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New Orleans Now Under Water
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» elka replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 11:37am
Coolness: 53130
Originally posted by ECKI...

"Look! my french suck even more than my english!"

J'sais pa si tu comprend le francais mais j'vas le poster "bilingual" (pouah) what i mean by ppl are dying and yes i'll judge a entire contry what they are doing now is typicaly americain (sorry but that what i think ;) ) They don't think of each other, they think for their own person. Il ne pense qu'a eux... comment profiter de la situation.... fuck rape a girl with a gun!!!

This is the last time I'll reply to your ignorant posts.

What exactly are they "doing" that is typically "american?"

Dying?? Starving?

as for "americans only thinking about themselves.."

If you have been paying attention to the news a lot of people have been not thinking of themselves.

Many of the people down there are helping eachother, saving eachother by boats, carrying the sick. I saw a woman on the news last night go into diabetic shock and the only people who saved her were other citizens who broke into a hospital for penicillin for her to save her life. These people have no medical training and no obligation to save her.. Its out of their heart.

The people shooting and raping were thugs before the hurricaine and they are taking advantage of this oppurtunity to reign terror on their fellow city residents. They don't represent the majority.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» ikce replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 11:46am
Coolness: 66175
ouf... on c mal compris encore... what they do which is typicaly americain IS STOLE AND RAPE... and miss what u need its a great fuck, you get angry at any of my post... i'm not mad... i jsut try to explain waht i think of the situation... take it easy :). I talk about those fucker who think of themself... did i mention the good one? Si il y avais des cave avant l'ouragan y doit en avoir 4 fois plus maintenant! And did you EVER went to new orlean?!? :P so who are you to tell me that they don't represent the majority at this time? Don't always trust the news... it could be worse that what is it now... or even 10 time ebtter thant what they say! I don't trust them at all... so i prefer what i got in my head... its less painfull...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» elka replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 11:50am
Coolness: 53130
Yes because no other country has people that steal and rape. Only in America. riiight..

I have family that live in the south.
My parents hid under a truck once during a shooting in New Orleans.
I'm not blindly trusting the news.
I am not getting angry at your posts. I am relaxed. I just think you are a retard. And when people make retarded comments I feel the need to reply.
And i get enough sex but thanks .
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» ikce replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 11:55am
Coolness: 66175
Now you talk bizniss! The fact is because yon don't understand me you think i'm retard... you tell me to don't judge americain... but look how you go ! You judge me pouah! I don't think that i did the same on you... so why don't you try to do what you preach ? I hate americain... and i won't change my mind... i've been with them enought to know how they are (generaly) i've see ppl in all the state (exept Hawaii). The worse place i went is Las Vegas... what it would be if a disaster happen down there? WAHAHA i just don't want to even think about it... and if you got the time... read waht i've write under the Mike Jones post...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» v.2-1 replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 1:23pm
Coolness: 159820
Ecki, je peux pas être platte mais qu'est ce que tu fais sur un message board si t'es pas capable écrire ni en anglais, ni en français ? On comprendre à peine tout ce que tu dis. Pis je pense que le manque de sexe de quelqu'un n'a rien à voir avec comment irrité ou irritable cette personne est.

All I have to say is people will take advantage of such situations regardles of being american. Everyone remembers the ice storm ? Well, some sons of bitches tried to take advantage of that.

Yes, omg ! Canadians being evil, how could that be ? To quote Depeche Mode, people are people. My theory is that you may be black, you may be white, you may be jew or gentile (boom, another musical quote), it don't make a difference if you're a retard. Retards come in all races, sexes and age, point final.

And they come from all over the world, not just the U.S.

Pis oublie pas que ce que l'on voit c'est tout ce qui passe dans les médias, on est pas là pour juger avec nos yeux et oreilles à la place. Si on surmédiatisait n'importe quel cataclysme au monde, tu verrais le même câlisse de bordel, vol, viol et destruction. It's fucking HUMAN NATURE for some people to use one's misery as stepping stone to further your own wealth or well-being.

THESE bastards should be shot and rot in piles, american or not.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» AlienZeD replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 1:34pm
Coolness: 510260
Originally posted by ELKA...

because I can barely decode your posts

I second that!
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» v.2-1 replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 1:37pm
Coolness: 159820
because I can barely decode your posts

I second that!

I third that!
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» AlienZeD replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 1:41pm
Coolness: 510260

'nuff said
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» AlienZeD replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 1:58pm
Coolness: 510260
Originally posted by ECKI...

Now you talk bizniss! The fact is because yon don't understand me you think i'm retard... you tell me to don't judge americain... but look how you go ! You judge me pouah! I don't think that i did the same on you... so why don't you try to do what you preach ? I hate americain... and i won't change my mind... i've been with them enought to know how they are (generaly) i've see ppl in all the state (exept Hawaii).

she hasn't interacted with those people directly so she can't judge them muchless develop an opinion. If she's judged you, it's because of what you've said HERE in this thread and I wouldn't call that a jugdment but more of an opinion after reading what you've wrote.. Considering what you've said I think we don't need to judge you, it's obvious what you are and she had the guts to say what we were all thinking. Retard or not there's no place for negativity when it comes to something as serious and tragic as this. There's no one to blame in this situation and I hope you realize that 'stupid americans' have feelings too and they only know what their parents taught them.
If you think someone, or some country, needs to smarten up, do something about it instead of sitting back and dissing them.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» ikce replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 2:04pm
Coolness: 66175
Bah, a force d'te faire dire que tu tappe mal... ten a rien a foutre lol. J'tun vieux netteux jy peu rien :/ Baon aker... c sur ke pour l'anglais jsuis pourri... mais si jessais pa jsrais jamais capable right? De toute fasson, jvaius mexprimer dans ma langue : Quand il on parler du tsunami en asis... y nous on pas casser les oreillw avec la criminaliter et les viols. Sa fait 2 jorus qui parle juste de sa dans le journal. De sa et du faite que l'armé a le droit de tuer, j'trouve sa revoltant. Bah.... qui tire sur un violeur j'en ai rien a secouer... mais j'ai peur pour les pauvre innocent. C'est pour sa j'ai dit qui mediatisais a fond. De la le principe du "purement Americain". Sa me degoute... jai lu tantot que un quebecois cest fait requisitoner le gaz que yavais dans son char par l'armé O_O. Le pauvre gars est pogner a 3000 km de chez eux pis il lui enleve son gaz?!?! WTF nah jtrouve sa degueulasse. Et si jme rapelle bien... pendant le Saguenay ou le verglas... jai jamais entendu parler de vol (sauf essence pour les generatrice) J'mexcuse mais on a p-e pas vecu aussi pire mais on sais ce que cest une crise pas vrai ? De toute fasson jaime pa les americain lol. en general bien sur, mais ske jveux faire comprendre... cest que cest pa nroaml que yest encore 300 000 personne pogner la... pis tout ske larmé fait c domper du stock aik des Hlicoptere... weyons esti les USA... THE military force! Yon pa fini d'se pogner le cul pis de voir leur poeple souffir? Jtrouve sa dommage... et vraiment triste pour eux. Mais pensez a sa 2 minute pkoi nous on vole pa et on viole pa (ok y fesais -20 pendant le verglas pis spa evident d'se tapper quelquun dans un banc de neige... mais au saguenay tlm s'entraidais yavais pa de viol (de toute fasson dans leur cas sa reste dans la famile HAHA... etait trop facile dsl..). J'suis content de voir que la marde leur pete dans face... mais j'trouve sa triste pour les victimes...

Y'a rien de mal dans ce qu'on dit, c'est comment les autre l'interprete qui fait que sa deviens mauvais ou pas... and don't forget that my keyboard is older than me O_O
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» ashtraygirl replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 2:12pm
Coolness: 90185
ugh. watching people die on the streets is not a pleaseant way to spend an afternoon.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» ikce replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 2:14pm
Coolness: 66175
What i've read in the news paper : Il y a des cadavre partout dans la ville, on entend des coups de feu... le monde se batte pour des bouteille d'eau et ma fille n'a pas manger depuis 2 jours, sa sent mauvais, ils peuvent envoiller des troupe pour saver l'irak mais que fond t'il de nous?!

Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» v.2-1 replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 2:20pm
Coolness: 159820
Check man, il y a eu moins de viol et de vol ic parce qu'il y a moins de pauvres ici.

Les B.S. au Québec sont dans la ouate dorée comparé au gens qui vivent dans les ghettos, que ce soit américains ou autre. Je peux te garantir que si Cuba subit un cataclysme du même style, tu va en voir en estie des viols, des vols pis tout le reste. Même chose dans les pays pauvres d'Afrique.

Quand tu vie dans la misère pis que tu vois pas de police alentour pis une vitrine d'équipement électronique, t'es ben tenté de pogner une TV, de la pawner pis de manger comme du monde pendant une semaine ou deux au lieu de manger des esties de vidanges pis des cannes de binnes. J'ai rien contre ça, une TV c'est juste matériel, on en a rien à chier ( il y a assez de gens en Asie pour en construire d'autres ).

Quand tu te promène avec un gun pis t'arrache des affaires des bras de gens qui leur reste JUSTE ce qu'ils ont dans les mains comme biens personnels, là tu mérite une sacramant de volée.

Les viols, ça je veux même pas essayer de comprendre mais bon, ça c'est la nature humaine. Les croisades en Europe au Moyen Âge ont été bourrés de maisons brûlées, femmes violées et éxecution express two-handed sword style. Les insurgés au Kazakhstan il y a quelques années ont fait ben pire : pas de cataclysme. Il rentre chez vous en gang, un des gars te criss un AK47 dans le front et viole ta femme et tes enfants devant toi. ÇA c'est fucking crazy. Pis c'est pas des Américains, yo.

Il y a pire qu'eux autres, je te dis.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» BA_Baracus replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 2:24pm
Coolness: 121735
so i hear theres another hurricane building in the atlantic and it might hit new orleans....might be one of the reasons why help hasnt arrived yet...

they cant find fats domino

i wonder if theyll finally admit that global warming does exist?
doesnt bush seem weaker than usual, just calls in his dad and clinton and runs away...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» AlienZeD replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 2:26pm
Coolness: 510260
Bush is tired of being important.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» v.2-1 replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 2:28pm
Coolness: 159820
Bush was against pollution control to prevent global warming. In fact, he pulled the plug on all funds related to the study of global warming and gas emittions.

Serves him right. And it's only gonna get worse. Instead of brewing shit in other countries, he should take care of his own backyard. There are more important forces at work here than fucking overseas terrorists right now.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» ikce replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 2:32pm
Coolness: 66175
Nah... tu comprend pas ce que je dit... : mediatisation sa arrive a toute les jour en irak ou ou nimporte ou! Mais t'en entend pas parler... ce que j'veux entendre LA c'est on a sortit 30 000 personne du Seperdome y sen von au texas dans un centre temporaire... pas que l'armée a descendu 14 gars qui on violer une fille. Quoique j'aimerais bien l'entendre juste pour que le cave qui a oser s'violer une femme ai payer pour. J'sais que c'est pire ailleur, j'me sent tu bien tu pense devant mon clavier la ? :D. C'est pa le comprotement des Americain que je deplore outre la mediatisation, on peu mettre sa large en sale si on commence a parler de ceux qui gere la nation (eux cest vraiment des cave). Moi ce que je veux entendre sa ressemblerais a : Merci au soldat de nous avoir sortit de cette ville. SA sa srais vraiment fiab And peter i like your last post :) I've read that on his dad an Clinton... .
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» ikce replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 2:34pm
Coolness: 66175
Originally posted by ::PIXELIZED::...

Bush was against pollution control to prevent global warming. In fact, he pulled the plug on all funds related to the study of global warming and gas emittions.

Yeah i got a record of that : "I will rebuilt the military power of united states" thanx to Xplicit Noize for the sample..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» elka replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 2:43pm
Coolness: 53130
For the first time, Bush criticized the government today.
He looks upset and visibly freaking out.

That means things are getting really bad :/
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» elka replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 2:46pm
Coolness: 53130
seems like things are getting worse by the minute

now theres appartantly an oil spill in new orleans.. amongst everything else
New Orleans Now Under Water
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