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BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:RAVE.CA V17.0 X-WR-CALNAME:2012 Exotek Trance Classic : Militana, Ross, Anna Rita X-ORIGINAL-URL:http://www.rave.ca/event/46986/ VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20120222T003936Z LAST-MODIFIED:20120222T003936Z CREATED:20120222T003908Z SEQUENCE:46986 ORGANIZER:Unknown DTSTART:20120302T220000Z DTEND:20120303T030000Z UID:event_46986@rave.ca SUMMARY:2012 Exotek Trance Classic : Militana, Ross, Anna Rita LOCATION:Passeport, Club URL:http://www.rave.ca/event/46986/ DESCRIPTION:Friday, March 2nd / Vendredi le 2 Mars 2012 // 2012 EXOTEK TRANCE CLASSIC // -Classic Trance *You gonna hear lots of the best tracks that made history in Trance music until now. *Vous allez entendre les meilleurs "tracks" qui font partie de l'histoire de la musique Trance jusqu'à aujourd'hui. ############################################## 10:00 - 11:30 : ROSS 11:30 - 01:00 : MILITANA 01:00 - 03:00 : ROSS vs ANNA RITA ############################################## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRICES on drinks / PRIX sur les consommations : -Shooters : 2 for 6$ (on many kinds) -Local Beer : 4.5$ or $5.25 -Drinks : 5.75$ or 6.5$ -Picher : 15$ **Bottle Service (40oz) : -$135 (Vodka Moskovskaya) -$150 (Jack Daniel's) -$150 (Rhum Appleton & Bacardi Gold) -$165 (Bombay Sapphire) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cover Charge / Entrée : $6 Guest list before / avant 00:00 : $3 www.barpasseport.com CLASS:PUBLIC CATEGORIES: STATUS:CONFIRMED PARTSTAT:ACCEPTED END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR