but 3 months if she’s pregnant.
- 878 : All grey female cat, pregnant, a little bite nervous, but she just wants to be love!
- 617 : Tabby female cat with her 4 kittens. She’s so sweet!! The kittens have 1 week old, and they need to be foster about 2 months. (EMERGENCY!!)
- 781: Black female cat, eye infection, ok with others cats if they are calm. (EMERGENCY!!)
- 168: White and grey cat, long hair, 7 months old, little rhino, but so affectionate! (EMERGENCY!!)

Permanent foster:

We have some cats for permanent foster. They are in adoption at the SPCA. Come to meet us directly.


Have kennel cough:

- We have 4 dogs who need to be placed out in a foster home because they have the kennel cough. You can not have a another dog, except if your dog were vaccinated against the kennel cough.
There is: - Tula, boxer mix, 7 months
- One 2 years old black lab, stray dog
- Mix lab, 1 year old, he have a skin problem, it’s a temporary foster but he can be a permanent foster.
- Mix beagle, old dog

Permanent foster :

We have too a lot of dogs who seek for a permanent foster.
There is : - 329 : Border collie, 8 years old, male, who stay outside
- 849 : A shihtzu, 2 years old, skin problem
- 784 : A shepherd mix, 3 years old, cataracts

But we have some 6 years old and more dogs for permanent foster here, include a pitbull mix, a shepherd mix and a lab mix.

Contact us for more info : 514-735-2711 ext.237
Foster Families Needed
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