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» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Dec 14, 2007 @ 8:35pm. Posted in Okay, I'm having an problem with ethics..
Coolness: 76990
You better watch that you don't piss him off too much or it might erupt into a... wait for it...

Full scale riot.

*half-assed punchline drumroll*

(insert groans here)
» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Dec 14, 2007 @ 8:31pm. Posted in this website need a free porn section.
Coolness: 76990
I dunno, 40 pages and still a softy ain't a porn section.
» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Dec 14, 2007 @ 8:25pm. Posted in Yer a bunch a fookin cunts..
Coolness: 76990
Captain Oblivious said it best... first, last, pregnant... can't follow that train of thought too well. Trolls making in jokes again.
» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Dec 14, 2007 @ 8:22pm. Posted in Antitheism.
Coolness: 76990
What the thinker thinks, the prover proves. - R.A.Wilson, R.I.P.
» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Dec 14, 2007 @ 8:02pm. Posted in Online alignment test.
Coolness: 76990
Chaotic Good

A chaotic good character acts as his conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of him. He makes his own way, but he’s kind and benevolent. He believes in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations. He hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. He follows his own moral compass, which, although good, may not agree with that of society. Chaotic good is the best alignment you can be because it combines a good heart with a free spirit.

As always... even while playing Fallout I found myself doing the Chaotic Good routine. But I gotta say I like when you can get away with a few crimes here or there, so I say I'm more Chaotic Neutral with a Chaotic Good veneer.

Where the fuck are the Chaotic or Lawful Evil people? That's what I want to see.

By the way you tend to get the most out of any RPG playing Chaotic Good. *snort* *adjust glasses*

My level 11 Gnome Illusionist/Thief can kick all your asses. If I ever find the damned character sheet.

Update » JasonBeastly wrote on Fri Dec 14, 2007 @ 8:02pm
And yes, that is an hundred-sided die in my pocket.
» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Dec 14, 2007 @ 7:43pm. Posted in two new DJSarcastic mixes online glassbeadgame 4 + funk.
Coolness: 76990
The glass bead game... that's like some crazy Hermann Hesse shiznit innit. Got any George Duke in that funk mix?
» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Dec 14, 2007 @ 7:41pm. Posted in cloned cats that glow.
Coolness: 76990
Be glad it's not glow in the dark tracers in your drugs. Then everyone would know what you're on the minute you step under blacklight.

Oh but wait, everybody can already tell what you're on if you're in a room with blacklights on. Bad acid.
» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Dec 14, 2007 @ 6:32pm. Posted in cloned cats that glow.
Coolness: 76990
Why didn't they try out the technology on a worm? Then they'd be able to release the new generation of a popular 80's children's toy.
» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Dec 14, 2007 @ 6:23pm. Posted in Yer a bunch a fookin cunts..
Coolness: 76990
I fail to see what I'd get out of meticulously putting people on my ignore list. I'll read anything. Just make it more interesting is all. Even your replies to this are totally cryptic. But I didn't mean any of that hating all that seriously. Drunk, remember.
» JasonBeastly replied on Thu Dec 13, 2007 @ 4:45am. Posted in Before & After.... (Graphic).
Coolness: 76990
Speedbump cat seems to be cracking out.
» JasonBeastly replied on Thu Dec 13, 2007 @ 4:42am. Posted in Yer a bunch a fookin cunts..
Coolness: 76990
I'm drunk, I hate youse all, innit. [ Rave.ca ] is neurotoxic to the umpteenth degree. Classic examples being that before/after post, the post about horus and djwood... the baton incident, I dunno man. What we need is an anti-retard filter to protect brains, like a NSFB thing that warns you that a post may leave you feeling drained and numb. I can feel the imminent stroke coming. Talk about something interesting for once, it's all devolving into in jokes for trolls.
» JasonBeastly replied on Thu Dec 13, 2007 @ 4:30am. Posted in BME Pain Olympics NOT WORK SAFE!.
Coolness: 76990
Yo people, you never know one day we might all need to cut off our own private parts to make a rocket ship. I've seen it work. Penises make great rocket ships.
» JasonBeastly replied on Thu Dec 13, 2007 @ 4:24am. Posted in Conversation with Horus who thinks Because u dress all in black ur ba.
Coolness: 76990


Oh god could the people who started this post please die. I didn't even read half of that and I know it's solid gold but fuck, BUTT FUCK, this is the worst thing I've ever encountered and is enough to make me want to destroy the "rave scene" single handedly.

Why the fuck does anyone even care?
» JasonBeastly replied on Thu Dec 13, 2007 @ 4:21am. Posted in I hate Rave.ca.
Coolness: 76990
This site is a total retarded waste of time! But we're all addicted! BAH, WHYYYYYYY!

I can't believe that stupid post about the conversation between DJWood and Horus, they should both be nuked ceremoniously for that!
» JasonBeastly replied on Thu Dec 13, 2007 @ 4:19am. Posted in I hate hippiecrites!.
Coolness: 76990
Hey you know who's the new scum of the earth? Psychedelic trance hippies who criticize everyone else for being negative and closed minded while all they listen to is psy-this, psy-that, changing everything outside of that scope so they can listen to Shpongle and other ass-reaming shit while eating their non-psy roommates' food and asking everyone of their friends who they know there instead of just being nice people. Fuck you all you flakey pieces of anal detritus!
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Dec 10, 2007 @ 4:33am. Posted in BME Pain Olympics NOT WORK SAFE!.
Coolness: 76990
I no more enjoy watching a guy hack off his dong or for that matter hack open his scrotum and pop his balls out one by one than any of you do.

I really wish there was more audible sound coming through though, this would be great to sample for some mad evil track.

Shannon is probably the most twisted person on the planet for running that whole BME thing, paying people to cut off their limbs, balls, dicks, labia, clits, whatever they feel like, provided THEY DON'T USE ANAESTHESIA. There's a much worse video in the members area of BME that I was once shown of a guy cutting off his own arm with a whatchamacallit, band saw or whatever, the circular saw on a table. You may think it's nothing but the sound effects are really clear and it makes a really awful squishy sound. There's also some other guy who was being suspended by his testes at a BME event who didn't have the scrotal strength to hang on to the hook and wound up tearing the motherfucker open. His ball fell several feet to the ground, and he screamed pretty loud. People get off on this shit though. They really just go "damn it man, I can't take it anymore, I'm chopping off my wiener" and who are we to judge?
» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Dec 7, 2007 @ 2:02am. Posted in I fucking hate facebook.
Coolness: 76990
Honestly I didn't mean that personally, but more generally. You guys may be able to slack but it's only because you're, as Bill Hicks would say, SUCKING SATAN'S COCK. You're sitting there supporting a bureaucracy... SLURP SLURP SLURP. SUCKING SATAN'S COCK.

Anybody here in marketing? Do the world a favour and KILL YOURSELF. Please.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 11:40pm. Posted in I fucking hate facebook.
Coolness: 76990
Originally Posted By MURDOCK_ROCK
when it was mostly just indy rock kids it was super fun and you could make friends and get laid super easy on it.


i can even recall better days when my messenger would be ringin' off the chain with numerous hot barely legal indy myspace chicks i've never met in real life who wanted nothing more than to chat with me on webcam topless about riot grrl music and anal sex...

First of all... indie rock girls? They're almost as unwashed and fucked up as hippie dirtbags so it's like shooting fish in a barrel. You just have to tell them you like some band with Wolf in the title and you're all set.

now i have nothing better to do after work than bitch at you stupid fucks for likeing happy hardcore and checking my facebook for boring rarely sexual e-mails from all the ppl i already know who are too stupid to use a fuckin' telephone.

Yeah but why does everyone have such a lame job? I wonder what it would be like if I was on facebook in the kitchen all day. I wonder if anyone would ever eat at a restaurant like that.

Desk jobs are pathetic. Find a real job, you know one where you actually do some work. Losers.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 4:30am. Posted in Neurotik_New_Year_Party.
Coolness: 76990
Moi j'ai cuit des boulettes delicieuses hier soir. Mamma mia that's a spicy meatball!
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 4:29am. Posted in RANDOM-O-TRON III: Hardcore Edition! Friday Dec 21st BREAKCORE!.
Coolness: 76990
I gotta hear these new records... I just don't think it's likely I'll still be in town...
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 4:22am. Posted in What's a rave?.
Coolness: 76990
Really living up to the name would mean not posting at all I would think...
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 4:21am. Posted in How old are you?.
Coolness: 76990
I dunno, you can see what age it tells you on the side so I'm sure a lot of you adjusted it. 39.5... wow... and people always think I'm only 23.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Dec 5, 2007 @ 3:27am. Posted in 2Girls1Cup - The Essay.
Coolness: 76990
Great essay but it ain't going to make it any easier to pay off your student loan.

How's that for obvious?
» JasonBeastly replied on Sun Nov 25, 2007 @ 9:52pm. Posted in Robert Dziekanski tasered by the RCMP at Vancouver Airport.
Coolness: 76990
Hang on people, have you been following the story? This was a total fuck-up by the RCMP, it's not in any way to say the guy deserved to be killed... christ...

First off the RCMP uses an older model of tazer that has been discontinued because it was putting out too much voltage. The company that makes the tazer has tried to cover this up a bit but the most recent news I heard on CBC 1 was that:

1) He came off of a flight with a POLISH AIRLINE... so why didn't anybody at the airport manage to translate for him? At an international airport?
2) He was agitated and it was his first flight... to date no research or progress has been made on getting counsellors for people coming into customs for the first time. You may laugh, but when's the last time you emigrated somewhere?
3) His mother paid for the flight with what was practically her life savings. She hadn't seen her son in years. He didn't have a history of alcoholism or violent behaviour. This is a fucking tragedy if you ask me.

I don't see the humour in making light of this situation, this is scary news, and things like this shouldn't happen anywhere. You don't kill people when they freak out, you subdue them. And subdue does not mean electrocute with a faulty weapon.
» JasonBeastly replied on Sun Nov 25, 2007 @ 9:41pm. Posted in Best Goa or PsyTrance tracks?.
Coolness: 76990
Tetraktys, Orion, Jaïa, Logic Bomb, and before they started sucking, Chi-AD and X-Dream.

Update » JasonBeastly wrote on Sun Nov 25, 2007 @ 9:43pm
Oh shit, this thread is about TRACKS... sorry... going to have to remember the fucking names.
Update » JasonBeastly wrote on Sun Nov 25, 2007 @ 9:43pm
Also I don't know how anybody could say Infected Mushroom, Shpongle, and Hallucinogen (the last two are the same guy lol) are their favourites.
» JasonBeastly replied on Sun Nov 25, 2007 @ 9:37pm. Posted in How old are you?.
Coolness: 76990
Shit man I'm 40. Fuck this game.
» JasonBeastly replied on Sun Nov 25, 2007 @ 9:31pm. Posted in Top Things You'd Overhear At A Rave....
Coolness: 76990
"Hey I know this song, I just got to this level last night!"
"What year is it?"
"Mais c'est pas du 'ardtek, quoi..."
» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Nov 23, 2007 @ 1:37am. Posted in coffee or tea.
Coolness: 76990
» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Nov 23, 2007 @ 1:23am. Posted in Between the legs of raver tweens.
Coolness: 76990
Hey hey hey, whaddayaknow? That first video with the vagina costume is the work of none other than Justin Jezewski, my good friend and erstwhile member of the now defunct Alder and Elius, who were formerly signed on Skam records in the UK. He brought those costumes up to Montreal last year and two of my good friends put them on during his track "Bionic Vagina" off of the Parental Advisory EP.

And that deep sea stuff is from the Planet Earth series, by far the most interesting and breathtaking documentary existing. David Attenborough rules... that whole series fucking rules in fact. A friend of mine just bought that.

Sorry to be late on that, people post like motherfuckers on here.

Update » JasonBeastly wrote on Fri Nov 23, 2007 @ 1:26am
Not first video... er... second one that Dee posted. Anyways the one with the paper vagina costumes.
» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Nov 23, 2007 @ 1:16am. Posted in Wow.
Coolness: 76990
Oh I thought this expression was about the expression "WOW". I guess not.
» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Nov 23, 2007 @ 1:15am. Posted in Devil Symbology and the Rave scene....
Coolness: 76990
FYI - The hand sign is considered symbolic of the law of fives - 2 up, 3 down. 23 if you will. Some kind of reference to a pentagram. Fives occur all over the place in nature and us humans seem to have five major extremities, not counting dangly bits. Pagan symbol.

I think you should be more worried about anarchism and / or discordian ethics taking over when you see that kind of stuff. People impersonating Baphomet don't usually make me think of Anton LeVey.

However I love me some fetus on a stick. Mmm mmm. And redheads are much more fun to fuck. Especially when you've been meditating for several hours and the acolytes are holding her down.
» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Nov 23, 2007 @ 12:47am. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Dieing..
Coolness: 76990
Yeah the since is totally dieing (sic).
» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Nov 23, 2007 @ 12:44am. Posted in Dubstep or trance?.
Coolness: 76990
Twelve Step is more important. Kick the habit!
» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Nov 23, 2007 @ 12:40am. Posted in Best Goa or PsyTrance tracks?.
Coolness: 76990
SLINKY WIZARD!!!!! What the hell happened to that guy?
» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Nov 23, 2007 @ 12:39am. Posted in Fuck Tha System Get Busted!!!.
Coolness: 76990
Hey guys, what did I miss?
» JasonBeastly replied on Sun Nov 11, 2007 @ 4:54am. Posted in Most Ridiculous Breakcore / Mutant D&B Line Up Ever (BANG FACE WKND).
Coolness: 76990
A few of us probably have to hurry up and make up our minds about this shit... who's going?
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Nov 7, 2007 @ 10:29pm. Posted in is dubstep even "dub" music?.
Coolness: 76990
It could be if any of the dubstep producers were into sampling dub more often. I'm wondering if the band Pole's sound is dub or not for instance, and whether or not they had an influence on dubstep.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Nov 7, 2007 @ 10:27pm. Posted in 4 People Shot Dead During Carl Cox Set in South America '05.
Coolness: 76990
That was the Horrorist playing too... fucking weird to have that kind of vibe around.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Nov 7, 2007 @ 10:20pm. Posted in Kiffah Vs Docfunk/ Rhys Taylor vs Sase One/ Inyourface vs Fishead.
Coolness: 76990
Bah, I can't come. I'm in Toronto.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Nov 7, 2007 @ 10:14pm. Posted in Most Ridiculous Breakcore / Mutant D&B Line Up Ever (BANG FACE WKND).
Coolness: 76990
Oh this is just unfair, how is it possible that a party of this quality exists anywhere in the world? This is absolute madness, it's like my record bin is playing. I was already impressed near the top of the page but once I got to the middle my jaw dropped and at Dopplereffekt it fell off. WOW. I have to figure out how to go to this.
JasonBeastly's Profile - Community Messages